HB 1691 Modifies provisions relating to the Public Service Commission

     Handler: Emery

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

SS/SCS/HB 1691 - This act modifies provisions relating to the Public Service Commission.

PSC STAFF (Section 386.135) - Currently, the Public Service Commission is required to hire technical advisory staff, with all such staff being hired by July 1, 2005. This act repeals the provision requiring all staff to be hired by such date.

Currently, Public Service Commission technical advisory staff shall provide advice and assistance to the Public Service Commissioners and administrative law judges. Under this act, such communications between Commissioners and non-attorney staff shall be protected from public disclosure.

This provision is identical to a provision contained in SCS/HB 1800 (2018), and is substantially similar to a provision contained in HCS/HB 2265 (2018).

COMPLAINTS (Section 386.390) - Currently, certain organizations may make a complaint against a public utility by setting forth any act committed or omitted by a public utility, including any rule, regulation or charge established by the Commission in violation of any law, rule, order, or decision. Under this act, the complaint shall set forth the act committed or omitted by the public utility in violation of any provision of law subject to the Public Service Commission's authority, or of any rule, utility tariff, order, or decision of the Commission.

This provision is identical to a provision contained in SS#5/SB 564 (2018), SCS/HB 1800 (2018), HB 1575 (2018), and HB 2265 (2018).

APPEALS (Sections 386.510 & 386.515) - Currently, an applicant may appeal a decision or order from the Public Service Commission by filing a notice of appeal with the Commission, which the Commission shall then forward to the appropriate appellate court. Under this act, an applicant may file a notice of appeal with the appellate court directly.

This provision is identical to a provision contained in SCS/HB 1800 (2018), is substantially similar to HB 1080 (2017) and HB 2634 (2016), and is similar to SB 1132 (2016).

ADVANCED METERS (Section 386.822) - This act prohibits a public utility from installing an advanced meter unless the utility has attempted to notify the customer of the installation. Customers may elect not to have such meter installed or to have such meter removed and replaced, but the customer may be assessed a $75 charge to replace an advanced meter with a non-standard meter in addition to a $25 monthly charge. Any customer who has provided the utility with documentation from their physician establishing that the customer, or any member of their household, has a medical condition that is adversely impacted by an advanced meter shall not be required to pay such fees. If a customer believes that a public utility has failed to comply with this act, such customer may file a complaint with the Public Service Commission. Further, this act requires the Public Service Commission to provide a report to the General Assembly on this provision by August 28, 2022, after which the Commission may replace the fees set forth in this act with reasonable, cost-based fees for each public utility.

This provision is identical to a provision contained in SCS/HB 1800 (2018), and is similar to a provision contained in HCS/HB 2265 (2018) and HB 1495 (2018).

INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEM REPLACEMENT SURCHARGE FOR GAS CORPORATIONS (Section 393.1012) - Currently, the Public Service Commission shall not approve, and a gas corporation shall not collect, an infrastructure system replacement surcharge (ISRS) for any gas corporation that has not had a general rate proceeding within the past 3 years. Under this act, gas corporations that become "participating gas corporations" by filing an initiating general rate proceeding, an annual true-up, and periodic rate review proceedings under the Rate Case Modernization Act are exempt from this provision.

This act requires gas corporations utilizing ISRS to develop and file with the Public Service Commission a pre-qualification process for contractors seeking to participate in competitive bidding to install ISRS-eligible gas utility plant projects. The gas corporation may specify the criteria that the contractor shall meet in order to qualify to participate in the competitive bidding process. Under this act, the gas corporation shall file a verified statement with the Public Service Commission stating that it has in place a pre-qualification process by July 1, 2020. Any ISRS petition thereafter shall be accompanied with a verified statement that the gas corporation is using a competitive bidding process for installing no less than 10% of ISRS-eligible gas utility plant projects. Under this act, the lowest and best bid in the competitive bidding process shall receive the contract to perform the project.

Under this act, the Public Service Commission shall prepare a report for the General Assembly annually, with the first report being submitted by December 31, 2021, on the competitive bidding process established under this act.

Nothing in this act shall diminish the authority of the Public Service Commission or certain individuals and groups to file a complaint alleging that the rates of the gas corporation are unreasonable or unlawful, provided that such complaint is governed exclusively by the Rate Case Modernization Act.

RATE CASE MODERNIZATION ACT (Sections 393.1700-393.1750) - This act establishes the Rate Case Modernization Act.

INITIATING GENERAL RATE PROCEEDING (Section 393.1715) - Under this act, a gas corporation may elect to become a participating gas corporation seeking to recover its cost of service through the Rate Case Modernization Act by filing an initiating general rate proceeding with the Public Service Commission. Under this act, a gas corporation participating in the Rate Case Modernization Act is referred to as a "participating gas corporation". The Public Service Commission shall prepare and approve a supplement that includes information required for the participating gas corporation's periodic rate review proceeding and certain foundational elements as set forth in this act.

If the gas corporation seeking to become a participating gas corporation has had new rates become effective in the past 2 years as a result of a general rate proceeding, the Public Service Commission shall conduct a proceeding to determine the foundational elements of the corporation's periodic rate review proceeding. Such proceeding shall be concluded within 5 months, and shall not result in any change in rates.

REVENUE STABILIZATION MECHANISM (Section 393.1720) - As part of a participating gas corporation's initiating general rate proceeding, this act requires the Public Service Commission to approve a revenue stabilization mechanism (RSM) to address over- or under-recovery of revenue due to weather and conservation-related changes in customer usage. Rates shall be adjusted by the amount necessary to return to, or recover from, customers over the subsequent 12-month period the difference between revenues billed and revenues authorized from the previous initiating general rate proceeding or periodic rate review proceeding. Certain revenue variations shall not be accounted and adjusted for as set forth in this act.

ANNUAL TRUE-UP (Section 393.1725) - Under this act, a participating gas corporation shall file tariffs, rate schedules, and minimum filing requirements to be used to establish the revenue requirement to be reflected in rates in the participating gas corporation's annual true-up at least 45 days prior to the end of each updated test year, as defined in this act. Such annual true-up filing shall be based on the most recent 3 quarters of information on the participating gas corporation's books, with a forecast for the remaining quarter. Such forecast shall be of sufficient detail to permit review by Public Service Commission staff, with updated results provided to the staff at least 30 days before the staff's recommendation is due.

Under this act, minimum filing requirements that are required to be included in the annual true-up filing include financial reports for the participating gas corporation’s Missouri operations, accounting schedules, cost of service schedules, an earnings test schedule, and a complete calculation of the cost management accountability (CMA) mechanism. The earnings test required under the minimum filing requirements for a participating gas corporation's annual true-up shall determine if the return achieved exceeds or falls below a range of 0.50% of the updated return on equity. Such test shall determine the increase or decrease to the corporation's revenue requirement to bring the return back to the updated return on equity, subject to the annual rate cap. Under this act, "annual rate cap" is defined as a limitation on the amount of any rate increase that may be made under the annual true-up equal to 3% of the gas corporation's previous year's Missouri gross jurisdictional revenues, with excess amounts deferred and booked to a regulatory asset for recovery in a later period.

Further, as part of the earnings test, the updated return on equity shall first apply adjustments based on the results of performance measurement indicators and capital market changes. Performance measurement indicator adjustments shall compare achieved performance to the benchmark performance range of expected performance. For each instance where achieved performance is higher than the benchmark range, the corporation's updated return on equity shall be adjusted by adding 0.05%. For each instance where achieved performance is lower than the benchmark range, the corporation's updated return on equity shall be adjusted by subtracting 0.05%. For capital market changes, the updated return on equity for shall be adjusted by the amount of the difference between the starting benchmark capital market rate and any increase or decrease in U.S. Treasury Bond yields for the updated test year.

Within 4 months of filing an annual true-up, the Public Service Commission staff shall submit its recommendation verifying the participating gas corporation's revenue requirement calculations. If the parties to the annual true-up are unable to jointly recommend a revenue requirement to the Public Service Commission within 20 days of the Public Service Commission's staff report filing, the Commission shall establish a procedural schedule to resolve such differences within 5 months in order to make rates permanent. Any adjustments made to the revenue requirement by the Public Service Commission shall be reflected in the participating gas corporation's next annual true-up filing, and shall include a rebasing of all ISRS costs.

PERIODIC RATE REVIEW PROCEEDINGS (Section 393.1730) - Following the conclusion of the third rate year effectuating an annual true-up, the participating gas corporation shall file a periodic rate review proceeding at least 6 months prior to the corporation's next annual true-up. The Public Service Commission shall have the authority to set interim deadlines for interested stakeholders and the gas corporation to make their filings, but shall issue an order within 5 months of the filing date. Such determinations shall be used to set rates in subsequent annual true-ups, subject to judicial review.

Nothing in this act shall preclude the Public Service Commission from scheduling local public hearings.

TERMINATION PROVISIONS (Section 393.1740) - This act allows a participating gas corporation to terminate its participation in the update process at the conclusion of any updated test year. Upon termination, rates set under this act shall remain in effect until new rates are set in a general rate proceeding.

PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION REPORT (Section 393.1745) - This act requires the Public Service Commission to prepare a report to the General Assembly on the impact of this act on or after December 31, 2025. Participating gas corporations shall cooperate in good faith to provide data necessary for the preparation of such report.

These provisions are similar to SCS/SB 730 (2018), HB 1878 (2018), SCS/SB 242 (2017), SCS/HCS/HB 661 (2017), and HCS/HB 747 (2017).


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