HCB 16 Modifies provisions relating to agriculture

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

HCB 16 - This act modifies provisions relating to agriculture.

SAWMILLS & PLANING MILLS AS AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY (Sections 64.002, 65.702, & 89.020) - Under this act, property zoned as agricultural or horticultural property shall include any sawmill or planing mill.

These provisions are identical to HB 2102 (2018), a provision contained in the perfected HCB 23 (2018), HCS#2/SS/SB 704 (2018), and HB 719 (2017).

RELIEVER AIRPORTS (Sections 137.010-137.017) - Currently, county assessors shall allocate to each property classification the percentage of the true value of money of the property devoted to each use. This act exempts reliever airports from this provision.

Currently, for general property assessment purposes, the true value of money of vacant and unused land for agricultural and horticultural property shall be its fair market value. This act exempts reliever airports from this provision, and instead provides that the true value of money of a reliever airport shall be the value which such land has for agricultural or horticultural use.

This provision is identical to HB 1806 (2018), a provision contained in the perfected HCB 23 (2018), and CCS/HCS/SS/SB 881 (2018).

AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL PROPERTY (Section 137.021) - This act prohibits the State Tax Commission from promulgating a rule increasing agricultural land productive values more than 2% above the prior rule, or 8% above the lowest value in effect for the past 10 years. Further, no agricultural land shall have its values increased if such land is located in a county that has been affected by a natural disaster within the previous 2 years.

This provision is identical to HB 1721 (2018) and SB 548 (2018).

TAX LIABILITY FOR MOTOR VEHICLES (Section 144.025) - Currently , any purchaser of a motor vehicle or trailer for agricultural use may use grain or livestock as an allowance to offset the sale and use tax liability from the purchase. This act also allows the use of fruit, vegetables, and cotton to offset such tax liability.

This provision is identical to HCS/HB 1549 (2018).

HEALTHCARE PROVIDER LIABILITY (Section 192.947) - Under this act, a physician, hospital, pharmacist, nurse, or person employed by any such healthcare provider using hemp extract for treating intractable epilepsy shall not be liable for civil damages unless the damages were caused by gross negligence or by willful or wanton acts by such healthcare provider.

This provision is identical to a provision contained in CCS/HCS/SCS/SB 718 (2018) and HCS/SCS/SB 953 (2018), is substantially similar to a provision contained in HCS/SCS/SB 953 (2018), and is similar to a provision contained in HCB 15 (2018), HB 1440 (2018), and HB 1441 (2018).

MEAT (Sections 265.300, 265.490, and 265.494) - For purposes of the Meat Inspection Program administered by the Missouri Department of Agriculture, this act modifies the definitions of "meat" and "meat product" to include captive cervids. Further, this act modifies the definition of "commercial plant" to include an establishment in which captive cervids are slaughtered, and modifies the definition of "unwholesome" to include captive cervids which have died other than by slaughter.

This provision is identical to SB 938 (2018) and a provision contained in SS/SCS/SB's 627 & 925 (2018).

Currently, no person advertising, offering for sale, or selling a carcass shall engage in any misleading or deceptive practice including misrepresenting the cut, grade, brand or trade name, or weight or measure of any product. This act also prohibits misrepresenting a product as meat that is not derived from harvested production livestock or poultry.

This provision is identical to SB 977 (2018), HB 2607 (2018), and a provision contained in SS/SCS/SB's 627 & 925 (2018).

SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS (Section 266.600) - This act prohibits political subdivisions from adopting or enforcing ordinances, rules, or regulations relating to the labeling, cultivation, or use of seeds or fertilizers. This act shall not apply to any ordinance enacted prior to August 28, 2018, and this act shall not apply to rice seed.

This provision is identical to SCS/SB 1018 (2018), HCS/HB 1614 (2018), and a provision contained in SS/SCS/SB's 627 & 925 (2018), and is similar to SB 77 (2017), HB 175 (2017), HCS/HB 1729 (2016), and SB 769 (2016).

ANIMAL CARE TRAINING (Section 273.450) - This act requires individuals, or organizations on behalf of a group of individuals, seeking to train peace officers in responding to animal neglect and abuse incident reports to submit all training materials relating to animal care to the State Veterinarian and all training materials relating to offenses involving animals to the Department of Public Safety for review on an annual basis. Under this act, the State Veterinarian and Department of Public Safety shall review such materials within 14 days, and shall either approve or disapprove such materials. Upon approval, the State Veterinarian or the Department of Public Safety shall issue a certification.

Engaging in the business of animal care training using training materials that have not been certified by either the State Veterinarian or the Department of Public Safety is an infraction for the first offense, and a Class D misdemeanor for the second or any subsequent offense.

This provision has an effective date of January 1, 2019.

This provision is identical to SB 797 (2018), HB 1828 (2018), and a provision contained in SCS/HB 1355 (2018), and is similar to SCS/SB 156 (2017).

FUEL STANDARDS (Section 414.032) - Currently, all fuels shall meet American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards, in addition to rules promulgated by the Director of the Department of Agriculture. Under this act, the Director may waive specific requirements, or establish temporary alternative requirements in the event of an extreme and unusual fuel supply circumstance. Such waiver shall be as limited in scope and applicability as necessary, and shall apply equally and uniformly to all persons and companies in the impacted fuel supply and distribution system.

This provision is identical to SCS/SB 998 (2018), HCS/HB 2452 (2018), and a provision contained in SCS/HCS/HB's 2277 & 1983 (2018), and SS/SCS/SB's 627 & 925 (2018), and is similar to a provision contained in SS/SCS/HB 1355 (2018), SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1364 (2018), and HCS#2/SS#2/SCS/SB 1050 (2018).

MISSOURI CLEAN WATER LAW (Section 644.059) - This act exempts agricultural storm water discharges and return flows from irrigated agriculture from clean water permitting requirements, and prevents such discharges and flows from being considered unlawful unless they have entered waters of the state rendering them harmful, detrimental, or injurious to public health, safety, or welfare, or to industrial or agricultural uses, or to wild animals, birds, or fish. Nothing in this act shall supersede current law relating to concentrated animal feeding operations.

This provision is identical to a provision contained in HCS#2/HB 1973 (2018), and is substantially similar to HCS/SS/SCS/SB 782 (2018).


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