HB 1275 Establishes a work-study program within the Department of Higher Education

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

HB 1275 - This act establishes the "Allan Purdy Work-Study Program" within the Department of Higher Education. The Coordinating Board for Higher Education shall administer the program. Any resident of the state enrolled or accepted for enrollment at any accredited two-year or four-year institution of higher education may qualify for participation in the program.

Funds appropriated to the program shall be used to provide a work-study program of employment for resident students in good standing with their institution. A student may be employed by the institution in which he or she is enrolled, nonprofit organizations, governmental agencies, or for-profit organizations with which the institution may execute student employment contracts.

Up to 40% of funds may be used to provide funding on a basis other than financial need and not less than 60% of funds shall be used for students with a demonstrated financial need.

This act shall sunset after six years unless reauthorized by the General Assembly.

This act is identical to HB 984 (2017).


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