HB 273 Modifies provisions related to professional registration
12/1/2020 Prefiled (H)
1/6/2021 Read First Time (H) H65
1/7/2021 Read Second Time (H) H195
1/14/2021 Referred: Professional Registration and Licensing H329
1/27/2021 Public Hearing Completed (H)
2/3/2021 Executive Session Completed (H)
2/3/2021 Voted Do Pass - Consent (H)
2/4/2021 Reported Do Pass - Consent (H) H506
2/4/2021 Referred: Consent and House Procedure H506
2/9/2021 Executive Session Completed (H)
2/9/2021 Voted Do Pass - Consent (H)
2/9/2021 Reported Do Pass - Consent (H) H536
3/4/2021 Perfected by Consent - Pursuant to House Rules (H) H854
3/24/2021 Taken Up for Third Reading (H)
3/24/2021 Third Read and Passed (H) H1088-1089
3/24/2021 S First Read S541
4/8/2021 Second Read and Referred S Professional Registration Committee S708
4/12/2021 Hearing Conducted S Professional Registration Committee
4/19/2021 SCS Voted Do Pass S Professional Registration Committee (0922S.04C)
4/20/2021 Reported from S Professional Registration Committee w/SCS S825
4/29/2021 SS for SCS S offered (Riddle)--(0922S.05F) S1058
4/29/2021 SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered (White)--(0922S05.05S) S1058
4/29/2021 SS for SCS S withdrawn S1059
4/29/2021 Bill Placed on Informal Calendar S1059
4/29/2021 SS#2 for SCS S offered (Riddle)--(0922S.06F) S1061
4/29/2021 SA 1 to SS#2 for SCS S offered & adopted (Razer)--(0922S06.01S) S1061-1064
4/29/2021 SS#2 for SCS, as amended, S adopted S1064
4/29/2021 S Third Read and Passed S1064 / H2067-2069
5/3/2021 Referred H Fiscal Review H2070
5/4/2021 Voted Do Pass H Fiscal Review
5/4/2021 Reported from H Fiscal Review H2094
5/4/2021 H refuses to concur in SS#2 for SCS and requests S recede or grant conference H2141 / S1131
5/4/2021 S refuses to recede and grants conference S1133 / H2268
5/4/2021 House conferees appointed: Hannegan, Knight, Christofanelli, Brown (27), Lewis (25) H2268 / S1139
5/5/2021 Senate conferees appointed: Riddle, Eslinger, Brattin, Arthur, Razer S1275 / H2380
5/6/2021 H distributes CCR--(0922H07.01F) H2466-2467
5/6/2021 H distributes CCS--(0922H.07S) H2466-2467
5/6/2021 Referred H Fiscal Review H2467
5/7/2021 Voted Do Pass H Fiscal Review
5/7/2021 Reported from H Fiscal Review Committee H2477
5/12/2021 H adopted CCR--(0922H07.01F) H2822 / S1824
5/12/2021 CCS H Third Read and Passed H2823 / S1824
5/12/2021 CCR S offered & adopted (Riddle)--(0922H07.01F) S1824-1825 / H2887
5/12/2021 CCS S Third Read and Passed S1825 / H2887
5/12/2021 Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed H2887
5/25/2021 Signed by House Speaker H3125
5/25/2021 Signed by Senate President Pro Tem S2080
5/25/2021 Delivered to Governor H3125
6/22/2021 Signed by Governor
