HCS/HB 2062 - This act establishes that, upon the enactment of similar laws in the states of Kansas and Oklahoma and unanimous written affirmation of the Governor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, the counties of Jasper and Newton shall become a party to an interstate aid agreement with certain Kansas and Oklahoma border counties. All law enforcement officers of the border counties between the three states shall be permitted in critical incidents to respond to lawful requests for aid in any other jurisdiction in the mutual aid region. In the event of an arrest made outside of an officer's home state, the offender shall be delivered to the first officer who is commissioned in the jurisdiction in which the arrest was made.
For the purposes of liability, all members of the responding agency are deemed employees of the responding agency and are subject to the liability and workers' compensation provisions provided to them as employees of their respective agency. Immunity and the public duty rule shall apply to the provisions of this section as interpreted by the federal and state courts of the responding agency.
This act is identical to SCS/SB 662 (2018).