HB 2129 Establishes provisions relating to information on organ, eye, and tissue donation presented to students

     Handler: Romine

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

SS#2/HCS/HB 2129 - This act states that if a state or nationally recognized program or organization that provides unbiased information on organ, eye, and tissue donation requests to present information on organ, eye, and tissue donation to a school board or governing board of a charter school, the school board or governing board shall allow a presentation to be given, and shall allot no less than thirty minutes for the presentation. School boards and governing boards shall then consider the information presented and make a decision on whether to present such information to students and parents in the district or charter schools and the manner in which such information shall be presented.

No student shall be required to participate in any instruction relating to information about organ, eye, and tissue donation if the student has any sincerely held religious or emotional belief which is contrary to such instruction.


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