Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Cunningham
SB 10
Modifies provision relating to the minimum wage
SB 11
Modifies provisions relating to health care
SB 12
Modifies provisions relating to charges for the service of court orders
SB 82
Modifies provisions of law relating to health care facilities and certificates of need
SB 83
Modifies provisions relating to court proceedings
SB 84
Extends the sunset date on certain geologic resources fees from December 31, 2020, to December 31, 2025
SB 133
Modifies provisions relating to agriculture
SB 161
Modifies provisions relating to automation adjustments paid by employers subject to the unemployment compensation laws
SB 179
Modifies filing requirements for certain banks and financial institutions
SB 423
Modifies provisions of the Public Access to Automated External Defibrillator Act
SB 475
Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to remit to schools the revenues such schools would have received from income taxes on certain financial institutions
SB 516
Modifies provisions relating to certificates of need
SJR 18
Creates new requirements relating to the verification of the immigration status of certain persons
SR 254
Supports the city of West Plains in their bid to host NCAA Division I volleyball tournaments
HB 161
Modifies provisions relating to the required length of school terms
HB 270
Authorizes the Director of the Department of Agriculture to assess a civil penalty for violating certain provisions of law relating to eggs
HB 283
Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources
HB 599
Enacts provisions relating to the regulation of certain entities by the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration
HB 600
Modifies provisions relating to Medicaid per diem reimbursement rates
HB 700
Modifies provisions relating to grandparent visitation
HB 746
Modifies provisions relating to charges for the service of court orders
HB 816
Modifies provisions relating to embalming apprenticeships
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