HB 66 Modifies provisions relating to taxation
12/1/2020 Prefiled (H)
1/6/2021 Read First Time (H) H53
1/7/2021 Read Second Time (H) H186
1/14/2021 Referred: Ways and Means H329
2/3/2021 Public Hearing Completed (H)
2/10/2021 Executive Session Completed (H)
2/10/2021 HCS Voted Do Pass (H)
2/17/2021 HCS Reported Do Pass (H) H605
2/17/2021 Referred: Rules - Administrative Oversight H605
3/8/2021 Executive Session Completed (H)
3/8/2021 Voted Do Pass (H)
3/8/2021 Reported Do Pass (H) H889
3/31/2021 Placed on the Informal Perfection Calendar (H) H1289
4/13/2021 Taken Up for Perfection (H) H1545
4/13/2021 Title of Bill - Agreed To H1545
4/13/2021 HCS Adopted (H) H1545
4/13/2021 Perfected (H) H1545
4/15/2021 Placed on the Informal Third Reading Calendar (H) H1657
4/15/2021 Taken Up for Third Reading (H) H1667
4/15/2021 Third Read and Passed (H) H1667
4/19/2021 S First Read S780
4/22/2021 Second Read and Referred S Ways and Means Committee S898
4/29/2021 Hearing Conducted S Ways and Means Committee
4/29/2021 Voted Do Pass S Ways and Means Committee
4/29/2021 Reported from S Ways and Means Committee S1052
5/7/2021 Bill Placed on Informal Calendar S1458
5/11/2021 SS S offered (Koenig)--(0903S.06F) S1636
5/11/2021 SA 1 to SS S offered (Eigel)--(0903S06.01S) S1636-1638
5/11/2021 SA 1 to SA 1 to SS S offered & withdrawn (Beck)--(0903S06.07S) S1638
5/11/2021 SA 2 to SA 1 to SS S offered & adopted (Beck)--(0903S06.14S) S1638
5/11/2021 SA 1 to SS S adopted S1638-1639
5/11/2021 SA 2 to SS S offered (Moon)--(0903S06.04S) S1639-1640
5/11/2021 SA 1 to SA 2 to SS S offered (Onder)--(0903S06.21S) S1640
5/11/2021 SA 2 to SS S withdrawn S1640
5/11/2021 SS, as amended, S adopted S1640
5/11/2021 Referred S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee S1640
5/12/2021 Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee
5/12/2021 Reported from S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee S1822
5/12/2021 S Third Read and Passed S1823 / H2886-2887
5/12/2021 Referred H Fiscal Review H2889
5/13/2021 Voted Do Pass H Fiscal Review
5/13/2021 Reported from H Fiscal Review H2942
5/13/2021 H refuses to concur in SS, as amended and requests S recede or grant conference H2970 / S1967
5/13/2021 S refuses to recede and grants conference S2016 / H3011
5/13/2021 Motion to exceed the differences on section 135.115 S adopted S2016 / H3011
5/13/2021 Senate conferees appointed: Koenig, Eigel, Brattin, Beck, Roberts S2017 / H3011
5/13/2021 House conferees appointed: Pike, Eggleston, Christofanelli, Butz, Bland Manlove H3012 / S2030
5/13/2021 Motion to exceed the differences on section 137.115 & 94.842 S adopted S2038
5/13/2021 H distributes CCR--(0903H08.1HR) H3019-3020
5/13/2021 H distributes CCS--(0903H.08S) H3019-3020
5/13/2021 Referred H Fiscal Review H3023
5/13/2021 In Conference
