SCS/SB 775 - This act modifies provisions relating to fire protection districts. FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT DIRECTOR (Section 321.015) Currently, a person cannot hold any lucrative office or employment under this state or a political subdivision and hold the office of fire protection district director. This act creates an exception to this prohibition for employees of law enforcement agencies. These provisions are identical to provisions in SS#2/SCS/HCS/HB 1854 (2020). ATTENDANCE FEES FOR BOARD MEMBERS (Section 321.190 & 321.603) This act further modifies the attendance fee for a board member attending a board meeting from $100 to $150 for board members of districts in both non-charter and charter counties. This act also repeals provisions that prohibit a member from being paid more than one attendance fee if such member attended multiple meetings in certain time periods and, in its place, authorizes board members to be paid for attending not more than one meeting per calendar week. These provisions are identical to provisions in SS#2/SCS/HCS/HB 1854 (2020) and substantially similar to HB 2266 (2020). BOUNDARIES OF FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTS (Section 321.300) Under this act, if one or more fire protection districts serve any portion of a city with a charter form of government located in a county with a charter form of government with a population of 900,000 or more inhabitants which has a municipal fire department, the boundaries of either district may be expanded so as to include areas within the city into the boundaries of the fire protection district, but shall not expand beyond the city limits of such city as it existed on July 1, 2020. Such a change in the district boundaries shall be accomplished if the governing body of the city files with the board of any such fire protection district a written consent for the board to seek approval of the circuit court for an extension of the district's boundaries to the registered voters of the area. If a majority of the voters voting on the proposition vote in favor of the extension of the boundaries of the district, then the court shall enter an order declaring the extension of the boundaries of the fire district to be final and conclusive. This provision contains an emergency clause. This provision is substantially similar to provisions in SS#2/SCS/HCS/HB 1854 (2020) and HB 2726 (2020). MARY GRACE BRUNTRAGER