SB 346
Requires school districts and charter schools to demonstrate certain policies and practices in order to receive federal moneys for certain expenses related to COVID-19
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/4/2021 - Second Read and Referred S Education Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
Emergency Clause

Current Bill Summary

SB 346 - Under this act, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education shall not distribute Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds or funds from any other federal statute passed in response to COVID-19 to a school district or charter school for expenses incurred beginning July 1, 2020, until such school demonstrates that it has adopted a policy providing for in-person attendance for at least four days per week and has provided at least four days of in-person instruction per week since the opening date of the school calendar and the date of the proposed distribution.

Such school may alternatively show good cause why it did not provide such policy and instruction. "Good cause" shall include only temporary modifications to the school's attendance policy in response to COVID-19 which authorize the cancellation of school or remote instruction for less than fourteen consecutive days.

This act contains an emergency clause.



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