SB 324
Modifies provisions relating to the competitive bid process of counties
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/4/2021 - Second Read and Referred S Local Government and Elections Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2021

Current Bill Summary

SB 324 - Under current law, all contracts and purchases made by a county shall be given to the lowest and best bidder after opportunity for competition, except that advertising is not required in the case of contracts or purchases involving an expenditure of less than $6,000. It is not necessary to obtain bids on any purchases in the amount of $6,000 or less made from any one person or corporation during any period of ninety days.

Additionally, the county commission may waive the requirement of competitive bidding, except on any single feasible source purchase where the estimated expenditure is over $6,000, the commission shall post notice of the proposed purchase and advertise the commission's intent in at least one daily and one weekly newspaper in regular circulation.

This act changes the threshold from $6,000 to $12,000 for these expenditures. It shall not be necessary to advertise or obtain bids for expenditures less than $12,000.

This act is identical to a provision in the truly agreed to and finally passed CCS/SS#2/SCS/HCS/HB 271 (2021).



No Amendments Found.