SB 620 - This act creates the "Change of Venue for Capital Cases Fund" which shall consist of funds appropriated by the General Assembly. In a capital case in which a change of venue moves the case from one county to another, at the conclusion of the case the county from which the case was transferred may apply to the Office of State Courts Administrator for the county to which the case was transferred to be reimbursed from the change of venue for capital cases fund for any costs associated with the sequestering of jurors. The costs of reimbursement shall not exceed the then-approved state rates for travel reimbursement for lodging and meals. Additionally, the Office of State Courts Administrator shall develop an application process and other procedures to determine if a county is eligible for reimbursement. In the event that the amount disbursed is less than the costs of sequestering the jurors, the original county shall reimburse the difference to the county to which the case was transferred. If the Office of State Courts Administrator determines the county is not eligible for reimbursement, the original county shall reimburse the county to which the case was transferred. Applications for reimbursement shall be submitted to the Office of State Courts Administrator by May 1st of the current fiscal year and disbursement shall be made by June 30th of the current fiscal year. If the total dollar amount of the claims in a given year exceeds the amount of money in the fund, the claims shall be reimbursed on a pro rata basis. This act is identical to HCS/HB 157 and similar to provisions in HCS/HB 1331 (2020) and to provisions in SS#2/SCS/HB 1450, HB 1296, HCS/HB 1331, & HCS/HB 1898 (2020). MARY GRACE BRUNTRAGER