HCS/SCS/SB 718 - This act modifies provisions relating to maintenance medication. Current law provides that dispensing of maintenance medication based on refills authorized by the physician or prescriber on the prescription be limited to no more than a 90 day supply of the medication and the patient must have already been prescribed the medication for 3 months. This act provides that the supply limitations shall not apply if the prescription is issued by a practitioner located in another state or dispensed to a patient who is a member of the United States Armed Forces serving outside the United States. (Section 338.202) Current law that requires health carriers to provide coverage for early refills of an eye drop prescription is set to expire on January 1, 2020. This act repeals the expiration date. (Section 376.1237) This act is similar to SB 533 (2017) and HB 1837 (2018). JAMIE ANDREWS