HB 2208 Modifies provisions of law relating to elections

     Handler: Eigel

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

SCS/HB 2208 - This act requires that all electronic voting systems produce results from paper ballots marked by hand or from paper ballots marked by a paper ballot marking device or electronically assisted ballot marking device. Additionally, such systems must record electronically only from human readable ballot selections that can be verified by the voter. The use of all direct recording electronic voting machines shall be phased out.

The act requires a non-removable, 4X6 inch sign to be placed on each paper ballot marking device with language advising voters to check their ballots prior to placing them in any optical scanner or ballot box.

The act permits a local election authority to appoint a team to deliver and witness the voting and return of absentee ballots by voters residing at an apartment building when the local election authority has received ten or more applications from voters for absentee ballots at the corresponding address for such apartment building.

This provision is substantially similar to HB 2492 (2018).

Prior to the certification of election results the local election authority shall conduct an audit of at least 5% of the polling places to conduct a manual recount of selected races and ballot issues in such precincts.

This act has a delayed effective date of January 1, 2019.

This act is similar to SB 1067 (2018).


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