HCS/HB 2407 - This act establishes an "Advisory Council on Rare Diseases and Personalized Medicine" in the MO HealthNet Division to assist the Drug Utilization Review Board when making recommendations or determinations regarding prior authorization and reauthorization criteria for rare disease drugs and other topics relating to rare diseases. The act specifies the council's membership and requires the council to meet no later that February 28, 2019. The council's recommendations to the board shall be in writing. All members of the council shall sign a conflict of interest statement each year and at least 20% of the members shall not have a conflict of interest with any insurer, pharmaceutical benefits manager, or pharmaceutical manufacturer. This act is similar to provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed CCS/HCS/SCS/SB 718 (2018), CCS/HCS/SS/SCS/SB 826 (2018), and SCS/SB 995(2018)SCS/SB 995 (2018). SARAH HASKINS