Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Bills Sponsored by Senator Riddle
SB 596
Provides that a person who is injured by a product has 10 years after the sale or lease of the product to bring a suit for damages
SB 597
Modifies provisions relating to fees for insurance services
SB 598
Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Transportation utility corridor
SB 660
Modifies the law relating to mental health
SB 661
Authorizes legal counsel for the Department of Mental Health to have standing in certain hearings involving a person unable to stand trial due to lack of mental fitness
SB 662
Requires inclusion of information on traffic stops and constitutional rights in driver training programs and information provided to first-time license recipients
SB 705
Modifies provisions relating to rate adjustments outside of general rate proceedings for certain public utilities
SB 706
Extends the expiration of the lead-acid battery fee from December 31, 2018, to December 31, 2023
SB 765
Creates new provisions relating to reports issued by the State Auditor
SB 766
Provides that a motorcycle, motortricycle, or motorized bicycle may be operated on the shoulder of a roadway under certain circumstances
SB 813
Modifies the offense of peace disturbance and allows a civil action against a person who commits the offense of peace disturbance and obstructs a highway or access to emergency medical services
SB 814
Modifies provisions relating to driver's licenses for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing
SB 830
Creates the Nuclear Power Plant Security Guard Act
SB 843
Modifies the composition, duties or repeals outright certain administrative boards, commissions, and councils
SB 844
Transfers certain appointment powers to the Director of the Division of Professional Registration
SB 845
Modifies the membership and duties of the Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children
SB 848
Modifies the membership of the Board for Certification of Interpreters
SB 890
Establishes procedures for obtaining certain information for a child abuse or neglect investigation and modifies procedures relating to termination of parental rights
SB 920
Modifies provisions relating to immunity of real estate licensees
SB 926
Licenses persons performing radio-logic imaging or administering radiation therapy and establishes the Missouri Radio-logic Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board of Examiners
SB 931
Authorizes Missouri to become a member state of the Recognition of EMS Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact
SB 958
Requires the Attorney General to establish an electronic tracking system to monitor sexual assault collection kits
SB 959
Modifies provisions of the Credit User Protection Law
SB 980
Requires the state to reimburse the county for court costs in certain probate hearings
SB 985
Modifies provisions relating to background checks for child care providers
SB 986
Authorizes school boards to provide certain information about influenza and influenza vaccines to parents and guardians of students
SB 1008
Modifies provisions of law relating to termination of parental rights
SB 1033
Establishes procedures for requesting termination of custody for persons in the care of the state
SB 1034
Establishes a statewide hearing aid distribution program
SB 1075
Modifies provisions relating to dental practices in federally qualified health centers
SB 1100
Creates new provisions relating to the sale of contact lenses and prescription aid glasses
HB 1252
Modifies an insurance mandate relating to low-dose mammography screening
HB 1388
Modifies provisions relating to certain sports contests
HB 1419
Modifies provisions relating to certain mental health professionals
HB 1516
Requires licensed chiropractors to be reimbursed for the provision of MO HealthNet services
HB 1572
Modifies provisions relating to driver's licenses for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing
HB 1611
Provides that a person who is injured by a product has 15 years after the sale or lease of the product to bring a suit for damages
HB 1719
Modifies provisions relating to professional registration
HB 1797
Establishes provisions relating to unlawful activity on nuclear power plant property
HB 1832
Modifies provisions relating to merchandising practices
HB 1859
Authorizes a law enforcement agency to assist another law enforcement agency under a mutual aid agreement
HB 1868
Establishes a statewide hearing aid distribution program
HB 2127
Modifies provisions relating to licensed health care practitioners
HB 2221
Modifies provisions relating to registered interior designers
HB 2249
Modifies provisions relating to background checks for child care providers and child care facility liability insurance coverage
HB 2538
Requires the Department of Natural Resources to submit an annual report to the General Assembly regarding maintenance, repair, and construction of state parks
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