HRB 1 Repeals obsolete, expired, sunset, and terminated statutory sections and portions of sections

     Handler: Dixon

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

HRB 1 - This act repeals specified expired, ineffective and obsolete statutory provisions, including the following:

1. Obsolete references to the Department of Natural Resources based on departmental reorganization (Sections 8.800, 8.805, 8.830, 8.843, 135.311, 135.950, 386.890, 393.1025, 393.1030, 414.400, 414.406, 414.417, 414.510, 640.153, 640.155, 640.157, 640.160, 640.651, 640.653, 660.135, 701.500, and 701.509);

2. Expired authority for audits of the Veterans Commission Capital Improvement Trust Fund (Section 42.300);

3. Obsolete references to the Department of Social Services based on departmental reorganization (Section 44.105);

4. Obsolete Social Security provisions to bring Missouri into compliance with federal law (Section 51.165, 104.342, 104.1024, 105.300 to 105.445);

5. Obsolete language regarding the commingling of state and local funds (Section 67.5016);

6. Obsolete reference to the Joint Committee on Economic Policy and Planning which was repealed (Sections 100.710 and 135.210);

7. Corrects inaccurate or obsolete intersectional references (Sections 141.540, 143.811, 144.810, 209.015, 210.114, 261.295, 301.562, 324.028, 324.159, 329.025, 330.190, 332.041, 334.100, 334.570, 334.613, 334.618, 335.036, 336.160, 338.130, 339.120, 345.035, and 414.412);

8. Reorganization of section to prevent numerous Department of Revenue forms from becoming obsolete (Section 144.030);

9. Provides a termination date due to the elimination of the state franchise tax in 2016 (Sections 147.020 and 147.050);

10. Expiration of authority to conduct certain audits (Section 161.215);

11. Obsolete one-time transfer of funds during the 2014-2015 school year (Section 165.011);

12. Obsolete school textbook language (Sections 170.051, 170.055 to 170.161);

13. Obsolete language which only applied to fiscal year 2010 (Section 178.930);

14. Obsolete reference to the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act repealed in 1997 (Section 196.973);

15. Obsolete reference to the Division of Family Services due to departmental reorganization (Section 208.156);

16. Replaces inaccurate language (Sections 210.027, 211.447, 324.406, and 327.451);

17. Updates obsolete terminology regarding disabilities and the department personnel (Section 226.805);

18. Replaces specific language from one section to another section (Sections 288.121 and 288.128);

19. Changes language in motor vehicle laws to be consistent with federal laws (Section 302.700);

20. Updates reference to the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (Sections 334.610 and 334.686);

21. Conflicting language regarding psychologist licensing (Section 337.030);

22. Updates provision regarding licensure of behavior analysts (Section 337.347);

23. Removes language that conflicts with requirements for third-party reimbursement or licensure of professional counselors in another state (Section 337.507);

24. Conflicting language regarding social workers and therapists (Sections 337.612, 337.662, 337.712);

25. Corrects typographical error (Section 382.277);

26. Removes obsolete language regarding destruction of documents by the Public Service Commission (Section 386.145);

27. Removes expired language relating to unfair business practices (Section 407.485);

28. Transfers a section to the appropriate chapter based on a departmental reorganization (Section 640.150 (now 620.035));

29. Updating obsolete terminology regarding the Missouri Workforce Development Board (Sections 620.511 to 620.513);

30. The repeal of the following sections:

- the expired Rebuild Damaged Infrastructure Program (33.295);

- obsolete provisions of the Governmental Emergency Fund (Sections 33.700 to 33.730);

- obsolete reporting requirements regarding the Highway Administrator (Section 61.081);

- obsolete provisions due to the repeal of an election law section (Section 71.005);

- sunset provisions relating to the Missouri Health Care Access Fun (Section 135.575);

- expired provisions relating to rural empowerment zones (Sections 135.900 to 135.909);

- sunset provisions relating to the Missouri Homestead Preservation Act (Section 137.106);

- obsolete tax provisions based on court decisions (Sections 143.105 to 143.107);

- expired provisions relating to certain tax refunds (Section 143.1007);

- sunset provisions relating to the Rebuild Missouri Schools Program (Section 160.459);

- sunset provisions relating to vision examinations for children in public elementary schools (Section 167.194);

- sunset provisions relating to the Missouri Teaching Fellows Program (Sections 168.700 and 168.702);

- obsolete provision due to repeal of other sections regarding the Higher Education Scholarship Program (Section 173.197);

- obsolete provisions relating to poor farms (Sections 205.580 to 205.760);

- obsolete provisions relating to the purchase of health insurance coverage through the Medicaid program (Section 208.178);

- obsolete provision due to repeal of other sections of law regarding the Coordinating Council on Special Transportation (Section 208.630);

- obsolete provision relating to the Health Care Technology Fund (Section 208.975);

- expired Joint Committee on Medicaid Transformation (Section 208.993);

- expired Missouri Task Force on Prematurity and Infant Mortality (Section 210.105);

- obsolete provision relating to an interagency workgroup on collaborating to seek certain grants (Section 251.650);

- expired provision on annual unemployment automation surcharges (Section 288.131);

- expired provision requiring the Joint Committee on Legislative Research to conduct analysis of health insurance costs (Section 376.1192);

- obsolete provisions relating to a program on the use of alternative fuels in vehicle fleets (Sections 414.350 to 414.359);

- duplicate provision to current section of law (Section 442.018);

- obsolete provision relating to the Entrepreneurial Development Council which does not exist (Section 620.050); and

- obsolete provision relating to the Studies in Energy Conservation Fund (Section 640.219).

This act is identical to SRB 975 (2018) and similar to HRB 2467 (2016).


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