- SB 547 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to industrial hemp
LR: 5165H.07C HCS SS SCS SB 547
- 3/6/2018 -- SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Munzlinger)--(5165S.05F)
- 3/6/2018 -- Motion to reconsider SS for SCS S adopted (Schaaf)
- 3/6/2018 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Hoskins)--(5165S05.01S)
- 3/6/2018 -- SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered (Eigel)--(5165S05.02S)
- 3/6/2018 -- SSA 1 for SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Eigel)--(5165S05.03S)
- 3/6/2018 -- SS for SCS, as amended, S adopted
- 3/6/2018 -- Perfected
- 3/6/2018 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 569 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to trusts and estates
LR: 4967S.05S CCS HCS SB 569
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted H Financial Institutions
- SB 573 - Wallingford - Modifies several provisions relating to the armed services
LR: 4421S.01T
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted H Veterans
- 3/6/2018 -- Voted Do Pass H Veterans
- SB 592 - Hegeman - Modifies several provisions relating to elections
LR: 4850S.08T SS SCS SB 592
- 3/6/2018 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S withdrawn
- 3/6/2018 -- SS for SCS S adopted
- 3/6/2018 -- Perfected
- 3/6/2018 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- 3/6/2018 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- SB 593 - Wieland - Enacts provisions relating to financial solvency of insurance companies
LR: 4837S.04T SS SCS SB 593
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted H Insurance Policy
- SB 594 - Wieland - Exempts certain types of commercial insurance lines from filing requirements with respect to rates, rate plans, modifications, and manuals
LR: 4841S.01T
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted H Insurance Policy
- SB 612 - Koenig - Establishes the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program
LR: 4222S.07C SCS SB 612
- 3/6/2018 -- SS for SCS S withdrawn
- 3/6/2018 -- SS#2 for SCS S offered (Koenig)--(4222S.20F)
- 3/6/2018 -- SA 1 to SS#2 for SCS S offered (Sifton)--(4222S20.13S)
- 3/6/2018 -- SA 1 to SA 1 to SS#2 for SCS S offered & adopted (Walsh)--(4222S20.14S)
- 3/6/2018 -- SA 1 to SS#2 for SCS, as amended, S defeated
- 3/6/2018 -- SA 2 to SS#2 for SCS S offered (Rizzo)--(4222S20.10S)
- 3/6/2018 -- SSA 1 for SA 2 to SS#2 for SCS S offered (Rizzo)--(4222S20.15S)
- 3/6/2018 -- SA 1 to SSA 1 for SA 2 to SS#2 for SCS S offered (Rizzo)--(4222S20.16S)
- 3/6/2018 -- Bill placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 623 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to foreclosure proceeds
LR: 4359H.03C HCS SCS SB 623
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted H Financial Institutions
- SB 659 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources
LR: 4761H.02T HCS SB 659
- 3/6/2018 -- Referred H Conservation and Natural Resources
- SB 687 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to student transportation
LR: 4494S.06T CCS HCS SB 687
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Education Committee
- SB 708 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicle financial responsibility
LR: 4672S.01T
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted H Insurance Policy
- SB 767 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to wagering on certain games
LR: 4671S.05C SCS SB 767
- 3/6/2018 -- SS for SCS S offered (Hoskins)--(4671S.09F)
- 3/6/2018 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & defeated (Hoskins)--(4671S09.13S)
- 3/6/2018 -- SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered (Sater)--(4671S09.15S)
- 3/6/2018 -- Bill placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 775 - Brown - Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and modifies the hospital reimbursement allowance tax
LR: 5226S.05T CCS HCS SS SCS SB 775
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted H Budget
- SB 796 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to the licensure of health care professionals
LR: 5456H.03C HCS SB 796
- 3/6/2018 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 800 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to juvenile court proceedings
LR: 5433H.02T HCS SB 800
- 3/6/2018 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 814 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to driver's licenses for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing
LR: 5516S.02T SCS SB 814
- 3/6/2018 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 838 - Rowden - Modifies provisions relating to school bus drivers
LR: 5427S.01I
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Education Committee
- SB 949 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to reading intervention in schools
LR: 5339H.13C HCS SS#2 SCS SB 949
- 3/6/2018 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Education Committee (5339S.04C)
- SB 981 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to methods of self-insurance for workers' compensation
LR: 6259S.01T
- 3/6/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Insurance and Banking Committee
- SB 989 - Hoskins - Provides a sales tax exemption for the purchase of certain utilities for food preparation
LR: 6299S.01I
- 3/6/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Ways and Means Committee
- SB 990 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to the attachment of school districts to community college districts
LR: 6302S.02T SCS SB 990
- 3/6/2018 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Education Committee (6302S.02C)
- SB 1003 - Wasson - Exempts certain initiation fees and dues from sales tax
LR: 6116S.01I
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Ways and Means Committee
- SB 1038 - Dixon - Modifies the process for filling vacancies in certain statewide and General Assembly offices
LR: 6621S.01I
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Local Government and Elections Committee
- SB 1042 - Onder - Enacts provisions relating to concession agreements entered into by political subdivisions
LR: 6421S.05I
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Local Government and Elections Committee
- SB 1043 - Cierpiot - Requires the joint election of the Governor and Lt. Governor
LR: 6645S.01I
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Local Government and Elections Committee
- SCR 37 - Eigel - Endorses the Bangert Island Riverfront Transformational Project by the General Assembly
LR: 6084S.01P
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 40 - Hoskins - Applies to Congress for the calling of an Article V convention of states to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution regarding term limits for members of Congress
LR: 6254S.01T
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 43 - Munzlinger - Urges the Missouri Public Service Commission to reaffirm state policies relating to natural gas hedging
LR: 6353S.01I
- 3/6/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 52 - Emery - Recognizes the societal harms brought by pornography and the need for education, prevention, research, and policy change
LR: 5995S.01I
- 3/6/2018 -- S Offered--SCR 52-Emery
- SJR 27 - Holsman - Modifies term limits and imposes a gift ban for members of the General Assembly
LR: 4412S.04P
- 3/6/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SJR 35 - Cierpiot - Requires the joint election of the Governor and Lt. Governor
LR: 6644S.01I
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Local Government and Elections Committee
- HB 1287 - Engler - Exempts certain types of commercial insurance lines from filing requirements with respect to rates, rate plans, modifications, and manuals
LR: 4517H.01P
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Insurance and Banking Committee
- HB 1291 - Henderson - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions
LR: 4497H.05T CCS SS SCS HB 1291
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Local Government and Elections Committee
- HB 1381 - Shull - Enacts provisions relating to financial accreditation standards for insurance companies
LR: 4520H.02P HCS HB 1381
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Insurance and Banking Committee
- HB 1408 - Spencer - Modifies provisions relating to virtual education
LR: 4329H.02P HCS HB 1408
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Education Committee
- HB 1460 - Evans - Modifies provisions relating to state revenue
LR: 4687S.06T SS#2 HB 1460
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Ways and Means Committee
- HB 1465 - Cookson - Modifies provisions relating to degree offerings at public institutions of higher education
LR: 5132S.03T SS SCS HB 1465
- 3/6/2018 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Education Committee (5132S.02C)
- HB 1605 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri State Capitol Commission
LR: 4767S.03C SCS HCS HB 1605
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- HB 1606 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
LR: 5095S.06T SS HCS HB 1606
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Education Committee
- HB 1650 - Cornejo - Modifies provisions relating to trust accounts that are HSAs, when a trustee may terminate a trust because the value of the trust is deemed insufficient, and when a no-contest clause in a trust is unenforceable
LR: 5028H.02P
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Insurance and Banking Committee
- HB 1665 - Swan - Authorizes the granting of a visiting scholars certificate to teachers in public schools
LR: 4900H.01T
- 3/6/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Education Committee
- HB 1690 - Engler - Modifies provisions relating to insurance guaranty associations
LR: 5490H.03T HCS HB 1690
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Insurance and Banking Committee
- HB 1744 - Hansen - Modifies provisions relating to higher education
LR: 5478S.03T SS HB 1744
- 3/6/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Education Committee