HCS/SB 72 - This act provides that all real and tangible personal property associated with a project which uses wind energy directly to generate electricity shall not be assessed and taxed under current law relating to the property taxation of public utility companies and shall instead be assessed by local authorities with jurisdiction. (Section 153.034) This act establishes the "Task Force on Wind Energy", which shall be composed of eight members. Three members shall be members of the House of Representatives, three members shall be members of the Senate, and two members shall be representatives of Missouri county governments with experience in wind energy evaluations. The task force shall conduct public hearings and research, and shall compile a report for the General Assembly by December 31, 2019. Such report shall provide information on the economic benefits of wind turbines, the assessment and taxation of wind turbines, compliance with existing federal and state programs and regulations, and potential legislation that will provide a uniform assessment and taxation methodology for wind turbines, as described in the act. (Section 393.1073) This act is similar to SCS/HCS/HB 220 (2019). JOSHUA NORBERG