HCS/SB 743 - This act modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education. Current law requires the treasurer of a seven-director school district, when entering into a bond to the state, to do so with two or more sureties. This act authorizes the treasurer to use one or more sureties. This provision is identical to a provision contained in HCS/SCS/SBs 300 & 306 (2017) and SCS/HB 587 (2017), HB 1478 (2016), and HB 979 (2015). Additionally, the act states that if a pupil between the ages of 3 and 5 who is eligible for free and reduced price lunch attends an early childhood education program operated by and in a district or charter school that has declared itself as a local educational agency and subsequently leaves such program, the district or charter school shall be allowed to fill the vacant enrollment spot with another eligible pupil without affecting the district's or charter school's calculation of average daily attendance. JAMIE ANDREWS