SS/SCS/SB 718 - This act modifies provision relating to military affairs, including state designations, programs implemented by the Attorney General, the merit system, executive departments, teacher licensing, veterans' homes, developmental disability services, child protection, motor vehicle insurance, and the Missouri Works program. MILITARY FAMILY MONTH (Section 9.297) This act designates November as "Military Family Month" in Missouri to recognize the daily sacrifices of military families. This provision is identical to HB 1328 (2020). BUDDY CHECK 22 DAY (Section 9.300) This act designates the 22nd day of each month as "Buddy Check 22 Day" to encourage citizens check in on veterans and to raise awareness of the problem of suicide facing military personnel. ATTORNEY GENERAL MILITARY PROGRAM (Section 27.115) This act requires the Attorney General to design, implement, and oversee a program to assist members of the military and their families in finding and retaining legal counsel. The program shall be marketed to attorneys in addition to military families and shall publicize pro bono legal services available to military families. The Attorney General shall collaborate with the Missouri Bar in the administration of the program and shall utilize existing staffs, volunteers, and programs. The Department of Defense and military facilities in Missouri are encouraged to promote this program. Additionally, any additional funds needed to implement this program shall be subject to appropriations. This provision is similar to a provision in HB 1316 (2020). SURVIVING SPOUSES IN THE MERIT SYSTEM (Sections 36.020) This act modifies the definition of "surviving spouse" in provisions of law relating to the merit system. This provision is identical to SB 620 (2020), a provision in HCS/SB 282 (2019) and in HB 461 (2019). DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY FORCES (Sections 41.035 and 650.005) This act creates the Department of Military Forces which shall be headed by the Adjutant General and shall administer the militia and programs of the state relating to military forces. The office of Adjutant General and the militia are transferred from the Department of Public Safety to the Department of Military Forces. These provisions are contingent upon the passage of a constitutional amendment that provides for the establishment of the Department of Military Forces. These provisions are identical to SB 896 (2020). TEACHER LICENSING FOR MILITARY SPOUSES (Section 168.021) This act provides that a provisional certificate issued to any qualified military spouse who is hired to teach in a Missouri public school is valid for three years. Additionally, within 30 days after receiving an application and of completion of the required background check, the State Board of Education shall issue a full certificate of license to a spouse of a member of the Armed Forces who meets certain residence requirements if all necessary fees are paid and all other licensing requirements are met. This provision is similar to a provision in HB 1316 (2020). STATE OMBUDSMAN & VETERANS' HOMES (Section 192.2305) This act authorizes the Office of State Ombudsman for Long-Term Care Facility Residents to receive, respond to, and resolve complaints made by or on behalf of residents of Missouri veterans' homes relating to the action, inaction, or decisions of providers or agencies affecting resident health, safety, welfare, or rights. The State Ombudsman or representatives of the Office, in addition to all current authority granted by state statute, shall have the authority to enter any veterans' home and have access to residents in a reasonable time and manner and have access to resident records with the permission of the resident or the resident's guardian. Additionally, the Office shall analyze and monitor the development and implementation of federal, state, and local law and regulations regarding Missouri veterans' homes. This provision is identical to SB 846 (2020). DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY SERVICES FOR MILITARY FAMILIES (Section 208.151) This act provides that Missouri members of the Armed Forces and their immediate family shall have their eligibility for MO HealthNet developmental disability services temporarily suspended for any period of time during which such person temporarily resides outside of Missouri for reasons relating to military service. Upon returning to the state, the eligibility shall be immediately restored. If the military member or an immediate family member is not a legal resident of this state, but would otherwise be eligible for developmental disability services, the individual shall be eligible for such services during the time in which the individual is temporarily present in Missouri for reasons relating to military service. This provision is substantially similar to a provision in HB 1316 (2020). CHILD PROTECTION FOR MILITARY FAMILIES (Sections 210.109 and 210.150) This act requires the Children's Division to attempt to ascertain whether the suspected perpetrator or any person responsible for the care, custody, and control of a child is a member of the Armed Forces after receiving a report on alleged abuse or neglect of a child. This act allows appropriate staff of the United States Department of Defense to receive access to investigation records contained in the central registry of the Children's Division and records maintained by the Children's Division following a report of child abuse and neglect in cases where the suspected perpetrator or any person responsible for the care, custody, and control of the subject child is a member of the Armed Forces. Additionally, this act requires the Division to report findings in cases where the person responsible for the care, custody, and control of a child is a member of the Armed Forces to the most relevant family advocacy program or other relevant person authorized by the United States Department of Defense to receive reports. These provision is substantially similar to provisions in HB 1316 (2020). MOTOR VEHICLE INSURANCE (Sections 379.122) This act requires the Adjutant General to ensure that members of the state military forces receive notice of certain protections relating to motor vehicle insurance, and encourages the secretaries of the branches of the United States Armed Forces to likewise notify members under their jurisdictions. The act specifically notes that the term "adverse underwriting decision" shall include a decision to charge an increased premium. This provision is identical to SB 1036 (2020). MISSOURI WORKS PROGRAM (Section 620.2005) This act modifies the Missouri Works program to provided that, for qualified military projects, the benefit shall be based on part-time and full-time jobs created by the project. This provision is identical to SB 1057 (2020). KATIE O'BRIEN