SCS/SB 653 - This act modifies the "Foster Parents' Bill of Rights" to require the Children's Division and its contractors to provide written notification of these rights at the time the child is placed with a prospective foster parent, even if the parent has yet to be licensed as a foster parent. Additionally, the Division and its contractors shall provide full access to the child's medical, psychological, and psychiatric records, including records prior to the child coming into care, at the time the child is placed with a foster parent. Access shall include providing information and authorization for foster parents to review or to obtain the records directly from the service provider. If a foster parent alleges a court failed to allow the foster parent to be heard orally or in writing in a court hearing involving a child in his or her care, the foster parent may seek remedial writ relief pursuant to Missouri Supreme Court Rules 84, 94, and 97. No docket fee shall be required to be paid by the foster parent. The Division shall not remove a child from placement with the foster parent based solely upon the foster parent's filing of a petition for a remedial writ or while the writ is pending, unless removal is necessary for the health and safety of the child. Additionally, the court shall ensure a child's foster parent has received full access to the child's medical, psychological, and psychiatric records, including prior records, from the Division and its contractors, as required under this act. Provisions of this act are similar to SB 360 (2019), provisions in HCB 12 (2018), and SB 1073 (2016). SARAH HASKINS