- SB 555 - Brown - Repeals the law pertaining to prevailing wage
LR: 4259S.02C SCS SBs 555 & 609
- 2/21/2018 -- Bill placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 574 - Wallingford - Modifies mandated reporting requirements for abuse or neglect victims in long-term care facilities and provisions relating to background checks for in-home providers
LR: 4466H.04C HCS for SB 574
- 2/21/2018 -- SCS S adopted
- 2/21/2018 -- Perfected
- SB 597 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to fees for insurance services
LR: 4177H.04C HCS SS SB 597
- 2/21/2018 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- 2/21/2018 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- SB 599 - Schatz - Modifies the law pertaining to prevailing wage
LR: 4677S.01I
- 2/21/2018 -- Bill placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 608 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions regarding the liability of property owners when criminal conduct occurs on the property
LR: 4589S.06T CCS HCS SS SB 608
- 2/21/2018 -- SS S offered & adopted (Hoskins)--(4589S.04F)
- 2/21/2018 -- Perfected
- 2/21/2018 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 625 - Cierpiot - Modifies certain sales and use tax exemptions
LR: 5130S.01P
- 2/21/2018 -- Perfected
- 2/21/2018 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 633 - Dixon - Modifies the duties and functions of the Joint Committee on Legislative Research
LR: 5120S.01I
- 2/21/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Government Reform Committee
- SB 645 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions of law relating to child custody arrangements
LR: 4406S.01I
- 2/21/2018 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Seniors, Families and Children Committee (4406S.02C)
- SB 660 - Riddle - Modifies the law relating to mental health
LR: 4178S.04T CCS HCS SB 660
- 2/21/2018 -- Reported from S Health and Pensions Committee
- SB 664 - Schatz - Allows retailers of intoxicating liquors to transport products to and from a designated central warehouse
LR: 5070S.01I
- 2/21/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Government Reform Committee
- SB 693 - Wallingford - Modifies the age in which a child can be prosecuted in the juvenile court system and procedures in guardianship and conservator proceedings
LR: 4531H.02C HCS SB 693
- 2/21/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- SB 703 - Hegeman - Modifies bidding procedures for state purchasing from qualified organizations for the blind and sheltered workshops
LR: 4291S.01I
- 2/21/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Government Reform Committee
- SB 706 - Riddle - Extends the expiration of the lead-acid battery fee from December 31, 2018, to December 31, 2023
LR: 5045S.01P
- 2/21/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
- SB 715 - Koenig - Modifies the law relating to foster care and adoption records
LR: 5195S.01I
- 2/21/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- SB 722 - Sater - Requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to conduct a study regarding the importation of certain prescription drugs by the state
LR: 4870S.01P
- 2/21/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- SB 732 - Sifton - Exempts awards from personal injury lawsuits from attachment and execution in bankruptcy
LR: 4964S.01I
- 2/21/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Government Reform Committee
- SB 739 - Schupp - Creates a right to unpaid leave for employees that are affected by domestic violence
LR: 4708S.01I
- 2/21/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- SB 757 - Schatz - Authorizes the addition of Franklin County to the interstate compact creating the Bi-State Metropolitan Development District
LR: 4675S.01P
- 2/21/2018 -- Reported from S Local Government and Elections Committee
- SB 808 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to intoxicating liquor
LR: 5515H.06C HCS SB 808
- 2/21/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Government Reform Committee
- SB 818 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to Medicaid per diem reimbursement rates
LR: 5578S.01P
- 2/21/2018 -- Perfected
- 2/21/2018 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- 2/21/2018 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- SB 819 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions of law relating to the protection of children
LR: 5536S.02T CCS SB 819
- 2/21/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- 2/21/2018 -- Motion to pass bill as consent taken by S Seniors, Families and Children Committee - Consent vote adopted
- SB 826 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care
LR: 5029S.11T CCS HCS SS SCS SB 826
- 2/21/2018 -- SS for SCS S offered (Sater)--(5029S.06F)
- 2/21/2018 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & Ruled out of order (Holsman)--(8010S18.01S)
- 2/21/2018 -- SS for SCS S adopted
- 2/21/2018 -- Perfected
- 2/21/2018 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 840 - Rowden - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration
LR: 4908S.01T
- 2/21/2018 -- Reported from S Professional Registration Committee
- SB 841 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to the resale of intoxicating liquor
LR: 5251S.02I
- 2/21/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Government Reform Committee
- SB 845 - Riddle - Modifies the membership and duties of the Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children
LR: 5527S.01I
- 2/21/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- SB 856 - Curls - Modifies provisions relating to the Public School Retirement System of Kansas City
LR: 5530S.01I
- 2/21/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Health and Pensions Committee
- SB 871 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to orders of protection for a child, circuit clerks being named a party in expungement proceedings, court reporter fees, service of process after the expiration of the statute of limitations, and judicial positions
LR: 5748H.02T HCS SB 871
- 2/21/2018 -- Reported from S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
- SB 892 - Walsh - Modifies provisions relating to various retirement plans for public employees
LR: 5750S.04T CCS SCS SB 892
- 2/21/2018 -- Reported from S Health and Pensions Committee w/SCS
- SB 907 - Kehoe - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state properties
LR: 5877S.06T SS SCS SB 907
- 2/21/2018 -- Bill placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 909 - Dixon - Modifies provisions regarding notice of sale of real estate, powers of appointment, no-contest clauses in trust instruments and trust protectors, and establishes the Missouri Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act
LR: 4456H.02C HCS SB 909
- 2/21/2018 -- Reported from S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
- SB 912 - Rowden - Changes the cap on tuition and fees charged at public higher education institutions
LR: 5852S.03C SCS SB 912
- 2/21/2018 -- Bill placed on Informal Calendar
- 2/21/2018 -- SS for SCS S offered & withdrawn (Rowden)--(5852S.05F)
- 2/21/2018 -- SS#2 for SCS S offered (Rowden)--(5852S.06F)
- 2/21/2018 -- SA 1 to SS#2 for SCS S offered & withdrawn (Schaaf)--(5852S06.01F)
- 2/21/2018 -- SA 2 to SS#2 for SCS S offered (Schaaf)--(5852S06.05S)
- 2/21/2018 -- SS#2 for SCS S withdrawn
- 2/21/2018 -- SS#3 for SCS S offered (Rowden)--(5852S.07F)
- 2/21/2018 -- Bill placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 917 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to coal ash
LR: 5851H.04T HCS SCS SB 917
- 2/21/2018 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee (5851S.02C)
- SB 923 - Rowden - Modifies provisions of law relating to the Address Confidentiality Program
LR: 5690S.01I
- 2/21/2018 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Seniors, Families and Children Committee (5690S.02C)
- SB 928 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to health insurer reimbursement practices
LR: 5934S.06C SCS SB 928
- 2/21/2018 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Health and Pensions Committee (5934S.06C)
- SB 948 - Sater - Requires certain MO HealthNet participants to comply with work and community engagement requirements
LR: 6087S.01I
- 2/21/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- SB 961 - Cunningham - Extends the expiration date of the Petroleum Storage Tank Insurance Fund from December 31, 2020 to December 31, 2030
LR: 6159S.01I
- 2/21/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
- SB 1013 - Hoskins - Authorizes sports wagering
LR: 6397S.04I
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1013-Hoskins
- SB 1014 - Schupp - Creates the offense of nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images
LR: 6471S.01I
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1014-Schupp
- SB 1015 - Wieland - Creates a tax credit for contributions to diaper banks
LR: 6535S.03C SCS SB 1015
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1015-Wieland
- SB 1016 - Wieland - Modifies provisions of law relating to health insurance
LR: 5921S.01I
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1016-Wieland
- SB 1017 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
LR: 6482S.01I
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1017-Wieland
- SB 1018 - Hegeman - Prohibits political subdivisions from adopting ordinances relating to the labeling, cultivation, or use of seeds or fertilizers
LR: 6324S.02I
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1018-Hegeman
- SB 1019 - Eigel - Requires the Highways and Transportation Commission to consider the complete life-cycle costs of work in determining the lowest bid amount submitted for a contract
LR: 6514S.02I
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1019-Eigel
- SB 1020 - Crawford - Creates the Missouri State Coroners' Training Fund and requires coroners to undergo yearly training administered by the Missouri Coroners' and Medical Examiners Association
LR: 6525S.01I
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--SB 1020-Crawford
- SCR 45 - Curls - Designates the third week of every June as Pollinator Week
LR: 6160S.01I
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SJR 28 - Hegeman - Provides that a nonpartisan judicial commission shall submit to the Governor a list of all qualified nominees, rather than a list of three nominees, to fill a judicial vacancy in a court under the nonpartisan court plan
LR: 4243S.01I
- 2/21/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Government Reform Committee
- HB 1247 - Pike - Establishes the month of November as "Diabetes Awareness Month" in Missouri.
LR: 4308H.01P
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--HB 1247-Pike
- HB 1251 - Plocher - Changes the laws regarding foreclosure proceeds
LR: 4139S.03C SCS HCS HB 1251
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Insurance and Banking Committee
- HB 1267 - Lichtenegger - Allows students enrolled in virtual institutions to participate in the Access Missouri Financial Assistance Program
LR: 4114H.01P
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Education Committee
- HB 1286 - Engler - Modifies the per ton fee that is paid to the Division of Fire Safety for the use of explosives under the Missouri Blasting Safety Act
LR: 4486S.03T SCS HCS HB 1286
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
- HB 1349 - Black - Establishes July 7th as "Missouri Sliced Bread Day."
LR: 4040H.01P
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--HB 1349-Black
- HB 1350 - Smith - Modifies provisions relating to criminal history records, including criminal record reviews and background checks for in-home service providers and child care providers
LR: 4530H.08T CCS SS SCS HB 1350
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- HB 1351 - Beard - Requires a responsive pleading to be filed in any motion to modify child support, child custody, or spousal maintenance
LR: 4229H.01P
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--HB 1351-Beard
- HB 1355 - Phillips - Modifies provisions relating to public safety
LR: 4829S.04T SS SCS HB 1355
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--HB 1355-Phillips
- HB 1367 - Basye - Allows licensees to obtain duplicate licenses from the Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners
LR: 4631H.01P
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Professional Registration Committee
- HB 1370 - Sommer - Requires public schools to post certain financial information online for public access
LR: 4108H.02P HCS HB 1370
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Education Committee
- HB 1375 - Ruth - Establishes June 27th of each year as "Posttraumatic Stress Awareness Day" in Missouri.
LR: 4738H.01P
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--HB 1375-Ruth
- HB 1411 - Rhoads - Prohibits a law enforcement or emergency service provider's peer support specialist from disclosing confidential communication information
LR: 5104H.02P HCS HB 1411
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- HB 1413 - Taylor - Creates new provisions relating to public sector collective bargaining
LR: 4637S.14T SS#2 SCS HB 1413
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S General Laws Committee
- HB 1415 - Lauer - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development
LR: 4033S.02T SS HB 1415
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Education Committee
- HB 1420 - Pfautsch - Extends the sunset on the early learning quality assurance report program
LR: 4121H.01P
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Education Committee
- HB 1446 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to elections
LR: 4467S.09T SS SCS HB 1446
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Local Government and Elections Committee
- HB 1481 - Wiemann - Repeals an exemption for certain insurance holding companies involved in agricultural operations from certain reporting and examination requirements
LR: 4980H.01P
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--HB 1481-Wiemann
- HB 1484 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to bingo
LR: 5112H.01T
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Progress and Development Committee
- HB 1492 - Lynch - Modifies the law regarding the Show-Me Heroes program
LR: 4809H.01T
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Veterans and Military Affairs Committee
- HB 1504 - Reiboldt - Allows certain counties to pass ordinances regulating land surrounding National Guard training centers
LR: 4247H.02T SS HB 1504
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Veterans and Military Affairs Committee
- HB 1531 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to contingency fee contracts entered into by the state and interpleader actions
LR: 4988S.05T SS HB 1531
- 2/21/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Government Reform Committee
- 2/21/2018 -- Voted Do Pass S Government Reform Committee
- HB 1552 - Neely - Requires that spouses of members of the active duty component of the Armed Forces be given first priority in the processing of all professional licensure applications
LR: 5249H.01P
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--HB 1552-Neely
- HB 1597 - Fraker - Modifies provisions relating to the right of sepulcher and the death registration process
LR: 4727S.03C SCS HCS HB 1597
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 1597
- HB 1605 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri State Capitol Commission
LR: 4767S.03C SCS HCS HB 1605
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- HB 1617 - Barnes - Modifies provisions relating to telehealth
LR: 4389S.04T SS#3 SCS HCS HB 1617
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S General Laws Committee
- HB 1653 - Cornejo - Permits alcohol retailers to offer certain incentives inducing the purchase of intoxicating liquor
LR: 5048H.02P HCS HB 1653
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Government Reform Committee
- HB 1660 - Swan - Enacts certain provisions relating to career and technical education
LR: 5093H.01P
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--HB 1660-Swan
- HB 1663 - Swan - Creates provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
LR: 4893S.03C SCS HCS HB 1663
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 1663
- HB 1665 - Swan - Authorizes the granting of a visiting scholars certificate to teachers in public schools
LR: 4900H.01T
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Education Committee
- HB 1675 - Redmon - Modifies provisions relating to school bus driver medical endorsements
LR: 5471H.01P
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--HB 1675-Redmon
- HB 1676 - Redmon - Exempts drivers 70 years of age or older from the pre-trip inspection portion of the annual CDL skills test to retain authority to drive a school bus
LR: 5470H.01P
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--HB 1676-Redmon
- HB 1691 - Miller - Modifies provisions relating to the Public Service Commission
LR: 4872S.02C SCS HB 1691
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
- HB 1744 - Hansen - Modifies provisions relating to higher education
LR: 5478S.03T SS HB 1744
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Education Committee
- HB 1769 - Mathews - Creates the offense of filing false documents
LR: 4534S.04T SS SCS HB 1769
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
- HB 1838 - Bernskoetter - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state properties
LR: 5560S.03T SS SCS HB 1838
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S General Laws Committee
- HB 1859 - Rhoads - Authorizes a law enforcement agency to assist another law enforcement agency under a mutual aid agreement
LR: 5215H.01P
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- HB 1879 - Fraker - Modifies provisions relating to financial transactions by public entities
LR: 5493S.09T CCS SS SCS HCS HB 1879
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Insurance and Banking Committee
- HB 1880 - Trent - Modifies provisions relating to broadband communications services provided by rural electric cooperatives
LR: 5670S.05T SS#2 SCS HB 1880
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
- HB 1905 - Walker - Enacts provisions relating to abandoned aircraft
LR: 5575H.01P
- 2/21/2018 -- S First Read--HB 1905-Walker (3)
- HB 1930 - Chipman - Modifies rules regarding proper display of the United States flag
LR: 4304H.02P HCS HB 1930
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S General Laws Committee
- HJR 59 - Brown - Proposes a constitutional amendment to reduce the amount of time a person is required to be a member of an organization in order to participate in the management of a bingo game
LR: 5115H.01T
- 2/21/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Progress and Development Committee