HJR 100 Modifies constitutional provisions relating to the General Assembly

     Handler: Kehoe

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

HCS/HJR 100 - This Constitutional amendment modifies provisions relating to the General Assembly.

CITIZENSHIP (Section 2(a) & Section 10) - Upon voter approval, this resolution requires that only citizens of the United States be counted as part of the population when making apportionments of the House of Representatives and Senate.

This provision is similar to a provision contained in SJR 39 (2018).

REAPPORTIONMENT OFFICIALS (Section 10(a)) - Upon voter approval, this resolution prohibits a reapportionment official, as defined in the resolution, from accepting compensation or other thing of value for the performance of his or her duties from certain entities. Further, if appropriated, partisan apportionment officials may be compensated and non-partisan apportionment officials may be compensated at double the partisan rate. If the General Assembly fails to appropriate such funds before the reapportionment start date, the reapportionment commissions shall meet and the General Assembly may make other provisions for compensation.

This provision is similar to a provision contained in SJR 38 (2018).


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