- SB 568 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to salaries for certain county officials
LR: 4919S.09T SS SCS SB 568
- 4/17/2018 -- H Second Read
- SB 574 - Wallingford - Modifies mandated reporting requirements for abuse or neglect victims in long-term care facilities and provisions relating to background checks for in-home providers
LR: 4466H.04C HCS for SB 574
- 4/17/2018 -- Hearing Conducted H General Laws
- SB 627 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture
LR: 4296S.03T SS SCS SBs 627 & 925
- 4/17/2018 -- Voted Do Pass H Agriculture Policy
- 4/17/2018 -- Reported Do Pass H Agriculture Policy
- 4/17/2018 -- Referred H Rules - Legislative Oversight
- SB 655 - Sifton - Increases the minimum age for marriage from 15 to 16 years, modifies the sex offender registry system, and eliminates the statute of limitations for sexual offenses committed against minors
LR: 4429S.03T CCS HCS SB 655
- 4/17/2018 -- Perfected
- SB 660 - Riddle - Modifies the law relating to mental health
LR: 4178S.04T CCS HCS SB 660
- 4/17/2018 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Health and Mental Health Policy
- 4/17/2018 -- Referred H Rules - Administrative Oversight
- SB 666 - Onder - Creates new provisions relating to joint employers
LR: 4250S.04P SS SB 666
- 4/17/2018 -- Voted Do Pass H General Laws
- 4/17/2018 -- Reported Do Pass H General Laws
- 4/17/2018 -- Referred H Rules - Legislative Oversight
- SB 674 - Koenig - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation
LR: 4409H.11C HCS SS#2 SB 674
- 4/17/2018 -- H Second Read
- SB 693 - Wallingford - Modifies the age in which a child can be prosecuted in the juvenile court system and procedures in guardianship and conservator proceedings
LR: 4531H.02C HCS SB 693
- 4/17/2018 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H General Laws
- SB 773 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to taxation
LR: 5294S.03T CCS HCS SB 773
- 4/17/2018 -- Hearing Conducted H General Laws
- SB 775 - Brown - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and modifies the hospital reimbursement allowance tax
LR: 5226S.05T CCS HCS SS SCS SB 775
- 4/17/2018 -- Referred H Fiscal Review Committee
- SB 800 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to juvenile court proceedings
LR: 5433H.02T HCS SB 800
- 4/17/2018 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Judiciary
- SB 840 - Rowden - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration
LR: 4908S.01T
- 4/17/2018 -- Reported Do Pass H Health and Mental Health Policy
- 4/17/2018 -- Referred H Rules - Administrative Oversight
- SB 850 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions of law relating to records involving children
LR: 5434H.05C HCS SB 850
- 4/17/2018 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Children and Families
- SB 859 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing
LR: 5187S.05C SCS SB 859
- 4/17/2018 -- SS for SCS S offered (Koenig)--(5187S.12F)
- 4/17/2018 -- Bill placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 884 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to taxation
LR: 5722S.03T CCS SB 884
- 4/17/2018 -- Hearing Conducted H General Laws
- SB 909 - Dixon - Modifies provisions regarding notice of sale of real estate, powers of appointment, no-contest clauses in trust instruments and trust protectors, and establishes the Missouri Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act
LR: 4456H.02C HCS SB 909
- 4/17/2018 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H General Laws
- SB 918 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to working animals
LR: 5996H.09C HCS SS SCS SB 918
- 4/17/2018 -- Hearing Conducted H Agriculture Policy
- SB 946 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to trusts, powers of appointment, and gifts in fraud of marital rights and establishes the Missouri Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act
LR: 4458H.05C HCS SCS SBs 946 & 947
- 4/17/2018 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Judiciary
- SB 951 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to health care
LR: 6092S.04T CCS HCS SB 951
- 4/17/2018 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H General Laws
- SRB 975 - Dixon - Repeals expired, ineffective, and obsolete statutory provisions
LR: 6248S.02T SCS SRBs 975 & 1024
- 4/17/2018 -- Bill placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 982 - Wieland - Enacts provisions relating to insurance
LR: 6265S.09T SS SB 982
- 4/17/2018 -- SS S offered (Wieland)--(6265S.09F)
- 4/17/2018 -- SA 1 to SS S offered (Schaaf)--(6265S09.01F)
- 4/17/2018 -- SSA 1 for SA 1 to SS S offered & adopted (Schaaf)--(6265S09.06S)
- 4/17/2018 -- SA 2 to SS S offered & adopted (Wallingford)--(6265S09.01S)
- 4/17/2018 -- SA 3 to SS S offered & adopted (Schupp)--(6265S09.04S)
- 4/17/2018 -- SS, as amended, S adopted
- 4/17/2018 -- Perfected
- SB 991 - Sifton - Allows for a patient's designation of a caregiver to provide care following discharge from a hospital or ambulatory surgical center
LR: 6301S.01I
- 4/17/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- SB 1021 - Dixon - Modifies provisions relating to various retirement plans for public employees
LR: 6545S.03C SCS SB 1021
- 4/17/2018 -- Bill placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 1023 - Dixon - Modifies law relating to notaries public
LR: 6369S.07P SS SCS SB 1023
- 4/17/2018 -- H Second Read
- HB 1247 - Pike - Establishes the month of November as "Diabetes Awareness Month" in Missouri.
LR: 4308H.01P
- 4/17/2018 -- Removed S Consent Calendar
- HB 1266 - Lichtenegger - Establishes the "Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act"
LR: 4392H.01P
- 4/17/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- HB 1388 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to certain sports contests
LR: 4196S.08T SS SCS HCS HB 1388
- 4/17/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Professional Registration Committee
- HB 1443 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to certain prohibited uses of TANF and SNAP benefits and SNAP work requirements
LR: 4561S.03C SCS HCS HB 1443
- 4/17/2018 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- HB 1455 - Lauer - Requires high schools and public institutions of higher education to provide information related to careers and salaries to students
LR: 4043H.03P HCS HB 1455
- 4/17/2018 -- Removed Senate Consent Calendar
- HB 1486 - Kelly - Modifies the law relating to work requirements for participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
LR: 5211H.02P HCS HB 1486
- 4/17/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- HB 1573 - Rowland - Modifies provisions relating to the required number of hours of instruction in public schools
LR: 4116H.02P
- 4/17/2018 -- Removed Senate Consent Calendar
- HB 1606 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
LR: 5095S.06T SS HCS HB 1606
- 4/17/2018 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- HB 1656 - Cornejo - Enacts new provisions relating to professional employer organizations
LR: 5465H.02P HCS HBs 1656 & 2075
- 4/17/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Professional Registration Committee
- HB 1663 - Swan - Creates provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
LR: 4893S.03C SCS HCS HB 1663
- 4/17/2018 -- Removed Senate Consent Calendar
- HB 1675 - Redmon - Modifies provisions relating to school bus driver medical endorsements
LR: 5471H.01P
- 4/17/2018 -- Removed Senate Consent Calendar
- HB 1676 - Redmon - Exempts drivers 70 years of age or older from the pre-trip inspection portion of the annual CDL skills test to retain authority to drive a school bus
LR: 5470H.01P
- 4/17/2018 -- Removed S Consent Calendar
- HB 1719 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration
LR: 4489H.05T CCS SS SCS HB 1719
- 4/17/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Professional Registration Committee
- HB 1796 - Ruth - Modifies the process for the conveyance of real estate
LR: 5281S.08T SS#2HCS HB 1796
- 4/17/2018 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- HB 1928 - Ross - Establishes legislative procedures for regulating previously unregulated professions and occupations
LR: 5701H.04P HCS HB 1928
- 4/17/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Professional Registration Committee
- HB 2079 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to coroners
LR: 5610S.04C SCS HCS HB 2079
- 4/17/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Professional Registration Committee
- HB 2101 - Beard - Modifies provisions relating to the payment of guardian ad litem fees in certain cases
LR: 5843H.01T
- 4/17/2018 -- Removed Senate Consent Calendar
- HB 2122 - Engler - Modifies provisions relating to vehicle sales
LR: 5890S.02C SCS HB 2122
- 4/17/2018 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- HB 2127 - Frederick - Modifies provisions relating to licensed health care practitioners
LR: 4569H.08P HCS HB 2127
- 4/17/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Professional Registration Committee
- HB 2249 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to background checks for child care providers and child care facility liability insurance coverage
LR: 6104S.04C SCS HCS HB 2249
- 4/17/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- HB 2280 - Haefner - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet benefits for pregnant women receiving substance abuse treatment
LR: 6161S.05T SS SCS HCS HBs 2280, 2120, 1468 & 1616
- 4/17/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- HB 2330 - Beck - Designates a portion of State Highway 30 in St. Louis County as the "Officer Blake Snyder Memorial Highway"
LR: 6231H.01T
- 4/17/2018 -- Removed S Consent Calendar