Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Emery
SB 7
Modifies provisions of civil procedure regarding joinder and venue
SB 8
Modifies the criminal offenses that are punished by a minimum prison term
SB 9
Requires the Senate to try all impeachments
SB 79
Modifies provisions regarding municipal court procedure and revenue collected in certain minor traffic and municipal ordinance violation cases
SB 80
Modifies provisions relating to teacher employment
SB 81
Modifies provisions regarding insurance coverage of the cost to defend a claim in an administrative proceeding, proposed administrative rules affecting real property, and procedures for judicial review of action by a state agency
SB 130
Provides that no public school shall be a member of at statewide activities association if such association prohibits a home school student from participating in any event or activity offered by a public school in the school district in which the student resides
SB 131
Modifies provisions relating to the distribution of energy
SB 132
Modifies provisions regarding fees for access to public records and authorizes closure of certain constituent and legislative records of members of the General Assembly
SB 207
Modifies provisions relating to the administrative adjudication of certain municipal ordinance violations
SB 238
Modifies provisions relating to eligibility for unemployment benefits
SB 271
Transfers the authority of the State Board of Education and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to regulate charter schools to the Missouri Charter Public School Commission
SB 272
Excludes any money reimbursed to school districts for the costs of special education from the calculation of average daily attendance
SB 273
Modifies provisions relating to video service providers
SB 353
Modifies provisions relating to practitioner-patient consultations for prescribed opioid controlled substances
SB 382
Requires internet service providers to block obscene websites and provide subscribers the ability to create a password to access such websites
SB 383
Modifies provisions relating to the sale of utilities in fourth class cities
SB 447
Modifies provisions relating to the determination of state school aid
SB 494
Establishes provisions relating to asset forfeiture
SB 495
Repeals certain duties of the Joint Committee on Government Accountability
SB 496
Includes supplementary fees, course fees, laboratory fees, and all other fees in the definition of "tuition" for public institutions of higher education
Recognizes the societal harms brought by pornography and the need for education, prevention, research, and policy change
SCR 13
Encourages schools to include courses on the Bible in education curriculum
Requires the Senate, beginning January 1, 2021, to try all impeachments and modifies what constitutes grounds for impeachment
HB 113
Modifies provisions relating to public safety
HB 192
Modifies provisions relating to court procedures
HB 220
Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of companies regulated by the Public Service Commission
HB 267
Allows school districts to offer elective social studies courses on the Bible
HB 280
Modifies model traffic ordinances to require vehicles to stop for "other on-track equipment" in addition to trains
HB 287
Modifies provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations
HB 352
Authorizes the early parole of certain offenders over the age of sixty-five
HB 485
Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
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