SB 36 Establishes the Capitol Complex Tax Credit Act
12/1/2020 Prefiled
1/6/2021 S First Read S24
1/14/2021 Second Read and Referred S Economic Development Committee S119
1/26/2021 Hearing Conducted S Economic Development Committee
3/2/2021 Voted Do Pass S Economic Development Committee
3/4/2021 Reported from S Economic Development Committee S412
4/8/2021 SS S offered (Bernskoetter)--(0773S.03F) S700
4/8/2021 SA 1 to SS S offered & adopted (Eigel)--(0773S03.20S) S700-703
4/8/2021 SA 2 to SS S offered & withdrawn (Moon)--(8200S21.01S) S703-706
4/8/2021 Bill Placed on Informal Calendar S706
4/20/2021 SS S withdrawn S817
4/20/2021 Perfected S817
4/20/2021 Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee S824
4/21/2021 Referred S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee S889
4/22/2021 Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee
4/27/2021 Reported from S Governmental Oversight and Fiscal Oversight Committee S924
4/27/2021 Bill Placed on Informal Calendar S986
4/27/2021 S Third Read and Passed S988
4/28/2021 H First Read H1963
4/29/2021 H Second Read H2018
4/29/2021 Referred H Emerging Issues H2041
5/3/2021 Hearing Conducted H Emerging Issues
5/4/2021 Voted Do Pass H Emerging Issues
5/4/2021 Reported Do Pass H Emerging Issues H2269
5/4/2021 Referred H Rules - Administrative Oversight H2269
5/5/2021 Voted Do Pass H Rules - Administrative Oversight
5/5/2021 Reported Do Pass H Rules - Administrative Oversight H2378
5/11/2021 Referred H Fiscal Review Committee H2710
5/12/2021 Voted Do Pass H Fiscal Review
5/12/2021 Reported Do Pass H Fiscal Review H2719
5/12/2021 Bill Placed on Informal Calendar H2726
5/14/2021 H Third Read and Passed H3091-3092 / S2070
5/14/2021 Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed S2070
5/25/2021 Reported Duly Enrolled Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions & Ethics Committee S2073
5/25/2021 Signed by Senate President Pro Tem S2073
5/25/2021 Signed by House Speaker H3126
5/25/2021 Delivered to Governor S2080
6/29/2021 Signed by Governor S2084-2085
