SCS/SB 971 - This act requires a juvenile court, in specified cases, to consider and enter written findings of fact and conclusions of law by clear, cogent, and convincing evidence on whether a child is an abandoned infant and whether the child's parents committed specified physical acts against the child or another child of the parent. These findings shall be admitted into evidence in any subsequent proceeding for termination of parental rights or adoption. Under this act, in a case where a child is in the custody of the state and the court has found that grounds for termination of parental rights are present, the fact that an adoptive resource for the child has not been identified shall not be a relevant consideration and shall not constitute a basis for a termination of parental rights decision. The Children's Division shall actively and diligently work to identify and place the child with an adoptive family or guardianship when termination of parental rights has occurred. The Division shall report to the court every six months detailing its efforts. This act is similar to HCS/HB 1491 (2018). SARAH HASKINS