SCS/HCS/HB 1635 - This act amends the provision relating to reporting of suspected abuse or neglect of a resident of a long-term care facility who is sixty years of age or older or other certain eligible adults. Current law requires a report to be made to the Department of Health and Senior Services in the event of suspected abuse or neglect. Under this act, in the event of suspected sexual assault of the resident, specified mandated reporters shall also report to local law enforcement under the procedures of the federal Elder Justice Act of 2009. This act is identical to the perfected SCS/SB 574 (2018) and similar to a provision in SB 301 (2017),HCS/SS/SCS/SB 663 (2016), HB 551 (2017), SS/SCS/SBs 112, 212, 143, & 234 (2015), and SB 971 (2014). SARAH HASKINS