HB 2018 To appropriate money for purposes for the several departments and offices of state government; for projects involving the maintenance, repair, replacement, and improvement of state buildings and facilities

     Handler: Brown

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

	HCS/HB 2018 - Capital Improvements

.          Governor                     House

GR        $ 92,597,292               $ 82,153,823
FEDERAL     42,500,000                    500,000
OTHER      135,803,602                 91,213,508
.          ____________               ___________
TOTAL     $270,900,894               $173,867,331

.          Senate                       Final
GR        $ 82,153,823               $ 82,153,823
FEDERAL        500,000                    500,000
OTHER       91,213,508                 91,213,508
.          ____________              ____________
TOTAL     $173,867,331               $173,867,331

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