- SB 608 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions regarding the liability of property owners when criminal conduct occurs on the property
LR: 4589S.06T CCS HCS SS SB 608
- 4/3/2018 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Special Committee on Litigation Reform
- SB 617 - Eigel - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation
LR: 4085S.22P SS#2 SCS SBs 617, 611 667
- 4/3/2018 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 629 - Wasson - Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing
LR: 4485S.03T SCS SB 629
- 4/3/2018 -- Voted Do Pass H Economic Development
- SB 644 - Cunningham - Creates new provisions relating to unclaimed property
LR: 4999S.02T SCS SB 644
- 4/3/2018 -- Voted Do Pass H Special Committee on Government Oversight
- SB 681 - Hummel - Requires a student to receive instruction in Braille reading and writing as part of his or her individualized education plan unless instruction in Braille is determined not appropriate for the child
LR: 4760H.03C HCS SB 681
- 4/3/2018 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Elementary and Secondary Education
- SB 722 - Sater - Requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to conduct a study regarding the importation of certain prescription drugs by the state
LR: 4870S.01P
- 4/3/2018 -- Perfected
- 4/3/2018 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 793 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to court proceedings
LR: 5340H.02T HCS SB 793
- 4/3/2018 -- Hearing Conducted H Judiciary
- SB 806 - Crawford - Modifies provisions regarding when a deceased person owes money to the state and guardianship and conservatorship proceedings
LR: 5457S.05T CCS HCS SB 806
- 4/3/2018 -- Hearing Conducted H Judiciary
- SB 843 - Riddle - Modifies the composition, duties or repeals outright certain administrative boards, commissions, and councils
LR: 5541S.07T CCS HCS SS SCS SB 843
- 4/3/2018 -- Bill placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 954 - Curls - Allows individuals found guilty of certain offenses of unlawful use of a weapon to expunge such record
LR: 5864S.01T
- 4/3/2018 -- Perfected
- 4/3/2018 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 1032 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to the Historic Preservation tax credit
LR: 6473S.03I
- 4/3/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Local Government and Elections Committee
- SB 1050 - Schatz - Modifies provisions of law relating to transportation
LR: 6654H.09C HCS#2 SS#2 SCS SB 1050
- 4/3/2018 -- SS for SCS S offered (Schatz)--(6654S.03F)
- 4/3/2018 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Hegeman)--(6654S03.01S)
- 4/3/2018 -- Bill placed on Informal Calendar
- SJR 27 - Holsman - Modifies term limits and imposes a gift ban for members of the General Assembly
LR: 4412S.04P
- 4/3/2018 -- SA 1 S offered & defeated (Onder)--(4412S04.06S)
- 4/3/2018 -- SA 2 S offered & adopted (Schaaf)--(4412S04.04S)
- 4/3/2018 -- SA 3 S offered & defeated (Nasheed)--(4412S04.07S)
- 4/3/2018 -- SA 4 S offered (Koenig)--(4412S04.05S)
- 4/3/2018 -- Bill placed on Informal Calendar
- SJR 40 - Rowden - Creates new constitutional amendment relating to labor organizations
LR: 6652S.02I
- 4/3/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S General Laws Committee
- SR 1590 - Kehoe - Allows the St. Louis University civics class to use the Senate Chamber on May 7, 2018
LR: 1807SR.01I
- 4/3/2018 -- S Offered
- 4/3/2018 -- S adopted
- SR 1591 - Holsman - Recognizes the 50th Anniversary of the federal Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
LR: 6822S.01I
- 4/3/2018 -- S Offered
- HB 1266 - Lichtenegger - Establishes the "Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act"
LR: 4392H.01P
- 4/3/2018 -- S First Read--HB 1266-Lichtenegger
- HB 1291 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions
LR: 4497H.05T CCS SS SCS HB 1291
- 4/3/2018 -- Senate conferees appointed: Romine, Onder, Hegeman, Sifton, Walsh
- HB 1369 - Sommer - Modifies the definition of a service dog
LR: 4104H.01P
- 4/3/2018 -- S First Read--HB 1369-Sommer
- HB 1486 - Kelly - Modifies the law relating to work requirements for participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
LR: 5211H.02P HCS HB 1486
- 4/3/2018 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 1486
- HB 1729 - Justus - Modifies provision relating to prevailing wage
LR: 4813S.11T SS HCS HBs 1729, 1621 & 1436
- 4/3/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S General Laws Committee
- HB 1893 - Baringer - Modifies provisions relating to public auctions
LR: 4320H.02P
- 4/3/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Local Government and Elections Committee
- HB 2001 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money to the Board of Fund Commissioners
LR: 2001H.02P HCS HB 2001
- 4/3/2018 -- Corrected Message - S First Read--HCS for HB 2001
- HB 2002 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the State Board of Education and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
LR: 2002H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 2002
- 4/3/2018 -- Corrected Message - S First Read--HCS for HB 2002
- HB 2003 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Higher Education
LR: 2003H.05S CCS SCS HCS HB 2003
- 4/3/2018 -- Corrected Message - S First Read--HCS for HB 2003
- HB 2005 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Office of Administration, Department of Transportation, and Department of Public Safety
LR: 2005H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 2005
- 4/3/2018 -- Corrected Message - S First Read--HCS for HB 2005
- HB 2006 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Agriculture, Department of Natural Resources, and Department of Conservation
LR: 2006H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 2006
- 4/3/2018 -- Corrected Message - S First Read--HCS for HB 2006
- HB 2007 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the departments of Economic Development; Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration; and Labor and Industrial Relations
LR: 2007H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 2007
- 4/3/2018 -- Corrected Message - S First Read--HCS for HB 2007
- HB 2009 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Corrections
LR: 2009H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 2009
- 4/3/2018 -- Corrected Message - S First Read--HCS for HB 2009
- HB 2010 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Mental Health, Board of Public Buildings, and Department of Health and Senior Services
LR: 2010H.06T CCS SS SCS HCS HB 2010
- 4/3/2018 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 2010
- HB 2011 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, and distributions of the Department of Social Services
LR: 2011H.06S CCS SCS HCS HB 2011
- 4/3/2018 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 2011
- HB 2012 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of statewide elected officials, the Judiciary, Office of the State Public Defender, and General Assembly
LR: 2012S.04C CCS SCS HCS HB 2012
- 4/3/2018 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 2012
- HB 2013 - Fitzpatrick - Appropriates money for real property leases and related services
LR: 2013S.04T SCS HCS HB 2013
- 4/3/2018 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 2013
- HB 2014 - Fitzpatrick - To appropriate money for supplemental purposes for the several departments and offices of state government
LR: 2014H.02T HCS HB 2014
- 4/3/2018 -- Signed by House Speaker
- 4/3/2018 -- Signed by Senate President Pro Tem
- 4/3/2018 -- Delivered to Governor
- HB 2031 - Sommer - Modifies provisions regarding service dogs.
LR: 5672H.02P HCS HB 2031
- 4/3/2018 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 2031
- HB 2101 - Beard - Modifies provisions relating to the payment of guardian ad litem fees in certain cases
LR: 5843H.01T
- 4/3/2018 -- S First Read--HB 2101-Beard
- HB 2192 - Redmon - Authorizes the treasurer of a seven-director school district to use one or more sureties when entering into a bond to the state
LR: 6035H.01P
- 4/3/2018 -- S First Read--HB 2192-Redmon
- HB 2221 - Franklin - Modifies provisions relating to registered interior designers
LR: 6051H.01P
- 4/3/2018 -- S First Read--HB 2221-Franklin
- HB 2243 - Houghton - Modifies certain provisions relating to county recording fees
LR: 5943H.01P
- 4/3/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Local Government and Elections Committee