- SB 579 - Libla - Modifies provisions relating to certain crimes against emergency service providers
LR: 4239S.03P SS SB 579
- 1/11/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 583 - Nasheed - Modifies provisions relating to costs reimbursed to county jails by the state
LR: 4363S.01I
- 1/11/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 586 - Holsman - Creates the Joint Committee on Disaster Preparedness and Awareness
LR: 5162S.07P SS SCS SB 586
- 1/11/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 626 - Munzlinger - Extends the period during which an annual fee shall be collected from businesses dealing in petroleum products
LR: 4351S.01P
- 1/11/2018 -- Hearing Conducted S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee