SB 994 - This act repeals provisions of law that give the Department of Agriculture oversight over standards relating to anhydrous ammonia. Additionally, under the act the Air Conservation Commission shall have the power to adopt, promulgate, amend, and repeal rules and regulations for covered processes at agricultural stationary sources that use, store, or sell anhydrous ammonia, and regulations necessary to implement and enforce the risk management plans under the federal Clean Air Act. Each retail agricultural facility that uses, stores, or sells anhydrous ammonia that is an air contaminant source subject to a risk management plan under the federal Clean Air Act shall pay an annual registration of $200. The act establishes an annual tonnage fee for anhydrous ammonia of $1.25 per ton used or sold. Each distributor or terminal agricultural facility that uses, stores, or sells anhydrous ammonia that is an air contaminant source subject to a risk management plan program 3 under federal regulations relating to chemical accident prevention shall pay an annual registration of $5,000 and shall not pay a tonnage fee. Finally, the act creates the Anhydrous Ammonia Risk Management Plan Subaccount within the Natural Resources Protection Fund which shall consist of fees required under the act. This act is substantially similar to HB 2573 (2020). JAMIE ANDREWS