Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed

SS/SB 391 - This act modifies provisions relating to agricultural operations.


This act establishes the Joint Committee on Agriculture. The Committee shall study the economic impact of Missouri's agricultural industry in the state, the agricultural industry's ongoing efforts to improve environmental stewardship while improving the economic sustainability of Missouri agriculture, ways to create incentives to encourage members of the agricultural industry to adopt best practices to scientifically address Missouri's carbon footprint, and Missouri residents' views on agricultural issues. The Committee shall compile a full report of its activities for submission to the General Assembly. The report shall be submitted no later than January 15th of each year in which the General Assembly convenes in regular session, starting with the year 2021.

The Committee shall dissolve on January 15, 2024.


Under this act, any orders, ordinances, rules, or regulations promulgated by county commissions and county health center boards shall not impose standards or requirements on an agricultural operation and its appurtenances that are inconsistent with or more stringent than any provisions of law, rules, or regulations relating to the Department of Health and Senior Services, environmental control, the Department of Natural Resources, air conservation, and water pollution.

Currently, notice of intent to file an application for an operating permit for a new or expanded facility is sent to property owners within 1.5 times the buffer distances for concentrated animal feeding operations provided in law. This act requires that notice be given to property owners located within 3 times of such buffer distances and that such notice be sent via certified mail.

No construction on a new or expanded facility shall commence until the Department of Natural Resources has issued an operating permit to the owner or operator of such facility.

Currently, the administrators of the Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Indemnity Fund may only expend moneys in the fund for animal waste lagoon closure activities on real property where the state, county, or municipal government, or an agency thereof, has made reasonable and prudent efforts to sell said property to a qualifying purchase. This act allows money to be expended for animal waste lagoon closure activities on real property where the state, county, or municipal government, or an agency thereof, has made reasonable and prudent efforts to remediate the property.

All liquified manure from a concentrated animal feeding operation that is purchased or received by a third party and is surface-applied shall maintain an application setback of at least 50 feet from a property boundary, 300 feet from any public drinking water lake, 300 feet from any public drinking water intake structure, 100 feet from any perennial and intermittent streams without vegetation abutting such streams, and 35 feet from any perennial and intermittent streams with vegetation abutting such streams. If the Department of Natural Resources promulgates rules providing for a distance requirement for the application of liquified manure from a concentrated animal feeding operation that are stricter than such setbacks, such rules shall apply to the spread of all liquified manure subject to the provisions of the act. Any violation of this provision shall be subject to the penalties set forth in the Missouri Clean Water Law for unlawful acts.


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