Topical Index

Last Generated: 2/14/2025 10:21 PM

Abortion (14)

SB 106 - Hoskins - Changes the law regarding consent for a minor to obtain an abortion

SB 110 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

SB 139 - Koenig - Modifies provisions of law relating to abortion

SB 170 - Schupp - Repeals the 72-hour waiting period prior to an abortion

SB 216 - Schupp - Requires organizations that provide pregnancy-related services to provide medically accurate information regarding reproductive health options in order to receive state funding

SB 279 - Onder - Modifies several provisions relating to abortion

SB 280 - Sater - Waives the geographic proximity requirement for certain collaborative practice arrangements

SB 312 - Eigel - Establishes the mission of the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 345 - Koenig - Makes the performance or inducement of an abortion, except in a medical emergency, a criminal offense

SB 388 - Burlison - Establishes the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act"

SB 420 - Riddle - Requires referrals for out of state abortions to be accompanied by specified printed materials

SCR 16 - Wieland - Urges the cessation of economic and other state activity with New York and other certain states

HB 126 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

HB 420 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to certain health care professionals

Accountants (3)

SB 219 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to the issuance and renewal of CPA permits

HB 585 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to consumer protections for preparation of financial documents

HB 943 - McGirl - Modifies provisions relating to consumer protections for preparation of financial documents

Administration, Office of (24)

SB 2 - Curls - Requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to make certain considerations when granting medical marijuana licenses and certifications

SB 125 - Hough - Creates the Missouri Municipal Government Expenditure Database

SB 126 - Hough - Modifies requirements for guaranteed energy cost savings contracts

SB 148 - Sifton - Requires certain disclosures to be made by entities entering into contracts with public entities

SB 176 - Hough - Modifies the law on public contracts

SB 199 - Arthur - Creates the Missouri Secure Choice Savings Program Act

SB 202 - Romine - Creates provisions relating to mining royalties on federal land

SB 206 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to contracts for government facilities

SB 257 - Hoskins - Allows the Commissioner of Administration to conduct a reverse auction

SB 266 - Wieland - Creates new provisions providing for expedited purchasing processes for innovative technology

SB 308 - Onder - Prohibits public bodies from entering into certain contracts

SB 385 - Bernskoetter - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property located in Cole County

SB 421 - Wallingford - Transfers the office of Adjutant General from the Department of Public Safety to the Office of Administration

SB 463 - Burlison - Creates new provisions relating to public contracts

SB 470 - Riddle - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property located in Callaway County

SCR 14 - Schatz - Authorizes and directs the Office of Administration to execute and deliver a financing agreement for payment of debt service on transportation bonds issued by the Highways and Transportation Commission

HB 214 - Trent - Changes the laws regarding purchases to be made on competitive bids

HB 265 - Taylor - Requires that every nonfood items sold in the Missouri State Capitol Building shall be made in the United States

HB 762 - Wiemann - Modifies provisions relating to local government

HB 930 - Ross - Allows the Commissioner of Administration to conduct a reverse auction

HB 1006 - Rehder - Prohibits public bodies from entering into certain contracts

HB 1088 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to the Office of Administration

HB 1237 - Fitzwater - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property

HCB 1 - Roden - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property

Administrative Law (6)

SB 81 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding insurance coverage of the cost to defend a claim in an administrative proceeding, proposed administrative rules affecting real property, and procedures for judicial review of action by a state agency

SB 133 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 159 - Sifton - Requires the Governor to appoint Administrative Hearing Commissioners that reflect the geographic diversity of the state

SB 207 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the administrative adjudication of certain municipal ordinance violations

SB 413 - Sater - Enacts provisions relating to pharmacy benefits

HB 270 - Shaul - Authorizes the Director of the Department of Agriculture to assess a civil penalty for violating certain provisions of law relating to eggs

Administrative Rules (6)

SB 6 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to controlled substances, including the Schedules, medical marijuana, and criminal provisions involving controlled substances

SB 77 - Sater - Requires the Department of Social Services to apply for a global waiver for MO HealthNet

SB 81 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding insurance coverage of the cost to defend a claim in an administrative proceeding, proposed administrative rules affecting real property, and procedures for judicial review of action by a state agency

SB 328 - Burlison - Modifies the administrative rulemaking process by state agencies

HB 272 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to small businesses

HB 1088 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to the Office of Administration

Adoption (1)

SB 88 - Libla - Modifies provisions of law relating to guardians ad litem

Advertising and Signs (5)

SB 62 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions to recover damages for unlawful merchandising practices

SB 150 - Koenig - Modifies provisions regarding unlawful merchandising practices

SB 276 - Rowden - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions to recover damages for unlawful merchandising practices

SB 374 - Burlison - Modifies provisions regarding unlawful merchandising practices

HB 159 - Love - Modifies provisions relating to outdoor advertising

Agriculture (18)

SB 133 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 218 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 391 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to agricultural operations

SB 416 - Bernskoetter - Enacts provisions relating to working animals

SB 472 - Crawford - Modifies the Plant Industries Division fees and requires periodic review of fees charged by the Department of Agriculture

SB 482 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to industrial hemp

SCR 19 - Eigel - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to oppose the Green New Deal

SCR 25 - Rizzo - Urges Congress to provide assistance to American farmers whose crops were damaged or lost due to severe weather

HB 270 - Shaul - Authorizes the Director of the Department of Agriculture to assess a civil penalty for violating certain provisions of law relating to eggs

HB 559 - Spencer - Modifies provisions relating to working animals

HB 587 - Rone - Repeals the Missouri Treated Timber Law

HB 588 - Rone - Modifies the Plant Industries Division fees and requires periodic reviews of fees charged by the Department of Agriculture

HB 604 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 655 - Dinkins - Modifies provisions relating to killing of feral hogs

HB 685 - Kelly - Changes the laws regarding property classifications for zoning so that sawmills are classified as agricultural property

HB 824 - Francis - Modifies provisions relating to industrial hemp

HB 951 - Haden - Prohibits the inspection of certain grounds or facilities used for certain agricultural purposes to enforce the laws of a state other than Missouri

HCR 43 - Shawan - Urges President Trump and Missouri's congressional delegation to oppose the Green New Deal

Agriculture, Department of (11)

SB 6 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to controlled substances, including the Schedules, medical marijuana, and criminal provisions involving controlled substances

SB 133 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 471 - Crawford - Repeals the Missouri Treated Timber Law

SB 472 - Crawford - Modifies the Plant Industries Division fees and requires periodic review of fees charged by the Department of Agriculture

SB 482 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to industrial hemp

SB 502 - Bernskoetter - Repeals provisions of law that give the Department of Agriculture oversight over standards relating to anhydrous ammonia

HB 270 - Shaul - Authorizes the Director of the Department of Agriculture to assess a civil penalty for violating certain provisions of law relating to eggs

HB 587 - Rone - Repeals the Missouri Treated Timber Law

HB 588 - Rone - Modifies the Plant Industries Division fees and requires periodic reviews of fees charged by the Department of Agriculture

HB 824 - Francis - Modifies provisions relating to industrial hemp

HB 951 - Haden - Prohibits the inspection of certain grounds or facilities used for certain agricultural purposes to enforce the laws of a state other than Missouri

Air Quality (1)

HB 499 - Griesheimer - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

Aircraft and Airports (2)

SB 194 - Hoskins - Creates offenses relating to the unlawful use of an unmanned aircraft

HB 324 - Henderson - Creates the offense of unlawful use of unmanned aircraft near a correctional center

Alcohol (10)

SB 197 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to intoxicating liquor

SB 329 - Burlison - Modifies provisions to allow wholesalers to employ persons 18 years of age to unload delivery vehicles and transfer liquor into retail premises with supervision

SB 340 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to alcohol trade practices

SB 344 - Eigel - Establishes provisions for storage and transport of intoxicating liquor from a central warehouse to premises licensed to sell intoxicating liquors at retail

SB 469 - Walsh - Modifies provisions relating to alcohol trade practices

SB 485 - Hoskins - Allows for and licenses retailer-to-retailer sales of certain intoxicating liquors

HB 65 - Pike - Modifies a definition relating to alcohol

HB 250 - Schroer - Allows wholesalers to employ persons 18 years of age to unload delivery vehicles and transfer liquor into retail premises with supervision

HB 356 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to intoxicating liquor

HB 1127 - Porter - Creates a definition for Missouri bourbon whiskey

Ambulances and Ambulance Districts (4)

SB 29 - Hegeman - Extends the sunset on certain health care provider reimbursement allowances

SB 103 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to health care services

SB 267 - Wieland - Enacts provisions relating to the direct payment of health care providers

HB 438 - Chipman - Modifies requirements to be eligible for certain elected public offices

Animals (13)

SB 107 - Hoskins - Modifies law regarding service dogs

SB 115 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to the confiscation of animals

SB 356 - Bernskoetter - Provides that any person found guilty of poaching a wild turkey, paddlefish, white-tailed deer, black bear, or elk may be required to provide restitution to the state

SB 416 - Bernskoetter - Enacts provisions relating to working animals

SB 425 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to concentrated animal feeding operations

SB 517 - Riddle - Enacts provisions relating to solar site management for pollinators

HB 107 - Sommer - Modifies provisions relating to service dogs

HB 204 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to the confiscation of animals

HB 260 - Taylor - Provides that any person found guilty of poaching a wild turkey, paddlefish, an antlered white-tailed deer, excluding does, black bear, or elk may be required to provide restitution to the state

HB 559 - Spencer - Modifies provisions relating to working animals

HB 565 - Morse - Designates certain days and emblems for commemoration in Missouri

HB 655 - Dinkins - Modifies provisions relating to killing of feral hogs

HB 951 - Haden - Prohibits the inspection of certain grounds or facilities used for certain agricultural purposes to enforce the laws of a state other than Missouri

Appropriations (21)

SB 475 - Cunningham - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to remit to schools the revenues such schools would have received from income taxes on certain financial institutions

SJR 6 - Eigel - Prohibits implementation of any program providing a public benefit without an appropriation

SJR 10 - Burlison - Places a cap on annual appropriations and reduces income tax rates based on revenue growth

SJR 26 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to providing funds for emergencies in this state

HB 1 - Smith - Appropriates money to the Board of Fund Commissioners

HB 2 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the State Board of Education and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

HB 3 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Higher Education

HB 4 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Revenue and Department of Transportation

HB 5 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Office of Administration, Department of Transportation, and Department of Public Safety

HB 6 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Agriculture, Department of Natural Resources, and Department of Conservation

HB 7 - Smith - Appropriates money for the departments of Economic Development; Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration; and Labor and Industrial Relations

HB 8 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Public Safety

HB 9 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Corrections

HB 10 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Mental Health, Board of Public Buildings, and Department of Health and Senior Services

HB 11 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, and distributions of the Department of Social Services

HB 12 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of statewide elected officials, the Judiciary, Office of the State Public Defender, and General Assembly

HB 13 - Smith - Appropriates money for real property leases and related services

HB 14 - Smith - To appropriate money for supplemental purposes for the several departments and offices of state government

HB 17 - Smith - To appropriate money for capital improvement and other purposes for the several departments of state government and the divisions and programs thereof to be expended only as provided in Article IV, Section 28 of the Constitution of Missouri, from the funds herein designated

HB 18 - Smith - To appropriate money for purposes for the several departments and offices of state government; for projects involving the maintenance, repair, replacement, and improvement of state buildings and facilities

HB 19 - Smith - To appropriate money for purposes for the several departments and offices of state government; for planning and capital improvements including but not limited to major additions and renovations, new structures, and land improvements or acquisitions

Architects (3)

SB 509 - Hough - Exempts any not for profit organization organized under state law from provisions relating to the right to practice as an architect, professional engineer, professional land surveyor, or professional landscape architect

HB 355 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

HB 564 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

Arts and Humanities (2)

SB 511 - Williams - Prohibits a website operator from intentionally using an internet domain name in a ticket website’s URL that contains certain information

HB 266 - Muntzel - Establishes a number of new state designations

Athletics (6)

SB 130 - Emery - Provides that no public school shall be a member of at statewide activities association if such association prohibits a home school student from participating in any event or activity offered by a public school in the school district in which the student resides

SB 229 - Crawford - Prohibits health carriers from denying reimbursement for health care services provided by licensed athletic trainers

SB 247 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to athletic trainers

SRM 1 - Rowden - Condemns the NCAA sanctions against the University of Missouri-Columbia

SCR 4 - Curls - Designates the Kansas City Chiefs as the official professional football team of the state of Missouri

SR 254 - Cunningham - Supports the city of West Plains in their bid to host NCAA Division I volleyball tournaments

Attorney General (22)

SB 5 - Sater - Modifies the initiative and referendum process

SB 22 - Nasheed - Modifies Missouri Supreme Court Rules relating to discovery in criminal cases

SB 81 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding insurance coverage of the cost to defend a claim in an administrative proceeding, proposed administrative rules affecting real property, and procedures for judicial review of action by a state agency

SB 144 - Burlison - Adds call spoofing to the prohibited solicitations under the no-call list

SB 178 - Schupp - Creates a right to unpaid leave for employees that are affected by certain crimes

SB 213 - Hegeman - Enacts new provisions relating to the nonpartisan state demographer

SB 259 - Romine - Implements a process for due process proceedings for Title IX complaints at institutions of higher education

SB 345 - Koenig - Makes the performance or inducement of an abortion, except in a medical emergency, a criminal offense

SB 382 - Emery - Requires internet service providers to block obscene websites and provide subscribers the ability to create a password to access such websites

SB 385 - Bernskoetter - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property located in Cole County

SB 470 - Riddle - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property located in Callaway County

SB 484 - Hoskins - Establishes the Litigation Financing Consumer Protection Act

SB 493 - May - Establishes the “Fourth Amendment Affirmation Act”

SB 504 - Crawford - Establishes the Consumer Legal Funding Model Act

SB 511 - Williams - Prohibits a website operator from intentionally using an internet domain name in a ticket website’s URL that contains certain information

SCR 19 - Eigel - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to oppose the Green New Deal

SJR 9 - Cierpiot - Imposes term limitations on every elected office

SJR 14 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies term limits for various elected public officers

HB 523 - Roden - Modifies provisions relating to the No-Call list

HB 769 - Ross - Repeals the requirement for the Attorney General to reside in Jefferson City

HB 1237 - Fitzwater - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property

HCB 1 - Roden - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property

Attorneys (18)

SB 7 - Emery - Modifies provisions of civil procedure regarding joinder and venue

SB 22 - Nasheed - Modifies Missouri Supreme Court Rules relating to discovery in criminal cases

SB 62 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions to recover damages for unlawful merchandising practices

SB 69 - Hough - Establishes procedures for a claimant in an action for damages due to asbestos exposure to disclose additional claims the claimant has filed with an asbestos trust

SB 83 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to court proceedings

SB 88 - Libla - Modifies provisions of law relating to guardians ad litem

SB 150 - Koenig - Modifies provisions regarding unlawful merchandising practices

SB 230 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings

SB 259 - Romine - Implements a process for due process proceedings for Title IX complaints at institutions of higher education

SB 276 - Rowden - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions to recover damages for unlawful merchandising practices

SB 395 - Rizzo - Modifies provisions relating to a child's right to counsel

SB 484 - Hoskins - Establishes the Litigation Financing Consumer Protection Act

SB 504 - Crawford - Establishes the Consumer Legal Funding Model Act

HB 186 - Trent - Modifies various provisions relating to civil actions, including venue, unlawful merchandising practices, joinder, punitive damages, statutes of limitations, and intervention

HB 192 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 547 - Griffith - Provides alternative methods for the disposal of cases including through the use of treatment courts, prosecution diversion programs, and restitution payments

HB 868 - Mitten - Removes a provision regarding the preparing of a plan by the Director of the State Public Defender System to establish district offices

HB 932 - Rehder - Establishes multidisciplinary adult protection teams

Auditor, State (6)

SB 79 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding municipal court procedure and revenue collected in certain minor traffic and municipal ordinance violation cases

SB 138 - Riddle - Creates new provisions relating to reports issued by the State Auditor

SB 370 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet managed care

SCR 10 - Rowden - Authorizes the statutorily required independent audit of the State Auditor

SJR 9 - Cierpiot - Imposes term limitations on every elected office

SJR 14 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies term limits for various elected public officers

Banks and Financial Institutions (15)

SB 142 - Eigel - Modifies provisions of the Senior Savings Protection Act

SB 179 - Cunningham - Modifies filing requirements for certain banks and financial institutions

SB 192 - Schupp - Modifies the law relating to small loans

SB 277 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to child support enforcement

SB 289 - Wieland - Creates the Missouri Electricity Bill Reduction Assistance Act

SB 426 - Williams - Modifies provisions of the ABLE Act

SB 475 - Cunningham - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to remit to schools the revenues such schools would have received from income taxes on certain financial institutions

SB 486 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable populations

SB 504 - Crawford - Establishes the Consumer Legal Funding Model Act

HB 354 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to the financial protection of vulnerable populations

HB 397 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 599 - Bondon - Enacts provisions relating to the regulation of certain entities by the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

HB 604 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 678 - Patterson - Modifies provisions relating to the financial protection of vulnerable populations

HB 815 - Black - Increases the maximum duration of credit transaction that is subject to regulation under the statutes governing credit insurance

Boards, Commissions, Committees, and Councils (82)

SB 18 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to gubernatorial appointments

SB 25 - Sifton - Modifies several provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 51 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to charter schools

SB 77 - Sater - Requires the Department of Social Services to apply for a global waiver for MO HealthNet

SB 80 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to teacher employment

SB 82 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions of law relating to health care facilities and certificates of need

SB 101 - Riddle - Establishes a statewide hearing aid distribution program

SB 145 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 147 - Sater - Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 148 - Sifton - Requires certain disclosures to be made by entities entering into contracts with public entities

SB 158 - Eigel - Requires the Department of Transportation to consider the complete life-cycle costs of work in determining the lowest bid amount submitted for a contract

SB 159 - Sifton - Requires the Governor to appoint Administrative Hearing Commissioners that reflect the geographic diversity of the state

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 173 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to property assessment contracts for energy efficiency

SB 199 - Arthur - Creates the Missouri Secure Choice Savings Program Act

SB 204 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 206 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to contracts for government facilities

SB 218 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 219 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to the issuance and renewal of CPA permits

SB 247 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to athletic trainers

SB 251 - Koenig - Creates the "Fresh Start Act of 2019"

SB 253 - Sater - Authorizes the Board of Pharmacy to enter into voluntary compliance agreements with pharmacists in lieu of disciplinary action

SB 258 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 259 - Romine - Implements a process for due process proceedings for Title IX complaints at institutions of higher education

SB 264 - Crawford - Transfers the State Council on the Arts from the Department of Economic Development to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor

SB 265 - Luetkemeyer - Replaces the student representative on the Board of Curators of the University of Missouri with a student curator

SB 271 - Emery - Transfers the authority of the State Board of Education and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to regulate charter schools to the Missouri Charter Public School Commission

SB 274 - Sater - Allows the Board of Pharmacy to establish pharmacy pilot projects relating to technology assisted verification or remote medication dispensing

SB 275 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 280 - Sater - Waives the geographic proximity requirement for certain collaborative practice arrangements

SB 292 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 303 - Riddle - Licenses persons performing radiologic imaging or administering radiation therapy and establishes the Missouri Radiologic Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board of Examiners

SB 309 - Sater - Authorizes pharmacists to prescribe and dispense nicotine replacement therapy products

SB 310 - Arthur - Enacts provisions relating to prescription drug costs

SB 323 - Hough - Directs the Department of Transportation, in consultation with the Highway Patrol and the advisory committee created in the act, to promulgate rules governing the towing of commercial vehicles

SB 356 - Bernskoetter - Provides that any person found guilty of poaching a wild turkey, paddlefish, white-tailed deer, black bear, or elk may be required to provide restitution to the state

SB 365 - Hoskins - Establishes the School Turnaround Program to assist schools in need of intervention

SB 372 - Hoskins - Prohibits state licensing boards from imposing disciplinary actions against licensees that provide services to cannabis establishments or persons in connection with activity that complies with the Missouri Constitution

SB 375 - Riddle - Modifies licensing requirements for nursing home administrators

SB 391 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to agricultural operations

SB 400 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to advanced practice registered nurses

SB 407 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to early childhood education

SB 411 - Romine - Creates a workgroup to develop and recommend academic performance standards relating to workforce development

SB 414 - Wieland - Enacts provisions relating to innovation in health insurance

SB 419 - Riddle - Prohibits any person under the age of 18 from using any tanning device of any tanning facility within the state

SB 444 - Schupp - Requires physicians to complete two hours of suicide prevention training as a condition of licensure

SB 446 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to exemptions from statutes governing proprietary education

SB 451 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to prisoner complaints against a psychologist's license

SB 455 - Holsman - Permits funeral directors to perform cremations at an outdoor human cremation facility

SB 460 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses's collaborative practice agreements

SB 461 - O'Laughlin - Raises the petition signature requirement to change school district boundaries

SB 465 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to early childhood education programs

SB 476 - Brown - Allows any person, including a nonresident military spouse of Missouri to apply for a license in Missouri, provided such person also submits proof of current licensure in any jurisdiction and any required application fee

SB 480 - Schupp - Creates the "Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Review Board" within the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 496 - Emery - Includes supplementary fees, course fees, laboratory fees, and all other fees in the definition of "tuition" for public institutions of higher education

SB 514 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SCR 5 - Wallingford - Establishes the Joint Committee on Solid Waste Management District Operations

HB 159 - Love - Modifies provisions relating to outdoor advertising

HB 169 - Gannon - Establishes the "Internet and Social Media Awareness Program" to increase awareness of appropriate online behavior and skills among students in public schools

HB 185 - Trent - Modifies provisions relating to the Amber Alert System

HB 215 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to property assessment contracts for energy efficiency

HB 240 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to controlled substances

HB 257 - Stephens - Authorizes the Board of Pharmacy to enter into voluntary compliance with pharmacists in lieu of disciplinary action

HB 260 - Taylor - Provides that any person found guilty of poaching a wild turkey, paddlefish, an antlered white-tailed deer, excluding does, black bear, or elk may be required to provide restitution to the state

HB 266 - Muntzel - Establishes a number of new state designations

HB 272 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to small businesses

HB 410 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to the scope of practice for physical therapists

HB 441 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to prisoner complaints made against a psychologist license

HB 456 - Neely - Permits school districts and charter schools to grant a diploma endorsement in STEM to a graduating high school student who demonstrates mastery in STEM disciplines

HB 472 - Grier - Modifies several provisions relating to professional registration

HB 485 - Dogan - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 487 - Solon - Includes the dispensing of self-administered oral hormonal contraceptives in the practice of pharmacy

HB 575 - Dohrman - Modifies provisions relating to higher education

HB 584 - Knight - Modifies provisions relating to transportation

HB 604 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 612 - Coleman - Transfers the State Council on the Arts from the Department of Economic Development to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor

HB 705 - Helms - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

HB 739 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 749 - Tate - Establishes the "Towing Task Force"

HB 816 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to embalming apprenticeships

HB 982 - Hicks - Transfer responsibility for employment and oversight of Missouri Capitol police officers from the Department of Public Safety to the Missouri State Capitol Commission

HCB 7 - Roeber - Requires all superintendents and assistant superintendents to enter into a written employment contract with a school district as a condition of employment

Boats and Watercraft (2)

SB 119 - Arthur - Expands the requirement for children to wear personal flotation devices

SB 371 - Eigel - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

Bonds - General Obligation and Revenue (5)

SB 289 - Wieland - Creates the Missouri Electricity Bill Reduction Assistance Act

SB 368 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 437 - Hoskins - Provides tax exemptions for certain property sales and leases by port authorities

SCR 14 - Schatz - Authorizes and directs the Office of Administration to execute and deliver a financing agreement for payment of debt service on transportation bonds issued by the Highways and Transportation Commission

HB 1061 - Patterson - Provides tax exemptions for certain property sales and leases by port authorities

Bonds - Surety (11)

SB 89 - Libla - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 115 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to the confiscation of animals

SB 167 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to bonding requirements on public works

SB 368 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 468 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 484 - Hoskins - Establishes the Litigation Financing Consumer Protection Act

SB 504 - Crawford - Establishes the Consumer Legal Funding Model Act

SB 505 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

HB 204 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to the confiscation of animals

HB 626 - Ruth - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

HB 1061 - Patterson - Provides tax exemptions for certain property sales and leases by port authorities

Buses (4)

SB 186 - Hegeman - Permits vehicle platooning on Missouri roads

SB 218 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 584 - Knight - Modifies provisions relating to transportation

HB 606 - Basye - Permits school boards to contract with municipalities to provide transportation to high school students

Business and Commerce (40)

SB 2 - Curls - Requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to make certain considerations when granting medical marijuana licenses and certifications

SB 107 - Hoskins - Modifies law regarding service dogs

SB 122 - Burlison - Establishes the Stop Socialism Act which creates a cause of action against a public body that offers a competitive service to the economic detriment of a person offering the same competitive service

SB 133 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 192 - Schupp - Modifies the law relating to small loans

SB 197 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to intoxicating liquor

SB 215 - Schupp - Repeals provisions of law relating to the provision of paper and plastic bags

SB 329 - Burlison - Modifies provisions to allow wholesalers to employ persons 18 years of age to unload delivery vehicles and transfer liquor into retail premises with supervision

SB 344 - Eigel - Establishes provisions for storage and transport of intoxicating liquor from a central warehouse to premises licensed to sell intoxicating liquors at retail

SB 416 - Bernskoetter - Enacts provisions relating to working animals

SB 439 - Brown - Increases the investment limit in linked deposits by the State Treasurer

SB 442 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to buyers of precious metals

SB 446 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to exemptions from statutes governing proprietary education

SB 482 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to industrial hemp

SB 484 - Hoskins - Establishes the Litigation Financing Consumer Protection Act

SB 491 - Rizzo - Allows municipalities to enter into loan agreements, or sell, lease, or mortgage municipal property for a technology business facility project

SB 492 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the resale of scrap metals

SB 500 - Burlison - Permits an unlicensed person to provide a service for which state law otherwise requires an occupational license, provided such unlicensed person makes a nonlicensed disclosure

SB 504 - Crawford - Establishes the Consumer Legal Funding Model Act

SB 505 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 509 - Hough - Exempts any not for profit organization organized under state law from provisions relating to the right to practice as an architect, professional engineer, professional land surveyor, or professional landscape architect

SB 511 - Williams - Prohibits a website operator from intentionally using an internet domain name in a ticket website’s URL that contains certain information

HB 107 - Sommer - Modifies provisions relating to service dogs

HB 250 - Schroer - Allows wholesalers to employ persons 18 years of age to unload delivery vehicles and transfer liquor into retail premises with supervision

HB 265 - Taylor - Requires that every nonfood items sold in the Missouri State Capitol Building shall be made in the United States

HB 272 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to small businesses

HB 354 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to the financial protection of vulnerable populations

HB 356 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to intoxicating liquor

HB 374 - Christofanelli - Modifies provisions relating to sales tax

HB 469 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to job training

HB 559 - Spencer - Modifies provisions relating to working animals

HB 626 - Ruth - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

HB 815 - Black - Increases the maximum duration of credit transaction that is subject to regulation under the statutes governing credit insurance

HB 824 - Francis - Modifies provisions relating to industrial hemp

HB 844 - Hudson - Modifies provisions relating to lodging establishments

HB 942 - Wiemann - Allows for the marketing and sale of multiple-employer self-insured health plans to the public

HB 959 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of certain business organizations

HB 1029 - Bondon - Increases the investment limit in linked deposits by the State Treasurer

HB 1083 - O'Donnell - Modifies provisions relating to courts, including the division of securities, civil case filing fees, and the payment of fines

HB 1158 - Pietzman - Requires the Department of Natural Resources to assist permit applicants throughout the permitting process

Campaign Finance (3)

SB 26 - Sifton - Creates new campaign finance disclosure requirements

SB 193 - Schupp - Modifies provisions of law relating to campaign finance disclosure

SJR 15 - Holsman - Creates new constitutional provisions relating to campaign finance disclosure requirements

Capital Improvements (3)

SB 403 - Eigel - Establishes the "Bridge and Road Authorization Trust Fund"

SJR 27 - Eigel - Establishes the "Bridge and Road Authorization Trust Fund"

HB 842 - Griffith - Establishes the Capitol Complex Tax Credit Act

Cemeteries (1)

HB 461 - Pfautsch - Modifies provisions relating to the right of sepulcher and the death registration process

Certificate of Need (4)

SB 82 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions of law relating to health care facilities and certificates of need

SB 165 - Eigel - Repeals the certificate of need law

SB 516 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to certificates of need

HB 758 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to health care

Children and Minors (74)

SB 10 - Cunningham - Modifies provision relating to the minimum wage

SB 14 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions of law relating to child custody arrangements

SB 25 - Sifton - Modifies several provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 35 - Riddle - Prohibits certain offenders of sex crimes from being near athletic facilities used primarily by children

SB 45 - Hoskins - Enacts provisions relating to health care for persons with disabilities

SB 51 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to charter schools

SB 66 - White - Establishes provisions relating to water safety and security

SB 73 - O'Laughlin - Requires each local school district and charter school to have on file a policy for reading intervention plans for any pupils of the district and charter schools in grades kindergarten through four

SB 83 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to court proceedings

SB 88 - Libla - Modifies provisions of law relating to guardians ad litem

SB 106 - Hoskins - Changes the law regarding consent for a minor to obtain an abortion

SB 119 - Arthur - Expands the requirement for children to wear personal flotation devices

SB 130 - Emery - Provides that no public school shall be a member of at statewide activities association if such association prohibits a home school student from participating in any event or activity offered by a public school in the school district in which the student resides

SB 145 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 160 - Koenig - Establishes the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program

SB 206 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to contracts for government facilities

SB 218 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 230 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings

SB 235 - White - Requires health insurance policies to provide coverage for hearing instruments and related services for enrollees under the age of 18

SB 245 - Walsh - Requires potable water in certain elementary school buildings to be tested for lead

SB 249 - Koenig - Creates the Alternative Disability Services Act

SB 263 - Schupp - Provides for postpartum depression screening and treatment for certain mothers

SB 271 - Emery - Transfers the authority of the State Board of Education and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to regulate charter schools to the Missouri Charter Public School Commission

SB 277 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to child support enforcement

SB 287 - Wieland - Allows enrollment in a health benefit plan by a pregnant person under certain circumstances

SB 292 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 295 - Hough - Requires school districts to conduct criminal background checks on all volunteers

SB 305 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to child fatality review panels

SB 335 - Onder - Prohibits the sale and marketing of certain medical marijuana products

SB 336 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to child care facilities

SB 349 - O'Laughlin - Requires each local school district and charter school to have a policy for reading intervention plans for any pupils in grades kindergarten through four

SB 351 - Williams - Requires that all state-funded teacher-training institutions provide courses on the concepts of trauma-informed approach and trauma-specific interventions

SB 360 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to foster parent intervention in certain court proceedings

SB 361 - Riddle - Modifies provisions regarding the protection of children from sex trafficking

SB 365 - Hoskins - Establishes the School Turnaround Program to assist schools in need of intervention

SB 386 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to the location of a proposed child care facility

SB 395 - Rizzo - Modifies provisions relating to a child's right to counsel

SB 401 - Burlison - Implements provisions relating to student data privacy, and establishes a student data privacy task force to study issues relating to student data privacy

SB 406 - Wallingford - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

SB 407 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to early childhood education

SB 419 - Riddle - Prohibits any person under the age of 18 from using any tanning device of any tanning facility within the state

SB 426 - Williams - Modifies provisions of the ABLE Act

SB 440 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to foster home placement

SB 445 - Arthur - Allows school districts and charter schools to receive state school funding under the foundation formula for high school students who are taking competency-based credits

SB 448 - Sater - Modifies the law regarding the provision of health care through a child support order

SB 458 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the suspension of licenses for failure to comply with a child support order

SB 465 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to early childhood education programs

SB 478 - Holsman - Exempts school districts from the required number of days school districts are required to make up for days lost due to inclement weather for the 2018-2019 school year

SB 503 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

SB 514 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SCR 3 - Emery - Recognizes the societal harms brought by pornography and the need for education, prevention, research, and policy change

SCR 13 - Emery - Encourages schools to include courses on the Bible in education curriculum

HB 112 - Sommer - Requires school districts with a certain number of gifted students to establish a state-approved program for such students

HB 138 - Kidd - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

HB 160 - Knight - Creates provisions relating to the regulation of water usage

HB 161 - Knight - Modifies provisions relating to the required length of school terms

HB 185 - Trent - Modifies provisions relating to the Amber Alert System

HB 229 - Swan - Modifies provisions of law relating to child custody arrangements

HB 281 - Kelley - Prohibits schools with alternative methods of instruction plans from being required to make up days lost due to exceptional or emergency circumstances

HB 397 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 399 - Basye - Enacts provisions relating to health care

HB 466 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to medical public assistance

HB 485 - Dogan - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 576 - Dohrman - Creates the "Cronkite New Voices Act", and other provisions regarding the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

HB 604 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 606 - Basye - Permits school boards to contract with municipalities to provide transportation to high school students

HB 678 - Patterson - Modifies provisions relating to the financial protection of vulnerable populations

HB 700 - Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to grandparent visitation

HB 739 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 743 - Fishel - Creates the "Cronkite New Voices Act" to protect the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

HB 745 - Ruth - Requires a court to notify a school of any change in custody

HB 758 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 1049 - Wood - Modifies the law regarding the provision of health care through a child support order

HB 1135 - Dinkins - Modifies provisions relating to vital records

Children's Division (10)

SB 88 - Libla - Modifies provisions of law relating to guardians ad litem

SB 305 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to child fatality review panels

SB 406 - Wallingford - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

SB 440 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to foster home placement

SB 448 - Sater - Modifies the law regarding the provision of health care through a child support order

SB 503 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

SB 514 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 138 - Kidd - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

HB 397 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 745 - Ruth - Requires a court to notify a school of any change in custody

Circuit Clerks (1)

SB 518 - Curls - Modifies the compensation for a juror serving in Jackson County

Cities, Towns, and Villages (51)

SB 3 - Curls - Modifies property regulations in certain cities and counties

SB 21 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to local sales taxes

SB 46 - Koenig - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation

SB 52 - Eigel - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation

SB 66 - White - Establishes provisions relating to water safety and security

SB 75 - Curls - Modifies provisions relating to the concealed carried weapons

SB 79 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding municipal court procedure and revenue collected in certain minor traffic and municipal ordinance violation cases

SB 122 - Burlison - Establishes the Stop Socialism Act which creates a cause of action against a public body that offers a competitive service to the economic detriment of a person offering the same competitive service

SB 124 - Hough - Creates new provisions relating to public safety personnel

SB 125 - Hough - Creates the Missouri Municipal Government Expenditure Database

SB 126 - Hough - Modifies requirements for guaranteed energy cost savings contracts

SB 149 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to local sales taxes

SB 189 - Crawford - Modifies several provisions relating to use taxes

SB 206 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to contracts for government facilities

SB 207 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the administrative adjudication of certain municipal ordinance violations

SB 270 - White - Modifies provisions regarding the management of court systems

SB 284 - Hoskins - Authorizes the city of Fayette to impose a sales tax for public safety

SB 291 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 315 - Burlison - Prohibits political subdivisions from imposing any new occupational fees or licensing requirements on any profession if none have been imposed before August 28, 2019

SB 320 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to the abatement of nuisances on private property

SB 367 - Burlison - Creates additional protections to the right to bear arms

SB 383 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the sale of utilities in fourth class cities

SB 387 - Hough - Authorizes the City of Springfield to submit to the voters a transient guest tax

SB 392 - Wieland - Authorizes municipal courts to operate a case management system

SB 397 - White - Extends the period of time in which a petition to create a museum and cultural district may be filed

SB 412 - Holsman - Modifies provisions for the abatement of vacant nuisance properties in Kansas City

SB 416 - Bernskoetter - Enacts provisions relating to working animals

SB 424 - Luetkemeyer - Establishes the Land Bank Act

SB 468 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 487 - Libla - WITHDRAWN

SB 513 - Sater - Modifies a provision relating to tourism taxes in certain municipalities

SCR 1 - Walsh - Opposes any statewide vote or legislative mandate to reorganize the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County

SJR 5 - Eigel - Prohibits the levying and collecting of a tax on tangible personal property

SJR 21 - May - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Constitution relating to the consolidation of St. Louis City and St. Louis County

SJR 22 - Nasheed - Creates new constitutional provisions relating to the modification to the form of local governments

HB 67 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 160 - Knight - Creates provisions relating to the regulation of water usage

HB 192 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 255 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 280 - Ruth - Modifies model traffic ordinances to require vehicles to stop for "other on-track equipment" in addition to trains

HB 321 - Solon - Modifies provisions relating to limited liability companies owning real property in St. Joseph

HB 355 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

HB 374 - Christofanelli - Modifies provisions relating to sales tax

HB 438 - Chipman - Modifies requirements to be eligible for certain elected public offices

HB 532 - Rone - Modifies provisions relating to local sales taxes

HB 559 - Spencer - Modifies provisions relating to working animals

HB 674 - Kolkmeyer - Authorizes certain cities to submit to the voters a transient guest tax

HB 761 - Pfautsch - Modifies provisions relating to local government

HB 762 - Wiemann - Modifies provisions relating to local government

HB 821 - Solon - Establishes the Land Bank Act

HB 932 - Rehder - Establishes multidisciplinary adult protection teams

Civil Penalties (27)

SB 37 - Onder - Modifies the offense and penalties of promoting prostitution in the first degree

SB 54 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to insurance companies

SB 67 - White - Provides that persons providing emergency medical services in certain instances shall only be liable for gross negligence

SB 89 - Libla - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 95 - Sifton - Modifies provisions relating to employee wages

SB 133 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 134 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to solid waste

SB 169 - Wallingford - Modifies the civil penalty for violating federally mandated natural gas safety standards

SB 203 - Nasheed - Modifies nuisance actions in certain cities and counties

SB 215 - Schupp - Repeals provisions of law relating to the provision of paper and plastic bags

SB 225 - Curls - Modifies nuisance actions in certain cities and counties

SB 236 - White - Bars certain professionals and entities from being held liable for damages resulting from any lawfully conducted body cavity search

SB 303 - Riddle - Licenses persons performing radiologic imaging or administering radiation therapy and establishes the Missouri Radiologic Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board of Examiners

SB 319 - Wieland - Establishes remedies for failing to disclose that a parcel of real property was a site for methamphetamine production

SB 336 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to child care facilities

SB 356 - Bernskoetter - Provides that any person found guilty of poaching a wild turkey, paddlefish, white-tailed deer, black bear, or elk may be required to provide restitution to the state

SB 367 - Burlison - Creates additional protections to the right to bear arms

SB 372 - Hoskins - Prohibits state licensing boards from imposing disciplinary actions against licensees that provide services to cannabis establishments or persons in connection with activity that complies with the Missouri Constitution

SB 388 - Burlison - Establishes the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act"

SB 423 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions of the Public Access to Automated External Defibrillator Act

SB 511 - Williams - Prohibits a website operator from intentionally using an internet domain name in a ticket website’s URL that contains certain information

HB 126 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

HB 260 - Taylor - Provides that any person found guilty of poaching a wild turkey, paddlefish, an antlered white-tailed deer, excluding does, black bear, or elk may be required to provide restitution to the state

HB 270 - Shaul - Authorizes the Director of the Department of Agriculture to assess a civil penalty for violating certain provisions of law relating to eggs

HB 397 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 499 - Griesheimer - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

HB 523 - Roden - Modifies provisions relating to the No-Call list

Civil Procedure (33)

SB 3 - Curls - Modifies property regulations in certain cities and counties

SB 7 - Emery - Modifies provisions of civil procedure regarding joinder and venue

SB 12 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to charges for the service of court orders

SB 30 - Hegeman - Allows evidence of failure to wear a seatbelt to prove comparative negligence, causation, absence of defect, and failure to mitigate damages

SB 49 - Rowden - Modifies provisions relating to the enforcement of judgments and decrees against insurance companies

SB 62 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions to recover damages for unlawful merchandising practices

SB 65 - White - Modifies provisions regarding punitive damages

SB 69 - Hough - Establishes procedures for a claimant in an action for damages due to asbestos exposure to disclose additional claims the claimant has filed with an asbestos trust

SB 81 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding insurance coverage of the cost to defend a claim in an administrative proceeding, proposed administrative rules affecting real property, and procedures for judicial review of action by a state agency

SB 96 - Hegeman - Changes the statute of limitations for personal injury claims from five years to two years

SB 100 - Riddle - Provides that a person who is injured by a product has 15 years after the sale or lease of the product to bring a suit for damages

SB 123 - White - Allows certain appointed persons who serve court orders to collect the charge for such service for deposit into the Deputy Sheriff Salary Supplementation Fund

SB 135 - Sifton - Modifies provisions relating to property exempt from attachment and execution in bankruptcy proceedings

SB 150 - Koenig - Modifies provisions regarding unlawful merchandising practices

SB 154 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies laws regarding arbitration agreements between employers and employees

SB 207 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the administrative adjudication of certain municipal ordinance violations

SB 224 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies various Supreme Court Rules relating to discovery

SB 230 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings

SB 252 - Wieland - Enacts provisions relating to insurance litigation

SB 276 - Rowden - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions to recover damages for unlawful merchandising practices

SB 291 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 317 - Burlison - Establishes the Silica Claims Priorities Act which prohibits a person from bringing a claim for injuries caused by silica unless certain evidence is presented

SB 336 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to child care facilities

SB 360 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to foster parent intervention in certain court proceedings

SB 395 - Rizzo - Modifies provisions relating to a child's right to counsel

SB 404 - Nasheed - Allows tenants to terminate their lease in certain situations of domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault

SB 494 - Emery - Establishes provisions relating to asset forfeiture

HB 124 - DeGroot - Allows the circuit court in St. Louis City to collect a civil case filing fee of an amount not to exceed $20, rather than $15, for certain uses including the law library

HB 186 - Trent - Modifies various provisions relating to civil actions, including venue, unlawful merchandising practices, joinder, punitive damages, statutes of limitations, and intervention

HB 192 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 489 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions regarding punitive damages

HB 728 - Billington - Modifies provisions relating to the party in interest in civil actions involving religious freedom and separation of church and state

HB 746 - Wilson - Modifies provisions relating to charges for the service of court orders

Civil Rights (6)

SB 191 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to unlawful discriminatory practices in housing

SB 314 - Burlison - Prohibits institutions of higher learning from discriminating against a religious student organization

SCR 7 - Schupp - Ratifies the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution

HB 576 - Dohrman - Creates the "Cronkite New Voices Act", and other provisions regarding the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

HB 728 - Billington - Modifies provisions relating to the party in interest in civil actions involving religious freedom and separation of church and state

HB 743 - Fishel - Creates the "Cronkite New Voices Act" to protect the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

Compacts (1)

SB 389 - Burlison - Modifies the definition of "public entity" to include employees of multistate compact agencies for purposes of sovereign immunity

Conservation, Department of (2)

SB 356 - Bernskoetter - Provides that any person found guilty of poaching a wild turkey, paddlefish, white-tailed deer, black bear, or elk may be required to provide restitution to the state

HB 260 - Taylor - Provides that any person found guilty of poaching a wild turkey, paddlefish, an antlered white-tailed deer, excluding does, black bear, or elk may be required to provide restitution to the state

Constitutional Amendments (35)

SB 5 - Sater - Modifies the initiative and referendum process

SB 372 - Hoskins - Prohibits state licensing boards from imposing disciplinary actions against licensees that provide services to cannabis establishments or persons in connection with activity that complies with the Missouri Constitution

SCR 7 - Schupp - Ratifies the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution

SCR 8 - Holsman - Requests Congress to call an Article V Convention of the States

SCR 15 - Burlison - Creates procedures for the appointment of commissioners to a convention called under Article V of the U.S. Constitution

SJR 1 - Sater - Modifies the initiative petition process

SJR 3 - Hegeman - Provides that a nonpartisan judicial commission shall submit to the Governor a list of all qualified nominees, rather than a list of three nominees, to fill a judicial vacancy in a court under the nonpartisan court plan

SJR 4 - Eigel - Places a cap on annual appropriations and reduces income tax rates based on revenue growth

SJR 5 - Eigel - Prohibits the levying and collecting of a tax on tangible personal property

SJR 6 - Eigel - Prohibits implementation of any program providing a public benefit without an appropriation

SJR 7 - Cierpiot - Modifies signature gathering requirements for initiative petitions

SJR 8 - Cierpiot - Requires the joint election of the Governor and Lt. Governor

SJR 9 - Cierpiot - Imposes term limitations on every elected office

SJR 10 - Burlison - Places a cap on annual appropriations and reduces income tax rates based on revenue growth

SJR 11 - Burlison - Modifies the initiative petition process

SJR 12 - Eigel - Modifies voter turnout thresholds for tax increase elections

SJR 13 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to members of the General Assembly

SJR 14 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies term limits for various elected public officers

SJR 15 - Holsman - Creates new constitutional provisions relating to campaign finance disclosure requirements

SJR 16 - Sifton - Modifies the process by which laws are approved by the General Assembly following action by the people

SJR 17 - Nasheed - WITHDRAWN

SJR 18 - Cunningham - Creates new requirements relating to the verification of the immigration status of certain persons

SJR 19 - Nasheed - WITHDRAWN

SJR 20 - Koenig - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation

SJR 21 - May - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Constitution relating to the consolidation of St. Louis City and St. Louis County

SJR 22 - Nasheed - Creates new constitutional provisions relating to the modification to the form of local governments

SJR 23 - Eigel - Modifies provisions regulating the legislature to limit the influence of partisan or other special interests

SJR 24 - Cierpiot - Modifies voter turnout thresholds for tax increase elections

SJR 25 - Libla - Requires the General Assembly to pass legislation to establish an open, competitive retail electric energy market

SJR 26 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to providing funds for emergencies in this state

SJR 27 - Eigel - Establishes the "Bridge and Road Authorization Trust Fund"

SJR 28 - Holsman - Exempts personal property over ten years old from property tax

SJR 29 - Schatz - Modifies provisions regulating the legislature to limit the influence of partisan or other special interests

SJR 30 - Burlison - Creates new constitutional provisions relating to labor organizations

HJR 48 - Plocher - Proposes constitutional amendments regulating the legislature to limit the influence of partisan or other special interests

Construction and Building Codes (4)

SB 206 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to contracts for government facilities

SB 412 - Holsman - Modifies provisions for the abatement of vacant nuisance properties in Kansas City

SB 474 - Bernskoetter - Permits institutions of higher education to enter into long-term concessions with private partners

HB 604 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

Consumer Protection (29)

SB 48 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to short-term major medical insurance policies

SB 62 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions to recover damages for unlawful merchandising practices

SB 89 - Libla - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 144 - Burlison - Adds call spoofing to the prohibited solicitations under the no-call list

SB 147 - Sater - Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 150 - Koenig - Modifies provisions regarding unlawful merchandising practices

SB 192 - Schupp - Modifies the law relating to small loans

SB 246 - Hough - Increases the maximum duration of credit transaction that is subject to regulation under the statutes governing credit insurance

SB 276 - Rowden - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions to recover damages for unlawful merchandising practices

SB 298 - White - Enacts provisions relating to payments for health care services

SB 337 - Wieland - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Preneed Funeral Contract Act

SB 354 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions of the Motor Vehicle Franchise Practices Act

SB 368 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 369 - Brown - Repeals the requirement for purchasers to obtain salvage titles for vehicles sold for salvage within six years of their designated model year

SB 371 - Eigel - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 374 - Burlison - Modifies provisions regarding unlawful merchandising practices

SB 382 - Emery - Requires internet service providers to block obscene websites and provide subscribers the ability to create a password to access such websites

SB 413 - Sater - Enacts provisions relating to pharmacy benefits

SB 442 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to buyers of precious metals

SB 484 - Hoskins - Establishes the Litigation Financing Consumer Protection Act

SB 492 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the resale of scrap metals

SB 504 - Crawford - Establishes the Consumer Legal Funding Model Act

SB 505 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

SJR 25 - Libla - Requires the General Assembly to pass legislation to establish an open, competitive retail electric energy market

HB 83 - Hill - Modifies provisions relating to health insurance

HB 186 - Trent - Modifies various provisions relating to civil actions, including venue, unlawful merchandising practices, joinder, punitive damages, statutes of limitations, and intervention

HB 815 - Black - Increases the maximum duration of credit transaction that is subject to regulation under the statutes governing credit insurance

HB 942 - Wiemann - Allows for the marketing and sale of multiple-employer self-insured health plans to the public

HB 959 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of certain business organizations

Contracts and Contractors (43)

SB 13 - Wallingford - WITHDRAWN

SB 80 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to teacher employment

SB 117 - Cierpiot - Authorizes roofing contractors in this state to register with the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

SB 126 - Hough - Modifies requirements for guaranteed energy cost savings contracts

SB 131 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the distribution of energy

SB 153 - Sifton - Authorizes roofing contractors in this state to register with the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

SB 158 - Eigel - Requires the Department of Transportation to consider the complete life-cycle costs of work in determining the lowest bid amount submitted for a contract

SB 167 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to bonding requirements on public works

SB 168 - Wallingford - Creates new requirements for contract bidding by school districts

SB 173 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to property assessment contracts for energy efficiency

SB 176 - Hough - Modifies the law on public contracts

SB 196 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the Division of State Parks

SB 206 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to contracts for government facilities

SB 218 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 257 - Hoskins - Allows the Commissioner of Administration to conduct a reverse auction

SB 266 - Wieland - Creates new provisions providing for expedited purchasing processes for innovative technology

SB 267 - Wieland - Enacts provisions relating to the direct payment of health care providers

SB 301 - Eigel - Requires not for profit entities and nonprofit corporations to make their financial statements available to the public if the entity enters into a contract or agreement with the state or any political subdivision

SB 308 - Onder - Prohibits public bodies from entering into certain contracts

SB 325 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to state parks concession contracts

SB 337 - Wieland - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Preneed Funeral Contract Act

SB 365 - Hoskins - Establishes the School Turnaround Program to assist schools in need of intervention

SB 370 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet managed care

SB 376 - Riddle - Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractor Licensing Act

SB 380 - Hough - Preempts any procurement policy of a political subdivision that is in conflict with state law

SB 401 - Burlison - Implements provisions relating to student data privacy, and establishes a student data privacy task force to study issues relating to student data privacy

SB 463 - Burlison - Creates new provisions relating to public contracts

SB 465 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to early childhood education programs

SB 474 - Bernskoetter - Permits institutions of higher education to enter into long-term concessions with private partners

SB 484 - Hoskins - Establishes the Litigation Financing Consumer Protection Act

SB 497 - O'Laughlin - Extends sovereign and governmental tort immunity to contractors and subcontractors performing governmental services previously performed by the Department of Transportation

SB 500 - Burlison - Permits an unlicensed person to provide a service for which state law otherwise requires an occupational license, provided such unlicensed person makes a nonlicensed disclosure

SB 504 - Crawford - Establishes the Consumer Legal Funding Model Act

HB 215 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to property assessment contracts for energy efficiency

HB 283 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 326 - Schroer - Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractor Licensing Act

HB 604 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 606 - Basye - Permits school boards to contract with municipalities to provide transportation to high school students

HB 930 - Ross - Allows the Commissioner of Administration to conduct a reverse auction

HB 1006 - Rehder - Prohibits public bodies from entering into certain contracts

HB 1099 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions relating to public institutions of higher education

HB 1206 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to state parks

HCB 7 - Roeber - Requires all superintendents and assistant superintendents to enter into a written employment contract with a school district as a condition of employment

Cooperatives (1)

HB 564 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

Corporations (15)

SB 13 - Wallingford - WITHDRAWN

SB 26 - Sifton - Creates new campaign finance disclosure requirements

SB 55 - Crawford - Authorizes the Public Service Commission, during a general rate proceeding for a water corporation or sewer corporation, to set a separate, lower fixed charge or customer charge for low-income customers of water corporations and sewer corporations

SB 105 - Schupp - Creates new provisions allowing for the creation of benefit corporations

SB 151 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to corporate income taxes

SB 169 - Wallingford - Modifies the civil penalty for violating federally mandated natural gas safety standards

SB 285 - Hough - Modifies provisions on the regulation of certain business organizations

SB 301 - Eigel - Requires not for profit entities and nonprofit corporations to make their financial statements available to the public if the entity enters into a contract or agreement with the state or any political subdivision

SB 327 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies several provisions relating to gaming

SB 509 - Hough - Exempts any not for profit organization organized under state law from provisions relating to the right to practice as an architect, professional engineer, professional land surveyor, or professional landscape architect

SJR 15 - Holsman - Creates new constitutional provisions relating to campaign finance disclosure requirements

HB 160 - Knight - Creates provisions relating to the regulation of water usage

HB 321 - Solon - Modifies provisions relating to limited liability companies owning real property in St. Joseph

HB 355 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

HB 535 - Anderson - Modifies provisions on the regulation of certain business organizations

Corrections, Department of (19)

SB 8 - Emery - Modifies the criminal offenses that are punished by a minimum prison term

SB 19 - Libla - Creates penalty enhancements for certain crimes against emergency service providers

SB 32 - Wieland - Repeals the death penalty

SB 93 - Sifton - Increases penalties for the distribution of heroin

SB 194 - Hoskins - Creates offenses relating to the unlawful use of an unmanned aircraft

SB 237 - White - Modifies postconviction treatment programs

SB 393 - Hough - Requires the MO HealthNet benefits of offenders in correctional facilities and jails to be suspended rather than terminated

SB 434 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to the Inmate Canteen Fund

SB 451 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to prisoner complaints against a psychologist's license

SB 507 - Hough - Establishes provisions relating to health coverage for substance abuse and mental health treatment

SB 512 - Hegeman - Modifies how counties and St. Louis City shall seek reimbursement for cost incurred by boarding certain offenders

HB 70 - Dinkins - Prohibits two-way telecommunications devices and their component parts in correctional centers and jails

HB 113 - Smith - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 303 - Hansen - Changes the laws regarding prison canteen funds

HB 324 - Henderson - Creates the offense of unlawful use of unmanned aircraft near a correctional center

HB 352 - Hannegan - Authorizes the early parole of certain offenders over the age of sixty-five

HB 441 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to prisoner complaints made against a psychologist license

HB 466 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to medical public assistance

HCB 1 - Roden - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property

Cosmetology (3)

SB 204 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

HB 349 - Hannegan - Modifies the definition of "Class CH - hairdresser"

HB 472 - Grier - Modifies several provisions relating to professional registration

Counseling (5)

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 352 - Williams - Requires certain health care professionals to complete up to two hours of cultural competency training

SB 451 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to prisoner complaints against a psychologist's license

HB 441 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to prisoner complaints made against a psychologist license

HB 604 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

Counties (34)

SB 3 - Curls - Modifies property regulations in certain cities and counties

SB 46 - Koenig - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation

SB 52 - Eigel - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation

SB 53 - Crawford - Modifies the duties of county officials

SB 72 - O'Laughlin - Defines wind farms as local property for property tax assessments of electric companies

SB 75 - Curls - Modifies provisions relating to the concealed carried weapons

SB 79 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding municipal court procedure and revenue collected in certain minor traffic and municipal ordinance violation cases

SB 122 - Burlison - Establishes the Stop Socialism Act which creates a cause of action against a public body that offers a competitive service to the economic detriment of a person offering the same competitive service

SB 124 - Hough - Creates new provisions relating to public safety personnel

SB 125 - Hough - Creates the Missouri Municipal Government Expenditure Database

SB 149 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to local sales taxes

SB 189 - Crawford - Modifies several provisions relating to use taxes

SB 202 - Romine - Creates provisions relating to mining royalties on federal land

SB 239 - White - Allows counties to opt out of provisions relating to prevailing wage

SB 240 - White - Allows counties to adopt provisions relating to membership in labor organizations

SB 291 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 300 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to the refund of protested taxes

SB 320 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to the abatement of nuisances on private property

SB 326 - Sater - Modifies attendance fees for members of county planning commissions

SB 367 - Burlison - Creates additional protections to the right to bear arms

SB 391 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to agricultural operations

SB 397 - White - Extends the period of time in which a petition to create a museum and cultural district may be filed

SB 416 - Bernskoetter - Enacts provisions relating to working animals

SB 429 - Wallingford - Provides for a sales tax exemption on the purchase of certain building materials

SB 452 - Curls - Modifies provisions relating to county assessment funds

SB 464 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to county regulation of county property

SB 468 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 512 - Hegeman - Modifies how counties and St. Louis City shall seek reimbursement for cost incurred by boarding certain offenders

SCR 1 - Walsh - Opposes any statewide vote or legislative mandate to reorganize the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County

SJR 5 - Eigel - Prohibits the levying and collecting of a tax on tangible personal property

SJR 21 - May - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Constitution relating to the consolidation of St. Louis City and St. Louis County

SJR 22 - Nasheed - Creates new constitutional provisions relating to the modification to the form of local governments

HB 932 - Rehder - Establishes multidisciplinary adult protection teams

HJR 54 - Plocher - Proposes a constitutional amendment requiring ballots to merge or dissolve cities or counties only be approved if those cities or counties approve the ballot

County Government (14)

SB 34 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to coroners

SB 53 - Crawford - Modifies the duties of county officials

SB 79 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding municipal court procedure and revenue collected in certain minor traffic and municipal ordinance violation cases

SB 126 - Hough - Modifies requirements for guaranteed energy cost savings contracts

SB 202 - Romine - Creates provisions relating to mining royalties on federal land

SB 206 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to contracts for government facilities

SB 291 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 324 - Arthur - Establishes procedures to remove county commissioners by recall petition

SB 326 - Sater - Modifies attendance fees for members of county planning commissions

SB 391 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to agricultural operations

SB 468 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SCR 1 - Walsh - Opposes any statewide vote or legislative mandate to reorganize the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County

HB 447 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to the deceased

HJR 54 - Plocher - Proposes a constitutional amendment requiring ballots to merge or dissolve cities or counties only be approved if those cities or counties approve the ballot

County Officials (27)

SB 24 - Nasheed - Creates new provisions relating to the transfer of prisoners to certain facilities

SB 34 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to coroners

SB 53 - Crawford - Modifies the duties of county officials

SB 59 - Arthur - Establishes no-excuse absentee voting

SB 109 - Koenig - Modifies the primary election process

SB 113 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 133 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 171 - Schupp - Establishes no-excuse absentee voting

SB 221 - Crawford - Modifies various provisions relating to elections

SB 254 - Bernskoetter - Specifies that the Director of Revenue may revoke the driver's license of a person determined to have struck a highway worker or emergency responder in a properly marked zone

SB 324 - Arthur - Establishes procedures to remove county commissioners by recall petition

SB 341 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to death investigations

SB 384 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to voter registration

SB 398 - White - Authorizes, prosecuting attorneys to divert criminal cases to a prosecution diversion programs

SB 402 - Eigel - Modifies filing deadlines for declarations of candidacy

SB 409 - Wieland - Provides processes for the recorder of deeds to record electronic documents and procedures for remote online notarization

SB 424 - Luetkemeyer - Establishes the Land Bank Act

SB 427 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to the concealed carry permit system

SB 452 - Curls - Modifies provisions relating to county assessment funds

SB 464 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to county regulation of county property

SB 468 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 501 - Riddle - Modifies the members of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission

HB 438 - Chipman - Modifies requirements to be eligible for certain elected public offices

HB 499 - Griesheimer - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

HB 547 - Griffith - Provides alternative methods for the disposal of cases including through the use of treatment courts, prosecution diversion programs, and restitution payments

HB 821 - Solon - Establishes the Land Bank Act

HB 951 - Haden - Prohibits the inspection of certain grounds or facilities used for certain agricultural purposes to enforce the laws of a state other than Missouri

Courts (101)

SB 1 - Curls - Removes certain offenses from the list of offenses where expungement is not currently available

SB 3 - Curls - Modifies property regulations in certain cities and counties

SB 6 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to controlled substances, including the Schedules, medical marijuana, and criminal provisions involving controlled substances

SB 7 - Emery - Modifies provisions of civil procedure regarding joinder and venue

SB 8 - Emery - Modifies the criminal offenses that are punished by a minimum prison term

SB 9 - Emery - Requires the Senate to try all impeachments

SB 12 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to charges for the service of court orders

SB 20 - Libla - Extends the expiration of a criminal court surcharge for the DNA Profiling Analysis fund from August 28, 2019, to August 28, 2029

SB 22 - Nasheed - Modifies Missouri Supreme Court Rules relating to discovery in criminal cases

SB 23 - Nasheed - Creates new provisions relating to firearm restraining orders

SB 30 - Hegeman - Allows evidence of failure to wear a seatbelt to prove comparative negligence, causation, absence of defect, and failure to mitigate damages

SB 32 - Wieland - Repeals the death penalty

SB 41 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to domestic violence offenders

SB 42 - Schupp - Creates extreme risk orders of protection

SB 49 - Rowden - Modifies provisions relating to the enforcement of judgments and decrees against insurance companies

SB 62 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions to recover damages for unlawful merchandising practices

SB 65 - White - Modifies provisions regarding punitive damages

SB 67 - White - Provides that persons providing emergency medical services in certain instances shall only be liable for gross negligence

SB 69 - Hough - Establishes procedures for a claimant in an action for damages due to asbestos exposure to disclose additional claims the claimant has filed with an asbestos trust

SB 74 - May - Modifies provisions relating to mandatory prison terms, and eligibility for parole

SB 75 - Curls - Modifies provisions relating to the concealed carried weapons

SB 79 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding municipal court procedure and revenue collected in certain minor traffic and municipal ordinance violation cases

SB 81 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding insurance coverage of the cost to defend a claim in an administrative proceeding, proposed administrative rules affecting real property, and procedures for judicial review of action by a state agency

SB 83 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to court proceedings

SB 88 - Libla - Modifies provisions of law relating to guardians ad litem

SB 96 - Hegeman - Changes the statute of limitations for personal injury claims from five years to two years

SB 100 - Riddle - Provides that a person who is injured by a product has 15 years after the sale or lease of the product to bring a suit for damages

SB 115 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to the confiscation of animals

SB 122 - Burlison - Establishes the Stop Socialism Act which creates a cause of action against a public body that offers a competitive service to the economic detriment of a person offering the same competitive service

SB 123 - White - Allows certain appointed persons who serve court orders to collect the charge for such service for deposit into the Deputy Sheriff Salary Supplementation Fund

SB 126 - Hough - Modifies requirements for guaranteed energy cost savings contracts

SB 134 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to solid waste

SB 137 - Sifton - Specifies circumstances under which traffic court judges in St. Louis County may review driver's license revocation for refusal to submit to a chemical test

SB 147 - Sater - Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 150 - Koenig - Modifies provisions regarding unlawful merchandising practices

SB 154 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies laws regarding arbitration agreements between employers and employees

SB 198 - Onder - Enhances penalties for the offense of controlled substances containing fentanyl or carfentanil

SB 203 - Nasheed - Modifies nuisance actions in certain cities and counties

SB 206 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to contracts for government facilities

SB 207 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the administrative adjudication of certain municipal ordinance violations

SB 223 - Brown - Modifies the offense of murder in the second degree

SB 224 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies various Supreme Court Rules relating to discovery

SB 225 - Curls - Modifies nuisance actions in certain cities and counties

SB 230 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings

SB 237 - White - Modifies postconviction treatment programs

SB 254 - Bernskoetter - Specifies that the Director of Revenue may revoke the driver's license of a person determined to have struck a highway worker or emergency responder in a properly marked zone

SB 270 - White - Modifies provisions regarding the management of court systems

SB 276 - Rowden - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions to recover damages for unlawful merchandising practices

SB 286 - Hough - Creates new provisions relating to the partition of property

SB 288 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to jury instructions for the offense of murder in the first degree

SB 291 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 297 - White - Allows individuals 75 years of age or older to be excused from petit and grand jury service

SB 305 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to child fatality review panels

SB 307 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to spousal maintenance orders

SB 317 - Burlison - Establishes the Silica Claims Priorities Act which prohibits a person from bringing a claim for injuries caused by silica unless certain evidence is presented

SB 336 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to child care facilities

SB 345 - Koenig - Makes the performance or inducement of an abortion, except in a medical emergency, a criminal offense

SB 350 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to the removal of a tenant from a commercial property

SB 360 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to foster parent intervention in certain court proceedings

SB 361 - Riddle - Modifies provisions regarding the protection of children from sex trafficking

SB 363 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 392 - Wieland - Authorizes municipal courts to operate a case management system

SB 395 - Rizzo - Modifies provisions relating to a child's right to counsel

SB 398 - White - Authorizes, prosecuting attorneys to divert criminal cases to a prosecution diversion programs

SB 406 - Wallingford - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

SB 412 - Holsman - Modifies provisions for the abatement of vacant nuisance properties in Kansas City

SB 422 - White - Modifies provisions regarding the assignment for benefit of creditors

SB 433 - Onder - Creates the offense of vehicle hijacking

SB 436 - Hoskins - Defines the term "fugitive from justice", which is used in various criminal offenses involving weapons and concealed carry permits

SB 458 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the suspension of licenses for failure to comply with a child support order

SB 459 - Nasheed - Creates the offense of vehicle hijacking

SB 462 - Arthur - Provides a procedure by which a defendant may be found to be not eligible for the death penalty due to serious mental illness

SB 479 - Onder - Modifies various provisions relating to criminal offenses

SB 494 - Emery - Establishes provisions relating to asset forfeiture

SB 508 - Hough - Modifies access to criminal history records by law enforcement agencies

SB 518 - Curls - Modifies the compensation for a juror serving in Jackson County

SJR 2 - Emery - Requires the Senate, beginning January 1, 2021, to try all impeachments and modifies what constitutes grounds for impeachment

SJR 3 - Hegeman - Provides that a nonpartisan judicial commission shall submit to the Governor a list of all qualified nominees, rather than a list of three nominees, to fill a judicial vacancy in a court under the nonpartisan court plan

HB 67 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 124 - DeGroot - Allows the circuit court in St. Louis City to collect a civil case filing fee of an amount not to exceed $20, rather than $15, for certain uses including the law library

HB 138 - Kidd - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

HB 186 - Trent - Modifies various provisions relating to civil actions, including venue, unlawful merchandising practices, joinder, punitive damages, statutes of limitations, and intervention

HB 192 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 204 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to the confiscation of animals

HB 269 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to elections

HB 355 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

HB 379 - McGaugh - Authorizes the Department of Natural Resources to award grants to preserve, protect, or restore historic county courthouses and historic county courthouse grounds

HB 397 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 489 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions regarding punitive damages

HB 499 - Griesheimer - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

HB 547 - Griffith - Provides alternative methods for the disposal of cases including through the use of treatment courts, prosecution diversion programs, and restitution payments

HB 694 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to background checks, and extends the expiration of a criminal court surcharge for the DNA Profiling Analysis fund

HB 700 - Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to grandparent visitation

HB 728 - Billington - Modifies provisions relating to the party in interest in civil actions involving religious freedom and separation of church and state

HB 745 - Ruth - Requires a court to notify a school of any change in custody

HB 746 - Wilson - Modifies provisions relating to charges for the service of court orders

HB 829 - Wood - Requires costs of litigation arising from the legalization of medical marijuana to be paid from a certain fund

HB 868 - Mitten - Removes a provision regarding the preparing of a plan by the Director of the State Public Defender System to establish district offices

HB 919 - Evans - Creates new provisions relating to the partition of property

HB 966 - Gregory - Creates the offense of vehicle hijacking

HB 1083 - O'Donnell - Modifies provisions relating to courts, including the division of securities, civil case filing fees, and the payment of fines

Courts, Juvenile (7)

SB 88 - Libla - Modifies provisions of law relating to guardians ad litem

SB 360 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to foster parent intervention in certain court proceedings

SB 395 - Rizzo - Modifies provisions relating to a child's right to counsel

SB 406 - Wallingford - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

HB 138 - Kidd - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

HB 397 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 745 - Ruth - Requires a court to notify a school of any change in custody

Credit and Bankruptcy (7)

SB 3 - Curls - Modifies property regulations in certain cities and counties

SB 135 - Sifton - Modifies provisions relating to property exempt from attachment and execution in bankruptcy proceedings

SB 209 - May - Prohibits the use of an employee or prospective employee's credit score as a condition of employment

SB 246 - Hough - Increases the maximum duration of credit transaction that is subject to regulation under the statutes governing credit insurance

SB 422 - White - Modifies provisions regarding the assignment for benefit of creditors

SB 504 - Crawford - Establishes the Consumer Legal Funding Model Act

HB 815 - Black - Increases the maximum duration of credit transaction that is subject to regulation under the statutes governing credit insurance

Credit Unions (3)

SB 475 - Cunningham - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to remit to schools the revenues such schools would have received from income taxes on certain financial institutions

HB 599 - Bondon - Enacts provisions relating to the regulation of certain entities by the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

HB 604 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

Crimes and Punishment (88)

SB 1 - Curls - Removes certain offenses from the list of offenses where expungement is not currently available

SB 5 - Sater - Modifies the initiative and referendum process

SB 6 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to controlled substances, including the Schedules, medical marijuana, and criminal provisions involving controlled substances

SB 8 - Emery - Modifies the criminal offenses that are punished by a minimum prison term

SB 19 - Libla - Creates penalty enhancements for certain crimes against emergency service providers

SB 20 - Libla - Extends the expiration of a criminal court surcharge for the DNA Profiling Analysis fund from August 28, 2019, to August 28, 2029

SB 32 - Wieland - Repeals the death penalty

SB 35 - Riddle - Prohibits certain offenders of sex crimes from being near athletic facilities used primarily by children

SB 37 - Onder - Modifies the offense and penalties of promoting prostitution in the first degree

SB 39 - Onder - Allows the concealed carry of firearms on public transportation systems and the transporting of nonfunctioning or unloaded firearms on public buses

SB 40 - Schupp - Creates the offense of unlawfully storing and securing a firearm in the presence of a child

SB 60 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to victims of certain crimes including rental agreements and prostitution and penalties of promoting prostitution in the first degree

SB 74 - May - Modifies provisions relating to mandatory prison terms, and eligibility for parole

SB 79 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding municipal court procedure and revenue collected in certain minor traffic and municipal ordinance violation cases

SB 91 - Nasheed - Provides that a court may, rather than shall, double the fine imposed for a traffic offense committed in a designated safe travel zone

SB 93 - Sifton - Increases penalties for the distribution of heroin

SB 94 - Sifton - Applies the offense of unlawful possession of firearms to certain additional categories of individuals in possession of firearms

SB 107 - Hoskins - Modifies law regarding service dogs

SB 115 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to the confiscation of animals

SB 121 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to the concealed carrying of firearms

SB 136 - Sifton - Requires every individual who is 17 years or older and is arrested for a felony offense to provide a biological sample for DNA profiling. Creates a procedure for certain persons who have had their samples collected to request expungement.

SB 145 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 194 - Hoskins - Creates offenses relating to the unlawful use of an unmanned aircraft

SB 198 - Onder - Enhances penalties for the offense of controlled substances containing fentanyl or carfentanil

SB 207 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the administrative adjudication of certain municipal ordinance violations

SB 217 - Schupp - Creates the offense of unlawful transfer of weapons for a licensed firearms dealer to deliver a handgun to a purchaser without waiting at least 72 hours

SB 223 - Brown - Modifies the offense of murder in the second degree

SB 244 - Walsh - Modifies the registration as a sex offender for certain offenses

SB 251 - Koenig - Creates the "Fresh Start Act of 2019"

SB 258 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 259 - Romine - Implements a process for due process proceedings for Title IX complaints at institutions of higher education

SB 279 - Onder - Modifies several provisions relating to abortion

SB 288 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to jury instructions for the offense of murder in the first degree

SB 291 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 292 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 293 - Hough - Creates new criminal offenses involving critical infrastructure facilities

SB 295 - Hough - Requires school districts to conduct criminal background checks on all volunteers

SB 319 - Wieland - Establishes remedies for failing to disclose that a parcel of real property was a site for methamphetamine production

SB 334 - Onder - This act modifies the offense of driving with excessive blood alcohol content and also changes other sections of law to reflect these changes

SB 336 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to child care facilities

SB 345 - Koenig - Makes the performance or inducement of an abortion, except in a medical emergency, a criminal offense

SB 356 - Bernskoetter - Provides that any person found guilty of poaching a wild turkey, paddlefish, white-tailed deer, black bear, or elk may be required to provide restitution to the state

SB 361 - Riddle - Modifies provisions regarding the protection of children from sex trafficking

SB 364 - Williams - Creates an income tax deduction for the hiring of certain felons

SB 382 - Emery - Requires internet service providers to block obscene websites and provide subscribers the ability to create a password to access such websites

SB 388 - Burlison - Establishes the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act"

SB 398 - White - Authorizes, prosecuting attorneys to divert criminal cases to a prosecution diversion programs

SB 423 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions of the Public Access to Automated External Defibrillator Act

SB 431 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to illegal gambling

SB 433 - Onder - Creates the offense of vehicle hijacking

SB 436 - Hoskins - Defines the term "fugitive from justice", which is used in various criminal offenses involving weapons and concealed carry permits

SB 442 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to buyers of precious metals

SB 459 - Nasheed - Creates the offense of vehicle hijacking

SB 462 - Arthur - Provides a procedure by which a defendant may be found to be not eligible for the death penalty due to serious mental illness

SB 479 - Onder - Modifies various provisions relating to criminal offenses

SB 493 - May - Establishes the “Fourth Amendment Affirmation Act”

SB 508 - Hough - Modifies access to criminal history records by law enforcement agencies

HB 67 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 70 - Dinkins - Prohibits two-way telecommunications devices and their component parts in correctional centers and jails

HB 80 - Hill - Modifies provisions relating to probation

HB 107 - Sommer - Modifies provisions relating to service dogs

HB 114 - Pietzman - Requires certain sexual offenders to be electronically monitored while relocating to a different county

HB 126 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

HB 168 - Rehder - Modifies provisions of law relating to certain distributors of hypodermic needles

HB 192 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 204 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to the confiscation of animals

HB 239 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to the offenses of trafficking drugs in the first and second degrees

HB 240 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to controlled substances

HB 243 - Neely - Allows victims of certain crimes to be released from certain lease agreements if documentation is provided to the landlord and modifies the offense of nonconsensual dissemination of sexual images

HB 260 - Taylor - Provides that any person found guilty of poaching a wild turkey, paddlefish, an antlered white-tailed deer, excluding does, black bear, or elk may be required to provide restitution to the state

HB 303 - Hansen - Changes the laws regarding prison canteen funds

HB 324 - Henderson - Creates the offense of unlawful use of unmanned aircraft near a correctional center

HB 341 - Hicks - Allows certain marijuana-related offenses and violations to be expunged if the offenses or violations occurred in Missouri prior to the issuance of a patient identification card

HB 352 - Hannegan - Authorizes the early parole of certain offenders over the age of sixty-five

HB 355 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

HB 397 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 472 - Grier - Modifies several provisions relating to professional registration

HB 499 - Griesheimer - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

HB 547 - Griffith - Provides alternative methods for the disposal of cases including through the use of treatment courts, prosecution diversion programs, and restitution payments

HB 604 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 730 - Richey - Provides that if a person placed on electronic monitoring is found not guilty or exonerated of an offense, he or she shall be reimbursed for the costs associated with electronic monitoring

HB 739 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 868 - Mitten - Removes a provision regarding the preparing of a plan by the Director of the State Public Defender System to establish district offices

HB 966 - Gregory - Creates the offense of vehicle hijacking

HB 1083 - O'Donnell - Modifies provisions relating to courts, including the division of securities, civil case filing fees, and the payment of fines

HB 1135 - Dinkins - Modifies provisions relating to vital records

HB 1151 - Evans - Modifies provisions relating to the registration of certain sexual offenders

Criminal Procedure (21)

SB 8 - Emery - Modifies the criminal offenses that are punished by a minimum prison term

SB 79 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding municipal court procedure and revenue collected in certain minor traffic and municipal ordinance violation cases

SB 81 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding insurance coverage of the cost to defend a claim in an administrative proceeding, proposed administrative rules affecting real property, and procedures for judicial review of action by a state agency

SB 152 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 207 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the administrative adjudication of certain municipal ordinance violations

SB 224 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies various Supreme Court Rules relating to discovery

SB 288 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to jury instructions for the offense of murder in the first degree

SB 361 - Riddle - Modifies provisions regarding the protection of children from sex trafficking

SB 395 - Rizzo - Modifies provisions relating to a child's right to counsel

SB 404 - Nasheed - Allows tenants to terminate their lease in certain situations of domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault

SB 428 - Hough - Prohibits a law enforcement officer from releasing a person from custody during or immediately preceding medical or psychiatric care in a hospital unless certain conditions are met

SB 462 - Arthur - Provides a procedure by which a defendant may be found to be not eligible for the death penalty due to serious mental illness

SB 494 - Emery - Establishes provisions relating to asset forfeiture

HB 67 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 192 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 397 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 547 - Griffith - Provides alternative methods for the disposal of cases including through the use of treatment courts, prosecution diversion programs, and restitution payments

HB 730 - Richey - Provides that if a person placed on electronic monitoring is found not guilty or exonerated of an offense, he or she shall be reimbursed for the costs associated with electronic monitoring

HB 966 - Gregory - Creates the offense of vehicle hijacking

HB 1083 - O'Donnell - Modifies provisions relating to courts, including the division of securities, civil case filing fees, and the payment of fines

HB 1151 - Evans - Modifies provisions relating to the registration of certain sexual offenders

Dairies and Dairy Products (1)

HB 951 - Haden - Prohibits the inspection of certain grounds or facilities used for certain agricultural purposes to enforce the laws of a state other than Missouri

Dentists (4)

SB 6 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to controlled substances, including the Schedules, medical marijuana, and criminal provisions involving controlled substances

SB 275 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 514 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 628 - Coleman - Limits prescription of long-acting or extended-release opioids by dentists

Disabilities (40)

SB 45 - Hoskins - Enacts provisions relating to health care for persons with disabilities

SB 70 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 76 - Sater - Requires certain MO HealthNet participants to comply with work and community engagement requirements

SB 78 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri Rx plan

SB 82 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions of law relating to health care facilities and certificates of need

SB 101 - Riddle - Establishes a statewide hearing aid distribution program

SB 107 - Hoskins - Modifies law regarding service dogs

SB 128 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to consumer-directed services in the MO HealthNet program

SB 142 - Eigel - Modifies provisions of the Senior Savings Protection Act

SB 230 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings

SB 232 - Sater - Extends the expiration date of the Ticket to Work Health Assurance Program

SB 233 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to sheltered workshops

SB 234 - White - Enacts provisions relating to disability accommodations for commercial driver's license applicants

SB 235 - White - Requires health insurance policies to provide coverage for hearing instruments and related services for enrollees under the age of 18

SB 249 - Koenig - Creates the Alternative Disability Services Act

SB 272 - Emery - Excludes any money reimbursed to school districts for the costs of special education from the calculation of average daily attendance

SB 275 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 332 - Brown - Enacts provisions relating to driver's licenses

SB 362 - Riddle - Adds structured family caregiving for certain MO HealthNet participants and modifies provisions relating to personal care assistance services

SB 371 - Eigel - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 411 - Romine - Creates a workgroup to develop and recommend academic performance standards relating to workforce development

SB 426 - Williams - Modifies provisions of the ABLE Act

SB 432 - Sifton - Modifies the Ticket to Work Health Assurance Program

SB 438 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to consumer-directed services vendors

SB 441 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to certain MO HealthNet home and community-based services

SB 486 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable populations

SB 490 - Rizzo - Modifies training requirements for certified nursing assistants

SB 514 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 107 - Sommer - Modifies provisions relating to service dogs

HB 112 - Sommer - Requires school districts with a certain number of gifted students to establish a state-approved program for such students

HB 207 - Kelley - Allows for individuals to elect to include medical alert information on their driver's license or nondriver identification card

HB 219 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 354 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to the financial protection of vulnerable populations

HB 399 - Basye - Enacts provisions relating to health care

HB 466 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to medical public assistance

HB 485 - Dogan - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 646 - Rowland - Modifies provisions relating to sheltered workshops

HB 678 - Patterson - Modifies provisions relating to the financial protection of vulnerable populations

HB 713 - Morris - Modifies provisions relating to the purple heart special license plate

HB 758 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to health care

Domestic Relations (22)

SB 14 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions of law relating to child custody arrangements

SB 23 - Nasheed - Creates new provisions relating to firearm restraining orders

SB 41 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to domestic violence offenders

SB 60 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to victims of certain crimes including rental agreements and prostitution and penalties of promoting prostitution in the first degree

SB 83 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to court proceedings

SB 88 - Libla - Modifies provisions of law relating to guardians ad litem

SB 178 - Schupp - Creates a right to unpaid leave for employees that are affected by certain crimes

SB 230 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings

SB 282 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the disposition of human remains

SB 307 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to spousal maintenance orders

SB 360 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to foster parent intervention in certain court proceedings

SB 404 - Nasheed - Allows tenants to terminate their lease in certain situations of domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault

SB 440 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to foster home placement

SB 448 - Sater - Modifies the law regarding the provision of health care through a child support order

SB 458 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the suspension of licenses for failure to comply with a child support order

HB 229 - Swan - Modifies provisions of law relating to child custody arrangements

HB 243 - Neely - Allows victims of certain crimes to be released from certain lease agreements if documentation is provided to the landlord and modifies the offense of nonconsensual dissemination of sexual images

HB 397 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 461 - Pfautsch - Modifies provisions relating to the right of sepulcher and the death registration process

HB 700 - Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to grandparent visitation

HB 745 - Ruth - Requires a court to notify a school of any change in custody

HB 1135 - Dinkins - Modifies provisions relating to vital records

Drugs and Controlled Substances (33)

SB 2 - Curls - Requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to make certain considerations when granting medical marijuana licenses and certifications

SB 6 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to controlled substances, including the Schedules, medical marijuana, and criminal provisions involving controlled substances

SB 93 - Sifton - Increases penalties for the distribution of heroin

SB 127 - Sater - Requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to conduct a study regarding the importation of certain prescription drugs by the state

SB 133 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 145 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 155 - Luetkemeyer - Establishes the Narcotics Control Act

SB 198 - Onder - Enhances penalties for the offense of controlled substances containing fentanyl or carfentanil

SB 204 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 223 - Brown - Modifies the offense of murder in the second degree

SB 227 - Sater - Enacts new provisions allowing employer policies relating to employee drug use

SB 261 - Nasheed - Provides that lawful consumption of medical marijuana shall not render a person ineligible for TANF benefits

SB 262 - Sater - Requires prescriptions to be issued electronically, with some exceptions

SB 275 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 309 - Sater - Authorizes pharmacists to prescribe and dispense nicotine replacement therapy products

SB 310 - Arthur - Enacts provisions relating to prescription drug costs

SB 334 - Onder - This act modifies the offense of driving with excessive blood alcohol content and also changes other sections of law to reflect these changes

SB 353 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to practitioner-patient consultations for prescribed opioid controlled substances

SB 357 - Sater - Allows pharmacists to prescribe drugs and controlled substances according to a written medication therapy services protocol from a physician

SB 372 - Hoskins - Prohibits state licensing boards from imposing disciplinary actions against licensees that provide services to cannabis establishments or persons in connection with activity that complies with the Missouri Constitution

SB 450 - Williams - Excludes patients receiving treatment for sickle cell disease from initial opioid prescription limitations

SB 460 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses's collaborative practice agreements

SB 482 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to industrial hemp

SB 514 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 168 - Rehder - Modifies provisions of law relating to certain distributors of hypodermic needles

HB 188 - Rehder - Establishes the Narcotics Control Act

HB 239 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to the offenses of trafficking drugs in the first and second degrees

HB 240 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to controlled substances

HB 399 - Basye - Enacts provisions relating to health care

HB 628 - Coleman - Limits prescription of long-acting or extended-release opioids by dentists

HB 705 - Helms - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

HB 824 - Francis - Modifies provisions relating to industrial hemp

HB 829 - Wood - Requires costs of litigation arising from the legalization of medical marijuana to be paid from a certain fund

Drunk Driving/Boating (2)

SB 137 - Sifton - Specifies circumstances under which traffic court judges in St. Louis County may review driver's license revocation for refusal to submit to a chemical test

SB 334 - Onder - This act modifies the offense of driving with excessive blood alcohol content and also changes other sections of law to reflect these changes

Easements and Conveyances (3)

SB 385 - Bernskoetter - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property located in Cole County

SB 470 - Riddle - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property located in Callaway County

HB 1237 - Fitzwater - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property

Economic Development (19)

SB 13 - Wallingford - WITHDRAWN

SB 16 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

SB 57 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to certain tourism infrastructure facilities

SB 116 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

SB 184 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

SB 204 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 318 - Burlison - Establishes the Expanded Workforce Access Act of 2019

SB 355 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to the New Business Facility Tax Credit

SB 411 - Romine - Creates a workgroup to develop and recommend academic performance standards relating to workforce development

SB 477 - Brown - Establishes the Missouri Rural Workforce Development Act

SB 491 - Rizzo - Allows municipalities to enter into loan agreements, or sell, lease, or mortgage municipal property for a technology business facility project

HB 225 - Swan - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

HB 255 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 265 - Taylor - Requires that every nonfood items sold in the Missouri State Capitol Building shall be made in the United States

HB 272 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to small businesses

HB 346 - Lynch - Modifies provisions relating to incentives for the creation of military jobs

HB 469 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to job training

HB 470 - Grier - Establishes the Expanded Workforce Access Act of 2019

HB 842 - Griffith - Establishes the Capitol Complex Tax Credit Act

Economic Development, Department of (17)

SB 16 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

SB 56 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to financial incentives for job creation

SB 68 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

SB 131 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the distribution of energy

SB 184 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

SB 255 - Bernskoetter - Establishes the Capitol Complex Tax Credit Act

SB 264 - Crawford - Transfers the State Council on the Arts from the Department of Economic Development to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor

SB 477 - Brown - Establishes the Missouri Rural Workforce Development Act

HB 225 - Swan - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

HB 255 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 346 - Lynch - Modifies provisions relating to incentives for the creation of military jobs

HB 462 - Shields - Creates certified teacher externships

HB 469 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to job training

HB 612 - Coleman - Transfers the State Council on the Arts from the Department of Economic Development to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor

HB 677 - Patterson - Modifies provisions relating to certain tourism infrastructure facilities

HB 842 - Griffith - Establishes the Capitol Complex Tax Credit Act

HB 1162 - Riggs - Modifies provisions relating to the Broadband Internet Grant Program

Education, Elementary and Secondary (56)

SB 18 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to gubernatorial appointments

SB 25 - Sifton - Modifies several provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 51 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to charter schools

SB 66 - White - Establishes provisions relating to water safety and security

SB 73 - O'Laughlin - Requires each local school district and charter school to have on file a policy for reading intervention plans for any pupils of the district and charter schools in grades kindergarten through four

SB 80 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to teacher employment

SB 130 - Emery - Provides that no public school shall be a member of at statewide activities association if such association prohibits a home school student from participating in any event or activity offered by a public school in the school district in which the student resides

SB 160 - Koenig - Establishes the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program

SB 168 - Wallingford - Creates new requirements for contract bidding by school districts

SB 205 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to the A+ Schools Program

SB 206 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to contracts for government facilities

SB 218 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 245 - Walsh - Requires potable water in certain elementary school buildings to be tested for lead

SB 249 - Koenig - Creates the Alternative Disability Services Act

SB 271 - Emery - Transfers the authority of the State Board of Education and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to regulate charter schools to the Missouri Charter Public School Commission

SB 272 - Emery - Excludes any money reimbursed to school districts for the costs of special education from the calculation of average daily attendance

SB 292 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 295 - Hough - Requires school districts to conduct criminal background checks on all volunteers

SB 301 - Eigel - Requires not for profit entities and nonprofit corporations to make their financial statements available to the public if the entity enters into a contract or agreement with the state or any political subdivision

SB 306 - White - Modifies provisions regarding education for members of military families

SB 349 - O'Laughlin - Requires each local school district and charter school to have a policy for reading intervention plans for any pupils in grades kindergarten through four

SB 351 - Williams - Requires that all state-funded teacher-training institutions provide courses on the concepts of trauma-informed approach and trauma-specific interventions

SB 356 - Bernskoetter - Provides that any person found guilty of poaching a wild turkey, paddlefish, white-tailed deer, black bear, or elk may be required to provide restitution to the state

SB 365 - Hoskins - Establishes the School Turnaround Program to assist schools in need of intervention

SB 401 - Burlison - Implements provisions relating to student data privacy, and establishes a student data privacy task force to study issues relating to student data privacy

SB 407 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to early childhood education

SB 411 - Romine - Creates a workgroup to develop and recommend academic performance standards relating to workforce development

SB 445 - Arthur - Allows school districts and charter schools to receive state school funding under the foundation formula for high school students who are taking competency-based credits

SB 447 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the determination of state school aid

SB 461 - O'Laughlin - Raises the petition signature requirement to change school district boundaries

SB 465 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to early childhood education programs

SB 475 - Cunningham - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to remit to schools the revenues such schools would have received from income taxes on certain financial institutions

SB 478 - Holsman - Exempts school districts from the required number of days school districts are required to make up for days lost due to inclement weather for the 2018-2019 school year

SCR 3 - Emery - Recognizes the societal harms brought by pornography and the need for education, prevention, research, and policy change

SCR 13 - Emery - Encourages schools to include courses on the Bible in education curriculum

HB 112 - Sommer - Requires school districts with a certain number of gifted students to establish a state-approved program for such students

HB 160 - Knight - Creates provisions relating to the regulation of water usage

HB 161 - Knight - Modifies provisions relating to the required length of school terms

HB 169 - Gannon - Establishes the "Internet and Social Media Awareness Program" to increase awareness of appropriate online behavior and skills among students in public schools

HB 260 - Taylor - Provides that any person found guilty of poaching a wild turkey, paddlefish, an antlered white-tailed deer, excluding does, black bear, or elk may be required to provide restitution to the state

HB 267 - Baker - Allows school districts to offer elective social studies courses on the Bible

HB 281 - Kelley - Prohibits schools with alternative methods of instruction plans from being required to make up days lost due to exceptional or emergency circumstances

HB 456 - Neely - Permits school districts and charter schools to grant a diploma endorsement in STEM to a graduating high school student who demonstrates mastery in STEM disciplines

HB 462 - Shields - Creates certified teacher externships

HB 485 - Dogan - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 575 - Dohrman - Modifies provisions relating to higher education

HB 604 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 606 - Basye - Permits school boards to contract with municipalities to provide transportation to high school students

HB 723 - Pike - Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems

HB 739 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 743 - Fishel - Creates the "Cronkite New Voices Act" to protect the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

HB 744 - Riggs - Establishes the 21st Century Missouri Education Task Force

HB 745 - Ruth - Requires a court to notify a school of any change in custody

HB 763 - Remole - Exempts certain schools from the state minimum wage law requirements

HCB 7 - Roeber - Requires all superintendents and assistant superintendents to enter into a written employment contract with a school district as a condition of employment

HCR 18 - Spencer - Urges all public schools to institute Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) in their schools

Education, Higher (37)

SB 16 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

SB 33 - Wieland - Allows any taxpayer of the state of Missouri to initiate an action pursuant to grievance procedures at any state college or university in the state of Missouri

SB 68 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

SB 129 - Sater - Establishes the "Private College Campus Protection Act" which allows private colleges and universities to employ campus police officers

SB 133 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 160 - Koenig - Establishes the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program

SB 184 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

SB 188 - Eigel - Establishes an endowment tax and reduces the top rate of income tax

SB 205 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to the A+ Schools Program

SB 259 - Romine - Implements a process for due process proceedings for Title IX complaints at institutions of higher education

SB 265 - Luetkemeyer - Replaces the student representative on the Board of Curators of the University of Missouri with a student curator

SB 283 - Hoskins - Removes the sunset provision for the Veteran's Survivor Grant program

SB 292 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 306 - White - Modifies provisions regarding education for members of military families

SB 314 - Burlison - Prohibits institutions of higher learning from discriminating against a religious student organization

SB 351 - Williams - Requires that all state-funded teacher-training institutions provide courses on the concepts of trauma-informed approach and trauma-specific interventions

SB 358 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to the Health Professional Student Loan Repayment Program

SB 411 - Romine - Creates a workgroup to develop and recommend academic performance standards relating to workforce development

SB 445 - Arthur - Allows school districts and charter schools to receive state school funding under the foundation formula for high school students who are taking competency-based credits

SB 446 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to exemptions from statutes governing proprietary education

SB 474 - Bernskoetter - Permits institutions of higher education to enter into long-term concessions with private partners

SB 482 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to industrial hemp

SB 496 - Emery - Includes supplementary fees, course fees, laboratory fees, and all other fees in the definition of "tuition" for public institutions of higher education

SB 514 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SRM 1 - Rowden - Condemns the NCAA sanctions against the University of Missouri-Columbia

SR 254 - Cunningham - Supports the city of West Plains in their bid to host NCAA Division I volleyball tournaments

HB 219 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 225 - Swan - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

HB 400 - Basye - Modifies the Missouri Returning Heroes Education Act

HB 575 - Dohrman - Modifies provisions relating to higher education

HB 576 - Dohrman - Creates the "Cronkite New Voices Act", and other provisions regarding the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

HB 604 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 715 - Lynch - Removes the sunset provision for the Wartime Veteran's Survivor Grant Program

HB 743 - Fishel - Creates the "Cronkite New Voices Act" to protect the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

HB 744 - Riggs - Establishes the 21st Century Missouri Education Task Force

HB 824 - Francis - Modifies provisions relating to industrial hemp

HB 1099 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions relating to public institutions of higher education

Education, Proprietary (2)

SB 446 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to exemptions from statutes governing proprietary education

HB 763 - Remole - Exempts certain schools from the state minimum wage law requirements

Elderly (17)

SB 70 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 76 - Sater - Requires certain MO HealthNet participants to comply with work and community engagement requirements

SB 78 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri Rx plan

SB 82 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions of law relating to health care facilities and certificates of need

SB 86 - Wallingford - Establishes the Senior Services Growth and Development program

SB 101 - Riddle - Establishes a statewide hearing aid distribution program

SB 128 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to consumer-directed services in the MO HealthNet program

SB 142 - Eigel - Modifies provisions of the Senior Savings Protection Act

SB 275 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 441 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to certain MO HealthNet home and community-based services

SB 486 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable populations

SB 490 - Rizzo - Modifies training requirements for certified nursing assistants

SB 514 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 337 - Swan - Establishes the Senior Services Growth and Development program

HB 354 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to the financial protection of vulnerable populations

HB 700 - Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to grandparent visitation

HB 932 - Rehder - Establishes multidisciplinary adult protection teams

Elections (27)

SB 5 - Sater - Modifies the initiative and referendum process

SB 17 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems

SB 59 - Arthur - Establishes no-excuse absentee voting

SB 109 - Koenig - Modifies the primary election process

SB 113 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 143 - Cierpiot - Require the joint election of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor

SB 171 - Schupp - Establishes no-excuse absentee voting

SB 193 - Schupp - Modifies provisions of law relating to campaign finance disclosure

SB 221 - Crawford - Modifies various provisions relating to elections

SB 256 - Hegeman - Modifies the initiative and referendum process

SB 291 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 324 - Arthur - Establishes procedures to remove county commissioners by recall petition

SB 384 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to voter registration

SB 402 - Eigel - Modifies filing deadlines for declarations of candidacy

SB 461 - O'Laughlin - Raises the petition signature requirement to change school district boundaries

SCR 1 - Walsh - Opposes any statewide vote or legislative mandate to reorganize the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County

SJR 1 - Sater - Modifies the initiative petition process

SJR 7 - Cierpiot - Modifies signature gathering requirements for initiative petitions

SJR 8 - Cierpiot - Requires the joint election of the Governor and Lt. Governor

SJR 9 - Cierpiot - Imposes term limitations on every elected office

SJR 11 - Burlison - Modifies the initiative petition process

SJR 12 - Eigel - Modifies voter turnout thresholds for tax increase elections

SJR 24 - Cierpiot - Modifies voter turnout thresholds for tax increase elections

HB 269 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to elections

HB 438 - Chipman - Modifies requirements to be eligible for certain elected public offices

HB 656 - Carpenter - Modifies election offenses

HCB 10 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to elections

Elementary and Secondary Education, Department of (29)

SB 25 - Sifton - Modifies several provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 51 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to charter schools

SB 73 - O'Laughlin - Requires each local school district and charter school to have on file a policy for reading intervention plans for any pupils of the district and charter schools in grades kindergarten through four

SB 80 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to teacher employment

SB 160 - Koenig - Establishes the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program

SB 218 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 233 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to sheltered workshops

SB 271 - Emery - Transfers the authority of the State Board of Education and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to regulate charter schools to the Missouri Charter Public School Commission

SB 272 - Emery - Excludes any money reimbursed to school districts for the costs of special education from the calculation of average daily attendance

SB 275 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 292 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 295 - Hough - Requires school districts to conduct criminal background checks on all volunteers

SB 349 - O'Laughlin - Requires each local school district and charter school to have a policy for reading intervention plans for any pupils in grades kindergarten through four

SB 365 - Hoskins - Establishes the School Turnaround Program to assist schools in need of intervention

SB 373 - Schupp - Modifies the definition of "holocaust" as used in the Holocaust Education and Awareness Commission Act

SB 407 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to early childhood education

SB 411 - Romine - Creates a workgroup to develop and recommend academic performance standards relating to workforce development

SB 445 - Arthur - Allows school districts and charter schools to receive state school funding under the foundation formula for high school students who are taking competency-based credits

SB 447 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the determination of state school aid

SB 465 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to early childhood education programs

SB 475 - Cunningham - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to remit to schools the revenues such schools would have received from income taxes on certain financial institutions

HB 112 - Sommer - Requires school districts with a certain number of gifted students to establish a state-approved program for such students

HB 169 - Gannon - Establishes the "Internet and Social Media Awareness Program" to increase awareness of appropriate online behavior and skills among students in public schools

HB 281 - Kelley - Prohibits schools with alternative methods of instruction plans from being required to make up days lost due to exceptional or emergency circumstances

HB 456 - Neely - Permits school districts and charter schools to grant a diploma endorsement in STEM to a graduating high school student who demonstrates mastery in STEM disciplines

HB 485 - Dogan - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 604 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 646 - Rowland - Modifies provisions relating to sheltered workshops

HB 739 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

Emblems (6)

SB 210 - May - Creates a number of official state designations, a memorial highway, and the Missouri Historical Theater program

SB 408 - May - Designates the hellbender salamander as the official endangered species for the state of Missouri

SCR 4 - Curls - Designates the Kansas City Chiefs as the official professional football team of the state of Missouri

HB 266 - Muntzel - Establishes a number of new state designations

HB 407 - Justus - Designates the hellbender salamander as the official endangered species of the state of Missouri

HB 501 - Grier - Creates a number of official state designations

Emergencies (12)

SB 67 - White - Provides that persons providing emergency medical services in certain instances shall only be liable for gross negligence

SB 89 - Libla - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 103 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to health care services

SB 291 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 371 - Eigel - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 423 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions of the Public Access to Automated External Defibrillator Act

SB 468 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SCR 17 - Wieland - Establishes September 8-14, 2019 as "Resiliency Week"

SJR 26 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to providing funds for emergencies in this state

HB 83 - Hill - Modifies provisions relating to health insurance

HB 207 - Kelley - Allows for individuals to elect to include medical alert information on their driver's license or nondriver identification card

HB 756 - Pfautsch - Modifies provisions relating to unanticipated out-of-network health care services

Eminent Domain and Condemnation (2)

SB 131 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the distribution of energy

HB 1062 - Hansen - Modifies provisions relating to the power of eminent domain for utility purposes

Employees - Employers (32)

SB 10 - Cunningham - Modifies provision relating to the minimum wage

SB 17 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems

SB 38 - Onder - Creates new provisions relating to joint employers

SB 63 - Burlison - Creates new provisions of law relating to labor organizations

SB 80 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to teacher employment

SB 95 - Sifton - Modifies provisions relating to employee wages

SB 124 - Hough - Creates new provisions relating to public safety personnel

SB 154 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies laws regarding arbitration agreements between employers and employees

SB 162 - Schupp - Creates new provisions of law relating to leave from employment

SB 172 - Schupp - Bars discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity

SB 178 - Schupp - Creates a right to unpaid leave for employees that are affected by certain crimes

SB 209 - May - Prohibits the use of an employee or prospective employee's credit score as a condition of employment

SB 227 - Sater - Enacts new provisions allowing employer policies relating to employee drug use

SB 233 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to sheltered workshops

SB 239 - White - Allows counties to opt out of provisions relating to prevailing wage

SB 240 - White - Allows counties to adopt provisions relating to membership in labor organizations

SB 251 - Koenig - Creates the "Fresh Start Act of 2019"

SB 258 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 275 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 313 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to the misclassification of workers

SB 348 - O'Laughlin - Modifies the minimum wage rate required to be paid to employees of private religious schools

SB 390 - Wallingford - Requires hospitals to adopt workplace violence prevention plans

SB 500 - Burlison - Permits an unlicensed person to provide a service for which state law otherwise requires an occupational license, provided such unlicensed person makes a nonlicensed disclosure

SJR 30 - Burlison - Creates new constitutional provisions relating to labor organizations

HB 77 - Black - Exempts any person retired and receiving a retirement allowance from PSRS and employed by a public community college from current law relating to retirement allowance restrictions

HB 372 - Trent - Modifies provisions relating to eligibility for unemployment benefits

HB 604 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 646 - Rowland - Modifies provisions relating to sheltered workshops

HB 739 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 763 - Remole - Exempts certain schools from the state minimum wage law requirements

HB 1137 - Hill - Modifies provisions relating to the misclassification of workers

HCB 7 - Roeber - Requires all superintendents and assistant superintendents to enter into a written employment contract with a school district as a condition of employment

Employment Security (8)

SB 90 - Libla - Modifies various provisions relating to employment security

SB 157 - Wallingford - Creates new provisions relating to unemployment benefits probationary periods

SB 161 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to automation adjustments paid by employers subject to the unemployment compensation laws

SB 228 - Sater - Modifies methods of service of notice under employment security laws

SB 238 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to eligibility for unemployment benefits

HB 278 - Andrews - Modifies employment security provisions relating to employer reports

HB 332 - Lynch - Modifies provisions relating to employment security

HB 372 - Trent - Modifies provisions relating to eligibility for unemployment benefits

Energy (15)

SB 13 - Wallingford - WITHDRAWN

SB 131 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the distribution of energy

SB 169 - Wallingford - Modifies the civil penalty for violating federally mandated natural gas safety standards

SB 173 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to property assessment contracts for energy efficiency

SB 206 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to contracts for government facilities

SB 289 - Wieland - Creates the Missouri Electricity Bill Reduction Assistance Act

SB 293 - Hough - Creates new criminal offenses involving critical infrastructure facilities

SB 296 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations

SB 517 - Riddle - Enacts provisions relating to solar site management for pollinators

SCR 19 - Eigel - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to oppose the Green New Deal

SJR 25 - Libla - Requires the General Assembly to pass legislation to establish an open, competitive retail electric energy market

HB 215 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to property assessment contracts for energy efficiency

HB 287 - Kidd - Modifies provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations

HB 355 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

HB 1062 - Hansen - Modifies provisions relating to the power of eminent domain for utility purposes

Engineers (2)

SB 509 - Hough - Exempts any not for profit organization organized under state law from provisions relating to the right to practice as an architect, professional engineer, professional land surveyor, or professional landscape architect

HB 564 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

Entertainment, Sports and Amusements (2)

SB 241 - Rizzo - Extends authority to appropriate money for certain convention and sports complex funds

SB 511 - Williams - Prohibits a website operator from intentionally using an internet domain name in a ticket website’s URL that contains certain information

Environmental Protection (1)

SCR 24 - Hegeman - Urges the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to focus on protecting public health and safety through flood control

Estates, Wills and Trusts (7)

SB 69 - Hough - Establishes procedures for a claimant in an action for damages due to asbestos exposure to disclose additional claims the claimant has filed with an asbestos trust

SB 282 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the disposition of human remains

SB 418 - White - Modifies provisions relating to trust decanting

SB 422 - White - Modifies provisions regarding the assignment for benefit of creditors

HB 461 - Pfautsch - Modifies provisions relating to the right of sepulcher and the death registration process

HB 919 - Evans - Creates new provisions relating to the partition of property

HB 1083 - O'Donnell - Modifies provisions relating to courts, including the division of securities, civil case filing fees, and the payment of fines

Ethics (6)

SB 213 - Hegeman - Enacts new provisions relating to the nonpartisan state demographer

SJR 23 - Eigel - Modifies provisions regulating the legislature to limit the influence of partisan or other special interests

SJR 29 - Schatz - Modifies provisions regulating the legislature to limit the influence of partisan or other special interests

HB 445 - Dogan - Prohibits lobbyists from giving gifts to local government officials, with an exception for group gifts

HB 937 - Murphy - Modifies the definition of "legislative lobbyist"

HJR 48 - Plocher - Proposes constitutional amendments regulating the legislature to limit the influence of partisan or other special interests

Evidence (3)

SB 30 - Hegeman - Allows evidence of failure to wear a seatbelt to prove comparative negligence, causation, absence of defect, and failure to mitigate damages

SB 111 - Eigel - Enacts provisions relating to traffic enforcement

SB 317 - Burlison - Establishes the Silica Claims Priorities Act which prohibits a person from bringing a claim for injuries caused by silica unless certain evidence is presented

Family Law (19)

SB 14 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions of law relating to child custody arrangements

SB 83 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to court proceedings

SB 88 - Libla - Modifies provisions of law relating to guardians ad litem

SB 106 - Hoskins - Changes the law regarding consent for a minor to obtain an abortion

SB 230 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings

SB 307 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to spousal maintenance orders

SB 360 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to foster parent intervention in certain court proceedings

SB 406 - Wallingford - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

SB 440 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to foster home placement

SB 448 - Sater - Modifies the law regarding the provision of health care through a child support order

SB 458 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the suspension of licenses for failure to comply with a child support order

SB 503 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

HB 138 - Kidd - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

HB 229 - Swan - Modifies provisions of law relating to child custody arrangements

HB 397 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 700 - Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to grandparent visitation

HB 745 - Ruth - Requires a court to notify a school of any change in custody

HB 1049 - Wood - Modifies the law regarding the provision of health care through a child support order

HB 1135 - Dinkins - Modifies provisions relating to vital records

Federal - State Relations (31)

SB 64 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to sanctuary policies for municipalities

SB 89 - Libla - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 99 - Wieland - Enacts the "Missouri Reinsurance Plan"

SB 121 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to the concealed carrying of firearms

SB 147 - Sater - Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 226 - Sater - Repeals restrictions regarding which associations may be issued health benefit plans for the benefit of their members

SB 290 - Brown - Enacts provisions relating to commercial driver's licenses

SB 359 - Eigel - Repeals certain vehicle safety inspection requirements

SB 363 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 367 - Burlison - Creates additional protections to the right to bear arms

SB 368 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 378 - Hough - Specifies that beginning December 1, 2019, private entities shall be eligible for certification as third-party testers for commercial driver's licenses

SB 414 - Wieland - Enacts provisions relating to innovation in health insurance

SCR 2 - Hegeman - Requests the U.S. Congress to replace the statue of Thomas Hart Benton in the Statuary Hall of the U.S. Capitol with a statue of Harry S Truman

SCR 6 - Schupp - Calls on the Chinese Government to end the practice of organ harvesting from prisoners

SCR 8 - Holsman - Requests Congress to call an Article V Convention of the States

SCR 9 - Eigel - Strongly urges the U.S. Congress to propose the State Powers Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

SCR 14 - Schatz - Authorizes and directs the Office of Administration to execute and deliver a financing agreement for payment of debt service on transportation bonds issued by the Highways and Transportation Commission

SCR 15 - Burlison - Creates procedures for the appointment of commissioners to a convention called under Article V of the U.S. Constitution

SCR 18 - Nasheed - Urges the Attorney General to join in a lawsuit challenging the validity of President Trump's declaration of a national emergency

SCR 19 - Eigel - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to oppose the Green New Deal

SCR 20 - Holsman - Supports rules and procedures for Article V Conventions

SCR 23 - Luetkemeyer - Urges the United States Congress to support designation of Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area as part of the National Heritage Area System

SCR 24 - Hegeman - Urges the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to focus on protecting public health and safety through flood control

SCR 25 - Rizzo - Urges Congress to provide assistance to American farmers whose crops were damaged or lost due to severe weather

SCR 26 - Bernskoetter - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to support and lead efforts to pass legislation for the declassification of POW/MIA records

HB 472 - Grier - Modifies several provisions relating to professional registration

HB 694 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to background checks, and extends the expiration of a criminal court surcharge for the DNA Profiling Analysis fund

HB 1006 - Rehder - Prohibits public bodies from entering into certain contracts

HCR 16 - Dohrman - Urges Congress to award the Congressional Gold Medal to the Ghost Army of World War II

HCR 43 - Shawan - Urges President Trump and Missouri's congressional delegation to oppose the Green New Deal

Fees (39)

SB 34 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to coroners

SB 54 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to insurance companies

SB 79 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding municipal court procedure and revenue collected in certain minor traffic and municipal ordinance violation cases

SB 84 - Cunningham - Extends the sunset date on certain geologic resources fees from December 31, 2020, to December 31, 2025

SB 89 - Libla - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 91 - Nasheed - Provides that a court may, rather than shall, double the fine imposed for a traffic offense committed in a designated safe travel zone

SB 105 - Schupp - Creates new provisions allowing for the creation of benefit corporations

SB 134 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to solid waste

SB 147 - Sater - Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 179 - Cunningham - Modifies filing requirements for certain banks and financial institutions

SB 201 - Romine - Replaces the current motor vehicle registration fee system with a system based on fuel economy

SB 204 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 207 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the administrative adjudication of certain municipal ordinance violations

SB 211 - Wallingford - Extends the sunset date on the fee on the sale of new tires from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2025

SB 219 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to the issuance and renewal of CPA permits

SB 242 - Walsh - Specifies that the Director of Revenue may issue historic motor vehicle license plates without a mileage restriction as a category of special license plates

SB 270 - White - Modifies provisions regarding the management of court systems

SB 273 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to video service providers

SB 285 - Hough - Modifies provisions on the regulation of certain business organizations

SB 290 - Brown - Enacts provisions relating to commercial driver's licenses

SB 315 - Burlison - Prohibits political subdivisions from imposing any new occupational fees or licensing requirements on any profession if none have been imposed before August 28, 2019

SB 472 - Crawford - Modifies the Plant Industries Division fees and requires periodic review of fees charged by the Department of Agriculture

SB 484 - Hoskins - Establishes the Litigation Financing Consumer Protection Act

SB 496 - Emery - Includes supplementary fees, course fees, laboratory fees, and all other fees in the definition of "tuition" for public institutions of higher education

SB 504 - Crawford - Establishes the Consumer Legal Funding Model Act

SB 505 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 518 - Curls - Modifies the compensation for a juror serving in Jackson County

HB 124 - DeGroot - Allows the circuit court in St. Louis City to collect a civil case filing fee of an amount not to exceed $20, rather than $15, for certain uses including the law library

HB 159 - Love - Modifies provisions relating to outdoor advertising

HB 192 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 283 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 499 - Griesheimer - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

HB 535 - Anderson - Modifies provisions on the regulation of certain business organizations

HB 588 - Rone - Modifies the Plant Industries Division fees and requires periodic reviews of fees charged by the Department of Agriculture

HB 599 - Bondon - Enacts provisions relating to the regulation of certain entities by the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

HB 679 - Tate - Enacts provisions relating to driver's license renewals

HB 681 - Knight - Extends the expiration date for the fee imposed on new tire sales

HB 1158 - Pietzman - Requires the Department of Natural Resources to assist permit applicants throughout the permitting process

Fire Protection (2)

SB 333 - Rizzo - Authorizes certain fire protection districts and municipalities to propose a 0.5% sales tax for fire protection

HB 568 - Black - Authorizes political subdivisions to elect to cover certain positions as public safety personnel for purposes of retirement plans

Firearms (14)

SB 23 - Nasheed - Creates new provisions relating to firearm restraining orders

SB 39 - Onder - Allows the concealed carry of firearms on public transportation systems and the transporting of nonfunctioning or unloaded firearms on public buses

SB 40 - Schupp - Creates the offense of unlawfully storing and securing a firearm in the presence of a child

SB 41 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to domestic violence offenders

SB 42 - Schupp - Creates extreme risk orders of protection

SB 75 - Curls - Modifies provisions relating to the concealed carried weapons

SB 94 - Sifton - Applies the offense of unlawful possession of firearms to certain additional categories of individuals in possession of firearms

SB 121 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to the concealed carrying of firearms

SB 217 - Schupp - Creates the offense of unlawful transfer of weapons for a licensed firearms dealer to deliver a handgun to a purchaser without waiting at least 72 hours

SB 367 - Burlison - Creates additional protections to the right to bear arms

SB 427 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to the concealed carry permit system

SB 436 - Hoskins - Defines the term "fugitive from justice", which is used in various criminal offenses involving weapons and concealed carry permits

SB 508 - Hough - Modifies access to criminal history records by law enforcement agencies

HB 575 - Dohrman - Modifies provisions relating to higher education

Fireworks (1)

SB 39 - Onder - Allows the concealed carry of firearms on public transportation systems and the transporting of nonfunctioning or unloaded firearms on public buses

Fishing and Hunting (2)

SB 356 - Bernskoetter - Provides that any person found guilty of poaching a wild turkey, paddlefish, white-tailed deer, black bear, or elk may be required to provide restitution to the state

HB 260 - Taylor - Provides that any person found guilty of poaching a wild turkey, paddlefish, an antlered white-tailed deer, excluding does, black bear, or elk may be required to provide restitution to the state

Food (6)

SB 4 - Sater - Modifies the law relating to work requirements for participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

SB 133 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 482 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to industrial hemp

SB 498 - Burlison - Provides that food containers shall not be deemed to be misleading, misbranded, or unfairly marketed if the container is filled to less than its capacity if certain criteria are present

HB 270 - Shaul - Authorizes the Director of the Department of Agriculture to assess a civil penalty for violating certain provisions of law relating to eggs

HB 951 - Haden - Prohibits the inspection of certain grounds or facilities used for certain agricultural purposes to enforce the laws of a state other than Missouri

Funerals and Funeral Directors (6)

SB 110 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

SB 282 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the disposition of human remains

SB 337 - Wieland - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Preneed Funeral Contract Act

SB 455 - Holsman - Permits funeral directors to perform cremations at an outdoor human cremation facility

HB 461 - Pfautsch - Modifies provisions relating to the right of sepulcher and the death registration process

HB 816 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to embalming apprenticeships

Gambling (10)

SB 44 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to gaming

SB 87 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 187 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to gaming and reduces the top income tax rate

SB 195 - Hoskins - Allows sports wagering and sports lottery games

SB 222 - Hough - Authorizes sports wagering

SB 322 - Bernskoetter - Creates the Steamboat Legacy Fund

SB 327 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies several provisions relating to gaming

SB 343 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to fantasy sports

SB 431 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to illegal gambling

HB 637 - Shawan - Modifies provisions relating to fantasy sports

General Assembly (46)

SB 9 - Emery - Requires the Senate to try all impeachments

SB 18 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to gubernatorial appointments

SB 29 - Hegeman - Extends the sunset on certain health care provider reimbursement allowances

SB 77 - Sater - Requires the Department of Social Services to apply for a global waiver for MO HealthNet

SB 126 - Hough - Modifies requirements for guaranteed energy cost savings contracts

SB 127 - Sater - Requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to conduct a study regarding the importation of certain prescription drugs by the state

SB 131 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the distribution of energy

SB 132 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding fees for access to public records and authorizes closure of certain constituent and legislative records of members of the General Assembly

SB 133 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 206 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to contracts for government facilities

SB 304 - Riddle - Modifies provisions on the preservation of records by the Secretary of State

SB 345 - Koenig - Makes the performance or inducement of an abortion, except in a medical emergency, a criminal offense

SB 391 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to agricultural operations

SB 472 - Crawford - Modifies the Plant Industries Division fees and requires periodic review of fees charged by the Department of Agriculture

SB 495 - Emery - Repeals certain duties of the Joint Committee on Government Accountability

SCR 5 - Wallingford - Establishes the Joint Committee on Solid Waste Management District Operations

SCR 6 - Schupp - Calls on the Chinese Government to end the practice of organ harvesting from prisoners

SCR 7 - Schupp - Ratifies the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution

SCR 10 - Rowden - Authorizes the statutorily required independent audit of the State Auditor

SCR 11 - Hough - Designates every November as National American History and Founders Month

SCR 16 - Wieland - Urges the cessation of economic and other state activity with New York and other certain states

SCR 21 - May - Designates August as Minority Organ Donor Awareness Month

SJR 2 - Emery - Requires the Senate, beginning January 1, 2021, to try all impeachments and modifies what constitutes grounds for impeachment

SJR 13 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to members of the General Assembly

SJR 16 - Sifton - Modifies the process by which laws are approved by the General Assembly following action by the people

SJR 23 - Eigel - Modifies provisions regulating the legislature to limit the influence of partisan or other special interests

SJR 25 - Libla - Requires the General Assembly to pass legislation to establish an open, competitive retail electric energy market

SJR 29 - Schatz - Modifies provisions regulating the legislature to limit the influence of partisan or other special interests

SR 19 - Schatz - Modifies Senate Rules 6 and 25

SR 20 - Holsman - Modifies Senate Rule 29

SR 81 - Rowden - Establishes rates of pay for Senate employees

SR 312 - Holsman - Proposes a change to Senate Rule 91

SR 375 - Rowden - Use of Chamber - Missouri Youth Leadership Forum

SR 377 - Rowden - Use of Chamber - Missouri Girls State

SR 378 - Rowden - Use of Chamber - Youth in Government

SR 411 - Rowden - Use of Chamber - YMCA Youth in Government

SR 731 - Hoskins - Modifies Senate Rule 51

HB 240 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to controlled substances

HB 265 - Taylor - Requires that every nonfood items sold in the Missouri State Capitol Building shall be made in the United States

HB 400 - Basye - Modifies the Missouri Returning Heroes Education Act

HB 982 - Hicks - Transfer responsibility for employment and oversight of Missouri Capitol police officers from the Department of Public Safety to the Missouri State Capitol Commission

HCR 1 - Vescovo - Convenes a joint session of the General Assembly to commemorate the One Hundredth General Assembly with a group photograph in the House Chamber

HCR 2 - Vescovo - Convenes a joint session for the State of the State Address

HCR 3 - Vescovo - Convenes a joint session to receive a message from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Missouri

HCR 34 - Riggs - Urges the Baseball Hall of Fame to induct John Jordan "Buck" O'Neil

HJR 48 - Plocher - Proposes constitutional amendments regulating the legislature to limit the influence of partisan or other special interests

Governor and Lt. Governor (20)

SB 9 - Emery - Requires the Senate to try all impeachments

SB 18 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to gubernatorial appointments

SB 143 - Cierpiot - Require the joint election of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor

SB 159 - Sifton - Requires the Governor to appoint Administrative Hearing Commissioners that reflect the geographic diversity of the state

SB 264 - Crawford - Transfers the State Council on the Arts from the Department of Economic Development to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor

SB 265 - Luetkemeyer - Replaces the student representative on the Board of Curators of the University of Missouri with a student curator

SB 345 - Koenig - Makes the performance or inducement of an abortion, except in a medical emergency, a criminal offense

SB 385 - Bernskoetter - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property located in Cole County

SB 411 - Romine - Creates a workgroup to develop and recommend academic performance standards relating to workforce development

SB 470 - Riddle - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property located in Callaway County

SCR 16 - Wieland - Urges the cessation of economic and other state activity with New York and other certain states

SJR 2 - Emery - Requires the Senate, beginning January 1, 2021, to try all impeachments and modifies what constitutes grounds for impeachment

SJR 3 - Hegeman - Provides that a nonpartisan judicial commission shall submit to the Governor a list of all qualified nominees, rather than a list of three nominees, to fill a judicial vacancy in a court under the nonpartisan court plan

SJR 8 - Cierpiot - Requires the joint election of the Governor and Lt. Governor

SJR 9 - Cierpiot - Imposes term limitations on every elected office

SJR 14 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies term limits for various elected public officers

HB 456 - Neely - Permits school districts and charter schools to grant a diploma endorsement in STEM to a graduating high school student who demonstrates mastery in STEM disciplines

HB 612 - Coleman - Transfers the State Council on the Arts from the Department of Economic Development to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor

HB 1237 - Fitzwater - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property

HCB 1 - Roden - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property

Guardians (7)

SB 88 - Libla - Modifies provisions of law relating to guardians ad litem

SB 106 - Hoskins - Changes the law regarding consent for a minor to obtain an abortion

SB 230 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings

SB 249 - Koenig - Creates the Alternative Disability Services Act

SB 406 - Wallingford - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

HB 138 - Kidd - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

HB 739 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

Health and Senior Services, Department of (59)

SB 2 - Curls - Requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to make certain considerations when granting medical marijuana licenses and certifications

SB 6 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to controlled substances, including the Schedules, medical marijuana, and criminal provisions involving controlled substances

SB 11 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 34 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to coroners

SB 66 - White - Establishes provisions relating to water safety and security

SB 70 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 82 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions of law relating to health care facilities and certificates of need

SB 86 - Wallingford - Establishes the Senior Services Growth and Development program

SB 110 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

SB 127 - Sater - Requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to conduct a study regarding the importation of certain prescription drugs by the state

SB 128 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to consumer-directed services in the MO HealthNet program

SB 139 - Koenig - Modifies provisions of law relating to abortion

SB 155 - Luetkemeyer - Establishes the Narcotics Control Act

SB 165 - Eigel - Repeals the certificate of need law

SB 177 - Hough - Modifies education and experience qualifications for the Director of the Department of Health and Senior Services and local public health centers administrators

SB 245 - Walsh - Requires potable water in certain elementary school buildings to be tested for lead

SB 262 - Sater - Requires prescriptions to be issued electronically, with some exceptions

SB 263 - Schupp - Provides for postpartum depression screening and treatment for certain mothers

SB 275 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 279 - Onder - Modifies several provisions relating to abortion

SB 282 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the disposition of human remains

SB 310 - Arthur - Enacts provisions relating to prescription drug costs

SB 312 - Eigel - Establishes the mission of the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 335 - Onder - Prohibits the sale and marketing of certain medical marijuana products

SB 336 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to child care facilities

SB 353 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to practitioner-patient consultations for prescribed opioid controlled substances

SB 358 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to the Health Professional Student Loan Repayment Program

SB 362 - Riddle - Adds structured family caregiving for certain MO HealthNet participants and modifies provisions relating to personal care assistance services

SB 386 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to the location of a proposed child care facility

SB 390 - Wallingford - Requires hospitals to adopt workplace violence prevention plans

SB 391 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to agricultural operations

SB 415 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to hospital inspections

SB 420 - Riddle - Requires referrals for out of state abortions to be accompanied by specified printed materials

SB 435 - White - Modifies provisions relating to hospital infection control data reporting

SB 438 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to consumer-directed services vendors

SB 441 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to certain MO HealthNet home and community-based services

SB 457 - Curls - Establishes the Medical Marijuana Opportunities Program

SB 480 - Schupp - Creates the "Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Review Board" within the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 490 - Rizzo - Modifies training requirements for certified nursing assistants

SB 516 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to certificates of need

SCR 27 - White - Establishes November 2019 as Cardiovascular Disease and Type 2 Diabetes Awareness Month in Missouri

HB 126 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

HB 160 - Knight - Creates provisions relating to the regulation of water usage

HB 168 - Rehder - Modifies provisions of law relating to certain distributors of hypodermic needles

HB 188 - Rehder - Establishes the Narcotics Control Act

HB 219 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 337 - Swan - Establishes the Senior Services Growth and Development program

HB 341 - Hicks - Allows certain marijuana-related offenses and violations to be expunged if the offenses or violations occurred in Missouri prior to the issuance of a patient identification card

HB 397 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 399 - Basye - Enacts provisions relating to health care

HB 447 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to the deceased

HB 450 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to the organ donor registry

HB 461 - Pfautsch - Modifies provisions relating to the right of sepulcher and the death registration process

HB 466 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to medical public assistance

HB 758 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 829 - Wood - Requires costs of litigation arising from the legalization of medical marijuana to be paid from a certain fund

HB 932 - Rehder - Establishes multidisciplinary adult protection teams

HB 1057 - Shawan - Modifies provisions relating to hospital infection control data reporting

HB 1135 - Dinkins - Modifies provisions relating to vital records

Health Care (102)

SB 2 - Curls - Requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to make certain considerations when granting medical marijuana licenses and certifications

SB 6 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to controlled substances, including the Schedules, medical marijuana, and criminal provisions involving controlled substances

SB 11 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 27 - Sifton - Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning January 1, 2021

SB 29 - Hegeman - Extends the sunset on certain health care provider reimbursement allowances

SB 45 - Hoskins - Enacts provisions relating to health care for persons with disabilities

SB 48 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to short-term major medical insurance policies

SB 67 - White - Provides that persons providing emergency medical services in certain instances shall only be liable for gross negligence

SB 70 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 76 - Sater - Requires certain MO HealthNet participants to comply with work and community engagement requirements

SB 77 - Sater - Requires the Department of Social Services to apply for a global waiver for MO HealthNet

SB 78 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri Rx plan

SB 82 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions of law relating to health care facilities and certificates of need

SB 92 - Nasheed - Requires health insurers to cover fertility treatments under certain circumstances

SB 101 - Riddle - Establishes a statewide hearing aid distribution program

SB 103 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to health care services

SB 104 - Schupp - Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning January 1, 2021

SB 107 - Hoskins - Modifies law regarding service dogs

SB 127 - Sater - Requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to conduct a study regarding the importation of certain prescription drugs by the state

SB 128 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to consumer-directed services in the MO HealthNet program

SB 135 - Sifton - Modifies provisions relating to property exempt from attachment and execution in bankruptcy proceedings

SB 155 - Luetkemeyer - Establishes the Narcotics Control Act

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 165 - Eigel - Repeals the certificate of need law

SB 170 - Schupp - Repeals the 72-hour waiting period prior to an abortion

SB 177 - Hough - Modifies education and experience qualifications for the Director of the Department of Health and Senior Services and local public health centers administrators

SB 178 - Schupp - Creates a right to unpaid leave for employees that are affected by certain crimes

SB 204 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 216 - Schupp - Requires organizations that provide pregnancy-related services to provide medically accurate information regarding reproductive health options in order to receive state funding

SB 226 - Sater - Repeals restrictions regarding which associations may be issued health benefit plans for the benefit of their members

SB 229 - Crawford - Prohibits health carriers from denying reimbursement for health care services provided by licensed athletic trainers

SB 232 - Sater - Extends the expiration date of the Ticket to Work Health Assurance Program

SB 247 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to athletic trainers

SB 253 - Sater - Authorizes the Board of Pharmacy to enter into voluntary compliance agreements with pharmacists in lieu of disciplinary action

SB 261 - Nasheed - Provides that lawful consumption of medical marijuana shall not render a person ineligible for TANF benefits

SB 262 - Sater - Requires prescriptions to be issued electronically, with some exceptions

SB 263 - Schupp - Provides for postpartum depression screening and treatment for certain mothers

SB 274 - Sater - Allows the Board of Pharmacy to establish pharmacy pilot projects relating to technology assisted verification or remote medication dispensing

SB 275 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 280 - Sater - Waives the geographic proximity requirement for certain collaborative practice arrangements

SB 287 - Wieland - Allows enrollment in a health benefit plan by a pregnant person under certain circumstances

SB 298 - White - Enacts provisions relating to payments for health care services

SB 302 - Wallingford - Prohibits health carriers from requiring health care providers to use methods of reimbursement that require providers to pay a fee

SB 303 - Riddle - Licenses persons performing radiologic imaging or administering radiation therapy and establishes the Missouri Radiologic Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board of Examiners

SB 309 - Sater - Authorizes pharmacists to prescribe and dispense nicotine replacement therapy products

SB 310 - Arthur - Enacts provisions relating to prescription drug costs

SB 335 - Onder - Prohibits the sale and marketing of certain medical marijuana products

SB 338 - Wieland - Excludes emergency contraception from MO HealthNet family planning coverage

SB 352 - Williams - Requires certain health care professionals to complete up to two hours of cultural competency training

SB 353 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to practitioner-patient consultations for prescribed opioid controlled substances

SB 357 - Sater - Allows pharmacists to prescribe drugs and controlled substances according to a written medication therapy services protocol from a physician

SB 358 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to the Health Professional Student Loan Repayment Program

SB 362 - Riddle - Adds structured family caregiving for certain MO HealthNet participants and modifies provisions relating to personal care assistance services

SB 370 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet managed care

SB 372 - Hoskins - Prohibits state licensing boards from imposing disciplinary actions against licensees that provide services to cannabis establishments or persons in connection with activity that complies with the Missouri Constitution

SB 390 - Wallingford - Requires hospitals to adopt workplace violence prevention plans

SB 393 - Hough - Requires the MO HealthNet benefits of offenders in correctional facilities and jails to be suspended rather than terminated

SB 396 - Onder - Modifies credentialing procedures for health care practitioners

SB 400 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to advanced practice registered nurses

SB 406 - Wallingford - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

SB 423 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions of the Public Access to Automated External Defibrillator Act

SB 426 - Williams - Modifies provisions of the ABLE Act

SB 432 - Sifton - Modifies the Ticket to Work Health Assurance Program

SB 435 - White - Modifies provisions relating to hospital infection control data reporting

SB 438 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to consumer-directed services vendors

SB 441 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to certain MO HealthNet home and community-based services

SB 448 - Sater - Modifies the law regarding the provision of health care through a child support order

SB 450 - Williams - Excludes patients receiving treatment for sickle cell disease from initial opioid prescription limitations

SB 451 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to prisoner complaints against a psychologist's license

SB 457 - Curls - Establishes the Medical Marijuana Opportunities Program

SB 460 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses's collaborative practice agreements

SB 480 - Schupp - Creates the "Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Review Board" within the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 490 - Rizzo - Modifies training requirements for certified nursing assistants

SB 507 - Hough - Establishes provisions relating to health coverage for substance abuse and mental health treatment

SB 514 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 516 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to certificates of need

SCR 21 - May - Designates August as Minority Organ Donor Awareness Month

SCR 27 - White - Establishes November 2019 as Cardiovascular Disease and Type 2 Diabetes Awareness Month in Missouri

HB 72 - Tate - Designates every second Wednesday in May as "Celiac Awareness Day"

HB 83 - Hill - Modifies provisions relating to health insurance

HB 107 - Sommer - Modifies provisions relating to service dogs

HB 108 - Sommer - Designates May as "Mental Health Awareness Month" and July as "Minority Mental Health Awareness Monthin Missouri"

HB 138 - Kidd - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

HB 188 - Rehder - Establishes the Narcotics Control Act

HB 219 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 240 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to controlled substances

HB 242 - Neely - Modifies provisions related to coroners

HB 345 - McGirl - Designates every August 31st as "Random Acts of Kindness Day" in Missouri to mark the beginning of suicide prevention awareness month in September

HB 399 - Basye - Enacts provisions relating to health care

HB 410 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to the scope of practice for physical therapists

HB 450 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to the organ donor registry

HB 466 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to medical public assistance

HB 487 - Solon - Includes the dispensing of self-administered oral hormonal contraceptives in the practice of pharmacy

HB 575 - Dohrman - Modifies provisions relating to higher education

HB 600 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to Medicaid per diem reimbursement rates

HB 678 - Patterson - Modifies provisions relating to the financial protection of vulnerable populations

HB 705 - Helms - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

HB 756 - Pfautsch - Modifies provisions relating to unanticipated out-of-network health care services

HB 758 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 841 - Ruth - Designates September 9th of every year as "Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma Awareness Day"

HB 1049 - Wood - Modifies the law regarding the provision of health care through a child support order

HB 1057 - Shawan - Modifies provisions relating to hospital infection control data reporting

Health Care Professionals (63)

SB 29 - Hegeman - Extends the sunset on certain health care provider reimbursement allowances

SB 31 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to malpractice insurance

SB 65 - White - Modifies provisions regarding punitive damages

SB 67 - White - Provides that persons providing emergency medical services in certain instances shall only be liable for gross negligence

SB 70 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 128 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to consumer-directed services in the MO HealthNet program

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 170 - Schupp - Repeals the 72-hour waiting period prior to an abortion

SB 177 - Hough - Modifies education and experience qualifications for the Director of the Department of Health and Senior Services and local public health centers administrators

SB 204 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 216 - Schupp - Requires organizations that provide pregnancy-related services to provide medically accurate information regarding reproductive health options in order to receive state funding

SB 229 - Crawford - Prohibits health carriers from denying reimbursement for health care services provided by licensed athletic trainers

SB 236 - White - Bars certain professionals and entities from being held liable for damages resulting from any lawfully conducted body cavity search

SB 247 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to athletic trainers

SB 253 - Sater - Authorizes the Board of Pharmacy to enter into voluntary compliance agreements with pharmacists in lieu of disciplinary action

SB 262 - Sater - Requires prescriptions to be issued electronically, with some exceptions

SB 263 - Schupp - Provides for postpartum depression screening and treatment for certain mothers

SB 267 - Wieland - Enacts provisions relating to the direct payment of health care providers

SB 274 - Sater - Allows the Board of Pharmacy to establish pharmacy pilot projects relating to technology assisted verification or remote medication dispensing

SB 275 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 279 - Onder - Modifies several provisions relating to abortion

SB 280 - Sater - Waives the geographic proximity requirement for certain collaborative practice arrangements

SB 302 - Wallingford - Prohibits health carriers from requiring health care providers to use methods of reimbursement that require providers to pay a fee

SB 303 - Riddle - Licenses persons performing radiologic imaging or administering radiation therapy and establishes the Missouri Radiologic Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board of Examiners

SB 309 - Sater - Authorizes pharmacists to prescribe and dispense nicotine replacement therapy products

SB 341 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to death investigations

SB 345 - Koenig - Makes the performance or inducement of an abortion, except in a medical emergency, a criminal offense

SB 352 - Williams - Requires certain health care professionals to complete up to two hours of cultural competency training

SB 353 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to practitioner-patient consultations for prescribed opioid controlled substances

SB 357 - Sater - Allows pharmacists to prescribe drugs and controlled substances according to a written medication therapy services protocol from a physician

SB 358 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to the Health Professional Student Loan Repayment Program

SB 362 - Riddle - Adds structured family caregiving for certain MO HealthNet participants and modifies provisions relating to personal care assistance services

SB 370 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet managed care

SB 396 - Onder - Modifies credentialing procedures for health care practitioners

SB 400 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to advanced practice registered nurses

SB 406 - Wallingford - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

SB 417 - White - Requires the reporting of information relating to certain health care expenditures

SB 428 - Hough - Prohibits a law enforcement officer from releasing a person from custody during or immediately preceding medical or psychiatric care in a hospital unless certain conditions are met

SB 444 - Schupp - Requires physicians to complete two hours of suicide prevention training as a condition of licensure

SB 450 - Williams - Excludes patients receiving treatment for sickle cell disease from initial opioid prescription limitations

SB 456 - Schupp - Requires certain hospitals to perform forensic examinations with the consent of a victim of a sexual offense

SB 460 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses's collaborative practice agreements

SB 480 - Schupp - Creates the "Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Review Board" within the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 490 - Rizzo - Modifies training requirements for certified nursing assistants

SB 500 - Burlison - Permits an unlicensed person to provide a service for which state law otherwise requires an occupational license, provided such unlicensed person makes a nonlicensed disclosure

SB 514 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 108 - Sommer - Designates May as "Mental Health Awareness Month" and July as "Minority Mental Health Awareness Monthin Missouri"

HB 126 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

HB 138 - Kidd - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

HB 186 - Trent - Modifies various provisions relating to civil actions, including venue, unlawful merchandising practices, joinder, punitive damages, statutes of limitations, and intervention

HB 188 - Rehder - Establishes the Narcotics Control Act

HB 219 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 240 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to controlled substances

HB 257 - Stephens - Authorizes the Board of Pharmacy to enter into voluntary compliance with pharmacists in lieu of disciplinary action

HB 301 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to advanced practice registered nurses

HB 399 - Basye - Enacts provisions relating to health care

HB 410 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to the scope of practice for physical therapists

HB 466 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to medical public assistance

HB 487 - Solon - Includes the dispensing of self-administered oral hormonal contraceptives in the practice of pharmacy

HB 489 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions regarding punitive damages

HB 564 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

HB 628 - Coleman - Limits prescription of long-acting or extended-release opioids by dentists

HB 705 - Helms - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

Health, Public (35)

SB 145 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 177 - Hough - Modifies education and experience qualifications for the Director of the Department of Health and Senior Services and local public health centers administrators

SB 218 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 245 - Walsh - Requires potable water in certain elementary school buildings to be tested for lead

SB 274 - Sater - Allows the Board of Pharmacy to establish pharmacy pilot projects relating to technology assisted verification or remote medication dispensing

SB 275 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 278 - Wallingford - Requires public water systems and public water supply districts that intend to modify their water supply fluoridation to seek and receive information about the impact from the local health department

SB 305 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to child fatality review panels

SB 309 - Sater - Authorizes pharmacists to prescribe and dispense nicotine replacement therapy products

SB 346 - Schupp - Requires health benefit plans providing coverage for prescription contraceptives to cover a 13-month supply of the contraceptives

SB 351 - Williams - Requires that all state-funded teacher-training institutions provide courses on the concepts of trauma-informed approach and trauma-specific interventions

SB 353 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to practitioner-patient consultations for prescribed opioid controlled substances

SB 391 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to agricultural operations

SB 414 - Wieland - Enacts provisions relating to innovation in health insurance

SB 419 - Riddle - Prohibits any person under the age of 18 from using any tanning device of any tanning facility within the state

SB 435 - White - Modifies provisions relating to hospital infection control data reporting

SB 444 - Schupp - Requires physicians to complete two hours of suicide prevention training as a condition of licensure

SB 451 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to prisoner complaints against a psychologist's license

SB 460 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses's collaborative practice agreements

SB 480 - Schupp - Creates the "Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Review Board" within the Department of Health and Senior Services

SCR 3 - Emery - Recognizes the societal harms brought by pornography and the need for education, prevention, research, and policy change

SCR 21 - May - Designates August as Minority Organ Donor Awareness Month

SCR 24 - Hegeman - Urges the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to focus on protecting public health and safety through flood control

SCR 27 - White - Establishes November 2019 as Cardiovascular Disease and Type 2 Diabetes Awareness Month in Missouri

HB 72 - Tate - Designates every second Wednesday in May as "Celiac Awareness Day"

HB 160 - Knight - Creates provisions relating to the regulation of water usage

HB 168 - Rehder - Modifies provisions of law relating to certain distributors of hypodermic needles

HB 219 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 240 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to controlled substances

HB 410 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to the scope of practice for physical therapists

HB 487 - Solon - Includes the dispensing of self-administered oral hormonal contraceptives in the practice of pharmacy

HB 758 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 829 - Wood - Requires costs of litigation arising from the legalization of medical marijuana to be paid from a certain fund

HB 1057 - Shawan - Modifies provisions relating to hospital infection control data reporting

Higher Education, Department of (12)

SB 16 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

SB 33 - Wieland - Allows any taxpayer of the state of Missouri to initiate an action pursuant to grievance procedures at any state college or university in the state of Missouri

SB 68 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

SB 177 - Hough - Modifies education and experience qualifications for the Director of the Department of Health and Senior Services and local public health centers administrators

SB 184 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

SB 205 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to the A+ Schools Program

SB 474 - Bernskoetter - Permits institutions of higher education to enter into long-term concessions with private partners

SB 496 - Emery - Includes supplementary fees, course fees, laboratory fees, and all other fees in the definition of "tuition" for public institutions of higher education

HB 225 - Swan - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

HB 575 - Dohrman - Modifies provisions relating to higher education

HB 576 - Dohrman - Creates the "Cronkite New Voices Act", and other provisions regarding the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

HB 1099 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions relating to public institutions of higher education

Highway Patrol (20)

SB 20 - Libla - Extends the expiration of a criminal court surcharge for the DNA Profiling Analysis fund from August 28, 2019, to August 28, 2029

SB 23 - Nasheed - Creates new provisions relating to firearm restraining orders

SB 42 - Schupp - Creates extreme risk orders of protection

SB 91 - Nasheed - Provides that a court may, rather than shall, double the fine imposed for a traffic offense committed in a designated safe travel zone

SB 111 - Eigel - Enacts provisions relating to traffic enforcement

SB 244 - Walsh - Modifies the registration as a sex offender for certain offenses

SB 323 - Hough - Directs the Department of Transportation, in consultation with the Highway Patrol and the advisory committee created in the act, to promulgate rules governing the towing of commercial vehicles

SB 359 - Eigel - Repeals certain vehicle safety inspection requirements

SB 363 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 381 - Onder - Repeals certain vehicle safety inspection requirements

SB 403 - Eigel - Establishes the "Bridge and Road Authorization Trust Fund"

SB 442 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to buyers of precious metals

SB 499 - Burlison - Consolidates the Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System into the Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

SB 506 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the inspection of commercial motor vehicles

SJR 27 - Eigel - Establishes the "Bridge and Road Authorization Trust Fund"

HB 114 - Pietzman - Requires certain sexual offenders to be electronically monitored while relocating to a different county

HB 451 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to vehicle inspections

HB 694 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to background checks, and extends the expiration of a criminal court surcharge for the DNA Profiling Analysis fund

HB 749 - Tate - Establishes the "Towing Task Force"

HB 1151 - Evans - Modifies provisions relating to the registration of certain sexual offenders

Historic Preservation (5)

SB 196 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the Division of State Parks

SB 242 - Walsh - Specifies that the Director of Revenue may issue historic motor vehicle license plates without a mileage restriction as a category of special license plates

SB 255 - Bernskoetter - Establishes the Capitol Complex Tax Credit Act

HB 266 - Muntzel - Establishes a number of new state designations

HB 379 - McGaugh - Authorizes the Department of Natural Resources to award grants to preserve, protect, or restore historic county courthouses and historic county courthouse grounds

Holidays and Observances (15)

SB 405 - Wallingford - Designates November 9th as Stars and Stripes Day

SCR 4 - Curls - Designates the Kansas City Chiefs as the official professional football team of the state of Missouri

SCR 11 - Hough - Designates every November as National American History and Founders Month

SCR 17 - Wieland - Establishes September 8-14, 2019 as "Resiliency Week"

SCR 27 - White - Establishes November 2019 as Cardiovascular Disease and Type 2 Diabetes Awareness Month in Missouri

HB 72 - Tate - Designates every second Wednesday in May as "Celiac Awareness Day"

HB 78 - Black - Establishes every July 7th as "Missouri Sliced Bread Day"

HB 108 - Sommer - Designates May as "Mental Health Awareness Month" and July as "Minority Mental Health Awareness Monthin Missouri"

HB 266 - Muntzel - Establishes a number of new state designations

HB 338 - Schnelting - Creates a number of state designations

HB 345 - McGirl - Designates every August 31st as "Random Acts of Kindness Day" in Missouri to mark the beginning of suicide prevention awareness month in September

HB 565 - Morse - Designates certain days and emblems for commemoration in Missouri

HB 841 - Ruth - Designates September 9th of every year as "Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma Awareness Day"

HCR 4 - Love - Designates the fourth Saturday in July each year as "National Day of the Cowboy" in Missouri

HCR 6 - Chipman - Designates November 7 as Victims of Communism Memorial Day

Hospitals (23)

SB 29 - Hegeman - Extends the sunset on certain health care provider reimbursement allowances

SB 67 - White - Provides that persons providing emergency medical services in certain instances shall only be liable for gross negligence

SB 70 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 82 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions of law relating to health care facilities and certificates of need

SB 103 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to health care services

SB 165 - Eigel - Repeals the certificate of need law

SB 170 - Schupp - Repeals the 72-hour waiting period prior to an abortion

SB 216 - Schupp - Requires organizations that provide pregnancy-related services to provide medically accurate information regarding reproductive health options in order to receive state funding

SB 370 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet managed care

SB 390 - Wallingford - Requires hospitals to adopt workplace violence prevention plans

SB 406 - Wallingford - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

SB 415 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to hospital inspections

SB 428 - Hough - Prohibits a law enforcement officer from releasing a person from custody during or immediately preceding medical or psychiatric care in a hospital unless certain conditions are met

SB 435 - White - Modifies provisions relating to hospital infection control data reporting

SB 456 - Schupp - Requires certain hospitals to perform forensic examinations with the consent of a victim of a sexual offense

SB 490 - Rizzo - Modifies training requirements for certified nursing assistants

SB 514 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 83 - Hill - Modifies provisions relating to health insurance

HB 138 - Kidd - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

HB 219 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 756 - Pfautsch - Modifies provisions relating to unanticipated out-of-network health care services

HB 758 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 1057 - Shawan - Modifies provisions relating to hospital infection control data reporting

Housing (12)

SB 28 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit

SB 60 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to victims of certain crimes including rental agreements and prostitution and penalties of promoting prostitution in the first degree

SB 62 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions to recover damages for unlawful merchandising practices

SB 150 - Koenig - Modifies provisions regarding unlawful merchandising practices

SB 152 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 172 - Schupp - Bars discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity

SB 191 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to unlawful discriminatory practices in housing

SB 269 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to low-income housing tax credits

SB 276 - Rowden - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions to recover damages for unlawful merchandising practices

SB 374 - Burlison - Modifies provisions regarding unlawful merchandising practices

SB 429 - Wallingford - Provides for a sales tax exemption on the purchase of certain building materials

HB 243 - Neely - Allows victims of certain crimes to be released from certain lease agreements if documentation is provided to the landlord and modifies the offense of nonconsensual dissemination of sexual images

Immigration (3)

SB 64 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to sanctuary policies for municipalities

SCR 18 - Nasheed - Urges the Attorney General to join in a lawsuit challenging the validity of President Trump's declaration of a national emergency

SJR 18 - Cunningham - Creates new requirements relating to the verification of the immigration status of certain persons

Insurance - Automobile (5)

SB 120 - Burlison - Specifies when persons operating or riding a motorcycle or motortricycle must wear protective headgear

SB 252 - Wieland - Enacts provisions relating to insurance litigation

SB 466 - White - Requires the Department of Revenue to establish an electronically accessible motor vehicle financial responsibility verification system

SB 505 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

HB 626 - Ruth - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

Insurance - General (17)

SB 7 - Emery - Modifies provisions of civil procedure regarding joinder and venue

SB 31 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to malpractice insurance

SB 49 - Rowden - Modifies provisions relating to the enforcement of judgments and decrees against insurance companies

SB 54 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to insurance companies

SB 71 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to workers' compensation premiums

SB 81 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding insurance coverage of the cost to defend a claim in an administrative proceeding, proposed administrative rules affecting real property, and procedures for judicial review of action by a state agency

SB 120 - Burlison - Specifies when persons operating or riding a motorcycle or motortricycle must wear protective headgear

SB 246 - Hough - Increases the maximum duration of credit transaction that is subject to regulation under the statutes governing credit insurance

SB 252 - Wieland - Enacts provisions relating to insurance litigation

SB 279 - Onder - Modifies several provisions relating to abortion

SB 347 - Burlison - Enacts provisions relating to insurance holding companies

HB 126 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

HB 182 - Shull - Specifies default interest rates for voluntary payments made by insurance companies

HB 186 - Trent - Modifies various provisions relating to civil actions, including venue, unlawful merchandising practices, joinder, punitive damages, statutes of limitations, and intervention

HB 599 - Bondon - Enacts provisions relating to the regulation of certain entities by the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

HB 632 - Shull - Changes provisions of law relating to insurance holding companies

HB 815 - Black - Increases the maximum duration of credit transaction that is subject to regulation under the statutes governing credit insurance

Insurance - Health (36)

SB 29 - Hegeman - Extends the sunset on certain health care provider reimbursement allowances

SB 45 - Hoskins - Enacts provisions relating to health care for persons with disabilities

SB 48 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to short-term major medical insurance policies

SB 70 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 86 - Wallingford - Establishes the Senior Services Growth and Development program

SB 92 - Nasheed - Requires health insurers to cover fertility treatments under certain circumstances

SB 98 - Wieland - Makes a technical correction to a statute relating to health insurance

SB 99 - Wieland - Enacts the "Missouri Reinsurance Plan"

SB 103 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to health care services

SB 120 - Burlison - Specifies when persons operating or riding a motorcycle or motortricycle must wear protective headgear

SB 226 - Sater - Repeals restrictions regarding which associations may be issued health benefit plans for the benefit of their members

SB 229 - Crawford - Prohibits health carriers from denying reimbursement for health care services provided by licensed athletic trainers

SB 235 - White - Requires health insurance policies to provide coverage for hearing instruments and related services for enrollees under the age of 18

SB 267 - Wieland - Enacts provisions relating to the direct payment of health care providers

SB 287 - Wieland - Allows enrollment in a health benefit plan by a pregnant person under certain circumstances

SB 298 - White - Enacts provisions relating to payments for health care services

SB 302 - Wallingford - Prohibits health carriers from requiring health care providers to use methods of reimbursement that require providers to pay a fee

SB 310 - Arthur - Enacts provisions relating to prescription drug costs

SB 346 - Schupp - Requires health benefit plans providing coverage for prescription contraceptives to cover a 13-month supply of the contraceptives

SB 370 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet managed care

SB 396 - Onder - Modifies credentialing procedures for health care practitioners

SB 413 - Sater - Enacts provisions relating to pharmacy benefits

SB 414 - Wieland - Enacts provisions relating to innovation in health insurance

SB 417 - White - Requires the reporting of information relating to certain health care expenditures

SB 448 - Sater - Modifies the law regarding the provision of health care through a child support order

SB 449 - Sater - Requires health carriers to offer a certain proportion of their health benefit plans with flat-fee copayments for prescription drug benefits

SB 507 - Hough - Establishes provisions relating to health coverage for substance abuse and mental health treatment

HB 83 - Hill - Modifies provisions relating to health insurance

HB 219 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 337 - Swan - Establishes the Senior Services Growth and Development program

HB 397 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 399 - Basye - Enacts provisions relating to health care

HB 756 - Pfautsch - Modifies provisions relating to unanticipated out-of-network health care services

HB 758 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 942 - Wiemann - Allows for the marketing and sale of multiple-employer self-insured health plans to the public

HB 1049 - Wood - Modifies the law regarding the provision of health care through a child support order

Insurance - Life (2)

SB 135 - Sifton - Modifies provisions relating to property exempt from attachment and execution in bankruptcy proceedings

SB 337 - Wieland - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Preneed Funeral Contract Act

Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration, Department of (48)

SB 48 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to short-term major medical insurance policies

SB 54 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to insurance companies

SB 71 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to workers' compensation premiums

SB 99 - Wieland - Enacts the "Missouri Reinsurance Plan"

SB 103 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to health care services

SB 117 - Cierpiot - Authorizes roofing contractors in this state to register with the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

SB 153 - Sifton - Authorizes roofing contractors in this state to register with the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 179 - Cunningham - Modifies filing requirements for certain banks and financial institutions

SB 204 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 235 - White - Requires health insurance policies to provide coverage for hearing instruments and related services for enrollees under the age of 18

SB 246 - Hough - Increases the maximum duration of credit transaction that is subject to regulation under the statutes governing credit insurance

SB 251 - Koenig - Creates the "Fresh Start Act of 2019"

SB 258 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 275 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 298 - White - Enacts provisions relating to payments for health care services

SB 310 - Arthur - Enacts provisions relating to prescription drug costs

SB 339 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to mortgage broker licensing

SB 347 - Burlison - Enacts provisions relating to insurance holding companies

SB 372 - Hoskins - Prohibits state licensing boards from imposing disciplinary actions against licensees that provide services to cannabis establishments or persons in connection with activity that complies with the Missouri Constitution

SB 375 - Riddle - Modifies licensing requirements for nursing home administrators

SB 376 - Riddle - Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractor Licensing Act

SB 413 - Sater - Enacts provisions relating to pharmacy benefits

SB 414 - Wieland - Enacts provisions relating to innovation in health insurance

SB 417 - White - Requires the reporting of information relating to certain health care expenditures

SB 419 - Riddle - Prohibits any person under the age of 18 from using any tanning device of any tanning facility within the state

SB 449 - Sater - Requires health carriers to offer a certain proportion of their health benefit plans with flat-fee copayments for prescription drug benefits

SB 466 - White - Requires the Department of Revenue to establish an electronically accessible motor vehicle financial responsibility verification system

SB 476 - Brown - Allows any person, including a nonresident military spouse of Missouri to apply for a license in Missouri, provided such person also submits proof of current licensure in any jurisdiction and any required application fee

SB 484 - Hoskins - Establishes the Litigation Financing Consumer Protection Act

SB 500 - Burlison - Permits an unlicensed person to provide a service for which state law otherwise requires an occupational license, provided such unlicensed person makes a nonlicensed disclosure

SB 504 - Crawford - Establishes the Consumer Legal Funding Model Act

SB 509 - Hough - Exempts any not for profit organization organized under state law from provisions relating to the right to practice as an architect, professional engineer, professional land surveyor, or professional landscape architect

SB 514 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 83 - Hill - Modifies provisions relating to health insurance

HB 182 - Shull - Specifies default interest rates for voluntary payments made by insurance companies

HB 257 - Stephens - Authorizes the Board of Pharmacy to enter into voluntary compliance with pharmacists in lieu of disciplinary action

HB 326 - Schroer - Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractor Licensing Act

HB 355 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

HB 399 - Basye - Enacts provisions relating to health care

HB 472 - Grier - Modifies several provisions relating to professional registration

HB 487 - Solon - Includes the dispensing of self-administered oral hormonal contraceptives in the practice of pharmacy

HB 599 - Bondon - Enacts provisions relating to the regulation of certain entities by the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

HB 632 - Shull - Changes provisions of law relating to insurance holding companies

HB 705 - Helms - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

HB 757 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to mortgage loan originators

HB 815 - Black - Increases the maximum duration of credit transaction that is subject to regulation under the statutes governing credit insurance

HB 942 - Wiemann - Allows for the marketing and sale of multiple-employer self-insured health plans to the public

Internet and E-mail (7)

SB 250 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to the publication of notice of the sale of real estate

SB 382 - Emery - Requires internet service providers to block obscene websites and provide subscribers the ability to create a password to access such websites

SB 401 - Burlison - Implements provisions relating to student data privacy, and establishes a student data privacy task force to study issues relating to student data privacy

SB 511 - Williams - Prohibits a website operator from intentionally using an internet domain name in a ticket website’s URL that contains certain information

SCR 3 - Emery - Recognizes the societal harms brought by pornography and the need for education, prevention, research, and policy change

HB 169 - Gannon - Establishes the "Internet and Social Media Awareness Program" to increase awareness of appropriate online behavior and skills among students in public schools

HB 1162 - Riggs - Modifies provisions relating to the Broadband Internet Grant Program

Interstate Cooperation (9)

SB 54 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to insurance companies

SB 182 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to the issuance of certain incentives to businesses relocating from certain counties in Kansas

SB 226 - Sater - Repeals restrictions regarding which associations may be issued health benefit plans for the benefit of their members

SB 234 - White - Enacts provisions relating to disability accommodations for commercial driver's license applicants

SB 290 - Brown - Enacts provisions relating to commercial driver's licenses

SB 347 - Burlison - Enacts provisions relating to insurance holding companies

SB 368 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 378 - Hough - Specifies that beginning December 1, 2019, private entities shall be eligible for certification as third-party testers for commercial driver's licenses

HB 599 - Bondon - Enacts provisions relating to the regulation of certain entities by the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

Jackson County (6)

SB 24 - Nasheed - Creates new provisions relating to the transfer of prisoners to certain facilities

SB 57 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to certain tourism infrastructure facilities

SB 241 - Rizzo - Extends authority to appropriate money for certain convention and sports complex funds

SB 291 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 452 - Curls - Modifies provisions relating to county assessment funds

SB 518 - Curls - Modifies the compensation for a juror serving in Jackson County

Judges (8)

SB 37 - Onder - Modifies the offense and penalties of promoting prostitution in the first degree

SB 137 - Sifton - Specifies circumstances under which traffic court judges in St. Louis County may review driver's license revocation for refusal to submit to a chemical test

SB 207 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the administrative adjudication of certain municipal ordinance violations

SJR 3 - Hegeman - Provides that a nonpartisan judicial commission shall submit to the Governor a list of all qualified nominees, rather than a list of three nominees, to fill a judicial vacancy in a court under the nonpartisan court plan

HB 67 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 124 - DeGroot - Allows the circuit court in St. Louis City to collect a civil case filing fee of an amount not to exceed $20, rather than $15, for certain uses including the law library

HB 192 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 269 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to elections

Juries (3)

SB 288 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to jury instructions for the offense of murder in the first degree

SB 297 - White - Allows individuals 75 years of age or older to be excused from petit and grand jury service

SB 518 - Curls - Modifies the compensation for a juror serving in Jackson County

Kansas City (11)

SB 3 - Curls - Modifies property regulations in certain cities and counties

SB 24 - Nasheed - Creates new provisions relating to the transfer of prisoners to certain facilities

SB 57 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to certain tourism infrastructure facilities

SB 112 - Eigel - Repeals the St. Louis and Kansas City earnings taxes

SB 152 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 182 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to the issuance of certain incentives to businesses relocating from certain counties in Kansas

SB 225 - Curls - Modifies nuisance actions in certain cities and counties

SB 412 - Holsman - Modifies provisions for the abatement of vacant nuisance properties in Kansas City

SB 460 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses's collaborative practice agreements

HB 703 - Richey - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation

HCR 34 - Riggs - Urges the Baseball Hall of Fame to induct John Jordan "Buck" O'Neil

Labor and Industrial Relations, Department of (11)

SB 10 - Cunningham - Modifies provision relating to the minimum wage

SB 90 - Libla - Modifies various provisions relating to employment security

SB 162 - Schupp - Creates new provisions of law relating to leave from employment

SB 178 - Schupp - Creates a right to unpaid leave for employees that are affected by certain crimes

SB 209 - May - Prohibits the use of an employee or prospective employee's credit score as a condition of employment

SB 228 - Sater - Modifies methods of service of notice under employment security laws

SB 239 - White - Allows counties to opt out of provisions relating to prevailing wage

SB 313 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to the misclassification of workers

SB 348 - O'Laughlin - Modifies the minimum wage rate required to be paid to employees of private religious schools

HB 278 - Andrews - Modifies employment security provisions relating to employer reports

HB 332 - Lynch - Modifies provisions relating to employment security

Labor and Management (5)

SB 63 - Burlison - Creates new provisions of law relating to labor organizations

HB 372 - Trent - Modifies provisions relating to eligibility for unemployment benefits

HB 646 - Rowland - Modifies provisions relating to sheltered workshops

HB 763 - Remole - Exempts certain schools from the state minimum wage law requirements

HB 1137 - Hill - Modifies provisions relating to the misclassification of workers

Lakes, Rivers and Waterways (1)

SB 119 - Arthur - Expands the requirement for children to wear personal flotation devices

Landlords and Tenants (8)

SB 37 - Onder - Modifies the offense and penalties of promoting prostitution in the first degree

SB 60 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to victims of certain crimes including rental agreements and prostitution and penalties of promoting prostitution in the first degree

SB 107 - Hoskins - Modifies law regarding service dogs

SB 350 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to the removal of a tenant from a commercial property

SB 404 - Nasheed - Allows tenants to terminate their lease in certain situations of domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault

HB 107 - Sommer - Modifies provisions relating to service dogs

HB 243 - Neely - Allows victims of certain crimes to be released from certain lease agreements if documentation is provided to the landlord and modifies the offense of nonconsensual dissemination of sexual images

HB 321 - Solon - Modifies provisions relating to limited liability companies owning real property in St. Joseph

Law Enforcement Officers and Agencies (46)

SB 6 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to controlled substances, including the Schedules, medical marijuana, and criminal provisions involving controlled substances

SB 12 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to charges for the service of court orders

SB 19 - Libla - Creates penalty enhancements for certain crimes against emergency service providers

SB 24 - Nasheed - Creates new provisions relating to the transfer of prisoners to certain facilities

SB 37 - Onder - Modifies the offense and penalties of promoting prostitution in the first degree

SB 41 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to domestic violence offenders

SB 42 - Schupp - Creates extreme risk orders of protection

SB 64 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to sanctuary policies for municipalities

SB 111 - Eigel - Enacts provisions relating to traffic enforcement

SB 115 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to the confiscation of animals

SB 123 - White - Allows certain appointed persons who serve court orders to collect the charge for such service for deposit into the Deputy Sheriff Salary Supplementation Fund

SB 129 - Sater - Establishes the "Private College Campus Protection Act" which allows private colleges and universities to employ campus police officers

SB 136 - Sifton - Requires every individual who is 17 years or older and is arrested for a felony offense to provide a biological sample for DNA profiling. Creates a procedure for certain persons who have had their samples collected to request expungement.

SB 145 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 194 - Hoskins - Creates offenses relating to the unlawful use of an unmanned aircraft

SB 236 - White - Bars certain professionals and entities from being held liable for damages resulting from any lawfully conducted body cavity search

SB 243 - Walsh - Creates a new hold order for personal property received by pawnbrokers

SB 291 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 305 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to child fatality review panels

SB 363 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 367 - Burlison - Creates additional protections to the right to bear arms

SB 381 - Onder - Repeals certain vehicle safety inspection requirements

SB 427 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to the concealed carry permit system

SB 428 - Hough - Prohibits a law enforcement officer from releasing a person from custody during or immediately preceding medical or psychiatric care in a hospital unless certain conditions are met

SB 433 - Onder - Creates the offense of vehicle hijacking

SB 442 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to buyers of precious metals

SB 459 - Nasheed - Creates the offense of vehicle hijacking

SB 466 - White - Requires the Department of Revenue to establish an electronically accessible motor vehicle financial responsibility verification system

SB 468 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 493 - May - Establishes the “Fourth Amendment Affirmation Act”

SB 494 - Emery - Establishes provisions relating to asset forfeiture

SB 501 - Riddle - Modifies the members of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission

SCR 22 - Holsman - Supports increased public awareness on the issue of motorcycle profiling

HB 114 - Pietzman - Requires certain sexual offenders to be electronically monitored while relocating to a different county

HB 185 - Trent - Modifies provisions relating to the Amber Alert System

HB 192 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 204 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to the confiscation of animals

HB 239 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to the offenses of trafficking drugs in the first and second degrees

HB 568 - Black - Authorizes political subdivisions to elect to cover certain positions as public safety personnel for purposes of retirement plans

HB 694 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to background checks, and extends the expiration of a criminal court surcharge for the DNA Profiling Analysis fund

HB 703 - Richey - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation

HB 746 - Wilson - Modifies provisions relating to charges for the service of court orders

HB 749 - Tate - Establishes the "Towing Task Force"

HB 898 - Walsh - Establishes a "Back the Blue" special license plate

HB 966 - Gregory - Creates the offense of vehicle hijacking

HB 982 - Hicks - Transfer responsibility for employment and oversight of Missouri Capitol police officers from the Department of Public Safety to the Missouri State Capitol Commission

Liability (29)

SB 30 - Hegeman - Allows evidence of failure to wear a seatbelt to prove comparative negligence, causation, absence of defect, and failure to mitigate damages

SB 62 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions to recover damages for unlawful merchandising practices

SB 65 - White - Modifies provisions regarding punitive damages

SB 67 - White - Provides that persons providing emergency medical services in certain instances shall only be liable for gross negligence

SB 69 - Hough - Establishes procedures for a claimant in an action for damages due to asbestos exposure to disclose additional claims the claimant has filed with an asbestos trust

SB 96 - Hegeman - Changes the statute of limitations for personal injury claims from five years to two years

SB 100 - Riddle - Provides that a person who is injured by a product has 15 years after the sale or lease of the product to bring a suit for damages

SB 115 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to the confiscation of animals

SB 122 - Burlison - Establishes the Stop Socialism Act which creates a cause of action against a public body that offers a competitive service to the economic detriment of a person offering the same competitive service

SB 134 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to solid waste

SB 135 - Sifton - Modifies provisions relating to property exempt from attachment and execution in bankruptcy proceedings

SB 145 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 150 - Koenig - Modifies provisions regarding unlawful merchandising practices

SB 169 - Wallingford - Modifies the civil penalty for violating federally mandated natural gas safety standards

SB 276 - Rowden - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions to recover damages for unlawful merchandising practices

SB 293 - Hough - Creates new criminal offenses involving critical infrastructure facilities

SB 317 - Burlison - Establishes the Silica Claims Priorities Act which prohibits a person from bringing a claim for injuries caused by silica unless certain evidence is presented

SB 350 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to the removal of a tenant from a commercial property

SB 374 - Burlison - Modifies provisions regarding unlawful merchandising practices

SB 382 - Emery - Requires internet service providers to block obscene websites and provide subscribers the ability to create a password to access such websites

SB 389 - Burlison - Modifies the definition of "public entity" to include employees of multistate compact agencies for purposes of sovereign immunity

SB 404 - Nasheed - Allows tenants to terminate their lease in certain situations of domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault

SB 423 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions of the Public Access to Automated External Defibrillator Act

SB 492 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the resale of scrap metals

SB 497 - O'Laughlin - Extends sovereign and governmental tort immunity to contractors and subcontractors performing governmental services previously performed by the Department of Transportation

HB 186 - Trent - Modifies various provisions relating to civil actions, including venue, unlawful merchandising practices, joinder, punitive damages, statutes of limitations, and intervention

HB 204 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to the confiscation of animals

HB 489 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions regarding punitive damages

HB 844 - Hudson - Modifies provisions relating to lodging establishments

Libraries and Archives (2)

HB 124 - DeGroot - Allows the circuit court in St. Louis City to collect a civil case filing fee of an amount not to exceed $20, rather than $15, for certain uses including the law library

HB 1083 - O'Donnell - Modifies provisions relating to courts, including the division of securities, civil case filing fees, and the payment of fines

Licenses - Driver's (17)

SB 11 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 89 - Libla - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 137 - Sifton - Specifies circumstances under which traffic court judges in St. Louis County may review driver's license revocation for refusal to submit to a chemical test

SB 200 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to licenses granted by the Department of Revenue

SB 234 - White - Enacts provisions relating to disability accommodations for commercial driver's license applicants

SB 254 - Bernskoetter - Specifies that the Director of Revenue may revoke the driver's license of a person determined to have struck a highway worker or emergency responder in a properly marked zone

SB 282 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the disposition of human remains

SB 290 - Brown - Enacts provisions relating to commercial driver's licenses

SB 332 - Brown - Enacts provisions relating to driver's licenses

SB 378 - Hough - Specifies that beginning December 1, 2019, private entities shall be eligible for certification as third-party testers for commercial driver's licenses

SB 458 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the suspension of licenses for failure to comply with a child support order

HB 192 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 207 - Kelley - Allows for individuals to elect to include medical alert information on their driver's license or nondriver identification card

HB 450 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to the organ donor registry

HB 499 - Griesheimer - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

HB 584 - Knight - Modifies provisions relating to transportation

HB 679 - Tate - Enacts provisions relating to driver's license renewals

Licenses - Liquor and Beer (6)

SB 329 - Burlison - Modifies provisions to allow wholesalers to employ persons 18 years of age to unload delivery vehicles and transfer liquor into retail premises with supervision

SB 340 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to alcohol trade practices

SB 344 - Eigel - Establishes provisions for storage and transport of intoxicating liquor from a central warehouse to premises licensed to sell intoxicating liquors at retail

SB 431 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to illegal gambling

SB 469 - Walsh - Modifies provisions relating to alcohol trade practices

SB 485 - Hoskins - Allows for and licenses retailer-to-retailer sales of certain intoxicating liquors

Licenses - Miscellaneous (43)

SB 36 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating real estate

SB 153 - Sifton - Authorizes roofing contractors in this state to register with the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 204 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 217 - Schupp - Creates the offense of unlawful transfer of weapons for a licensed firearms dealer to deliver a handgun to a purchaser without waiting at least 72 hours

SB 247 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to athletic trainers

SB 251 - Koenig - Creates the "Fresh Start Act of 2019"

SB 253 - Sater - Authorizes the Board of Pharmacy to enter into voluntary compliance agreements with pharmacists in lieu of disciplinary action

SB 258 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 275 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 303 - Riddle - Licenses persons performing radiologic imaging or administering radiation therapy and establishes the Missouri Radiologic Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board of Examiners

SB 309 - Sater - Authorizes pharmacists to prescribe and dispense nicotine replacement therapy products

SB 315 - Burlison - Prohibits political subdivisions from imposing any new occupational fees or licensing requirements on any profession if none have been imposed before August 28, 2019

SB 318 - Burlison - Establishes the Expanded Workforce Access Act of 2019

SB 352 - Williams - Requires certain health care professionals to complete up to two hours of cultural competency training

SB 357 - Sater - Allows pharmacists to prescribe drugs and controlled substances according to a written medication therapy services protocol from a physician

SB 372 - Hoskins - Prohibits state licensing boards from imposing disciplinary actions against licensees that provide services to cannabis establishments or persons in connection with activity that complies with the Missouri Constitution

SB 375 - Riddle - Modifies licensing requirements for nursing home administrators

SB 376 - Riddle - Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractor Licensing Act

SB 400 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to advanced practice registered nurses

SB 419 - Riddle - Prohibits any person under the age of 18 from using any tanning device of any tanning facility within the state

SB 444 - Schupp - Requires physicians to complete two hours of suicide prevention training as a condition of licensure

SB 451 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to prisoner complaints against a psychologist's license

SB 455 - Holsman - Permits funeral directors to perform cremations at an outdoor human cremation facility

SB 458 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the suspension of licenses for failure to comply with a child support order

SB 460 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses's collaborative practice agreements

SB 476 - Brown - Allows any person, including a nonresident military spouse of Missouri to apply for a license in Missouri, provided such person also submits proof of current licensure in any jurisdiction and any required application fee

SB 492 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the resale of scrap metals

SB 500 - Burlison - Permits an unlicensed person to provide a service for which state law otherwise requires an occupational license, provided such unlicensed person makes a nonlicensed disclosure

SB 505 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 509 - Hough - Exempts any not for profit organization organized under state law from provisions relating to the right to practice as an architect, professional engineer, professional land surveyor, or professional landscape architect

HB 257 - Stephens - Authorizes the Board of Pharmacy to enter into voluntary compliance with pharmacists in lieu of disciplinary action

HB 301 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to advanced practice registered nurses

HB 326 - Schroer - Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractor Licensing Act

HB 349 - Hannegan - Modifies the definition of "Class CH - hairdresser"

HB 410 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to the scope of practice for physical therapists

HB 470 - Grier - Establishes the Expanded Workforce Access Act of 2019

HB 472 - Grier - Modifies several provisions relating to professional registration

HB 487 - Solon - Includes the dispensing of self-administered oral hormonal contraceptives in the practice of pharmacy

HB 564 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

HB 626 - Ruth - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

HB 705 - Helms - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

HB 816 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to embalming apprenticeships

Licenses - Motor Vehicle (19)

SB 89 - Libla - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 147 - Sater - Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 201 - Romine - Replaces the current motor vehicle registration fee system with a system based on fuel economy

SB 242 - Walsh - Specifies that the Director of Revenue may issue historic motor vehicle license plates without a mileage restriction as a category of special license plates

SB 330 - Brown - Establishes an "Association of Missouri Electrical Cooperatives" special license plate

SB 359 - Eigel - Repeals certain vehicle safety inspection requirements

SB 368 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 371 - Eigel - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 381 - Onder - Repeals certain vehicle safety inspection requirements

SB 458 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the suspension of licenses for failure to comply with a child support order

SB 505 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

HB 451 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to vehicle inspections

HB 584 - Knight - Modifies provisions relating to transportation

HB 626 - Ruth - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

HB 679 - Tate - Enacts provisions relating to driver's license renewals

HB 713 - Morris - Modifies provisions relating to the purple heart special license plate

HB 831 - Sharpe - Establishes special license plates

HB 898 - Walsh - Establishes a "Back the Blue" special license plate

HB 926 - Shawan - Enacts provisions relating to license plates

Lobbying (3)

HB 445 - Dogan - Prohibits lobbyists from giving gifts to local government officials, with an exception for group gifts

HB 937 - Murphy - Modifies the definition of "legislative lobbyist"

HJR 48 - Plocher - Proposes constitutional amendments regulating the legislature to limit the influence of partisan or other special interests

Lotteries (2)

SB 43 - Hoskins - Establishes the Missouri Video Lottery Control Act

SB 195 - Hoskins - Allows sports wagering and sports lottery games

Marital and Family Therapists (3)

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 352 - Williams - Requires certain health care professionals to complete up to two hours of cultural competency training

SB 514 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

Marriage and Divorce (8)

SB 14 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions of law relating to child custody arrangements

SB 17 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems

SB 88 - Libla - Modifies provisions of law relating to guardians ad litem

SB 282 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the disposition of human remains

SB 307 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to spousal maintenance orders

HB 229 - Swan - Modifies provisions of law relating to child custody arrangements

HB 461 - Pfautsch - Modifies provisions relating to the right of sepulcher and the death registration process

HB 700 - Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to grandparent visitation

Medicaid/MO Healthnet (29)

SB 11 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 27 - Sifton - Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning January 1, 2021

SB 29 - Hegeman - Extends the sunset on certain health care provider reimbursement allowances

SB 45 - Hoskins - Enacts provisions relating to health care for persons with disabilities

SB 70 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 76 - Sater - Requires certain MO HealthNet participants to comply with work and community engagement requirements

SB 77 - Sater - Requires the Department of Social Services to apply for a global waiver for MO HealthNet

SB 78 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri Rx plan

SB 104 - Schupp - Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning January 1, 2021

SB 128 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to consumer-directed services in the MO HealthNet program

SB 232 - Sater - Extends the expiration date of the Ticket to Work Health Assurance Program

SB 263 - Schupp - Provides for postpartum depression screening and treatment for certain mothers

SB 338 - Wieland - Excludes emergency contraception from MO HealthNet family planning coverage

SB 362 - Riddle - Adds structured family caregiving for certain MO HealthNet participants and modifies provisions relating to personal care assistance services

SB 370 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet managed care

SB 393 - Hough - Requires the MO HealthNet benefits of offenders in correctional facilities and jails to be suspended rather than terminated

SB 432 - Sifton - Modifies the Ticket to Work Health Assurance Program

SB 438 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to consumer-directed services vendors

SB 441 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to certain MO HealthNet home and community-based services

SB 448 - Sater - Modifies the law regarding the provision of health care through a child support order

SB 507 - Hough - Establishes provisions relating to health coverage for substance abuse and mental health treatment

SB 514 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 219 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 397 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 399 - Basye - Enacts provisions relating to health care

HB 466 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to medical public assistance

HB 600 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to Medicaid per diem reimbursement rates

HB 758 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 1049 - Wood - Modifies the law regarding the provision of health care through a child support order

Medical Procedures and Personnel (23)

SB 34 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to coroners

SB 65 - White - Modifies provisions regarding punitive damages

SB 67 - White - Provides that persons providing emergency medical services in certain instances shall only be liable for gross negligence

SB 103 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to health care services

SB 170 - Schupp - Repeals the 72-hour waiting period prior to an abortion

SB 216 - Schupp - Requires organizations that provide pregnancy-related services to provide medically accurate information regarding reproductive health options in order to receive state funding

SB 279 - Onder - Modifies several provisions relating to abortion

SB 298 - White - Enacts provisions relating to payments for health care services

SB 345 - Koenig - Makes the performance or inducement of an abortion, except in a medical emergency, a criminal offense

SB 353 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to practitioner-patient consultations for prescribed opioid controlled substances

SB 388 - Burlison - Establishes the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act"

SB 406 - Wallingford - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

SB 423 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions of the Public Access to Automated External Defibrillator Act

SB 490 - Rizzo - Modifies training requirements for certified nursing assistants

HB 83 - Hill - Modifies provisions relating to health insurance

HB 126 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

HB 138 - Kidd - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

HB 186 - Trent - Modifies various provisions relating to civil actions, including venue, unlawful merchandising practices, joinder, punitive damages, statutes of limitations, and intervention

HB 399 - Basye - Enacts provisions relating to health care

HB 420 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to certain health care professionals

HB 447 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to the deceased

HB 489 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions regarding punitive damages

HB 756 - Pfautsch - Modifies provisions relating to unanticipated out-of-network health care services

Mental Health (18)

SB 45 - Hoskins - Enacts provisions relating to health care for persons with disabilities

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 204 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 218 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 263 - Schupp - Provides for postpartum depression screening and treatment for certain mothers

SB 351 - Williams - Requires that all state-funded teacher-training institutions provide courses on the concepts of trauma-informed approach and trauma-specific interventions

SB 358 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to the Health Professional Student Loan Repayment Program

SB 444 - Schupp - Requires physicians to complete two hours of suicide prevention training as a condition of licensure

SB 451 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to prisoner complaints against a psychologist's license

SB 507 - Hough - Establishes provisions relating to health coverage for substance abuse and mental health treatment

SCR 3 - Emery - Recognizes the societal harms brought by pornography and the need for education, prevention, research, and policy change

HB 108 - Sommer - Designates May as "Mental Health Awareness Month" and July as "Minority Mental Health Awareness Monthin Missouri"

HB 219 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 399 - Basye - Enacts provisions relating to health care

HB 441 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to prisoner complaints made against a psychologist license

HB 604 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 705 - Helms - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

HB 758 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to health care

Mental Health, Department of (3)

SB 194 - Hoskins - Creates offenses relating to the unlawful use of an unmanned aircraft

SB 263 - Schupp - Provides for postpartum depression screening and treatment for certain mothers

SB 507 - Hough - Establishes provisions relating to health coverage for substance abuse and mental health treatment

Merchandising Practices (13)

SB 62 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions to recover damages for unlawful merchandising practices

SB 150 - Koenig - Modifies provisions regarding unlawful merchandising practices

SB 215 - Schupp - Repeals provisions of law relating to the provision of paper and plastic bags

SB 231 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicle manufacturers licensed as new motor vehicle franchise dealers

SB 276 - Rowden - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions to recover damages for unlawful merchandising practices

SB 354 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions of the Motor Vehicle Franchise Practices Act

SB 374 - Burlison - Modifies provisions regarding unlawful merchandising practices

SB 442 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to buyers of precious metals

SB 498 - Burlison - Provides that food containers shall not be deemed to be misleading, misbranded, or unfairly marketed if the container is filled to less than its capacity if certain criteria are present

HB 186 - Trent - Modifies various provisions relating to civil actions, including venue, unlawful merchandising practices, joinder, punitive damages, statutes of limitations, and intervention

HB 354 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to the financial protection of vulnerable populations

HB 523 - Roden - Modifies provisions relating to the No-Call list

HB 959 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of certain business organizations

Military Affairs (17)

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 180 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to incentives for the creation of military jobs

SB 283 - Hoskins - Removes the sunset provision for the Veteran's Survivor Grant program

SB 306 - White - Modifies provisions regarding education for members of military families

SB 332 - Brown - Enacts provisions relating to driver's licenses

SB 405 - Wallingford - Designates November 9th as Stars and Stripes Day

SB 421 - Wallingford - Transfers the office of Adjutant General from the Department of Public Safety to the Office of Administration

SB 476 - Brown - Allows any person, including a nonresident military spouse of Missouri to apply for a license in Missouri, provided such person also submits proof of current licensure in any jurisdiction and any required application fee

SCR 12 - Sater - Recognizes the Gold Star Families Memorial Monument on the College of the Ozarks campus as an official Gold Star Families Memorial Monument of Missouri

SCR 26 - Bernskoetter - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to support and lead efforts to pass legislation for the declassification of POW/MIA records

HB 346 - Lynch - Modifies provisions relating to incentives for the creation of military jobs

HB 400 - Basye - Modifies the Missouri Returning Heroes Education Act

HB 547 - Griffith - Provides alternative methods for the disposal of cases including through the use of treatment courts, prosecution diversion programs, and restitution payments

HB 565 - Morse - Designates certain days and emblems for commemoration in Missouri

HB 715 - Lynch - Removes the sunset provision for the Wartime Veteran's Survivor Grant Program

HCR 16 - Dohrman - Urges Congress to award the Congressional Gold Medal to the Ghost Army of World War II

HCR 18 - Spencer - Urges all public schools to institute Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) in their schools

Mining and Oil and Gas Production (3)

SB 84 - Cunningham - Extends the sunset date on certain geologic resources fees from December 31, 2020, to December 31, 2025

SB 202 - Romine - Creates provisions relating to mining royalties on federal land

HB 283 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

Minorities (2)

SB 352 - Williams - Requires certain health care professionals to complete up to two hours of cultural competency training

SCR 21 - May - Designates August as Minority Organ Donor Awareness Month

Mortgages and Deeds (7)

SB 36 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating real estate

SB 218 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 250 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to the publication of notice of the sale of real estate

SB 339 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to mortgage broker licensing

SB 409 - Wieland - Provides processes for the recorder of deeds to record electronic documents and procedures for remote online notarization

SB 465 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to early childhood education programs

HB 757 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to mortgage loan originators

Motels and Hotels (2)

HB 674 - Kolkmeyer - Authorizes certain cities to submit to the voters a transient guest tax

HB 844 - Hudson - Modifies provisions relating to lodging establishments

Motor Carriers (10)

SB 15 - Wallingford - Enacts provisions relating to the operation of motor vehicles while using electronic devices

SB 89 - Libla - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 186 - Hegeman - Permits vehicle platooning on Missouri roads

SB 234 - White - Enacts provisions relating to disability accommodations for commercial driver's license applicants

SB 290 - Brown - Enacts provisions relating to commercial driver's licenses

SB 323 - Hough - Directs the Department of Transportation, in consultation with the Highway Patrol and the advisory committee created in the act, to promulgate rules governing the towing of commercial vehicles

SB 368 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 394 - O'Laughlin - Raises the maximum distance from the ground to which the bottom edge of motor vehicle mud flaps shall extend when required by law

SB 506 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the inspection of commercial motor vehicles

HB 1002 - Busick - Raises the maximum distance from the ground to which the bottom edge trucks' mud flaps are required to extend

Motor Fuel (1)

SB 430 - Libla - Increases the motor fuel tax

Motor Vehicles (45)

SB 15 - Wallingford - Enacts provisions relating to the operation of motor vehicles while using electronic devices

SB 30 - Hegeman - Allows evidence of failure to wear a seatbelt to prove comparative negligence, causation, absence of defect, and failure to mitigate damages

SB 89 - Libla - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 91 - Nasheed - Provides that a court may, rather than shall, double the fine imposed for a traffic offense committed in a designated safe travel zone

SB 102 - Riddle - Provides that a motorcycle or motortricycle may be operated on the shoulder of a roadway under certain circumstances

SB 111 - Eigel - Enacts provisions relating to traffic enforcement

SB 114 - Crawford - Modifies fees charged by Department of Revenue contractor license offices

SB 120 - Burlison - Specifies when persons operating or riding a motorcycle or motortricycle must wear protective headgear

SB 135 - Sifton - Modifies provisions relating to property exempt from attachment and execution in bankruptcy proceedings

SB 137 - Sifton - Specifies circumstances under which traffic court judges in St. Louis County may review driver's license revocation for refusal to submit to a chemical test

SB 186 - Hegeman - Permits vehicle platooning on Missouri roads

SB 200 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to licenses granted by the Department of Revenue

SB 201 - Romine - Replaces the current motor vehicle registration fee system with a system based on fuel economy

SB 231 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicle manufacturers licensed as new motor vehicle franchise dealers

SB 242 - Walsh - Specifies that the Director of Revenue may issue historic motor vehicle license plates without a mileage restriction as a category of special license plates

SB 254 - Bernskoetter - Specifies that the Director of Revenue may revoke the driver's license of a person determined to have struck a highway worker or emergency responder in a properly marked zone

SB 296 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations

SB 323 - Hough - Directs the Department of Transportation, in consultation with the Highway Patrol and the advisory committee created in the act, to promulgate rules governing the towing of commercial vehicles

SB 354 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions of the Motor Vehicle Franchise Practices Act

SB 359 - Eigel - Repeals certain vehicle safety inspection requirements

SB 368 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 369 - Brown - Repeals the requirement for purchasers to obtain salvage titles for vehicles sold for salvage within six years of their designated model year

SB 371 - Eigel - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 378 - Hough - Specifies that beginning December 1, 2019, private entities shall be eligible for certification as third-party testers for commercial driver's licenses

SB 381 - Onder - Repeals certain vehicle safety inspection requirements

SB 394 - O'Laughlin - Raises the maximum distance from the ground to which the bottom edge of motor vehicle mud flaps shall extend when required by law

SB 505 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 506 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the inspection of commercial motor vehicles

SCR 22 - Holsman - Supports increased public awareness on the issue of motorcycle profiling

HB 192 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 280 - Ruth - Modifies model traffic ordinances to require vehicles to stop for "other on-track equipment" in addition to trains

HB 287 - Kidd - Modifies provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations

HB 355 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

HB 402 - Basye - Allows motor vehicles to turn left on red light when turning onto a one-way street

HB 451 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to vehicle inspections

HB 499 - Griesheimer - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

HB 584 - Knight - Modifies provisions relating to transportation

HB 626 - Ruth - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

HB 713 - Morris - Modifies provisions relating to the purple heart special license plate

HB 749 - Tate - Establishes the "Towing Task Force"

HB 898 - Walsh - Establishes a "Back the Blue" special license plate

HB 926 - Shawan - Enacts provisions relating to license plates

HB 959 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of certain business organizations

HB 966 - Gregory - Creates the offense of vehicle hijacking

HB 1002 - Busick - Raises the maximum distance from the ground to which the bottom edge trucks' mud flaps are required to extend

Museums (2)

SB 322 - Bernskoetter - Creates the Steamboat Legacy Fund

SB 397 - White - Extends the period of time in which a petition to create a museum and cultural district may be filed

National Guard (2)

SB 306 - White - Modifies provisions regarding education for members of military families

HCR 18 - Spencer - Urges all public schools to institute Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) in their schools

Natural Resources, Department of (21)

SB 66 - White - Establishes provisions relating to water safety and security

SB 84 - Cunningham - Extends the sunset date on certain geologic resources fees from December 31, 2020, to December 31, 2025

SB 133 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 134 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to solid waste

SB 145 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 196 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the Division of State Parks

SB 211 - Wallingford - Extends the sunset date on the fee on the sale of new tires from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2025

SB 325 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to state parks concession contracts

SB 391 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to agricultural operations

SB 425 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to concentrated animal feeding operations

SB 473 - Bernskoetter - Creates the Rock Island Trail State Park Endowment Fund

SB 495 - Emery - Repeals certain duties of the Joint Committee on Government Accountability

SCR 5 - Wallingford - Establishes the Joint Committee on Solid Waste Management District Operations

HB 160 - Knight - Creates provisions relating to the regulation of water usage

HB 283 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 379 - McGaugh - Authorizes the Department of Natural Resources to award grants to preserve, protect, or restore historic county courthouses and historic county courthouse grounds

HB 681 - Knight - Extends the expiration date for the fee imposed on new tire sales

HB 951 - Haden - Prohibits the inspection of certain grounds or facilities used for certain agricultural purposes to enforce the laws of a state other than Missouri

HB 1158 - Pietzman - Requires the Department of Natural Resources to assist permit applicants throughout the permitting process

HB 1206 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to state parks

HB 1237 - Fitzwater - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property

Newspapers and Publications (6)

SB 206 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to contracts for government facilities

SB 250 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to the publication of notice of the sale of real estate

SB 268 - Wieland - Changes the process by which public notice is required to be published

SB 515 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to publication of notice

HB 576 - Dohrman - Creates the "Cronkite New Voices Act", and other provisions regarding the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

HB 743 - Fishel - Creates the "Cronkite New Voices Act" to protect the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

Notary Public (3)

SB 140 - Koenig - Modifies law relating to notaries public

SB 409 - Wieland - Provides processes for the recorder of deeds to record electronic documents and procedures for remote online notarization

SB 468 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

Nurses (18)

SB 70 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 204 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 262 - Sater - Requires prescriptions to be issued electronically, with some exceptions

SB 263 - Schupp - Provides for postpartum depression screening and treatment for certain mothers

SB 280 - Sater - Waives the geographic proximity requirement for certain collaborative practice arrangements

SB 353 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to practitioner-patient consultations for prescribed opioid controlled substances

SB 400 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to advanced practice registered nurses

SB 406 - Wallingford - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

SB 456 - Schupp - Requires certain hospitals to perform forensic examinations with the consent of a victim of a sexual offense

SB 460 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses's collaborative practice agreements

SB 490 - Rizzo - Modifies training requirements for certified nursing assistants

SB 514 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 219 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 301 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to advanced practice registered nurses

HB 420 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to certain health care professionals

HB 564 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

HB 758 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to health care

Nursing Homes and Long-term Care Facilities (14)

SB 11 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 29 - Hegeman - Extends the sunset on certain health care provider reimbursement allowances

SB 70 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 82 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions of law relating to health care facilities and certificates of need

SB 165 - Eigel - Repeals the certificate of need law

SB 375 - Riddle - Modifies licensing requirements for nursing home administrators

SB 406 - Wallingford - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

SB 490 - Rizzo - Modifies training requirements for certified nursing assistants

SB 516 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to certificates of need

HB 138 - Kidd - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

HB 219 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 466 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to medical public assistance

HB 600 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to Medicaid per diem reimbursement rates

HB 758 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to health care

Optometry (2)

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 262 - Sater - Requires prescriptions to be issued electronically, with some exceptions

Parks and Recreation (6)

SB 196 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the Division of State Parks

SB 325 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to state parks concession contracts

SB 473 - Bernskoetter - Creates the Rock Island Trail State Park Endowment Fund

SCR 23 - Luetkemeyer - Urges the United States Congress to support designation of Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area as part of the National Heritage Area System

HB 283 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources

HB 1206 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to state parks

Pawnbrokers (2)

SB 243 - Walsh - Creates a new hold order for personal property received by pawnbrokers

SB 442 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to buyers of precious metals

Pharmacy (25)

SB 29 - Hegeman - Extends the sunset on certain health care provider reimbursement allowances

SB 45 - Hoskins - Enacts provisions relating to health care for persons with disabilities

SB 78 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri Rx plan

SB 127 - Sater - Requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to conduct a study regarding the importation of certain prescription drugs by the state

SB 155 - Luetkemeyer - Establishes the Narcotics Control Act

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 253 - Sater - Authorizes the Board of Pharmacy to enter into voluntary compliance agreements with pharmacists in lieu of disciplinary action

SB 262 - Sater - Requires prescriptions to be issued electronically, with some exceptions

SB 274 - Sater - Allows the Board of Pharmacy to establish pharmacy pilot projects relating to technology assisted verification or remote medication dispensing

SB 275 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 280 - Sater - Waives the geographic proximity requirement for certain collaborative practice arrangements

SB 287 - Wieland - Allows enrollment in a health benefit plan by a pregnant person under certain circumstances

SB 298 - White - Enacts provisions relating to payments for health care services

SB 309 - Sater - Authorizes pharmacists to prescribe and dispense nicotine replacement therapy products

SB 310 - Arthur - Enacts provisions relating to prescription drug costs

SB 346 - Schupp - Requires health benefit plans providing coverage for prescription contraceptives to cover a 13-month supply of the contraceptives

SB 353 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to practitioner-patient consultations for prescribed opioid controlled substances

SB 357 - Sater - Allows pharmacists to prescribe drugs and controlled substances according to a written medication therapy services protocol from a physician

SB 413 - Sater - Enacts provisions relating to pharmacy benefits

SB 449 - Sater - Requires health carriers to offer a certain proportion of their health benefit plans with flat-fee copayments for prescription drug benefits

SB 450 - Williams - Excludes patients receiving treatment for sickle cell disease from initial opioid prescription limitations

SB 514 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 219 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 420 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to certain health care professionals

HB 487 - Solon - Includes the dispensing of self-administered oral hormonal contraceptives in the practice of pharmacy

Physical Therapists (3)

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 247 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to athletic trainers

HB 410 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to the scope of practice for physical therapists

Physicians (37)

SB 31 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to malpractice insurance

SB 45 - Hoskins - Enacts provisions relating to health care for persons with disabilities

SB 67 - White - Provides that persons providing emergency medical services in certain instances shall only be liable for gross negligence

SB 106 - Hoskins - Changes the law regarding consent for a minor to obtain an abortion

SB 139 - Koenig - Modifies provisions of law relating to abortion

SB 155 - Luetkemeyer - Establishes the Narcotics Control Act

SB 170 - Schupp - Repeals the 72-hour waiting period prior to an abortion

SB 204 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 262 - Sater - Requires prescriptions to be issued electronically, with some exceptions

SB 263 - Schupp - Provides for postpartum depression screening and treatment for certain mothers

SB 279 - Onder - Modifies several provisions relating to abortion

SB 280 - Sater - Waives the geographic proximity requirement for certain collaborative practice arrangements

SB 298 - White - Enacts provisions relating to payments for health care services

SB 303 - Riddle - Licenses persons performing radiologic imaging or administering radiation therapy and establishes the Missouri Radiologic Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board of Examiners

SB 341 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to death investigations

SB 345 - Koenig - Makes the performance or inducement of an abortion, except in a medical emergency, a criminal offense

SB 352 - Williams - Requires certain health care professionals to complete up to two hours of cultural competency training

SB 353 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to practitioner-patient consultations for prescribed opioid controlled substances

SB 357 - Sater - Allows pharmacists to prescribe drugs and controlled substances according to a written medication therapy services protocol from a physician

SB 358 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to the Health Professional Student Loan Repayment Program

SB 370 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet managed care

SB 400 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to advanced practice registered nurses

SB 406 - Wallingford - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

SB 417 - White - Requires the reporting of information relating to certain health care expenditures

SB 419 - Riddle - Prohibits any person under the age of 18 from using any tanning device of any tanning facility within the state

SB 444 - Schupp - Requires physicians to complete two hours of suicide prevention training as a condition of licensure

SB 450 - Williams - Excludes patients receiving treatment for sickle cell disease from initial opioid prescription limitations

SB 456 - Schupp - Requires certain hospitals to perform forensic examinations with the consent of a victim of a sexual offense

HB 108 - Sommer - Designates May as "Mental Health Awareness Month" and July as "Minority Mental Health Awareness Monthin Missouri"

HB 126 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

HB 138 - Kidd - Establishes "Simon's Law" regarding life-sustaining treatment policies

HB 188 - Rehder - Establishes the Narcotics Control Act

HB 219 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 399 - Basye - Enacts provisions relating to health care

HB 410 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to the scope of practice for physical therapists

HB 705 - Helms - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

HB 758 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to health care

Planning and Zoning (1)

HB 159 - Love - Modifies provisions relating to outdoor advertising

Political Parties (2)

SB 109 - Koenig - Modifies the primary election process

HB 269 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to elections

Political Subdivisions (49)

SB 17 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems

SB 57 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to certain tourism infrastructure facilities

SB 64 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to sanctuary policies for municipalities

SB 66 - White - Establishes provisions relating to water safety and security

SB 108 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing

SB 124 - Hough - Creates new provisions relating to public safety personnel

SB 126 - Hough - Modifies requirements for guaranteed energy cost savings contracts

SB 148 - Sifton - Requires certain disclosures to be made by entities entering into contracts with public entities

SB 149 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to local sales taxes

SB 152 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 189 - Crawford - Modifies several provisions relating to use taxes

SB 206 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to contracts for government facilities

SB 215 - Schupp - Repeals provisions of law relating to the provision of paper and plastic bags

SB 218 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 241 - Rizzo - Extends authority to appropriate money for certain convention and sports complex funds

SB 273 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to video service providers

SB 289 - Wieland - Creates the Missouri Electricity Bill Reduction Assistance Act

SB 300 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to the refund of protested taxes

SB 301 - Eigel - Requires not for profit entities and nonprofit corporations to make their financial statements available to the public if the entity enters into a contract or agreement with the state or any political subdivision

SB 308 - Onder - Prohibits public bodies from entering into certain contracts

SB 311 - Nasheed - Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing

SB 315 - Burlison - Prohibits political subdivisions from imposing any new occupational fees or licensing requirements on any profession if none have been imposed before August 28, 2019

SB 333 - Rizzo - Authorizes certain fire protection districts and municipalities to propose a 0.5% sales tax for fire protection

SB 367 - Burlison - Creates additional protections to the right to bear arms

SB 368 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 376 - Riddle - Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractor Licensing Act

SB 380 - Hough - Preempts any procurement policy of a political subdivision that is in conflict with state law

SB 383 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the sale of utilities in fourth class cities

SB 402 - Eigel - Modifies filing deadlines for declarations of candidacy

SB 416 - Bernskoetter - Enacts provisions relating to working animals

SB 437 - Hoskins - Provides tax exemptions for certain property sales and leases by port authorities

SB 468 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 491 - Rizzo - Allows municipalities to enter into loan agreements, or sell, lease, or mortgage municipal property for a technology business facility project

SB 513 - Sater - Modifies a provision relating to tourism taxes in certain municipalities

SJR 26 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to providing funds for emergencies in this state

HB 160 - Knight - Creates provisions relating to the regulation of water usage

HB 255 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 280 - Ruth - Modifies model traffic ordinances to require vehicles to stop for "other on-track equipment" in addition to trains

HB 326 - Schroer - Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractor Licensing Act

HB 355 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

HB 374 - Christofanelli - Modifies provisions relating to sales tax

HB 445 - Dogan - Prohibits lobbyists from giving gifts to local government officials, with an exception for group gifts

HB 532 - Rone - Modifies provisions relating to local sales taxes

HB 559 - Spencer - Modifies provisions relating to working animals

HB 568 - Black - Authorizes political subdivisions to elect to cover certain positions as public safety personnel for purposes of retirement plans

HB 674 - Kolkmeyer - Authorizes certain cities to submit to the voters a transient guest tax

HB 677 - Patterson - Modifies provisions relating to certain tourism infrastructure facilities

HB 1006 - Rehder - Prohibits public bodies from entering into certain contracts

HB 1061 - Patterson - Provides tax exemptions for certain property sales and leases by port authorities

Prisons and Jails (16)

SB 8 - Emery - Modifies the criminal offenses that are punished by a minimum prison term

SB 74 - May - Modifies provisions relating to mandatory prison terms, and eligibility for parole

SB 194 - Hoskins - Creates offenses relating to the unlawful use of an unmanned aircraft

SB 393 - Hough - Requires the MO HealthNet benefits of offenders in correctional facilities and jails to be suspended rather than terminated

SB 434 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to the Inmate Canteen Fund

SB 451 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to prisoner complaints against a psychologist's license

SB 488 - Rizzo - Provides that exonerated felons may be paid restitution

SB 512 - Hegeman - Modifies how counties and St. Louis City shall seek reimbursement for cost incurred by boarding certain offenders

SB 514 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 70 - Dinkins - Prohibits two-way telecommunications devices and their component parts in correctional centers and jails

HB 192 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 303 - Hansen - Changes the laws regarding prison canteen funds

HB 324 - Henderson - Creates the offense of unlawful use of unmanned aircraft near a correctional center

HB 399 - Basye - Enacts provisions relating to health care

HB 441 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to prisoner complaints made against a psychologist license

HB 466 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to medical public assistance

Probation and Parole (8)

SB 19 - Libla - Creates penalty enhancements for certain crimes against emergency service providers

SB 74 - May - Modifies provisions relating to mandatory prison terms, and eligibility for parole

SB 93 - Sifton - Increases penalties for the distribution of heroin

SB 237 - White - Modifies postconviction treatment programs

HB 67 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 80 - Hill - Modifies provisions relating to probation

HB 192 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 352 - Hannegan - Authorizes the early parole of certain offenders over the age of sixty-five

Professional Registration and Licensing (53)

SB 34 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to coroners

SB 36 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating real estate

SB 117 - Cierpiot - Authorizes roofing contractors in this state to register with the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

SB 153 - Sifton - Authorizes roofing contractors in this state to register with the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 204 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 219 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to the issuance and renewal of CPA permits

SB 247 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to athletic trainers

SB 251 - Koenig - Creates the "Fresh Start Act of 2019"

SB 253 - Sater - Authorizes the Board of Pharmacy to enter into voluntary compliance agreements with pharmacists in lieu of disciplinary action

SB 258 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 274 - Sater - Allows the Board of Pharmacy to establish pharmacy pilot projects relating to technology assisted verification or remote medication dispensing

SB 275 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 280 - Sater - Waives the geographic proximity requirement for certain collaborative practice arrangements

SB 303 - Riddle - Licenses persons performing radiologic imaging or administering radiation therapy and establishes the Missouri Radiologic Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board of Examiners

SB 309 - Sater - Authorizes pharmacists to prescribe and dispense nicotine replacement therapy products

SB 315 - Burlison - Prohibits political subdivisions from imposing any new occupational fees or licensing requirements on any profession if none have been imposed before August 28, 2019

SB 318 - Burlison - Establishes the Expanded Workforce Access Act of 2019

SB 337 - Wieland - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Preneed Funeral Contract Act

SB 352 - Williams - Requires certain health care professionals to complete up to two hours of cultural competency training

SB 357 - Sater - Allows pharmacists to prescribe drugs and controlled substances according to a written medication therapy services protocol from a physician

SB 372 - Hoskins - Prohibits state licensing boards from imposing disciplinary actions against licensees that provide services to cannabis establishments or persons in connection with activity that complies with the Missouri Constitution

SB 375 - Riddle - Modifies licensing requirements for nursing home administrators

SB 376 - Riddle - Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractor Licensing Act

SB 400 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to advanced practice registered nurses

SB 419 - Riddle - Prohibits any person under the age of 18 from using any tanning device of any tanning facility within the state

SB 444 - Schupp - Requires physicians to complete two hours of suicide prevention training as a condition of licensure

SB 451 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to prisoner complaints against a psychologist's license

SB 455 - Holsman - Permits funeral directors to perform cremations at an outdoor human cremation facility

SB 458 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the suspension of licenses for failure to comply with a child support order

SB 460 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses's collaborative practice agreements

SB 476 - Brown - Allows any person, including a nonresident military spouse of Missouri to apply for a license in Missouri, provided such person also submits proof of current licensure in any jurisdiction and any required application fee

SB 500 - Burlison - Permits an unlicensed person to provide a service for which state law otherwise requires an occupational license, provided such unlicensed person makes a nonlicensed disclosure

SB 509 - Hough - Exempts any not for profit organization organized under state law from provisions relating to the right to practice as an architect, professional engineer, professional land surveyor, or professional landscape architect

HB 106 - Smith - Modifies provisions relating to immunity of real estate licensees

HB 242 - Neely - Modifies provisions related to coroners

HB 257 - Stephens - Authorizes the Board of Pharmacy to enter into voluntary compliance with pharmacists in lieu of disciplinary action

HB 301 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to advanced practice registered nurses

HB 326 - Schroer - Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractor Licensing Act

HB 349 - Hannegan - Modifies the definition of "Class CH - hairdresser"

HB 410 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to the scope of practice for physical therapists

HB 420 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to certain health care professionals

HB 441 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to prisoner complaints made against a psychologist license

HB 447 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to the deceased

HB 470 - Grier - Establishes the Expanded Workforce Access Act of 2019

HB 472 - Grier - Modifies several provisions relating to professional registration

HB 487 - Solon - Includes the dispensing of self-administered oral hormonal contraceptives in the practice of pharmacy

HB 564 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

HB 585 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to consumer protections for preparation of financial documents

HB 628 - Coleman - Limits prescription of long-acting or extended-release opioids by dentists

HB 705 - Helms - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

HB 816 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to embalming apprenticeships

HB 943 - McGirl - Modifies provisions relating to consumer protections for preparation of financial documents

Property, Real and Personal (32)

SB 3 - Curls - Modifies property regulations in certain cities and counties

SB 36 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating real estate

SB 83 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to court proceedings

SB 133 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 135 - Sifton - Modifies provisions relating to property exempt from attachment and execution in bankruptcy proceedings

SB 152 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 173 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to property assessment contracts for energy efficiency

SB 191 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to unlawful discriminatory practices in housing

SB 203 - Nasheed - Modifies nuisance actions in certain cities and counties

SB 225 - Curls - Modifies nuisance actions in certain cities and counties

SB 243 - Walsh - Creates a new hold order for personal property received by pawnbrokers

SB 286 - Hough - Creates new provisions relating to the partition of property

SB 319 - Wieland - Establishes remedies for failing to disclose that a parcel of real property was a site for methamphetamine production

SB 320 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to the abatement of nuisances on private property

SB 350 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to the removal of a tenant from a commercial property

SB 409 - Wieland - Provides processes for the recorder of deeds to record electronic documents and procedures for remote online notarization

SB 412 - Holsman - Modifies provisions for the abatement of vacant nuisance properties in Kansas City

SB 424 - Luetkemeyer - Establishes the Land Bank Act

SB 464 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to county regulation of county property

SB 492 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the resale of scrap metals

SB 494 - Emery - Establishes provisions relating to asset forfeiture

HB 106 - Smith - Modifies provisions relating to immunity of real estate licensees

HB 159 - Love - Modifies provisions relating to outdoor advertising

HB 215 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to property assessment contracts for energy efficiency

HB 321 - Solon - Modifies provisions relating to limited liability companies owning real property in St. Joseph

HB 685 - Kelly - Changes the laws regarding property classifications for zoning so that sawmills are classified as agricultural property

HB 761 - Pfautsch - Modifies provisions relating to local government

HB 821 - Solon - Establishes the Land Bank Act

HB 919 - Evans - Creates new provisions relating to the partition of property

HB 959 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of certain business organizations

HCB 1 - Roden - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property

Psychologists (10)

SB 45 - Hoskins - Enacts provisions relating to health care for persons with disabilities

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 204 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 263 - Schupp - Provides for postpartum depression screening and treatment for certain mothers

SB 352 - Williams - Requires certain health care professionals to complete up to two hours of cultural competency training

SB 451 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to prisoner complaints against a psychologist's license

HB 108 - Sommer - Designates May as "Mental Health Awareness Month" and July as "Minority Mental Health Awareness Monthin Missouri"

HB 399 - Basye - Enacts provisions relating to health care

HB 441 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to prisoner complaints made against a psychologist license

HB 705 - Helms - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

Public Assistance (24)

SB 4 - Sater - Modifies the law relating to work requirements for participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

SB 11 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 27 - Sifton - Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning January 1, 2021

SB 70 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 76 - Sater - Requires certain MO HealthNet participants to comply with work and community engagement requirements

SB 77 - Sater - Requires the Department of Social Services to apply for a global waiver for MO HealthNet

SB 104 - Schupp - Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning January 1, 2021

SB 128 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to consumer-directed services in the MO HealthNet program

SB 216 - Schupp - Requires organizations that provide pregnancy-related services to provide medically accurate information regarding reproductive health options in order to receive state funding

SB 261 - Nasheed - Provides that lawful consumption of medical marijuana shall not render a person ineligible for TANF benefits

SB 263 - Schupp - Provides for postpartum depression screening and treatment for certain mothers

SB 338 - Wieland - Excludes emergency contraception from MO HealthNet family planning coverage

SB 362 - Riddle - Adds structured family caregiving for certain MO HealthNet participants and modifies provisions relating to personal care assistance services

SB 432 - Sifton - Modifies the Ticket to Work Health Assurance Program

SB 438 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to consumer-directed services vendors

SB 448 - Sater - Modifies the law regarding the provision of health care through a child support order

SB 495 - Emery - Repeals certain duties of the Joint Committee on Government Accountability

SB 507 - Hough - Establishes provisions relating to health coverage for substance abuse and mental health treatment

SB 514 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 219 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 466 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to medical public assistance

HB 600 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to Medicaid per diem reimbursement rates

HB 758 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 1049 - Wood - Modifies the law regarding the provision of health care through a child support order

Public Buildings (4)

SB 167 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to bonding requirements on public works

SB 172 - Schupp - Bars discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity

HB 265 - Taylor - Requires that every nonfood items sold in the Missouri State Capitol Building shall be made in the United States

HB 982 - Hicks - Transfer responsibility for employment and oversight of Missouri Capitol police officers from the Department of Public Safety to the Missouri State Capitol Commission

Public Officers (6)

SB 9 - Emery - Requires the Senate to try all impeachments

SB 18 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to gubernatorial appointments

SB 468 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SJR 2 - Emery - Requires the Senate, beginning January 1, 2021, to try all impeachments and modifies what constitutes grounds for impeachment

HB 438 - Chipman - Modifies requirements to be eligible for certain elected public offices

HB 445 - Dogan - Prohibits lobbyists from giving gifts to local government officials, with an exception for group gifts

Public Records, Public Meetings (9)

SB 1 - Curls - Removes certain offenses from the list of offenses where expungement is not currently available

SB 132 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding fees for access to public records and authorizes closure of certain constituent and legislative records of members of the General Assembly

SB 136 - Sifton - Requires every individual who is 17 years or older and is arrested for a felony offense to provide a biological sample for DNA profiling. Creates a procedure for certain persons who have had their samples collected to request expungement.

SB 166 - Crawford - States that certain records submitted to the Public Service Commission shall not be open to the public

SB 253 - Sater - Authorizes the Board of Pharmacy to enter into voluntary compliance agreements with pharmacists in lieu of disciplinary action

SB 304 - Riddle - Modifies provisions on the preservation of records by the Secretary of State

SB 453 - Hough - States that certain records of municipally owned utilities may be closed under the Sunshine Law

SB 508 - Hough - Modifies access to criminal history records by law enforcement agencies

HB 762 - Wiemann - Modifies provisions relating to local government

Public Safety, Department of (23)

SB 20 - Libla - Extends the expiration of a criminal court surcharge for the DNA Profiling Analysis fund from August 28, 2019, to August 28, 2029

SB 23 - Nasheed - Creates new provisions relating to firearm restraining orders

SB 145 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 197 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to intoxicating liquor

SB 291 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 323 - Hough - Directs the Department of Transportation, in consultation with the Highway Patrol and the advisory committee created in the act, to promulgate rules governing the towing of commercial vehicles

SB 329 - Burlison - Modifies provisions to allow wholesalers to employ persons 18 years of age to unload delivery vehicles and transfer liquor into retail premises with supervision

SB 340 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to alcohol trade practices

SB 344 - Eigel - Establishes provisions for storage and transport of intoxicating liquor from a central warehouse to premises licensed to sell intoxicating liquors at retail

SB 421 - Wallingford - Transfers the office of Adjutant General from the Department of Public Safety to the Office of Administration

SB 469 - Walsh - Modifies provisions relating to alcohol trade practices

SB 485 - Hoskins - Allows for and licenses retailer-to-retailer sales of certain intoxicating liquors

SB 488 - Rizzo - Provides that exonerated felons may be paid restitution

SB 493 - May - Establishes the “Fourth Amendment Affirmation Act”

SB 501 - Riddle - Modifies the members of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission

SJR 26 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to providing funds for emergencies in this state

HB 113 - Smith - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 185 - Trent - Modifies provisions relating to the Amber Alert System

HB 250 - Schroer - Allows wholesalers to employ persons 18 years of age to unload delivery vehicles and transfer liquor into retail premises with supervision

HB 356 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to intoxicating liquor

HB 749 - Tate - Establishes the "Towing Task Force"

HB 982 - Hicks - Transfer responsibility for employment and oversight of Missouri Capitol police officers from the Department of Public Safety to the Missouri State Capitol Commission

HB 1127 - Porter - Creates a definition for Missouri bourbon whiskey

Public Service Commission (13)

SB 13 - Wallingford - WITHDRAWN

SB 55 - Crawford - Authorizes the Public Service Commission, during a general rate proceeding for a water corporation or sewer corporation, to set a separate, lower fixed charge or customer charge for low-income customers of water corporations and sewer corporations

SB 131 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the distribution of energy

SB 166 - Crawford - States that certain records submitted to the Public Service Commission shall not be open to the public

SB 169 - Wallingford - Modifies the civil penalty for violating federally mandated natural gas safety standards

SB 289 - Wieland - Creates the Missouri Electricity Bill Reduction Assistance Act

SB 296 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations

SB 377 - Riddle - Establishes provisions related to infrastructure resilience rate adjustments for water and sewer corporations

SB 379 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to the Public Service Commission

HB 160 - Knight - Creates provisions relating to the regulation of water usage

HB 192 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 287 - Kidd - Modifies provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations

HB 355 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

Railroads (4)

SB 39 - Onder - Allows the concealed carry of firearms on public transportation systems and the transporting of nonfunctioning or unloaded firearms on public buses

SB 293 - Hough - Creates new criminal offenses involving critical infrastructure facilities

HB 280 - Ruth - Modifies model traffic ordinances to require vehicles to stop for "other on-track equipment" in addition to trains

HB 355 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

Redistricting (5)

SB 213 - Hegeman - Enacts new provisions relating to the nonpartisan state demographer

SJR 23 - Eigel - Modifies provisions regulating the legislature to limit the influence of partisan or other special interests

SJR 29 - Schatz - Modifies provisions regulating the legislature to limit the influence of partisan or other special interests

HB 973 - Trent - Enacts new provisions relating to the nonpartisan state demographer

HJR 48 - Plocher - Proposes constitutional amendments regulating the legislature to limit the influence of partisan or other special interests

Religion (6)

SB 314 - Burlison - Prohibits institutions of higher learning from discriminating against a religious student organization

SB 373 - Schupp - Modifies the definition of "holocaust" as used in the Holocaust Education and Awareness Commission Act

SCR 13 - Emery - Encourages schools to include courses on the Bible in education curriculum

HB 267 - Baker - Allows school districts to offer elective social studies courses on the Bible

HB 564 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

HB 728 - Billington - Modifies provisions relating to the party in interest in civil actions involving religious freedom and separation of church and state

Retirement - Local Government (3)

SB 124 - Hough - Creates new provisions relating to public safety personnel

HB 568 - Black - Authorizes political subdivisions to elect to cover certain positions as public safety personnel for purposes of retirement plans

HB 723 - Pike - Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems

Retirement - Schools (3)

SB 17 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems

HB 77 - Black - Exempts any person retired and receiving a retirement allowance from PSRS and employed by a public community college from current law relating to retirement allowance restrictions

HB 723 - Pike - Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems

Retirement - State (3)

SB 185 - Wallingford - Provides eligibility for certain state employers in the Missouri State Employee's Retirement System

SB 499 - Burlison - Consolidates the Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System into the Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

HB 563 - Wiemann - Provides eligibility for certain state employers in the Missouri State Employee's Retirement System

Retirement Systems and Benefits - General (7)

SB 17 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems

SB 185 - Wallingford - Provides eligibility for certain state employers in the Missouri State Employee's Retirement System

SB 468 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 499 - Burlison - Consolidates the Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System into the Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

HB 77 - Black - Exempts any person retired and receiving a retirement allowance from PSRS and employed by a public community college from current law relating to retirement allowance restrictions

HB 563 - Wiemann - Provides eligibility for certain state employers in the Missouri State Employee's Retirement System

HB 723 - Pike - Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems

Revenue, Department of (55)

SB 46 - Koenig - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation

SB 52 - Eigel - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation

SB 79 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding municipal court procedure and revenue collected in certain minor traffic and municipal ordinance violation cases

SB 85 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to sales tax filing dates

SB 86 - Wallingford - Establishes the Senior Services Growth and Development program

SB 89 - Libla - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 114 - Crawford - Modifies fees charged by Department of Revenue contractor license offices

SB 125 - Hough - Creates the Missouri Municipal Government Expenditure Database

SB 137 - Sifton - Specifies circumstances under which traffic court judges in St. Louis County may review driver's license revocation for refusal to submit to a chemical test

SB 141 - Koenig - Modifies the filing periods for the remittance of sales taxes

SB 147 - Sater - Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 160 - Koenig - Establishes the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program

SB 179 - Cunningham - Modifies filing requirements for certain banks and financial institutions

SB 200 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to licenses granted by the Department of Revenue

SB 201 - Romine - Replaces the current motor vehicle registration fee system with a system based on fuel economy

SB 207 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the administrative adjudication of certain municipal ordinance violations

SB 219 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to the issuance and renewal of CPA permits

SB 231 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicle manufacturers licensed as new motor vehicle franchise dealers

SB 234 - White - Enacts provisions relating to disability accommodations for commercial driver's license applicants

SB 242 - Walsh - Specifies that the Director of Revenue may issue historic motor vehicle license plates without a mileage restriction as a category of special license plates

SB 254 - Bernskoetter - Specifies that the Director of Revenue may revoke the driver's license of a person determined to have struck a highway worker or emergency responder in a properly marked zone

SB 273 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to video service providers

SB 290 - Brown - Enacts provisions relating to commercial driver's licenses

SB 291 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 299 - Rizzo - Extends the deadline for the remittance of certain tax liabilities

SB 330 - Brown - Establishes an "Association of Missouri Electrical Cooperatives" special license plate

SB 332 - Brown - Enacts provisions relating to driver's licenses

SB 359 - Eigel - Repeals certain vehicle safety inspection requirements

SB 369 - Brown - Repeals the requirement for purchasers to obtain salvage titles for vehicles sold for salvage within six years of their designated model year

SB 371 - Eigel - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 378 - Hough - Specifies that beginning December 1, 2019, private entities shall be eligible for certification as third-party testers for commercial driver's licenses

SB 381 - Onder - Repeals certain vehicle safety inspection requirements

SB 430 - Libla - Increases the motor fuel tax

SB 466 - White - Requires the Department of Revenue to establish an electronically accessible motor vehicle financial responsibility verification system

SB 505 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 510 - Hough - Extends the deadline for the remittance of certain tax liabilities

SCR 14 - Schatz - Authorizes and directs the Office of Administration to execute and deliver a financing agreement for payment of debt service on transportation bonds issued by the Highways and Transportation Commission

HB 192 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 207 - Kelley - Allows for individuals to elect to include medical alert information on their driver's license or nondriver identification card

HB 255 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 337 - Swan - Establishes the Senior Services Growth and Development program

HB 499 - Griesheimer - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

HB 584 - Knight - Modifies provisions relating to transportation

HB 585 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to consumer protections for preparation of financial documents

HB 599 - Bondon - Enacts provisions relating to the regulation of certain entities by the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

HB 626 - Ruth - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

HB 679 - Tate - Enacts provisions relating to driver's license renewals

HB 713 - Morris - Modifies provisions relating to the purple heart special license plate

HB 761 - Pfautsch - Modifies provisions relating to local government

HB 831 - Sharpe - Establishes special license plates

HB 842 - Griffith - Establishes the Capitol Complex Tax Credit Act

HB 898 - Walsh - Establishes a "Back the Blue" special license plate

HB 926 - Shawan - Enacts provisions relating to license plates

HB 959 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of certain business organizations

HB 1094 - Dohrman - Prohibits certain interest and penalties on certain late income tax payments

Revision Bills (1)

HRB 1 - Shaul - Repeals expired, ineffective, and obsolete statutory provisions

Roads and Highways (30)

SB 91 - Nasheed - Provides that a court may, rather than shall, double the fine imposed for a traffic offense committed in a designated safe travel zone

SB 102 - Riddle - Provides that a motorcycle or motortricycle may be operated on the shoulder of a roadway under certain circumstances

SB 111 - Eigel - Enacts provisions relating to traffic enforcement

SB 120 - Burlison - Specifies when persons operating or riding a motorcycle or motortricycle must wear protective headgear

SB 129 - Sater - Establishes the "Private College Campus Protection Act" which allows private colleges and universities to employ campus police officers

SB 137 - Sifton - Specifies circumstances under which traffic court judges in St. Louis County may review driver's license revocation for refusal to submit to a chemical test

SB 147 - Sater - Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 158 - Eigel - Requires the Department of Transportation to consider the complete life-cycle costs of work in determining the lowest bid amount submitted for a contract

SB 186 - Hegeman - Permits vehicle platooning on Missouri roads

SB 210 - May - Creates a number of official state designations, a memorial highway, and the Missouri Historical Theater program

SB 331 - Brown - Designates the Jerry Lizotte Memorial Highway

SB 342 - Curls - Enacts provisions relating to the designation of memorial infrastructure

SB 371 - Eigel - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 403 - Eigel - Establishes the "Bridge and Road Authorization Trust Fund"

SB 506 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the inspection of commercial motor vehicles

SCR 14 - Schatz - Authorizes and directs the Office of Administration to execute and deliver a financing agreement for payment of debt service on transportation bonds issued by the Highways and Transportation Commission

SJR 27 - Eigel - Establishes the "Bridge and Road Authorization Trust Fund"

HB 159 - Love - Modifies provisions relating to outdoor advertising

HB 191 - Kolkmeyer - Designates memorial highways

HB 192 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 280 - Ruth - Modifies model traffic ordinances to require vehicles to stop for "other on-track equipment" in addition to trains

HB 402 - Basye - Allows motor vehicles to turn left on red light when turning onto a one-way street

HB 448 - Pike - Designates the "Rep. Cloria Brown Memorial Highway"

HB 499 - Griesheimer - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

HB 584 - Knight - Modifies provisions relating to transportation

HB 749 - Tate - Establishes the "Towing Task Force"

HB 812 - Houx - Enacts provisions relating to the designation of memorial highways

HB 873 - Riggs - Designates memorial highways

HB 1002 - Busick - Raises the maximum distance from the ground to which the bottom edge trucks' mud flaps are required to extend

HCB 5 - Ruth - Designates memorial highways

Saint Louis City (17)

SB 3 - Curls - Modifies property regulations in certain cities and counties

SB 24 - Nasheed - Creates new provisions relating to the transfer of prisoners to certain facilities

SB 39 - Onder - Allows the concealed carry of firearms on public transportation systems and the transporting of nonfunctioning or unloaded firearms on public buses

SB 57 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to certain tourism infrastructure facilities

SB 112 - Eigel - Repeals the St. Louis and Kansas City earnings taxes

SB 147 - Sater - Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 152 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 203 - Nasheed - Modifies nuisance actions in certain cities and counties

SB 225 - Curls - Modifies nuisance actions in certain cities and counties

SB 311 - Nasheed - Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing

SB 460 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses's collaborative practice agreements

SB 512 - Hegeman - Modifies how counties and St. Louis City shall seek reimbursement for cost incurred by boarding certain offenders

SCR 1 - Walsh - Opposes any statewide vote or legislative mandate to reorganize the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County

SJR 17 - Nasheed - WITHDRAWN

SJR 19 - Nasheed - WITHDRAWN

SJR 21 - May - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Constitution relating to the consolidation of St. Louis City and St. Louis County

HB 124 - DeGroot - Allows the circuit court in St. Louis City to collect a civil case filing fee of an amount not to exceed $20, rather than $15, for certain uses including the law library

Saint Louis County (14)

SB 3 - Curls - Modifies property regulations in certain cities and counties

SB 24 - Nasheed - Creates new provisions relating to the transfer of prisoners to certain facilities

SB 39 - Onder - Allows the concealed carry of firearms on public transportation systems and the transporting of nonfunctioning or unloaded firearms on public buses

SB 79 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding municipal court procedure and revenue collected in certain minor traffic and municipal ordinance violation cases

SB 137 - Sifton - Specifies circumstances under which traffic court judges in St. Louis County may review driver's license revocation for refusal to submit to a chemical test

SB 147 - Sater - Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 203 - Nasheed - Modifies nuisance actions in certain cities and counties

SB 225 - Curls - Modifies nuisance actions in certain cities and counties

SB 460 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses's collaborative practice agreements

SCR 1 - Walsh - Opposes any statewide vote or legislative mandate to reorganize the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County

SJR 17 - Nasheed - WITHDRAWN

SJR 19 - Nasheed - WITHDRAWN

SJR 21 - May - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Constitution relating to the consolidation of St. Louis City and St. Louis County

HB 192 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

Salaries (4)

SB 17 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems

SB 80 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to teacher employment

HB 77 - Black - Exempts any person retired and receiving a retirement allowance from PSRS and employed by a public community college from current law relating to retirement allowance restrictions

HCB 7 - Roeber - Requires all superintendents and assistant superintendents to enter into a written employment contract with a school district as a condition of employment

Savings and Loan (2)

SB 179 - Cunningham - Modifies filing requirements for certain banks and financial institutions

HB 599 - Bondon - Enacts provisions relating to the regulation of certain entities by the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

Science and Technology (4)

SB 274 - Sater - Allows the Board of Pharmacy to establish pharmacy pilot projects relating to technology assisted verification or remote medication dispensing

SB 401 - Burlison - Implements provisions relating to student data privacy, and establishes a student data privacy task force to study issues relating to student data privacy

HB 456 - Neely - Permits school districts and charter schools to grant a diploma endorsement in STEM to a graduating high school student who demonstrates mastery in STEM disciplines

HB 575 - Dohrman - Modifies provisions relating to higher education

Search and Seizure (2)

SB 115 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to the confiscation of animals

SB 236 - White - Bars certain professionals and entities from being held liable for damages resulting from any lawfully conducted body cavity search

Secretary of State (24)

SB 5 - Sater - Modifies the initiative and referendum process

SB 59 - Arthur - Establishes no-excuse absentee voting

SB 105 - Schupp - Creates new provisions allowing for the creation of benefit corporations

SB 109 - Koenig - Modifies the primary election process

SB 113 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 140 - Koenig - Modifies law relating to notaries public

SB 146 - Burlison - Extends the sunset on the collection of certain fees credited to the Secretary of State's Technology Trust Fund

SB 171 - Schupp - Establishes no-excuse absentee voting

SB 179 - Cunningham - Modifies filing requirements for certain banks and financial institutions

SB 221 - Crawford - Modifies various provisions relating to elections

SB 256 - Hegeman - Modifies the initiative and referendum process

SB 268 - Wieland - Changes the process by which public notice is required to be published

SB 285 - Hough - Modifies provisions on the regulation of certain business organizations

SB 289 - Wieland - Creates the Missouri Electricity Bill Reduction Assistance Act

SB 304 - Riddle - Modifies provisions on the preservation of records by the Secretary of State

SB 384 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to voter registration

SB 409 - Wieland - Provides processes for the recorder of deeds to record electronic documents and procedures for remote online notarization

SJR 9 - Cierpiot - Imposes term limitations on every elected office

SJR 14 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies term limits for various elected public officers

HB 269 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to elections

HB 272 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to small businesses

HB 535 - Anderson - Modifies provisions on the regulation of certain business organizations

HB 599 - Bondon - Enacts provisions relating to the regulation of certain entities by the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

HCB 10 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to elections

Securities (3)

SB 486 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable populations

HB 354 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to the financial protection of vulnerable populations

HB 1083 - O'Donnell - Modifies provisions relating to courts, including the division of securities, civil case filing fees, and the payment of fines

Sewers and Sewer Districts (5)

SB 55 - Crawford - Authorizes the Public Service Commission, during a general rate proceeding for a water corporation or sewer corporation, to set a separate, lower fixed charge or customer charge for low-income customers of water corporations and sewer corporations

SB 377 - Riddle - Establishes provisions related to infrastructure resilience rate adjustments for water and sewer corporations

SB 383 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the sale of utilities in fourth class cities

HB 160 - Knight - Creates provisions relating to the regulation of water usage

HB 355 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

Sexual Offenses (16)

SB 35 - Riddle - Prohibits certain offenders of sex crimes from being near athletic facilities used primarily by children

SB 37 - Onder - Modifies the offense and penalties of promoting prostitution in the first degree

SB 60 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to victims of certain crimes including rental agreements and prostitution and penalties of promoting prostitution in the first degree

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 244 - Walsh - Modifies the registration as a sex offender for certain offenses

SB 259 - Romine - Implements a process for due process proceedings for Title IX complaints at institutions of higher education

SB 386 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to the location of a proposed child care facility

SB 404 - Nasheed - Allows tenants to terminate their lease in certain situations of domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault

SB 451 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to prisoner complaints against a psychologist's license

SB 456 - Schupp - Requires certain hospitals to perform forensic examinations with the consent of a victim of a sexual offense

HB 114 - Pietzman - Requires certain sexual offenders to be electronically monitored while relocating to a different county

HB 243 - Neely - Allows victims of certain crimes to be released from certain lease agreements if documentation is provided to the landlord and modifies the offense of nonconsensual dissemination of sexual images

HB 397 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 604 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 739 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 1151 - Evans - Modifies provisions relating to the registration of certain sexual offenders

Social Services, Department of (36)

SB 4 - Sater - Modifies the law relating to work requirements for participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

SB 11 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 27 - Sifton - Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning January 1, 2021

SB 29 - Hegeman - Extends the sunset on certain health care provider reimbursement allowances

SB 70 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 76 - Sater - Requires certain MO HealthNet participants to comply with work and community engagement requirements

SB 77 - Sater - Requires the Department of Social Services to apply for a global waiver for MO HealthNet

SB 78 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri Rx plan

SB 88 - Libla - Modifies provisions of law relating to guardians ad litem

SB 104 - Schupp - Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning January 1, 2021

SB 128 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to consumer-directed services in the MO HealthNet program

SB 232 - Sater - Extends the expiration date of the Ticket to Work Health Assurance Program

SB 261 - Nasheed - Provides that lawful consumption of medical marijuana shall not render a person ineligible for TANF benefits

SB 263 - Schupp - Provides for postpartum depression screening and treatment for certain mothers

SB 277 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to child support enforcement

SB 305 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to child fatality review panels

SB 310 - Arthur - Enacts provisions relating to prescription drug costs

SB 338 - Wieland - Excludes emergency contraception from MO HealthNet family planning coverage

SB 362 - Riddle - Adds structured family caregiving for certain MO HealthNet participants and modifies provisions relating to personal care assistance services

SB 363 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 370 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet managed care

SB 393 - Hough - Requires the MO HealthNet benefits of offenders in correctional facilities and jails to be suspended rather than terminated

SB 432 - Sifton - Modifies the Ticket to Work Health Assurance Program

SB 440 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to foster home placement

SB 448 - Sater - Modifies the law regarding the provision of health care through a child support order

SB 458 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the suspension of licenses for failure to comply with a child support order

SB 495 - Emery - Repeals certain duties of the Joint Committee on Government Accountability

SB 503 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

SB 514 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 219 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 354 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to the financial protection of vulnerable populations

HB 466 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to medical public assistance

HB 600 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to Medicaid per diem reimbursement rates

HB 694 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to background checks, and extends the expiration of a criminal court surcharge for the DNA Profiling Analysis fund

HB 758 - Bondon - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 1049 - Wood - Modifies the law regarding the provision of health care through a child support order

Social Workers (2)

SB 352 - Williams - Requires certain health care professionals to complete up to two hours of cultural competency training

SB 503 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

Sovereign or Official Immunity (1)

SB 389 - Burlison - Modifies the definition of "public entity" to include employees of multistate compact agencies for purposes of sovereign immunity

State Departments (11)

SB 81 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding insurance coverage of the cost to defend a claim in an administrative proceeding, proposed administrative rules affecting real property, and procedures for judicial review of action by a state agency

SB 122 - Burlison - Establishes the Stop Socialism Act which creates a cause of action against a public body that offers a competitive service to the economic detriment of a person offering the same competitive service

SB 126 - Hough - Modifies requirements for guaranteed energy cost savings contracts

SB 148 - Sifton - Requires certain disclosures to be made by entities entering into contracts with public entities

SB 176 - Hough - Modifies the law on public contracts

SB 206 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to contracts for government facilities

SB 328 - Burlison - Modifies the administrative rulemaking process by state agencies

SB 389 - Burlison - Modifies the definition of "public entity" to include employees of multistate compact agencies for purposes of sovereign immunity

HB 272 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to small businesses

HB 1088 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to the Office of Administration

HCB 1 - Roden - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property

State Employees (5)

SB 185 - Wallingford - Provides eligibility for certain state employers in the Missouri State Employee's Retirement System

SB 321 - Hegeman - Modifies restrictions on the political activity of certain state employees

SB 389 - Burlison - Modifies the definition of "public entity" to include employees of multistate compact agencies for purposes of sovereign immunity

SB 499 - Burlison - Consolidates the Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System into the Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

HB 563 - Wiemann - Provides eligibility for certain state employers in the Missouri State Employee's Retirement System

Suicide (2)

SB 164 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration

SB 444 - Schupp - Requires physicians to complete two hours of suicide prevention training as a condition of licensure

Sunshine Law (6)

SB 132 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding fees for access to public records and authorizes closure of certain constituent and legislative records of members of the General Assembly

SB 166 - Crawford - States that certain records submitted to the Public Service Commission shall not be open to the public

SB 305 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to child fatality review panels

SB 453 - Hough - States that certain records of municipally owned utilities may be closed under the Sunshine Law

SJR 23 - Eigel - Modifies provisions regulating the legislature to limit the influence of partisan or other special interests

HB 599 - Bondon - Enacts provisions relating to the regulation of certain entities by the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

Tax Credits (23)

SB 28 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit

SB 58 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to tax credits for job creation

SB 68 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

SB 87 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 160 - Koenig - Establishes the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program

SB 174 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 180 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to incentives for the creation of military jobs

SB 183 - Arthur - Creates the Missouri Earned Income Tax Credit

SB 208 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to the Senior Citizens Property Tax Credit

SB 216 - Schupp - Requires organizations that provide pregnancy-related services to provide medically accurate information regarding reproductive health options in order to receive state funding

SB 255 - Bernskoetter - Establishes the Capitol Complex Tax Credit Act

SB 269 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to low-income housing tax credits

SB 355 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to the New Business Facility Tax Credit

SB 366 - Hoskins - Establishes the Show Missouri Film and Digital Media Act

SB 454 - Hegeman - Extends the expiration date on certain tax credits

SB 475 - Cunningham - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to remit to schools the revenues such schools would have received from income taxes on certain financial institutions

SB 477 - Brown - Establishes the Missouri Rural Workforce Development Act

SB 481 - Hoskins - Extends a tax credit for renovations for disability access

SB 489 - Rizzo - Modifies provisions relating to the Senior Citizens Property Tax Relief tax credit

HB 255 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 333 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 346 - Lynch - Modifies provisions relating to incentives for the creation of military jobs

HB 842 - Griffith - Establishes the Capitol Complex Tax Credit Act

Tax Incentives (13)

SB 28 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit

SB 56 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to financial incentives for job creation

SB 68 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

SB 108 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing

SB 180 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to incentives for the creation of military jobs

SB 182 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to the issuance of certain incentives to businesses relocating from certain counties in Kansas

SB 216 - Schupp - Requires organizations that provide pregnancy-related services to provide medically accurate information regarding reproductive health options in order to receive state funding

SB 311 - Nasheed - Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing

SB 364 - Williams - Creates an income tax deduction for the hiring of certain felons

HB 255 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 346 - Lynch - Modifies provisions relating to incentives for the creation of military jobs

HB 469 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to job training

HB 842 - Griffith - Establishes the Capitol Complex Tax Credit Act

Taxation and Revenue - General (27)

SB 46 - Koenig - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation

SB 79 - Emery - Modifies provisions regarding municipal court procedure and revenue collected in certain minor traffic and municipal ordinance violation cases

SB 108 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing

SB 114 - Crawford - Modifies fees charged by Department of Revenue contractor license offices

SB 118 - Cierpiot - Establishes the Taxpayer Protection Act

SB 160 - Koenig - Establishes the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program

SB 175 - Crawford - Modifies a tax credit for certain financial institutions

SB 188 - Eigel - Establishes an endowment tax and reduces the top rate of income tax

SB 216 - Schupp - Requires organizations that provide pregnancy-related services to provide medically accurate information regarding reproductive health options in order to receive state funding

SB 219 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to the issuance and renewal of CPA permits

SB 291 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 300 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to the refund of protested taxes

SB 311 - Nasheed - Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing

SB 368 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 430 - Libla - Increases the motor fuel tax

SB 475 - Cunningham - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to remit to schools the revenues such schools would have received from income taxes on certain financial institutions

SJR 4 - Eigel - Places a cap on annual appropriations and reduces income tax rates based on revenue growth

SJR 10 - Burlison - Places a cap on annual appropriations and reduces income tax rates based on revenue growth

SJR 12 - Eigel - Modifies voter turnout thresholds for tax increase elections

SJR 24 - Cierpiot - Modifies voter turnout thresholds for tax increase elections

HB 126 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

HB 374 - Christofanelli - Modifies provisions relating to sales tax

HB 585 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to consumer protections for preparation of financial documents

HB 626 - Ruth - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

HB 674 - Kolkmeyer - Authorizes certain cities to submit to the voters a transient guest tax

HB 842 - Griffith - Establishes the Capitol Complex Tax Credit Act

HB 1094 - Dohrman - Prohibits certain interest and penalties on certain late income tax payments

Taxation and Revenue - Income (28)

SB 46 - Koenig - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation

SB 50 - Eigel - Modifies sales tax collection requirements for certain sellers and reduces the top income tax rate

SB 52 - Eigel - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation

SB 61 - Arthur - Allows for an income tax deduction for educator expenses

SB 87 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 112 - Eigel - Repeals the St. Louis and Kansas City earnings taxes

SB 151 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to corporate income taxes

SB 174 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 183 - Arthur - Creates the Missouri Earned Income Tax Credit

SB 187 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to gaming and reduces the top income tax rate

SB 188 - Eigel - Establishes an endowment tax and reduces the top rate of income tax

SB 219 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to the issuance and renewal of CPA permits

SB 220 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of partnerships

SB 260 - Onder - Increases the amount of the personal income tax cut and the business income deduction in current law

SB 299 - Rizzo - Extends the deadline for the remittance of certain tax liabilities

SB 327 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies several provisions relating to gaming

SB 364 - Williams - Creates an income tax deduction for the hiring of certain felons

SB 410 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to the calculation of Missouri adjusted gross income

SB 475 - Cunningham - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to remit to schools the revenues such schools would have received from income taxes on certain financial institutions

SB 510 - Hough - Extends the deadline for the remittance of certain tax liabilities

SJR 4 - Eigel - Places a cap on annual appropriations and reduces income tax rates based on revenue growth

SJR 10 - Burlison - Places a cap on annual appropriations and reduces income tax rates based on revenue growth

SJR 20 - Koenig - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation

HB 255 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 333 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 604 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 703 - Richey - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation

HB 1094 - Dohrman - Prohibits certain interest and penalties on certain late income tax payments

Taxation and Revenue - Property (17)

SB 72 - O'Laughlin - Defines wind farms as local property for property tax assessments of electric companies

SB 87 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 97 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to the assessment of certain tax-exempt properties

SB 133 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 173 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to property assessment contracts for energy efficiency

SB 208 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to the Senior Citizens Property Tax Credit

SB 300 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to the refund of protested taxes

SB 371 - Eigel - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 424 - Luetkemeyer - Establishes the Land Bank Act

SB 452 - Curls - Modifies provisions relating to county assessment funds

SB 489 - Rizzo - Modifies provisions relating to the Senior Citizens Property Tax Relief tax credit

SJR 5 - Eigel - Prohibits the levying and collecting of a tax on tangible personal property

SJR 28 - Holsman - Exempts personal property over ten years old from property tax

HB 215 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to property assessment contracts for energy efficiency

HB 220 - Andrews - Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of companies regulated by the Public Service Commission

HB 685 - Kelly - Changes the laws regarding property classifications for zoning so that sawmills are classified as agricultural property

HB 821 - Solon - Establishes the Land Bank Act

Taxation and Revenue - Sales and Use (34)

SB 21 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to local sales taxes

SB 46 - Koenig - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation

SB 50 - Eigel - Modifies sales tax collection requirements for certain sellers and reduces the top income tax rate

SB 52 - Eigel - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation

SB 85 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to sales tax filing dates

SB 87 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 141 - Koenig - Modifies the filing periods for the remittance of sales taxes

SB 149 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to local sales taxes

SB 152 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 189 - Crawford - Modifies several provisions relating to use taxes

SB 190 - Onder - Requires a portion of sales and use tax revenue to be deposited into the State Road Fund

SB 284 - Hoskins - Authorizes the city of Fayette to impose a sales tax for public safety

SB 291 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 333 - Rizzo - Authorizes certain fire protection districts and municipalities to propose a 0.5% sales tax for fire protection

SB 387 - Hough - Authorizes the City of Springfield to submit to the voters a transient guest tax

SB 399 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to sales taxes on certain admission tickets

SB 429 - Wallingford - Provides for a sales tax exemption on the purchase of certain building materials

SB 437 - Hoskins - Provides tax exemptions for certain property sales and leases by port authorities

SB 443 - Schupp - Imposes a reduced sales tax rate on certain products

SB 467 - Onder - Provides a sales tax exemption for the production of electricity

SB 483 - Hoskins - Modifies a provision relating to sales taxes on telecommunications services

SB 487 - Libla - WITHDRAWN

SB 491 - Rizzo - Allows municipalities to enter into loan agreements, or sell, lease, or mortgage municipal property for a technology business facility project

SB 513 - Sater - Modifies a provision relating to tourism taxes in certain municipalities

SJR 20 - Koenig - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation

SJR 26 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to providing funds for emergencies in this state

HB 220 - Andrews - Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of companies regulated by the Public Service Commission

HB 255 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 374 - Christofanelli - Modifies provisions relating to sales tax

HB 532 - Rone - Modifies provisions relating to local sales taxes

HB 584 - Knight - Modifies provisions relating to transportation

HB 626 - Ruth - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

HB 674 - Kolkmeyer - Authorizes certain cities to submit to the voters a transient guest tax

HB 1061 - Patterson - Provides tax exemptions for certain property sales and leases by port authorities

Teachers (31)

SB 17 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems

SB 25 - Sifton - Modifies several provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 51 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to charter schools

SB 61 - Arthur - Allows for an income tax deduction for educator expenses

SB 73 - O'Laughlin - Requires each local school district and charter school to have on file a policy for reading intervention plans for any pupils of the district and charter schools in grades kindergarten through four

SB 80 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to teacher employment

SB 205 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to the A+ Schools Program

SB 218 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 271 - Emery - Transfers the authority of the State Board of Education and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to regulate charter schools to the Missouri Charter Public School Commission

SB 292 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 295 - Hough - Requires school districts to conduct criminal background checks on all volunteers

SB 349 - O'Laughlin - Requires each local school district and charter school to have a policy for reading intervention plans for any pupils in grades kindergarten through four

SB 351 - Williams - Requires that all state-funded teacher-training institutions provide courses on the concepts of trauma-informed approach and trauma-specific interventions

SB 365 - Hoskins - Establishes the School Turnaround Program to assist schools in need of intervention

SB 445 - Arthur - Allows school districts and charter schools to receive state school funding under the foundation formula for high school students who are taking competency-based credits

SB 447 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the determination of state school aid

SB 478 - Holsman - Exempts school districts from the required number of days school districts are required to make up for days lost due to inclement weather for the 2018-2019 school year

SCR 13 - Emery - Encourages schools to include courses on the Bible in education curriculum

HB 77 - Black - Exempts any person retired and receiving a retirement allowance from PSRS and employed by a public community college from current law relating to retirement allowance restrictions

HB 112 - Sommer - Requires school districts with a certain number of gifted students to establish a state-approved program for such students

HB 161 - Knight - Modifies provisions relating to the required length of school terms

HB 169 - Gannon - Establishes the "Internet and Social Media Awareness Program" to increase awareness of appropriate online behavior and skills among students in public schools

HB 281 - Kelley - Prohibits schools with alternative methods of instruction plans from being required to make up days lost due to exceptional or emergency circumstances

HB 456 - Neely - Permits school districts and charter schools to grant a diploma endorsement in STEM to a graduating high school student who demonstrates mastery in STEM disciplines

HB 462 - Shields - Creates certified teacher externships

HB 485 - Dogan - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 575 - Dohrman - Modifies provisions relating to higher education

HB 604 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 739 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 743 - Fishel - Creates the "Cronkite New Voices Act" to protect the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

HCB 7 - Roeber - Requires all superintendents and assistant superintendents to enter into a written employment contract with a school district as a condition of employment

Telecommunications (9)

SB 15 - Wallingford - Enacts provisions relating to the operation of motor vehicles while using electronic devices

SB 17 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems

SB 200 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to licenses granted by the Department of Revenue

SB 291 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 293 - Hough - Creates new criminal offenses involving critical infrastructure facilities

SB 483 - Hoskins - Modifies a provision relating to sales taxes on telecommunications services

HB 355 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

HB 523 - Roden - Modifies provisions relating to the No-Call list

HB 679 - Tate - Enacts provisions relating to driver's license renewals

Tobacco Products (1)

SB 309 - Sater - Authorizes pharmacists to prescribe and dispense nicotine replacement therapy products

Tourism (5)

SB 152 - Holsman - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

SB 468 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

HB 266 - Muntzel - Establishes a number of new state designations

HB 844 - Hudson - Modifies provisions relating to lodging establishments

HCR 34 - Riggs - Urges the Baseball Hall of Fame to induct John Jordan "Buck" O'Neil

Transportation (59)

SB 15 - Wallingford - Enacts provisions relating to the operation of motor vehicles while using electronic devices

SB 25 - Sifton - Modifies several provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 30 - Hegeman - Allows evidence of failure to wear a seatbelt to prove comparative negligence, causation, absence of defect, and failure to mitigate damages

SB 39 - Onder - Allows the concealed carry of firearms on public transportation systems and the transporting of nonfunctioning or unloaded firearms on public buses

SB 89 - Libla - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 91 - Nasheed - Provides that a court may, rather than shall, double the fine imposed for a traffic offense committed in a designated safe travel zone

SB 102 - Riddle - Provides that a motorcycle or motortricycle may be operated on the shoulder of a roadway under certain circumstances

SB 111 - Eigel - Enacts provisions relating to traffic enforcement

SB 119 - Arthur - Expands the requirement for children to wear personal flotation devices

SB 120 - Burlison - Specifies when persons operating or riding a motorcycle or motortricycle must wear protective headgear

SB 137 - Sifton - Specifies circumstances under which traffic court judges in St. Louis County may review driver's license revocation for refusal to submit to a chemical test

SB 147 - Sater - Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 158 - Eigel - Requires the Department of Transportation to consider the complete life-cycle costs of work in determining the lowest bid amount submitted for a contract

SB 186 - Hegeman - Permits vehicle platooning on Missouri roads

SB 190 - Onder - Requires a portion of sales and use tax revenue to be deposited into the State Road Fund

SB 201 - Romine - Replaces the current motor vehicle registration fee system with a system based on fuel economy

SB 218 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 242 - Walsh - Specifies that the Director of Revenue may issue historic motor vehicle license plates without a mileage restriction as a category of special license plates

SB 254 - Bernskoetter - Specifies that the Director of Revenue may revoke the driver's license of a person determined to have struck a highway worker or emergency responder in a properly marked zone

SB 292 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 323 - Hough - Directs the Department of Transportation, in consultation with the Highway Patrol and the advisory committee created in the act, to promulgate rules governing the towing of commercial vehicles

SB 330 - Brown - Establishes an "Association of Missouri Electrical Cooperatives" special license plate

SB 331 - Brown - Designates the Jerry Lizotte Memorial Highway

SB 332 - Brown - Enacts provisions relating to driver's licenses

SB 342 - Curls - Enacts provisions relating to the designation of memorial infrastructure

SB 354 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions of the Motor Vehicle Franchise Practices Act

SB 359 - Eigel - Repeals certain vehicle safety inspection requirements

SB 368 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 369 - Brown - Repeals the requirement for purchasers to obtain salvage titles for vehicles sold for salvage within six years of their designated model year

SB 371 - Eigel - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 378 - Hough - Specifies that beginning December 1, 2019, private entities shall be eligible for certification as third-party testers for commercial driver's licenses

SB 381 - Onder - Repeals certain vehicle safety inspection requirements

SB 394 - O'Laughlin - Raises the maximum distance from the ground to which the bottom edge of motor vehicle mud flaps shall extend when required by law

SB 403 - Eigel - Establishes the "Bridge and Road Authorization Trust Fund"

SB 430 - Libla - Increases the motor fuel tax

SB 466 - White - Requires the Department of Revenue to establish an electronically accessible motor vehicle financial responsibility verification system

SB 505 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles

SB 506 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the inspection of commercial motor vehicles

SCR 14 - Schatz - Authorizes and directs the Office of Administration to execute and deliver a financing agreement for payment of debt service on transportation bonds issued by the Highways and Transportation Commission

SCR 22 - Holsman - Supports increased public awareness on the issue of motorcycle profiling

SJR 27 - Eigel - Establishes the "Bridge and Road Authorization Trust Fund"

HB 159 - Love - Modifies provisions relating to outdoor advertising

HB 191 - Kolkmeyer - Designates memorial highways

HB 192 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures

HB 280 - Ruth - Modifies model traffic ordinances to require vehicles to stop for "other on-track equipment" in addition to trains

HB 402 - Basye - Allows motor vehicles to turn left on red light when turning onto a one-way street

HB 448 - Pike - Designates the "Rep. Cloria Brown Memorial Highway"

HB 499 - Griesheimer - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

HB 584 - Knight - Modifies provisions relating to transportation

HB 604 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 606 - Basye - Permits school boards to contract with municipalities to provide transportation to high school students

HB 749 - Tate - Establishes the "Towing Task Force"

HB 812 - Houx - Enacts provisions relating to the designation of memorial highways

HB 831 - Sharpe - Establishes special license plates

HB 873 - Riggs - Designates memorial highways

HB 926 - Shawan - Enacts provisions relating to license plates

HB 959 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of certain business organizations

HB 1002 - Busick - Raises the maximum distance from the ground to which the bottom edge trucks' mud flaps are required to extend

HCB 5 - Ruth - Designates memorial highways

Transportation, Department of (26)

SB 89 - Libla - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 91 - Nasheed - Provides that a court may, rather than shall, double the fine imposed for a traffic offense committed in a designated safe travel zone

SB 158 - Eigel - Requires the Department of Transportation to consider the complete life-cycle costs of work in determining the lowest bid amount submitted for a contract

SB 186 - Hegeman - Permits vehicle platooning on Missouri roads

SB 254 - Bernskoetter - Specifies that the Director of Revenue may revoke the driver's license of a person determined to have struck a highway worker or emergency responder in a properly marked zone

SB 323 - Hough - Directs the Department of Transportation, in consultation with the Highway Patrol and the advisory committee created in the act, to promulgate rules governing the towing of commercial vehicles

SB 331 - Brown - Designates the Jerry Lizotte Memorial Highway

SB 342 - Curls - Enacts provisions relating to the designation of memorial infrastructure

SB 403 - Eigel - Establishes the "Bridge and Road Authorization Trust Fund"

SB 430 - Libla - Increases the motor fuel tax

SB 466 - White - Requires the Department of Revenue to establish an electronically accessible motor vehicle financial responsibility verification system

SB 497 - O'Laughlin - Extends sovereign and governmental tort immunity to contractors and subcontractors performing governmental services previously performed by the Department of Transportation

SB 499 - Burlison - Consolidates the Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System into the Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

SB 506 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the inspection of commercial motor vehicles

SCR 12 - Sater - Recognizes the Gold Star Families Memorial Monument on the College of the Ozarks campus as an official Gold Star Families Memorial Monument of Missouri

SCR 14 - Schatz - Authorizes and directs the Office of Administration to execute and deliver a financing agreement for payment of debt service on transportation bonds issued by the Highways and Transportation Commission

SJR 27 - Eigel - Establishes the "Bridge and Road Authorization Trust Fund"

HB 191 - Kolkmeyer - Designates memorial highways

HB 448 - Pike - Designates the "Rep. Cloria Brown Memorial Highway"

HB 451 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to vehicle inspections

HB 499 - Griesheimer - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

HB 584 - Knight - Modifies provisions relating to transportation

HB 749 - Tate - Establishes the "Towing Task Force"

HB 812 - Houx - Enacts provisions relating to the designation of memorial highways

HB 873 - Riggs - Designates memorial highways

HCB 5 - Ruth - Designates memorial highways

Treasurer, State (24)

SB 5 - Sater - Modifies the initiative and referendum process

SB 16 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

SB 20 - Libla - Extends the expiration of a criminal court surcharge for the DNA Profiling Analysis fund from August 28, 2019, to August 28, 2029

SB 86 - Wallingford - Establishes the Senior Services Growth and Development program

SB 99 - Wieland - Enacts the "Missouri Reinsurance Plan"

SB 153 - Sifton - Authorizes roofing contractors in this state to register with the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

SB 160 - Koenig - Establishes the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program

SB 199 - Arthur - Creates the Missouri Secure Choice Savings Program Act

SB 218 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 275 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 403 - Eigel - Establishes the "Bridge and Road Authorization Trust Fund"

SB 426 - Williams - Modifies provisions of the ABLE Act

SB 434 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to the Inmate Canteen Fund

SB 439 - Brown - Increases the investment limit in linked deposits by the State Treasurer

SB 512 - Hegeman - Modifies how counties and St. Louis City shall seek reimbursement for cost incurred by boarding certain offenders

SCR 16 - Wieland - Urges the cessation of economic and other state activity with New York and other certain states

SJR 9 - Cierpiot - Imposes term limitations on every elected office

SJR 14 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies term limits for various elected public officers

SJR 27 - Eigel - Establishes the "Bridge and Road Authorization Trust Fund"

HB 337 - Swan - Establishes the Senior Services Growth and Development program

HB 678 - Patterson - Modifies provisions relating to the financial protection of vulnerable populations

HB 694 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to background checks, and extends the expiration of a criminal court surcharge for the DNA Profiling Analysis fund

HB 730 - Richey - Provides that if a person placed on electronic monitoring is found not guilty or exonerated of an offense, he or she shall be reimbursed for the costs associated with electronic monitoring

HB 1029 - Bondon - Increases the investment limit in linked deposits by the State Treasurer

Trees and Other Plants (7)

SB 131 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the distribution of energy

SB 133 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

SB 472 - Crawford - Modifies the Plant Industries Division fees and requires periodic review of fees charged by the Department of Agriculture

SB 517 - Riddle - Enacts provisions relating to solar site management for pollinators

SCR 23 - Luetkemeyer - Urges the United States Congress to support designation of Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area as part of the National Heritage Area System

HB 587 - Rone - Repeals the Missouri Treated Timber Law

HB 588 - Rone - Modifies the Plant Industries Division fees and requires periodic reviews of fees charged by the Department of Agriculture

Urban Redevelopment (1)

HB 842 - Griffith - Establishes the Capitol Complex Tax Credit Act

Utilities (26)

SB 13 - Wallingford - WITHDRAWN

SB 55 - Crawford - Authorizes the Public Service Commission, during a general rate proceeding for a water corporation or sewer corporation, to set a separate, lower fixed charge or customer charge for low-income customers of water corporations and sewer corporations

SB 66 - White - Establishes provisions relating to water safety and security

SB 72 - O'Laughlin - Defines wind farms as local property for property tax assessments of electric companies

SB 131 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the distribution of energy

SB 166 - Crawford - States that certain records submitted to the Public Service Commission shall not be open to the public

SB 169 - Wallingford - Modifies the civil penalty for violating federally mandated natural gas safety standards

SB 173 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to property assessment contracts for energy efficiency

SB 203 - Nasheed - Modifies nuisance actions in certain cities and counties

SB 289 - Wieland - Creates the Missouri Electricity Bill Reduction Assistance Act

SB 293 - Hough - Creates new criminal offenses involving critical infrastructure facilities

SB 296 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations

SB 330 - Brown - Establishes an "Association of Missouri Electrical Cooperatives" special license plate

SB 377 - Riddle - Establishes provisions related to infrastructure resilience rate adjustments for water and sewer corporations

SB 379 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to the Public Service Commission

SB 383 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the sale of utilities in fourth class cities

SB 453 - Hough - States that certain records of municipally owned utilities may be closed under the Sunshine Law

SJR 25 - Libla - Requires the General Assembly to pass legislation to establish an open, competitive retail electric energy market

HB 160 - Knight - Creates provisions relating to the regulation of water usage

HB 215 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to property assessment contracts for energy efficiency

HB 220 - Andrews - Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of companies regulated by the Public Service Commission

HB 287 - Kidd - Modifies provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations

HB 355 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

HB 831 - Sharpe - Establishes special license plates

HB 926 - Shawan - Enacts provisions relating to license plates

HB 1062 - Hansen - Modifies provisions relating to the power of eminent domain for utility purposes

Veterans (10)

SB 89 - Libla - Enacts provisions relating to transportation

SB 283 - Hoskins - Removes the sunset provision for the Veteran's Survivor Grant program

SB 290 - Brown - Enacts provisions relating to commercial driver's licenses

SB 306 - White - Modifies provisions regarding education for members of military families

SCR 12 - Sater - Recognizes the Gold Star Families Memorial Monument on the College of the Ozarks campus as an official Gold Star Families Memorial Monument of Missouri

HB 400 - Basye - Modifies the Missouri Returning Heroes Education Act

HB 547 - Griffith - Provides alternative methods for the disposal of cases including through the use of treatment courts, prosecution diversion programs, and restitution payments

HB 713 - Morris - Modifies provisions relating to the purple heart special license plate

HB 715 - Lynch - Removes the sunset provision for the Wartime Veteran's Survivor Grant Program

HCR 16 - Dohrman - Urges Congress to award the Congressional Gold Medal to the Ghost Army of World War II

Veterinarians (2)

SB 115 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to the confiscation of animals

HB 204 - Anderson - Modifies provisions relating to the confiscation of animals

Victims of Crime (5)

SB 259 - Romine - Implements a process for due process proceedings for Title IX complaints at institutions of higher education

SB 404 - Nasheed - Allows tenants to terminate their lease in certain situations of domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault

SB 456 - Schupp - Requires certain hospitals to perform forensic examinations with the consent of a victim of a sexual offense

HB 397 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 1135 - Dinkins - Modifies provisions relating to vital records

Vital Statistics (5)

SB 110 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

SB 282 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the disposition of human remains

SB 503 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

HB 461 - Pfautsch - Modifies provisions relating to the right of sepulcher and the death registration process

HB 1135 - Dinkins - Modifies provisions relating to vital records

Waste - Solid (2)

SB 134 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to solid waste

SCR 5 - Wallingford - Establishes the Joint Committee on Solid Waste Management District Operations

Water Resources and Water Districts (9)

SB 55 - Crawford - Authorizes the Public Service Commission, during a general rate proceeding for a water corporation or sewer corporation, to set a separate, lower fixed charge or customer charge for low-income customers of water corporations and sewer corporations

SB 66 - White - Establishes provisions relating to water safety and security

SB 145 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

SB 278 - Wallingford - Requires public water systems and public water supply districts that intend to modify their water supply fluoridation to seek and receive information about the impact from the local health department

SB 293 - Hough - Creates new criminal offenses involving critical infrastructure facilities

SB 377 - Riddle - Establishes provisions related to infrastructure resilience rate adjustments for water and sewer corporations

SB 383 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the sale of utilities in fourth class cities

HB 160 - Knight - Creates provisions relating to the regulation of water usage

HB 355 - Plocher - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

Weapons (8)

SB 23 - Nasheed - Creates new provisions relating to firearm restraining orders

SB 40 - Schupp - Creates the offense of unlawfully storing and securing a firearm in the presence of a child

SB 41 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to domestic violence offenders

SB 42 - Schupp - Creates extreme risk orders of protection

SB 75 - Curls - Modifies provisions relating to the concealed carried weapons

SB 94 - Sifton - Applies the offense of unlawful possession of firearms to certain additional categories of individuals in possession of firearms

SB 121 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to the concealed carrying of firearms

SB 217 - Schupp - Creates the offense of unlawful transfer of weapons for a licensed firearms dealer to deliver a handgun to a purchaser without waiting at least 72 hours

Workers Compensation (7)

SB 71 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to workers' compensation premiums

SB 156 - Wallingford - Creates new provisions relating to workers' compensation proceedings

SB 212 - Sifton - Modifies provisions relating to occupational diseases under workers' compensation laws

SB 248 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to workers' compensation judges

SB 281 - Brown - Creates new provisions relating to occupational diseases diagnosed in first responders

SB 294 - Hough - Creates new provisions relating to workers' compensation for firefighters

SB 316 - Burlison - Modifies provisions on permanent total disability benefits