Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Schupp
SB 563
Modifies provisions relating to the offense of unlawful possession of firearms
SB 564
Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning January 1, 2021
SB 565
Creates new provisions of law relating to leave from employment
SB 788
Establishes the "Postpartum Depression Care Act"
SB 789
Modifies provisions relating to campaign finance disclosure
SB 790
Establishes the "Truth in Medicine Act"
SB 799
Provides that all sales of firearms be processed through a licensed firearm dealer who shall conduct background checks
SB 800
Establishes the Personal Period Products and Diaper Sales Tax Relief Act
SB 940
Creates extreme risk orders of protection
SB 951
Establishes the "Justice for Survivors Act" relating to forensic examinations of victims of sexual offenses
SB 1005
Establishes the Affordable Child Care for Families Tax Credit Act
SB 1041
Establishes procedures for performing a pelvic examination prior to an abortion
SCR 30
Establishes the Buddy Check 22 Day to promote awareness of suicide risks in the military
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