CCS#2/HCS/SCS/SB 147 - This act enacts provisions relating to motor vehicles. MOTOR VEHICLES OWNED OR LEASED BY CORRECTIONS OFFICERS (Section 32.056) This act adds persons employed by the Department of Corrections, and jailers and correctional officers of the state or of a political subdivision of the state, to the list of persons whose home address and identifying vehicle information shall not be released by the Department of Revenue except as required under federal law. These provisions are substantially similar to provisions in SS/SCS/HB 113 (2019), and similar to HCS/HB 1134 (2019). DIGITAL DRIVER'S LICENSES (Section 32.303) This act authorizes the Department of Revenue to design and implement a secure digital driver's license program that allows applicants to receive a secure digital driver's license in addition to a conventional card-based license. The digital driver's licenses shall be valid for the same purposes as a conventional license. The Department may contract with a third party to develop the secure digital driver's license system. The Department shall suspend, disable, or terminate the person's participation in the digital driver's license program if the person's license is suspended, revoked, denied, withdrawn, or cancelled, or if the person reports his or her digital device has been lost, stolen, or compromised. These provisions are subject to appropriation by the General Assembly. These provisions are identical to provisions in the House perfected HCS/HB 679 (2019), provisions in HCS/SB 21 (2019), and provisions in SCS/HB 584 (2019), and similar to provisions in SCS/SB 200 (2019). MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE AND REGISTRATION OFFICES (Section 136.055) This act increases processing fees collected by motor vehicle license offices. Under the act, the license office fees are increased from $3.50 to $6.00 for annual motor vehicle and trailer registrations, from $7.00 to $12.00 for biennial registrations, from $2.50 to $6.00 for applications or transfers of title, from $2.50 to $6.00 for operator licenses and permits issued for periods of 3 years or less, from $5.00 to $12.00 for operator licenses and permits issued for more than 3 years, and from $2.50 to $6.00 for each notice of lien. The act creates a fee of $2.00 per processing for notary services or electronic transmission. (Section 136.055.1) These provisions are identical to SB 114 (2019), provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed CCS/SS/HCS#2/HB 499 (2019), provisions in HCS/SB 21 (2019), and provisions in SCS/HB 584 (2019). The act also specifies that the process for awarding motor vehicle license office contracts shall consider the distance between the applicant's home and the license office, as specified in the act. (Section 136.055.2) This provision is identical to a provision in HCS/SB 21 (2019). MOTOR VEHICLE RENTAL AND LEASING (Sections 144.070 and 301.032) This act requires entities engaged in the business of renting or leasing motor vehicles, trailers, boats, or outboard motors to pay an annual fee of $250 to the Director of the Department of Revenue. (Section 144.070.5) Applicants to be a leasing or rental company shall post a bond or irrevocable letter of credit with the state in the sum of $100,000, which shall be conditioned upon the entity complying with the laws applicable to leasing or rental companies, and shall be an indemnity for any loss caused by actions that are grounds for actions against the entity's license. Proceeds shall be paid from the bond or irrevocable letter of credit upon receipt by the Department of a final judgment of a Missouri court of competent jurisdiction against the bonded entity. (Section 144.070.6) The act provides that entities engaged in the business of renting or leasing 3500 or more motor vehicles that are to be used exclusively for rental and leasing, and not for resale, and which have applied to the Department for a license as specified in the act may also operate as a registered fleet owner as specified by law. (Section 144.070.9) Entities engaged in the business of renting or leasing 3500 or more motor vehicles that are to be used exclusively for rental and leasing and not for resale, and which have applied to the Department for a license as specified in the act may operate as a registered fleet owner as provided by law. The Director of Revenue may issue fleet vehicle license plates in lieu of standard vehicle registrations after application and payment of annual fees of $360 for the first 10 plates and $36 for each additional plate. Fleet vehicles registered under the act shall not be exempted from safety or emissions inspections, but the inspections shall not be required to be presented to the Director. (Section 301.032.6) Vehicle rental or leasing companies licensed by the Department under the act operating as registered fleet owners shall annually or biennially register their fleets with the Director of Revenue as specified in the act in lieu of registering the vehicles individually. (Section 301.032.7) Applicants shall provide proof of insurance coverage, as required by law, prior to issuance of fleet vehicle license plates by the Director. (Section 301.032.8) Authority to operate as a fleet owner shall expire on January 1 of each licensure period for entities licensed under the act to operate as vehicle rental or leasing companies. (Section 301.032.9) Vehicle rental or leasing companies licensed by the Department under the act shall make available upon request by the Director or any law enforcement agency any corresponding vehicle or registration information that is requested as prescribed by rule. (Section 301.032.10) These provisions are identical to the House perfected HCS#2/HB 626 (2019), provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed CCS/SB 368 (2019), provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed SCS/SB 89 (2019), provisions in HCS/SB 371, and is similar to SB 505 (2019). LEFT TURNS ONTO ONE-WAY STREETS AT RED LIGHTS (Sections 300.155 and 304.281) This act provides that drivers may turn left onto a one-way street after stopping at a red light, provided the driver yields to pedestrians and other traffic. These provisions are identical to HB 402 (2019), and provisions in HCS/SB 371 (2019), and similar to HB 2432 (2018). AUTOCYCLES (Section 301.010) This act modifies the definition of "autocycle" by removing the requirement that the vehicle be designed to be controlled with a steering wheel and pedals. TRAILER REGISTRATION PERIODS (Sections 301.010 and 301.067) This act specifies that registrations for recreational trailers, as defined in the act, shall be payable in the month of May. Any fee that would have been due in December of 2019 shall be deferred until May of 2020. These provisions are identical to SB 371 (2019) and HB 52 (2019), and to provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed CCS/SS/HCS#2/HB 499 (2019), and substantially similar to HCS/HB 2368 (2018). VEHICLE INSPECTIONS (Sections 301.020, 301.191, and 307.350) Currently, the Department of Revenue collects odometer information for motor vehicles 5 years old or less, and retains this information for a period of 5 years. This act modifies this requirement to specify that the Department shall collect odometer information for motor vehicles aged 10 years or less with fewer than 150,000 miles on the odometer, and retain the information for a period of 10 years. (Section 301.020) The act also modifies homemade trailer inspection requirements by making the requirement applicable to all homemade trailers, rather than only to homemade trailers over 16 feet in length, and by raising the inspection fee from 10 dollars to 25 dollars. (Section 301.191) Currently, motor vehicles are exempt from biennial mechanical inspection requirements for a period of five years following their model year. This act instead exempts motor vehicles for a period of 10 years following their model year, provided the vehicle has fewer than 150,000 miles on the odometer. (Section 307.350) These provisions have an effective date of January 1, 2020. These provisions are identical to the House perfected HCS#2/HB 451 (2019), provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed SCS/SB 89 (2019), and similar to SB 359 (2019), SB 381 (2019), and HB 1444 (2018). MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION RENEWALS (Section 301.030) This act specifies that fees for the renewal of noncommercial motor vehicle registrations shall be payable no later than the last day of the month that follows the final month of the expired registration period. No renewal penalty shall be assessed, and no violation for expired registration shall be issued, until the second month that follows the expired registration period. MOTORCYCLE HEADGEAR (Sections 302.020 and 302.026) Currently, every person operating or riding a motorcycle or motortricycle is required to wear protective headgear. This act provides that persons under the age of 18 who are operating or riding as a passenger on a motorcycle or motortricycle shall wear a helmet when the vehicle is in motion. Similarly, a person who is 18 or older, is operating a motorcycle or motortricycle, and who has been issued an instruction permit shall wear a helmet when the vehicle is in motion. This act also provides that qualified operators who are 18 or older may operate a motorcycle or motortricycle without a helmet if he or she is covered by a health insurance policy or other form of insurance which will provide the person with medical benefits for injuries incurred as a result of a motorcycle or motortricycle accident. Proof of such coverage shall be provided on request of law enforcement by showing a copy of the qualified operator's insurance card. These provisions are similar to SCS/SB 120 (2019), HB 522 (2019), HB 2158 (2018), SB 556 (2018), SB 323 (2017), and HB 535 (2017), and similar to provisions in HB 235 (2017), HCS/HB 576 (2017), HB 588 (2017), HB 1371 (2016), SCS/HB 1464 (2016), HB 1657 (2016), HB 1663 (2016), HB 1749 (2016), HB 2719 (2016), HB 2720 (2016), and SCS/SBs 851 & 694 (2016). COMMERCIAL DRIVER'S LICENSES (Sections 302.170, 302.720, and 302.768) This act adds test score documents from Missouri commercial third-party tester examiners to an exemption from the prohibition against retaining certain driver's license application materials. (Section 302.170.3(2)). The act specifies that skills and written test waiver documents may be retained for commercial driver's instruction permits in addition to commercial driver's license applicants. (Section 302.170.3(5)) The act provides that commercial driver's instruction permits shall be nonrenewable, and lengthens, from 6 months to 1 year, the period for which the permits are valid. This act increases, from 5 dollars to 10 dollars, the fee for a commercial driver's instruction permit, and specifies that the fee for a duplicate shall be 5 dollars. This act also repeals a provision allowing for the issuance of a 30-day commercial driver's instruction permit. (Section 302.720.1) The act specifies that, beginning January 1, 2020, applicants for a commercial driver's license shall complete an entry-level driver training program as required under federal law. (Section 302.720.2) The Director of Revenue currently has the authority to waive the driving skills test for a commercial driver's license for qualified military applicants. This act allows the Director of Revenue to also waive the written test, and to waive the skills and written tests for commercial driver's instruction permits. The act repeals the list of specific requirements an applicant must certify he or she meets, and specifies that the applicant shall meet all federal and state qualifications and shall be required to complete applicable tests that are not waived. (Section 302.720.2(5)) Beginning December 1, 2019, the Department of Revenue shall certify as a third-party tester any private education institution or other private entity, provided the necessary qualifications are met. (Section 302.720.6) This act provides for the use of an electronic verification system, approved by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, to receive medical examiner's certificates for commercial driver's license issuance. (Section 302.768.3) These provisions are similar to SB 290 (2019), SB 378 (2019), provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed SCS/SB 89 (2019), provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed CCS/SB 368 (2019), and provisions in HB 792 (2019). DRIVER'S LICENSE SUSPENSIONS FOR FAILURE TO APPEAR IN COURT (Section 302.341) This act provides that the court may, rather than shall, notify the Director of Revenue of a defendant's failure to appear in court for a moving traffic violation and failure to pay any fine or court costs associated with such violation. The Department of Revenue is then required to suspend the driver's license of such person. This act further provides that such suspension provisions shall not apply to minor traffic violations originating in St. Louis City or St. Louis County. These provisions are similar to provisions in HCS/HB 427 (2019). TOWING TASK FORCE (Section 304.153) This act establishes the "Towing Task Force", to make recommendations with respect to the towing of vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 26,000 pounds. The task force shall make recommendations on matters relating to the investigation of overcharges made by towing companies, as specified in the act, and shall make recommendations regarding what information should be included on every invoice with respect to a "nonconsensual tow" as defined in the act. The task force shall issue its first comprehensive recommendations no later than January 31, 2019, and shall expire on May 31, 2020. These provisions are similar to HCS/HB 749 (2019), SB 323 (2019), and HB 1101 (2019), provisions in SCS/HB 584 (2019), provisions in HCS/SB 371 (2019), and provisions in HCS/SB 21 (2019). ERIC VANDER WEERD