- SB 545 - Richard - Reduces the cap on tax credits for the rehabilitation of historic structures and creates the Capitol Complex Fund Tax Credit
LR: 4493S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Economic Development Committee
- SB 546 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions of civil procedure regarding joinder and venue
LR: 5022S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Government Reform Committee
- SB 547 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions relating to industrial hemp
LR: 5165H.07C HCS SS SCS SB 547
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Agriculture, Food Production and Outdoor Resources Committee
- SB 548 - Munzlinger - Prohibits the State Tax Commission from raising agricultural land productive values under certain circumstances
LR: 4295S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Ways and Means Committee
- SB 549 - Wasson - Reauthorizes the Missouri Works Training Program and Missouri Works programs
LR: 4475S.03P SS SCS SB 549
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Economic Development Committee
- SB 550 - Wasson - Reauthorizes the Missouri Works and Missouri Works Training programs
LR: 4474S.02C SCS SB 550
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Economic Development Committee
- SB 551 - Wasson - Modifies the Missouri Works program
LR: 4766S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Economic Development Committee
- SB 552 - Dixon - Allows law enforcement agencies and prosecutors to request an audit by the State Auditor, and modifies the punishment for violating lobbying and conflict of interest provisions and the offense of official misconduct
LR: 4915S.05P SS#2 SB 552
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
- SB 553 - Dixon - Modifies various provisions regarding local ordinances for dangerous buildings, requiring certain companies who own property to file an affidavit with the city clerk, municipal courts, and municipal and minor traffic violations
LR: 5121S.05P SS SCS SB 553
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
- SB 554 - Dixon - Adds the city of Springfield to the list of political subdivisions subject to certain provisions relating to nuisance actions
LR: 5119S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Local Government and Elections Committee
- SB 555 - Brown - Repeals the law pertaining to prevailing wage
LR: 4259S.02C SCS SBs 555 & 609
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S General Laws Committee
- SB 556 - Brown - Specifies when persons operating or riding a motorcycle or motor-tricycle must wear protective headgear
LR: 4267S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 557 - Brown - Creates a tax credit for contributions to certain charitable organizations
LR: 5037S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Economic Development Committee
- SB 558 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies provisions relating to contaminated homes
LR: 4775S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- SB 559 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies several provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
LR: 4776S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Education Committee
- SB 560 - Chappelle-Nadal - Modifies provisions relating to racial profiling in policing
LR: 4781S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 561 - Sater - Modifies the law relating to work requirements for participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
LR: 4948S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- SB 562 - Sater - Requires the Department of Social Services to apply for a global waiver for MO HealthNet
LR: 4911S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- SB 563 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to certain MO HealthNet provider reimbursement allowance taxes and the MO RX Plan
LR: 4371H.03C HCS SB 563
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- SB 564 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to public utilities
LR: 5027S.11T SS#5 SB 564
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
- SB 565 - Emery - Establishes the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program
LR: 4758S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Education Committee
- SB 566 - Emery - Requires the Senate to try all impeachments except for the impeachment of the Governor, which shall be tried by the Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court
LR: 4792S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
- SB 567 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to tax credits and funds for vulnerable populations
LR: 4521S.06C SCS SB 567
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- SB 568 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to salaries for certain county officials
LR: 4919S.09T SS SCS SB 568
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Local Government and Elections Committee
- SB 569 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to trusts and estates
LR: 4967S.05S CCS HCS SB 569
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Insurance and Banking Committee
- SB 570 - Silvey - Modifies provisions relating to workers' compensation for firefighters
LR: 5072S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Small Business and Industry Committee
- SB 571 - Silvey - Allows high school students to fulfill one unit of academic credit with a computer science course for any required math or science unit
LR: 4400S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Education Committee
- SB 572 - Silvey - Modifies provisions relating to public utilities
LR: 5128S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
- SB 573 - Wallingford - Modifies several provisions relating to the armed services
LR: 4421S.01T
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Veterans and Military Affairs Committee
- SB 574 - Wallingford - Modifies mandated reporting requirements for abuse or neglect victims in long-term care facilities and provisions relating to background checks for in-home providers
LR: 4466H.04C HCS for SB 574
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Seniors, Families and Children Committee
- SB 575 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to healthcare services
LR: 4516H.02C HCS SB 575
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Health and Pensions Committee
- SB 576 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to course access in education
LR: 4519S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Education Committee
- SB 577 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to degree offerings at public institutions of higher education
LR: 4443S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Education Committee
- SB 578 - Romine - Modifies laws regarding arbitration agreements between employers and at-will employees
LR: 4868S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Small Business and Industry Committee
- SB 579 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to certain crimes against emergency service providers
LR: 4239S.03P SS SB 579
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 580 - Libla - Allows legally required notice to be published on a website established and maintained by the Secretary of State
LR: 4225S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Local Government and Elections Committee
- SB 581 - Libla - Repeals provisions requiring a landlord to keep security deposits in a trust and authorizes the right to a trial de novo in rent and possession actions
LR: 4585H.03T HCS SB 581
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Small Business and Industry Committee
- SB 582 - Walsh - Requires school districts to report breaches of data containing personal information of students to parents, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, and the State Auditor
LR: 4910S.01P
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Education Committee
- SB 583 - Nasheed - Modifies provisions relating to costs reimbursed to county jails by the state
LR: 4363S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 584 - Nasheed - Modifies provisions relating to civil war property
LR: 4913S.02I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S General Laws Committee
- SB 585 - Nasheed - Modifies provisions relating to unlawful discriminatory practices
LR: 4454S.02I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Small Business and Industry Committee
- SB 586 - Holsman - Creates the Joint Committee on Disaster Preparedness and Awareness
LR: 5162S.07P SS SCS SB 586
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 587 - Sifton - Modifies several provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
LR: 4968S.02I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Education Committee
- SB 588 - Sifton - Imposes a gift ban for the members of the General Assembly and their candidate committees
LR: 4441S.03I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 589 - Sifton - Increases penalties for the distribution of heroin
LR: 4428S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
- SB 590 - Hegeman - Modifies the Historic Preservation Tax Credit
LR: 4244S.17T CCS SS#2 SCS SB 590
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Local Government and Elections Committee
- SB 591 - Hegeman - Implements a cap on the Low Income Housing Tax Credit
LR: 4241S.04C SCS SB 591
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Local Government and Elections Committee
- SB 592 - Hegeman - Modifies several provisions relating to elections
LR: 4850S.08T SS SCS SB 592
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Local Government and Elections Committee
- SB 593 - Wieland - Enacts provisions relating to financial solvency of insurance companies
LR: 4837S.04T SS SCS SB 593
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Insurance and Banking Committee
- SB 594 - Wieland - Exempts certain types of commercial insurance lines from filing requirements with respect to rates, rate plans, modifications, and manuals
LR: 4841S.01T
- 1/8/2018 -- Second Read and Referred S Insurance and Banking Committee
- SB 865 - Kehoe - Expands the commercial zone of Kansas City to include the city of Holden and certain roadways
LR: 4461S.03I
- 1/8/2018 -- S First Read--SB 865-Kehoe
- SB 866 - Kehoe - Requires the Division of State Parks to maintain the fence coinciding with the boundary between individual landowner property and the historic Missouri Rock Island railroad corridor
LR: 4279S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- S First Read--SB 866-Kehoe
- SB 867 - Kehoe - Authorizes the Gasconade R-II school district, which crosses county boundaries, to use the county that yields the highest dollar value modifier under the school foundation formula
LR: 4277S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- S First Read--SB 867-Kehoe
- SB 868 - Kehoe - Exempts from property tax land that is an out-of-service rail corridor being used as a trail under federal law
LR: 4278S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- S First Read--SB 868-Kehoe
- SB 869 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions relating to employment security
LR: 4276S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- S First Read--SB 869-Kehoe
- SB 870 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions of law relating to emergency medical services
LR: 5721S.07T CCS HCS SS SB 870
- 1/8/2018 -- S First Read--SB 870-Hegeman
- SB 871 - Romine - Modifies provisions relating to orders of protection for a child, circuit clerks being named a party in expungement proceedings, court reporter fees, service of process after the expiration of the statute of limitations, and judicial positions
LR: 5748H.02T HCS SB 871
- 1/8/2018 -- S First Read--SB 871-Romine
- SB 872 - Schatz - Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicle franchises
LR: 5775S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- S First Read--SB 872-Schatz
- SB 873 - Schupp - Establishes a task force to explore a course for 8th and 9th grade students on career readiness
LR: 5617S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- S First Read--SB 873-Schupp
- SB 874 - Emery - Allows citizens to summon a grand jury by filing a petition with the court
LR: 5336S.02I
- 1/8/2018 -- S First Read--SB 874-Emery
- SB 875 - Nasheed - Requires the reporting of firearms lost or stolen in the City of St. Louis
LR: 5455S.02I
- 1/8/2018 -- S First Read--SB 875-Nasheed
- SB 876 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to non-elections
LR: 5675S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- S First Read--SB 876-Sater
- SB 877 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to the publication of notice of the sale of real estate
LR: 4803S.02I
- 1/8/2018 -- S First Read--SB 877-Onder
- SB 878 - Wieland - Permits law enforcement agencies to request the assistance from officers of other law enforcement agencies
LR: 5503S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- S First Read--SB 878-Wieland
- SB 879 - Wieland - Allows enrollment in a health benefit plan by a pregnant person under certain circumstances
LR: 4840S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- S First Read--SB 879-Wieland
- SB 880 - Wieland - Requires a tax rate ceiling adjustment after the expiration of a temporary levy increase
LR: 4839S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- S First Read--SB 880-Wieland
- SB 881 - Eigel - Modifies provisions of law relating to transportation
LR: 5773S.06T CCS HCS SS SB 881
- 1/8/2018 -- S First Read--SB 881-Eigel
- SB 882 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Higher Education Savings Program
LR: 5755S.02T SS SB 882
- 1/8/2018 -- S First Read--SB 882-Hoskins
- SCR 27 - Emery - Establishes the Task Force on Retail Electric Competition
LR: 4749S.02I
- 1/8/2018 -- Referred S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 28 - Schupp - Calls on the Chinese Government to end the practice of organ harvesting from prisoners
LR: 5552S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Referred S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 29 - Nasheed - Establishes the Joint Committee on the Transition of the St. Louis Public School District
LR: 4357S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Referred S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 30 - Wallingford - Establishes the Joint Committee on Solid Waste Management District Operations
LR: 5736S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Referred S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 31 - Wallingford - Supports rules and procedures for Article V Conventions
LR: 4623S.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- Referred S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- HCR 50 - Vescovo - Convenes a joint session for the State of the State Address
LR: 5506H.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- S adopted
- 1/8/2018 -- S Escort Committee: Crawford, Hummel, Rizzo, Eigel, Rowden, Koenig, Hoskins, Walsh, Onder, Schatz
- HCR 51 - Vescovo - Convenes a joint session to receive a message from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Missouri
LR: 5507H.01I
- 1/8/2018 -- S adopted
- 1/8/2018 -- S Escort Committee: Dixon, Onder, Emery, Koenig, Sifton, Riddle, Wieland, Hegeman, Holsman, Nasheed