SCS/HCS/HB 16 - OFFENSE OF UNLAWFUL TRANSFER OF WEAPONS (Section 571.060) - Under current law, the offense of knowingly selling, leasing, loaning, giving away, or delivering a blackjack to any child under 18 years of age or recklessly selling, leasing, loaning, giving away, or delivering a firearm to any child under 18 years of age is a Class A misdemeanor. This act modifies this offense to provide that a person is guilty of a Class E felony if he or she knowingly sells, leases, lends, gives away, or delivers a firearm to a person under 18 years of age for the purpose of avoiding, interfering with, or preventing a lawful felony arrest, detention, or investigation of any alleged offense. Additionally, this act repeals the provision that a person who recklessly sells, leases, loans, gives away, or delivers a firearm to any child under 18 years of age is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. MARY GRACE BRUNTRAGER