SB 619 - This act requires any public water system or public water supply district that intends to start or stop fluoridation of its water supply on a continuing basis to seek and receive information about the impact of public water fluoridation from the local health department. The public water system or public water supply district shall inform the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Health and Senior Services that the water system or water district has sought and received information on the impact of public water fluoridation prior to submitting notification of the water system's or water district's intention to start or stop public water fluoridation on a continuing basis. In cases of an investor-owned water system, the entity calling for the modifications to fluoridation shall be responsible for all costs associated with compliance. This act is similar to SCS/SB 278 (2019), HB 975 (2019), and HB 2213 (2018). JAMIE ANDREWS