- SB 546 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions of civil procedure regarding joinder and venue
LR: 5022S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- SS#2 S withdrawn
- 2/28/2018 -- SS#3 S offered (Munzlinger)--(5022S.09F)
- 2/28/2018 -- SA 1 to SS#3 S offered (Munzlinger)--(5022S09.15S)
- 2/28/2018 -- SA 1 to SA 1 to SS#3 S offered (Schaaf)--(5022S09.01F)
- 2/28/2018 -- SS#3 S withdrawn
- 2/28/2018 -- SS#4 S offered (Munzlinger)--(5022S.11F)
- 2/28/2018 -- Bill placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 584 - Nasheed - Modifies provisions relating to civil war property
LR: 4913S.02I
- 2/28/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S General Laws Committee
- SB 592 - Hegeman - Modifies several provisions relating to elections
LR: 4850S.08T SS SCS SB 592
- 2/28/2018 -- SS for SCS S offered (Hegeman)--(4850S.08F)
- 2/28/2018 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered (Dixon)--(4850S08.03S)
- 2/28/2018 -- Bill placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 600 - Schatz - Enacts new provisions relating to professional employer organizations
LR: 4505S.07P SS SCS SB 600
- 2/28/2018 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- 2/28/2018 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- SB 603 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to virtual education
LR: 4858S.07T CCS HCS SS SCS SBs 603, 576 & 898
- 2/28/2018 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- 2/28/2018 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- SB 632 - Dixon - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation
LR: 5125H.04C HCS SCS SBs 632 & 675
- 2/28/2018 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- SB 693 - Wallingford - Modifies the age in which a child can be prosecuted in the juvenile court system and procedures in guardianship and conservator proceedings
LR: 4531H.02C HCS SB 693
- 2/28/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- SB 697 - Romine - Reduces the time period after which new members of an organization are allowed to manage a bingo game
LR: 4447S.01P
- 2/28/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Progress and Development Committee
- SB 769 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to financial transactions by public entities
LR: 5199H.09T HCS SCS SB 769
- 2/28/2018 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 793 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to court proceedings
LR: 5340H.02T HCS SB 793
- 2/28/2018 -- SA 1 S offered & adopted (Wallingford)--(5340S01.01S)
- 2/28/2018 -- SA 2 S offered (Nasheed)--(5340S01.02S)
- 2/28/2018 -- SSA 1 for SA 2 S offered (Nasheed)--(5340S01.03S)
- 2/28/2018 -- SA 1 to SSA 1 for SA 2 S offered & adopted (Riddle)--(5340S01.04S)
- 2/28/2018 -- SA 2 to SSA 1 for SA 2 S offered & adopted (Onder)--(5340S01.05S)
- 2/28/2018 -- SSA 1 for SA 2, as amended, S adopted
- 2/28/2018 -- Perfected, as amended
- 2/28/2018 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 820 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to broadband communications services provided by rural electric cooperatives
LR: 5576S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- Hearing Cancelled S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
- SB 845 - Riddle - Modifies the membership and duties of the Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children
LR: 5527S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- SB 846 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration
LR: 5082H.03C HCS SCS SB 846
- 2/28/2018 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Seniors, Families and Children Committee (5082S.02C)
- 2/28/2018 -- Motion to pass bill as consent taken by S Seniors, Families and Children Committee - Consent vote adopted (5082S.02C)
- SB 860 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to short-term major medical insurance
LR: 4348S.04C SCS SB 860
- 2/28/2018 -- SS for SCS S offered (Koenig)--(4348S.11F)
- 2/28/2018 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered (Schupp)--(4348S11.03S)
- 2/28/2018 -- Bill placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 882 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Higher Education Savings Program
LR: 5755S.02T SS SB 882
- 2/28/2018 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- SB 886 - Rowden - Modifies several provisions relating to fantasy sports
LR: 5803S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Progress and Development Committee (5803S.02C)
- SB 889 - Rowden - Authorizes a fire protection district to continue to provide services to areas annexed by certain municipalities
LR: 5390S.02I
- 2/28/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S General Laws Committee
- SB 891 - Kehoe - Designates the week beginning the second Saturday in October as "Buy Missouri Week"
LR: 5879S.01T
- 2/28/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S General Laws Committee
- SB 948 - Sater - Requires certain MO HealthNet participants to comply with work and community engagement requirements
LR: 6087S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Seniors, Families and Children Committee (6087S.02C)
- SB 957 - Crawford - Establishes the Consumer Legal Funding Model Act
LR: 6024S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Government Reform Committee
- SB 960 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to the administration of eye drops to newborn infants
LR: 6181S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- SB 967 - Wieland - Establishes the Litigation Financing Consumer Protection Act
LR: 6179S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Government Reform Committee
- SB 995 - Sater - Establishes an Advisory Council on Rare Diseases and Personalized Medicine
LR: 6373S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- SB 997 - Rowden - Modifies provisions relating to background checks for certain in-home service providers
LR: 6329S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- SB 1007 - Kehoe - Modifies the merit system
LR: 6001S.02T SCS SB 1007
- 2/28/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Government Reform Committee
- SB 1009 - Rowden - Authorizes sports wagering
LR: 6289S.02I
- 2/28/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Progress and Development Committee
- SB 1013 - Hoskins - Authorizes sports wagering
LR: 6397S.04I
- 2/28/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Progress and Development Committee
- SB 1049 - Kehoe - Designates the "PFC Ralph A. Branson, Jr. Memorial Highway"
LR: 6727S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1049-Kehoe
- SB 1050 - Schatz - Modifies provisions of law relating to transportation
LR: 6654H.09C HCS#2 SS#2 SCS SB 1050
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1050-Schatz
- SB 1051 - Walsh - Prohibits a person from possessing a firearm if they are subject to an order of protection or have been convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence offense
LR: 6653S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1051-Walsh
- SB 1052 - Schaaf - Modifies provisions relating to campaign finance reporting requirements
LR: 6616S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1052-Schaaf
- SB 1053 - Koenig - Prohibits restrictions on freedom of speech and religion in public places
LR: 6624S.02I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1053-Koenig
- SB 1054 - Nasheed - Enacts certain provisions relating to school districts
LR: 6659S.02I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1054-Nasheed and Hummel
- SB 1055 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to physicians entering into supervisory agreements with advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants
LR: 6721S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1055-Hegeman
- SB 1056 - Wasson - Modifies the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Initiative
LR: 6692S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1056-Wasson
- SB 1057 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to unanticipated out-of-network health care services
LR: 6718S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1057-Schupp
- SB 1058 - Schupp - Prohibits a person from possessing a firearm if they are subject to an order of protection or have been convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence offense
LR: 6618S.02I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1058-Schupp
- SB 1059 - Hummel - Creates the Education and Job Training Television Broadcast Fund for the purpose of education and job training
LR: 6699S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1059-Hummel
- SB 1060 - Sifton - Requires certain disclosures to be made by entities entering into contracts with public entities
LR: 6690S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1060-Sifton
- SB 1061 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions of law relating to motorcycle safety education programs
LR: 6724S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1061-Hoskins
- SB 1062 - Cierpiot - Modifies training requirements for certified nursing assistants
LR: 6677S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1062-Cierpiot
- SB 1063 - Rizzo - Modifies provisions relating to emergency service districts
LR: 6684S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1063-Rizzo
- SB 1064 - Rizzo - Modifies provisions relating to employee wages
LR: 6686S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1064-Rizzo
- SB 1065 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to certain county convention and sports facilities authorities
LR: 6570S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1065-Eigel
- SB 1066 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to hardening of the electric grid against certain storms
LR: 6191S.02I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1066-Eigel
- SB 1067 - Eigel - Modifies the law relating to paper ballots
LR: 6693S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1067-Eigel
- SB 1068 - Sater - Establishes regulations for the duties of pharmacy technicians in a hospital pharmacy
LR: 6706S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1068-Sater
- SB 1069 - Crawford - Nullifies any existing local government regulations relating to specific breeds of dogs, and prohibits local governments from enacting ordinances specific to breed
LR: 6689S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1069-Crawford
- SB 1070 - Crawford - Provides that county commissions shall use a portion of the cemetery trust fund's principal to maintain and beautify cemeteries
LR: 6527S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1070-Crawford
- SB 1071 - Wieland - Enacts the "Missouri Reinsurance Plan"
LR: 6610S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1071-Wieland
- SB 1072 - Wieland - Modifies provisions of law relating to payments for hospital-based health care services
LR: 6671S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1072-Wieland
- SB 1073 - Cunningham - Allows the Director of the Department of Agriculture to assess a civil penalty for violating certain provisions of law relating to eggs
LR: 6688S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1073-Cunningham
- SB 1074 - Rowden - Enacts provisions relating to health care for persons with disabilities
LR: 6703S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1074-Rowden
- SCR 47 - Schupp - Establishes the Task Force on Trauma-informed Care for Veterans
LR: 6632S.02I
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SCR 47-Schupp
- SCR 48 - Eigel - Strongly urges the U.S. Congress to propose the State Powers Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
LR: 6648S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- S offered--SCR 48-Eigel
- SJR 25 - Romine - Reduces the time period after which new members of an organization are allowed to manage a bingo game
LR: 4449S.01I
- 2/28/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Progress and Development Committee
- SJR 36 - Schatz - Authorizes a sales tax for law enforcement on state highways
LR: 6715S.05C SCS SJR 36
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--SJR 36-Schatz
- HB 1286 - Engler - Modifies the per ton fee that is paid to the Division of Fire Safety for the use of explosives under the Missouri Blasting Safety Act
LR: 4486S.03T SCS HCS HB 1286
- 2/28/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
- HB 1350 - Smith - Modifies provisions relating to criminal history records, including criminal record reviews and background checks for in-home service providers and child care providers
LR: 4530H.08T CCS SS SCS HB 1350
- 2/28/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- HB 1413 - Taylor - Creates new provisions relating to public sector collective bargaining
LR: 4637S.14T SS#2 SCS HB 1413
- 2/28/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S General Laws Committee
- HB 1428 - Muntzel - Modifies process for filling vacancies in county elected offices
LR: 4049H.01T
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--HB 1428-Muntzel
- HB 1484 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to bingo
LR: 5112H.01T
- 2/28/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Progress and Development Committee
- HB 1691 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Public Service Commission
LR: 4872S.02C SCS HB 1691
- 2/28/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
- HB 1838 - Bernskoetter - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state properties
LR: 5560S.03T SS SCS HB 1838
- 2/28/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S General Laws Committee
- HB 1873 - Taylor - Imposes civil penalties for poaching certain animals
LR: 5547H.02P HCS HB 1873
- 2/28/2018 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 1873
- HJR 59 - Brown - Proposes a constitutional amendment to reduce the amount of time a person is required to be a member of an organization in order to participate in the management of a bingo game
LR: 5115H.01T
- 2/28/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Progress and Development Committee