- SB 765 - Riddle - Creates new provisions relating to reports issued by the State Auditor
LR: 4180S.01I
- 12/4/2017 -- Prefiled
- SB 766 - Riddle - Provides that a motorcycle, motortricycle, or motorized bicycle may be operated on the shoulder of a roadway under certain circumstances
LR: 4187S.01I
- 12/4/2017 -- Prefiled
- SB 767 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to wagering on certain games
LR: 4671S.05C SCS SB 767
- 12/4/2017 -- Prefiled
- SB 768 - Hoskins - Modifies several provisions relating to the taxation of telecommunications companies
LR: 4946S.01T
- 12/4/2017 -- Prefiled