SB 545
Reduces the cap on tax credits for the rehabilitation of historic structures and creates the Capitol Complex Fund Tax Credit
SB 546
Modifies provisions of civil procedure regarding joinder and venue
SB 547
Modifies provisions relating to industrial hemp
SB 548
Prohibits the State Tax Commission from raising agricultural land productive values under certain circumstances
SB 549
Reauthorizes the Missouri Works Training Program and Missouri Works programs
SB 550
Reauthorizes the Missouri Works and Missouri Works Training programs
SB 551
Modifies the Missouri Works program
SB 552
Allows law enforcement agencies and prosecutors to request an audit by the State Auditor, and modifies the punishment for violating lobbying and conflict of interest provisions and the offense of official misconduct
SB 553
Modifies various provisions regarding local ordinances for dangerous buildings, requiring certain companies who own property to file an affidavit with the city clerk, municipal courts, and municipal and minor traffic violations
SB 554
Adds the city of Springfield to the list of political subdivisions subject to certain provisions relating to nuisance actions
SB 555
Repeals the law pertaining to prevailing wage
SB 556
Specifies when persons operating or riding a motorcycle or motor-tricycle must wear protective headgear
SB 557
Creates a tax credit for contributions to certain charitable organizations
SB 558
Modifies provisions relating to contaminated homes
SB 559
Modifies several provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
SB 560
Modifies provisions relating to racial profiling in policing
SB 561
Modifies the law relating to work requirements for participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
SB 562
Requires the Department of Social Services to apply for a global waiver for MO HealthNet
SB 563
Modifies provisions relating to certain MO HealthNet provider reimbursement allowance taxes and the MO RX Plan
SB 564
Modifies provisions relating to public utilities
SB 565
Establishes the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program
SB 566
Requires the Senate to try all impeachments except for the impeachment of the Governor, which shall be tried by the Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court
SB 567
Modifies provisions relating to tax credits and funds for vulnerable populations
SB 568
Modifies provisions relating to salaries for certain county officials
SB 569
Modifies provisions relating to trusts and estates
SB 570
Modifies provisions relating to workers' compensation for firefighters
SB 571
Allows high school students to fulfill one unit of academic credit with a computer science course for any required math or science unit
SB 572
Modifies provisions relating to public utilities
SB 573
Modifies several provisions relating to the armed services
SB 574
Modifies mandated reporting requirements for abuse or neglect victims in long-term care facilities and provisions relating to background checks for in-home providers
SB 575
Modifies provisions relating to healthcare services
SB 576
Modifies provisions relating to course access in education
SB 577
Modifies provisions relating to degree offerings at public institutions of higher education
SB 578
Modifies laws regarding arbitration agreements between employers and at-will employees
SB 579
Modifies provisions relating to certain crimes against emergency service providers
SB 580
Allows legally required notice to be published on a website established and maintained by the Secretary of State
SB 581
Repeals provisions requiring a landlord to keep security deposits in a trust and authorizes the right to a trial de novo in rent and possession actions
SB 582
Requires school districts to report breaches of data containing personal information of students to parents, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, and the State Auditor
SB 583
Modifies provisions relating to costs reimbursed to county jails by the state
SB 584
Modifies provisions relating to civil war property
SB 585
Modifies provisions relating to unlawful discriminatory practices
SB 586
Creates the Joint Committee on Disaster Preparedness and Awareness
SB 587
Modifies several provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
SB 588
Imposes a gift ban for the members of the General Assembly and their candidate committees
SB 589
Increases penalties for the distribution of heroin
SB 590
Modifies the Historic Preservation Tax Credit
SB 591
Implements a cap on the Low Income Housing Tax Credit
SB 592
Modifies several provisions relating to elections
SB 593
Enacts provisions relating to financial solvency of insurance companies
SB 594
Exempts certain types of commercial insurance lines from filing requirements with respect to rates, rate plans, modifications, and manuals
SB 595
Repeals the death penalty
SB 596
Provides that a person who is injured by a product has 10 years after the sale or lease of the product to bring a suit for damages
SB 597
Modifies provisions relating to fees for insurance services
SB 598
Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Transportation utility corridor
SB 599
Modifies the law pertaining to prevailing wage
SB 600
Enacts new provisions relating to professional employer organizations
SB 601
Modifies provisions relating to maximum medical fees under workers' compensation laws
SB 602
Creates new provisions relating to public sector collective bargaining
SB 603
Modifies provisions relating to virtual education
SB 604
Requires the posting of certain information regarding human trafficking
SB 605
Modifies provisions relating to unlawful discriminatory practices in housing
SB 606
Creates a tax credit for upgrades to emergency generators
SB 607
Creates new provisions of law relating to leave from employment
SB 608
Modifies provisions regarding the liability of property owners when criminal conduct occurs on the property
SB 609
Repeals the law pertaining to prevailing wage
SB 610
Prohibits an individual from participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program if he or she is delinquent in child support
SB 611
Modifies several provisions relating to taxation
SB 612
Establishes the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program
SB 613
Provides that the practice of cosmetology does not include hair braiding
SB 614
Modifies provisions relating to lobbyist expenditures
SB 615
Establishes the Missouri Earned Income Tax Credit Act
SB 616
Prohibits law enforcement and emergency personnel peer support specialists from disclosing confidential information
SB 617
Modifies several provisions relating to taxation
SB 618
Modifies provisions related to charter schools
SB 619
Allows the Highways and Transportation Commission to issue bonds to finance transportation infrastructure
SB 620
Modifies and creates new provisions relating to unlawful discriminatory practices
SB 621
Modifies provisions relating to workers' compensation for firefighters
SB 622
Establishes the Alexandra and Brayden Anderson Electric Shock Drowning Prevention Act
SB 623
Modifies provisions relating to foreclosure proceeds
SB 624
Modifies provisions relating to outdoor advertising
SB 625
Modifies certain sales and use tax exemptions
SB 626
Extends the period during which an annual fee shall be collected from businesses dealing in petroleum products
SB 627
Modifies provisions relating to agriculture
SB 628
Allows employees of soil and water conservation districts to become members of the Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System
SB 629
Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing
SB 630
Modifies the language relating to agreements that may be entered into by municipalities who participate in industrial development projects
SB 631
Creates a tax credit for contributions to certain benevolent organizations
SB 632
Modifies several provisions relating to taxation
SB 633
Modifies the duties and functions of the Joint Committee on Legislative Research
SB 634
Allows Greene County and any city within the county to propose a sales tax for the purpose of early childhood education programs
SB 635
Creates the crimes of failing to stop illegal firearm possession, negligent storage of a firearm, and failure to notify a school of firearm ownership
SB 636
Requires St. Louis City and St. Louis County to increase the number of contracts awarded to women's and minority business enterprises
SB 637
Modifies the minimum wage laws
SB 638
Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes
SB 639
This act lowers, from fifty to twenty-five, the minimum number of members an association must have in order to purchase group health insurance
SB 640
Allows students to possess and self-apply sunscreen at school without a parent or physician's approval
SB 641
Allows a court to place a person on electronic monitoring with victim notification if a person has been charged with, or found guilty of, violating an order of protection
SB 642
Modifies provisions relating to ratemaking for public utilities
SB 643
Requires the State Board of Education to develop a simplified annual school report card for each school attendance center
SB 644
Creates new provisions relating to unclaimed property
SB 645
Modifies provisions of law relating to child custody arrangements
SB 646
Enacts provisions relating to advanced practice registered nurses
SB 647
Requires elder abuse investigators to provide specified written materials to alleged perpetrators
SB 648
Requires certain school districts to have a process that allows parents to appeal a determination that their child does not qualify for a gifted education program and to establish a policy for acceleration for certain students
SB 649
Modifies the per ton fee that is paid to the Division of Fire Safety for the use of explosives under the Missouri Blasting Safety Act
SB 650
Corrects the description of St. Francois County in a provision of law regarding expenditures from a county's special road and bridge tax
SB 651
Creates certain policies relating to police-worn cameras, funding, and stored data
SB 652
Modifies provisions relating to county sheriffs
SB 653
Allows the sheriff of the City of St. Louis to appoint deputies and assistants without the approval of a majority of circuit court judges of the City of St. Louis
SB 654
Requires every individual who is 17 years or older and is arrested for a felony offense to provide a biological sample for DNA profiling and creates a procedure for certain persons who have had their samples collected to request expungement
SB 655
Increases the minimum age for marriage from 15 to 16 years, modifies the sex offender registry system, and eliminates the statute of limitations for sexual offenses committed against minors
SB 656
Applies the offense of unlawful possession of firearms to certain additional categories of individuals in possession of firearms
SB 657
Modifies provisions relating to landowners' obligation to control brush adjacent to county roads
SB 658
Modifies provisions relating to municipally owned utilities
SB 659
Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources
SB 660
Modifies the law relating to mental health
SB 661
Authorizes legal counsel for the Department of Mental Health to have standing in certain hearings involving a person unable to stand trial due to lack of mental fitness
SB 662
Requires inclusion of information on traffic stops and constitutional rights in driver training programs and information provided to first-time license recipients
SB 663
Allows for an appropriation to cooperate with political subdivisions on land clearance projects related to tourism infrastructure facilities
SB 664
Allows retailers of intoxicating liquors to transport products to and from a designated central warehouse
SB 665
Modifies the law relating to vacancies in the office of county commissioner
SB 666
Creates new provisions relating to joint employers
SB 667
Increases the amount of the personal income tax cut and the business income deduction in current law
SB 668
Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to report certain information relating to virtual education
SB 669
Modifies the provisions of law relating to campaign finance disclosure
SB 670
Requires organizations that provide pregnancy-related services to provide medically accurate information regarding reproductive health options in order to receive state funding or tax incentives
SB 671
Repeals the 72-hour waiting period prior to an abortion
SB 672
Establishes the Supporting and Strengthening Families Act relating to guardianships using a power of attorney and modifies provisions regarding no-contest clauses in trust instruments
SB 673
Creates new provisions relating to lobbying activities of educational professionals
SB 674
Modifies several provisions relating to taxation
SB 675
Reauthorizes the Champions for Children Tax Credit
SB 676
Requires not for profit entities and nonprofit corporations to make their financial statements available to the public if the entity enters into a contract or agreement with the state or any political subdivision
SB 677
Establishes legislative procedures for regulating previously unregulated professions
SB 678
Provides that defendants in tort actions shall only be held severally liable and not jointly
SB 679
Reduces the allowance given to certain taxpayers for the timely remittance of sales and withholding taxes
SB 680
Modifies provisions relating to the minimum wage
SB 681
Requires a student to receive instruction in Braille reading and writing as part of his or her individualized education plan unless instruction in Braille is determined not appropriate for the child
SB 682
Allows students enrolled in virtual institutions to participate in the Access Missouri Financial Assistance Program
SB 683
Modifies provisions relating to the transportation of construction cranes
SB 684
Creates new subdistricts in certain school districts
SB 685
Moves elections for streetlight maintenance district board members from the November general election to the April general municipal election
SB 686
Modifies the law relating to the investment policies of the state
SB 687
Modifies provisions relating to student transportation
SB 688
Modifies the law relating to the prevailing hourly rate of wages
SB 689
Prohibits a registered sex offender from living within one thousand feet of a former victim
SB 690
Requires that all school shower rooms, locker rooms, and restrooms accessible for use by multiple students shall be designated for and used by male or female students only
SB 691
Modifies provisions regarding insurance coverage of the cost to defend a claim in an administrative proceeding, proposed administrative rules affecting real property, and procedures for judicial review of state agency actions
SB 692
Modifies provisions regarding the revenue collected from certain municipal ordinance violations and municipal court procedure
SB 693
Modifies the age in which a child can be prosecuted in the juvenile court system and procedures in guardianship and conservator proceedings
SB 694
Establishes the Senior Services Growth and Development Program
SB 695
Modifies provisions relating to boards and commissions
SB 696
Enacts certain provisions relating to career and technical education
SB 697
Reduces the time period after which new members of an organization are allowed to manage a bingo game
SB 698
Requires all genetically modified meat and fish raised and sold in Missouri to be labeled as genetically modified
SB 699
Modifies the Ticket to Work Health Assurance Program
SB 700
Modifies provisions relating to employee wages
SB 701
Indexes the Historic Preservation tax credit cap to inflation
SB 702
Modifies provisions relating to availability of voter records
SB 703
Modifies bidding procedures for state purchasing from qualified organizations for the blind and sheltered workshops
SB 704
Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions
SB 705
Modifies provisions relating to rate adjustments outside of general rate proceedings for certain public utilities
SB 706
Extends the expiration of the lead-acid battery fee from December 31, 2018, to December 31, 2023
SB 707
Modifies provisions relating to vehicle sales
SB 708
Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicle financial responsibility
SB 709
Modifies the process by which travel hardships are granted to public school pupils
SB 710
Modifies the offense of driving with prohibited blood alcohol to include driving with prohibited drug content
SB 711
Creates the offense of unlawful transfer of weapons for a licensed firearms dealer to deliver a handgun to a purchaser without waiting at least 24 hours
SB 712
Modifies provisions relating to child care facility licensure
SB 713
Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning January 1, 2019
SB 714
Requires the use of a fetal heartbeat detection test prior to an abortion and prohibits an abortion if a fetal heartbeat is detected
SB 715
Modifies the law relating to foster care and adoption records
SB 716
Increases penalties for assault on a law enforcement animal and exempts police dogs from certain statutes relating to harm caused by animals
SB 717
Designates the first day for firearms deer season as a holiday
SB 718
Modifies provisions relating to health care
SB 719
Requires long-term care facilities to institute policies facilitating familial involvement in the well-being and support of its residents
SB 720
Creates the Missouri Radon Awareness Act
SB 721
Modifies the statute of limitations for certain claims under workers' compensation
SB 722
Requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to conduct a study regarding the importation of certain prescription drugs by the state
SB 723
Requires hospitals to adopt and implement evidence-based sepsis protocols
SB 724
Prohibits certain selective abortions relating to sex, race, or Down Syndrome
SB 725
Creates the "Academic Freedom and Whistleblower Protection Act"
SB 726
Provides that no public school shall be a member of a statewide activities association if such association prohibits a home school student from participating in any event or activity offered by a public school in the school district in which the student resides
SB 727
Requires that the comprehensive state energy plan be reviewed by the Division of Energy by January 1, 2020, and biennially thereafter, and updated if necessary
SB 728
Modifies provisions relating to early childhood education
SB 729
Increases various fines and fees that can be fined or charged during a coroner's inquest
SB 730
Establishes the Rate Case Modernization Act
SB 731
Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning January 1, 2019
SB 732
Exempts awards from personal injury lawsuits from attachment and execution in bankruptcy
SB 733
Establishes the Psychology Inter-jurisdictional Compact
SB 734
Increases the motor fuel tax from $0.17/gallon to $0.27/gallon
SB 735
Modifies provisions relating to workers' compensation premiums
SB 736
Creates new provisions related to conditioning eligibility for certain contracts
SB 737
Establishes the Narcotics Control Act
SB 738
Modifies the law relating to consumer credit interest rates
SB 739
Creates a right to unpaid leave for employees that are affected by domestic violence
SB 740
Requires courts to explain certain consequences of pleading guilty before such a plea may be accepted
SB 741
Prohibits the use of a vaccine containing mercury as administered to a child or adult in MIssouri
SB 742
Creates a process by which courts may issue a certificate of exemplary conduct and good moral character to certain offenders
SB 743
Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
SB 744
Requires health carriers and health care providers to establish and participate in comparable health care service incentive programs
SB 745
Modifies provisions relating to advanced practice registered nurses in collaborative practice agreements
SB 746
Creates provisions relating to the practice of animal chiropractic
SB 747
Modifies retirement benefits for newly elected members of the General Assembly and statewide elected officials
SB 748
Allows courts to depart from a statutorily required minimum prison term when sentencing a defendant
SB 749
Modifies provisions relating to the operation of motor vehicles while using electronic devices
SB 750
Creates the offense of filing false documents
SB 751
Repeals the requirement for the Department of Transportation to participate in arbitration as a defendant at the request of the plaintiff in a tort claim
SB 752
Modifies provisions relating to boat passengers
SB 753
Bars discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity
SB 754
Creates new provisions allowing for the creation of benefit corporations
SB 755
Modifies provisions relating to the operation of motor vehicles while using electronic devices
SB 756
Modifies certain provisions relating to county recording fees
SB 757
Authorizes the addition of Franklin County to the interstate compact creating the Bi-State Metropolitan Development District
SB 758
Modifies provisions relating to discounts offered by manufacturers and retailers for purchasing nonalcoholic merchandise and intoxicating liquor
SB 759
Prohibits public higher education institutions from raising the tuition rate charged to Missouri resident undergraduate and graduate students for four years from the date the student enrolls at the institution
SB 760
Requires employees and volunteers of specified public and private institutions to receive an influenza vaccination every year
SB 761
Provides that any person convicted of poaching a turkey, white-tailed deer, black bear, or elk illegally may be required to provide restitution to the state
SB 762
Establishes the Narcotics Control Act
SB 763
Establishes a workers' compensation claims database
SB 764
Prohibits public higher education institutions from requiring students or potential students complete the free application for federal student aid
SB 765
Creates new provisions relating to reports issued by the State Auditor
SB 766
Provides that a motorcycle, motortricycle, or motorized bicycle may be operated on the shoulder of a roadway under certain circumstances
SB 767
Modifies provisions relating to wagering on certain games
SB 768
Modifies several provisions relating to the taxation of telecommunications companies
SB 769
Modifies provisions relating to financial transactions by public entities
SB 770
Modifies competitive bidding requirements applicable to counties
SB 771
Creates new provisions regulating the use of payroll deduction options for public employees
SB 772
Excludes funds designated by taxpayers in an urban district as early childhood education funds from the local tax revenue calculation used to provide funding to charter schools that declared themselves as a local education agency
SB 773
Modifies provisions relating to taxation
SB 774
Modifies provisions relating to vacancies in certain elected offices
SB 775
Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and modifies the hospital reimbursement allowance tax
SB 776
Modifies provisions relating to the administration of vaccines
SB 777
Sets a maximum amount of state reimbursement to county governments who hold certain prisoners who are not charged with dangerous felonies or murder
SB 778
Provides that an insurer who deposits the limits of coverage amount with the court shall not be liable for an amount in excess of the insurer's contractual coverage limits in an interpleader action
SB 779
Modifies provisions of law relating to long-term care certificates of need
SB 780
Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions
SB 781
Establishes notice procedures for potential adverse action against a State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts licensee who is delinquent on state taxes or has failed to file state income tax returns in the last three years
SB 782
Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources
SB 783
Establishes the Missouri Promise Scholarship Act
SB 784
Modifies the prohibition on certain use of electronic wireless communication devices while operating a motor vehicle
SB 785
Creates provisions relating to student mental health at public institutions of higher education
SB 786
Modifies provisions relating to "whistle-blower's" protection for public employees
SB 787
Establishes the Missouri Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
SB 788
Requires course materials and instruction relating to human sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases to contain information about sexual harassment, sexual violence, and consent
SB 789
Creates the Missouri Care Counts Program to provide funding to public schools in St. Louis to purchase washing machines and dryers
SB 790
Creates provisions relating to the registering of roofing contractors
SB 791
Provides that knowingly inciting another to commit suicide is involuntary manslaughter in the second degree
SB 792
Modifies provisions relating to prostitution
SB 793
Modifies provisions relating to court proceedings
SB 794
Modifies provisions relating to gubernatorial appointments
SB 795
Modifies provisions relating to termination of parental rights
SB 796
Modifies provisions relating to the licensure of health care professionals
SB 797
Modifies provisions relating to animals
SB 798
Modifies provisions relating to libraries
SB 799
Allows a parent, guardian, or conservator to request a security freeze from a consumer credit reporting agency on behalf of their child
SB 800
Modifies provisions relating to juvenile court proceedings
SB 801
Modifies minimum wage law
SB 802
Modifies provisions relating to women's and minority business enterprises
SB 803
Regulates the use of physical restraints on pregnant or postpartum offenders
SB 804
Reauthorizes the Donated Food tax credit and expands such credit to include donations to soup kitchens and homeless shelters
SB 805
Allows minors to contract to open a bank account
SB 806
Modifies provisions regarding when a deceased person owes money to the state and guardianship and conservatorship proceedings
SB 807
Modifies provisions relating to higher education
SB 808
Modifies provisions relating to intoxicating liquor
SB 809
Requires a defendant served after the statute of limitations has expired for wrongful death or medical negligence claims to be served within one hundred eighty days after the petition has been filed
SB 810
Requires school districts to make information relating to their annual operating budget publicly available
SB 811
Enacts provisions relating to automated driving systems
SB 812
Allows eligible persons to register multiple vehicles with disabled veteran license plates
SB 813
Modifies the offense of peace disturbance and allows a civil action against a person who commits the offense of peace disturbance and obstructs a highway or access to emergency medical services
SB 814
Modifies provisions relating to driver's licenses for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing
SB 815
Modifies the civil penalty for violating federally mandated natural gas safety standards
SB 816
Modifies the civil penalty for violating certain underground facility safety standards
SB 817
Modifies provisions relating to the disposition of impounded animals
SB 818
Modifies provisions relating to Medicaid per diem reimbursement rates
SB 819
Modifies provisions of law relating to the protection of children
SB 820
Modifies provisions relating to broadband communications services provided by rural electric cooperatives
SB 821
Modifies membership of the Missouri State Board of Nursing
SB 822
Allows evidence of failure to wear a seatbelt to prove comparative negligence or to mitigate damages
SB 823
Modifies provisions of the Missouri Clean Water Law
SB 824
Modifies provisions relating to nurses
SB 825
Modifies provisions relating to limitations on prescribing opioids
SB 826
Modifies provisions relating to health care
SB 827
Modifies the law relating to fees for copies of birth, death, and marriage certificates for certain individuals
SB 828
Modifies provisions relating to racial profiling in policing
SB 829
Modifies provisions relating to the practice of public accounting
SB 830
Creates the Nuclear Power Plant Security Guard Act
SB 831
Modifies laws regarding arbitration agreements between employers and at-will employees
SB 832
Modifies provisions relating to tort actions, specifically unlawful merchandising practices, products liability claims, and venue requirements
SB 833
Modifies the definition of "electric plant" to include electric vehicle charging stations
SB 834
Modifies provisions relating to alcohol trade practices
SB 835
Establishes legislative procedures for regulating previously unregulated professions
SB 836
Makes technical corrections to language relating to the taxation of nonresident income
SB 837
Establishes the Uniform Small Wireless Facility Deployment Act
SB 838
Modifies provisions relating to school bus drivers
SB 839
Establishes the Social Innovation Grant Program
SB 840
Modifies provisions relating to professional registration
SB 841
Modifies provisions relating to the resale of intoxicating liquor
SB 842
Modifies provisions relating to transportation
SB 843
Modifies the composition, duties or repeals outright certain administrative boards, commissions, and councils
SB 844
Transfers certain appointment powers to the Director of the Division of Professional Registration
SB 845
Modifies the membership and duties of the Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children
SB 846
Modifies provisions relating to professional registration
SB 847
Enacts provisions relating to traffic enforcement
SB 848
Modifies the membership of the Board for Certification of Interpreters
SB 849
Prohibits public bodies from entering into certain contracts
SB 850
Modifies provisions of law relating to records involving children
SB 851
Modifies the law relating to orders issued by juvenile courts and court reporter fees
SB 852
Requires health insurers to update their electronic and paper dental services provider materials available to plan members and potential members
SB 853
Prohibits political subdivisions from regulating auxiliary containers
SB 854
Modifies provisions relating to emergency communication services
SB 855
Requires the State Board of Education to assign classification designations to charter schools in the same manner as school districts are assigned such designations
SB 856
Modifies provisions relating to the Public School Retirement System of Kansas City
SB 857
Modifies provisions of law relating to the placement of children
SB 858
Modifies provisions of law relating to investigations of child abuse or neglect
SB 859
Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing
SB 860
Modifies provisions relating to short-term major medical insurance
SB 861
Modifies provisions relating to following distance for vehicles traveling at electronically coordinated speeds
SB 862
Modifies provisions relating to electrical contractors
SB 863
Modifies provisions relating to Medicaid per diem reimbursement rates
SB 864
Allows private employers to grant employment preferences to veterans
SB 865
Expands the commercial zone of Kansas City to include the city of Holden and certain roadways
SB 866
Requires the Division of State Parks to maintain the fence coinciding with the boundary between individual landowner property and the historic Missouri Rock Island railroad corridor
SB 867
Authorizes the Gasconade R-II school district, which crosses county boundaries, to use the county that yields the highest dollar value modifier under the school foundation formula
SB 868
Exempts from property tax land that is an out-of-service rail corridor being used as a trail under federal law
SB 869
Modifies provisions relating to employment security
SB 870
Modifies provisions of law relating to emergency medical services
SB 871
Modifies provisions relating to orders of protection for a child, circuit clerks being named a party in expungement proceedings, court reporter fees, service of process after the expiration of the statute of limitations, and judicial positions
SB 872
Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicle franchises
SB 873
Establishes a task force to explore a course for 8th and 9th grade students on career readiness
SB 874
Allows citizens to summon a grand jury by filing a petition with the court
SB 875
Requires the reporting of firearms lost or stolen in the City of St. Louis
SB 876
Modifies provisions relating to non-elections
SB 877
Modifies provisions relating to the publication of notice of the sale of real estate
SB 878
Permits law enforcement agencies to request the assistance from officers of other law enforcement agencies
SB 879
Allows enrollment in a health benefit plan by a pregnant person under certain circumstances
SB 880
Requires a tax rate ceiling adjustment after the expiration of a temporary levy increase
SB 881
Modifies provisions of law relating to transportation
SB 882
Modifies provisions of the Missouri Higher Education Savings Program
SB 883
Designates the month of February as "Earthquake Awareness Month"
SB 884
Modifies provisions relating to taxation
SB 885
Authorizes the cities of Centralia and Lebanon to impose a sales tax for public safety
SB 886
Modifies several provisions relating to fantasy sports
SB 887
Establishes the First-Time Home Buyer Savings Account Act and a corresponding income tax deduction
SB 888
Modifies provisions relating to criminal history records
SB 889
Authorizes a fire protection district to continue to provide services to areas annexed by certain municipalities
SB 890
Establishes procedures for obtaining certain information for a child abuse or neglect investigation and modifies procedures relating to termination of parental rights
SB 891
Designates the week beginning the second Saturday in October as "Buy Missouri Week"
SB 892
Modifies provisions relating to various retirement plans for public employees
SB 893
Modifies the initiative and referendum process
SB 894
Modifies provisions relating to education curriculum involving science and technology
SB 895
Modifies the amount of interest that can be collected on a judgment balance in civil actions
SB 896
Allows any taxpayer of the state of Missouri to initiate an action pursuant to grievance procedures at any state college or university in the state of Missouri
SB 897
Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of partnerships
SB 898
Modifies provisions relating to course access in education
SB 899
Creates new provisions relating to password protection
SB 900
Removes certain restrictions on the sale of alcohol and lottery tickets by persons convicted of a criminal offense
SB 901
Reauthorizes two prostate cancer pilot programs
SB 902
Allows the Firemen's Retirement System of the City of St. Louis to form agreements with other public retirement systems so that members may transfer creditable service
SB 903
Modifies provisions relating to operation of motor vehicles
SB 904
Modifies provisions relating to teacher employment
SB 905
Modifies provisions relating to a school district's tax rate
SB 906
Modifies provisions of law relating to health care facilities and certificates of need
SB 907
Authorizes the conveyance of certain state properties
SB 908
Modifies provisions relating to insurance guaranty associations
SB 909
Modifies provisions regarding notice of sale of real estate, powers of appointment, no-contest clauses in trust instruments and trust protectors, and establishes the Missouri Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act
SB 910
Modifies Blind Pension Fund eligibility and payment calculations
SB 911
Creates immunity from liability for the transmission of animal pathogens on fairgrounds
SB 912
Changes the cap on tuition and fees charged at public higher education institutions
SB 913
Modifies provisions relating to the duties of the Children's Division
SB 914
Specifies that agreement to receive notice and correspondence regarding portable electronics insurance by electronic means shall be determined in accordance with the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act
SB 915
Modifies provisions relating to contingency fee contracts entered into by the state
SB 916
Prohibits school districts from setting an opening date for the school term that is more than ten calendar days prior to the first Monday in September
SB 917
Modifies provisions relating to coal ash
SB 918
Modifies provisions relating to working animals
SB 919
Modifies provisions relating to licenses to operate motor vehicles
SB 920
Modifies provisions relating to immunity of real estate licensees
SB 921
Creates certain provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
SB 922
Establishes a grant program to expand broadband internet service in unserved and underserved areas of the state
SB 923
Modifies provisions of law relating to the Address Confidentiality Program
SB 924
Authorizes the granting of a visiting scholars certificate to teachers in public schools
SB 925
Classifies urban and community gardens as agricultural and horticultural property
SB 926
Licenses persons performing radio-logic imaging or administering radiation therapy and establishes the Missouri Radio-logic Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board of Examiners
SB 927
Modifies provisions relating to the prevailing hourly rate of wages
SB 928
Modifies provisions relating to health insurer reimbursement practices
SB 929
Creates a regulatory scheme for transportation sensors
SB 930
Modifies provisions of law relating to guardians ad litem
SB 931
Authorizes Missouri to become a member state of the Recognition of EMS Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact
SB 932
Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes
SB 933
Modifies provisions relating to property assessed clean energy (PACE)
SB 934
Changes the statute of limitations for personal injury claims from five years to three years
SB 935
Requires board members of public water supply districts to complete training within 180 days of being elected or appointed to each term of office
SB 936
Modifies provisions relating to the impact of certain development projects on certain emergency districts
SB 937
Repeals the Strengthening Missouri Families Act
SB 938
Modifies the definitions of "meat" and "meat product" to include captive cervids for purposes of the Meat Inspection Program
SB 939
Establishes the Missouri Earned Income Tax Credit Act
SB 940
Requires ballot questions abolishing township forms of county government to include a provision for road and bridge funding
SB 941
Requires counties and municipalities to engage in floodplain management
SB 942
Modifies provisions relating to trust accounts that are health savings accounts, when a trustee may terminate a trust because the value of the trust is deemed insufficient, and no contest clauses
SB 943
Modifies provisions of the Missouri Preneed Funeral Contract Act
SB 944
Allows state departments to save funds for certain technology purchases
SB 945
Creates the Bill of Rights for the Homeless
SB 946
Modifies provisions relating to trusts, powers of appointment, and gifts in fraud of marital rights and establishes the Missouri Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act
SB 947
Modifies provisions relating to powers of appointment and trust protectors
SB 948
Requires certain MO HealthNet participants to comply with work and community engagement requirements
SB 949
Modifies provisions relating to reading intervention in schools
SB 950
Allows the Missouri Dental Board to create and issue dental faculty permits
SB 951
Modifies provisions relating to health care
SB 952
Prohibits a website operator from intentionally using an internet domain name in a ticket website's URL that contains certain information
SB 953
Modifies provisions relating to the schedules of controlled substances and hemp extract
SB 954
Allows individuals found guilty of certain offenses of unlawful use of a weapon to expunge such record
SB 955
Modifies provisions relating to reductions in automobile insurance coverage
SB 956
Modifies provisions of law relating to transportation infrastructure financing
SB 957
Establishes the Consumer Legal Funding Model Act
SB 958
Requires the Attorney General to establish an electronic tracking system to monitor sexual assault collection kits
SB 959
Modifies provisions of the Credit User Protection Law
SB 960
Modifies provisions relating to the administration of eye drops to newborn infants
SB 961
Extends the expiration date of the Petroleum Storage Tank Insurance Fund from December 31, 2020 to December 31, 2030
SB 962
Modifies provisions of law relating to payments made by insurance companies
SB 963
Creates new provisions providing for expedited purchasing processes for innovative technology
SB 964
Creates an advisory council to make recommendations to the State Board of Education regarding assessments and learning standards for certain students
SB 965
Modifies provisions relating to the "Hand-Up Program" and child care subsidies
SB 966
Modifies provisions relating to the administration of the criminal justice system
SB 967
Establishes the Litigation Financing Consumer Protection Act
SB 968
Creates the Missouri Electricity Bill Reduction Assistance Act
SB 969
Relating to vendors of consumer-directed services
SB 970
Requires a person who has been found guilty of driving while intoxicated to complete a victim impact program approved by the court
SB 971
Modifies provisions relating to termination of parental rights
SB 972
Establishes the Missouri Energy Freedom Act and the Alternative Regulation for Electrical Corporations Act
SB 973
Modifies salaries for certain police officers in Kansas City
SB 974
Modifies the law relating to the establishment, charging, and appeals of lesser included offenses
SRB 975
Repeals expired, ineffective, and obsolete statutory provisions
SB 976
Creates a process for establishing and operating domestic violence fatality review panels
SB 977
Prohibits misrepresenting a product as meat that is not derived from harvested production livestock or poultry
SB 978
Establishes the Environmental Restoration Corporation Act
SB 979
Requires potable water in certain elementary school buildings to be tested for lead
SB 980
Requires the state to reimburse the county for court costs in certain probate hearings
SB 981
Modifies provisions relating to methods of self-insurance for workers' compensation
SB 982
Enacts provisions relating to insurance
SB 983
Modifies provisions of the criminal code relating to drunk boating and driving, proof of insurance while driving, privacy, the assessment of fees, and drug related offenses
SB 984
Specifies that the State Highways and Transportation Commission shall consider veteran-owned small businesses to be disadvantaged business enterprises for purposes of highway construction contracts and associated reporting
SB 985
Modifies provisions relating to background checks for child care providers
SB 986
Authorizes school boards to provide certain information about influenza and influenza vaccines to parents and guardians of students
SB 987
Modifies provisions relating to public contracts for purchasing supplies
SB 988
Requires licensing authorities to waive all occupational fees and fees from licensing requirements for the first year of licensure for low-income families, military families, and young workers
SB 989
Provides a sales tax exemption for the purchase of certain utilities for food preparation
SB 990
Modifies provisions relating to the attachment of school districts to community college districts
SB 991
Allows for a patient's designation of a caregiver to provide care following discharge from a hospital or ambulatory surgical center
SB 992
Modifies provisions relating to adoption and post adoption contact agreements
SB 993
Authorizes the St. Louis City Treasurer to create an Office of Financial Empowerment
SB 994
Creates new provisions relating to the internal operations of state government
SB 995
Establishes an Advisory Council on Rare Diseases and Personalized Medicine
SB 996
Modifies the jury instructions in first degree murder cases
SB 997
Modifies provisions relating to background checks for certain in-home service providers
SB 998
Allows the Director of the Department of Agriculture to waive certain fuel standard requirements
SB 999
Designates certain memorial infrastructure
SB 1000
Designates the "Sheriff Roger I. Wilson Memorial Highway"
SB 1001
Modifies provisions relating to death investigations
SB 1002
Provides processes for the recorder of deeds to record electronic documents and procedures for remote online notarization
SB 1003
Exempts certain initiation fees and dues from sales tax
SB 1004
Creates the Trauma-Informed Care for Children and Families Board
SB 1005
Specifies circumstances under which traffic court judges in St. Louis County may review driver's license revocations for refusal to submit to a chemical test
SB 1006
Repeals the yield tax on forest croplands
SB 1007
Modifies the merit system
SB 1008
Modifies provisions of law relating to termination of parental rights
SB 1009
Authorizes sports wagering
SB 1010
Applies all current motorcycle and all-terrain vehicle franchise practice provisions to "powersport vehicles"
SB 1011
Modifies provisions of law relating to efforts by the Children's Division to locate a child's biological parents
SB 1012
Modifies provisions relating to emergency service boards
SB 1013
Authorizes sports wagering
SB 1014
Creates the offense of nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images
SB 1015
Creates a tax credit for contributions to diaper banks
SB 1016
Modifies provisions of law relating to health insurance
SB 1017
Modifies provisions relating to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
SB 1018
Prohibits political subdivisions from adopting ordinances relating to the labeling, cultivation, or use of seeds or fertilizers
SB 1019
Requires the Highways and Transportation Commission to consider the complete life-cycle costs of work in determining the lowest bid amount submitted for a contract
SB 1020
Creates the Missouri State Coroners' Training Fund and requires coroners to undergo yearly training administered by the Missouri Coroners' and Medical Examiners Association
SB 1021
Modifies provisions relating to various retirement plans for public employees
SB 1022
Modifies and creates new provisions relating to unlawful discriminatory practices
SB 1023
Modifies law relating to notaries public
SRB 1024
Repeals expired, ineffective, and obsolete statutory provisions
SB 1025
Modifies provisions regarding qualified spousal trusts
SB 1026
Creates requirements relating to the purchasing of firearms
SB 1027
Enacts provisions relating to homeowners' associations
SB 1028
Modifies provisions relating to buyers of precious metals
SB 1029
Modifies provisions relating to county assessment costs
SB 1030
Increases the Jackson County collection fee on delinquent and back taxes from 3% to 5%
SB 1031
Provides the Jackson County recorder of deeds may collect a two dollar fee on the recording of documents and instruments
SB 1032
Modifies provisions relating to the Historic Preservation tax credit
SB 1033
Establishes procedures for requesting termination of custody for persons in the care of the state
SB 1034
Establishes a statewide hearing aid distribution program
SB 1035
Enacts certain provisions relating to alternative special needs services for elementary and secondary education students
SB 1036
Modifies provisions relating to sales and use tax exemptions
SB 1037
Creates the Missouri Innovation Fund Corporation
SB 1038
Modifies the process for filling vacancies in certain statewide and General Assembly offices
SB 1039
Modifies the process for promulgation of an emergency rule by a state agency
SB 1040
Modifies provisions relating to certificates of need
SB 1041
Creates new provisions of law relating to elected official communications
SB 1042
Enacts provisions relating to concession agreements entered into by political subdivisions
SB 1043
Requires the joint election of the Governor and Lt. Governor
SB 1044
Enacts certain provisions relating to school administrators
SB 1045
Modifies provisions relating to school employee retirement systems
SB 1046
Modifies provisions relating to child protection orders
SB 1047
Establishes the "Private College Campus Protection Act" which allows private colleges and universities to employ campus police officers
SB 1048
Modifies enforcement procedures for violations of the Missouri Sunshine Law and record retention provisions
SB 1049
Designates the "PFC Ralph A. Branson, Jr. Memorial Highway"
SB 1050
Modifies provisions of law relating to transportation
SB 1051
Prohibits a person from possessing a firearm if they are subject to an order of protection or have been convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence offense
SB 1052
Modifies provisions relating to campaign finance reporting requirements
SB 1053
Prohibits restrictions on freedom of speech and religion in public places
SB 1054
Enacts certain provisions relating to school districts
SB 1055
Modifies provisions relating to physicians entering into supervisory agreements with advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants
SB 1056
Modifies the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Initiative
SB 1057
Modifies provisions relating to unanticipated out-of-network health care services
SB 1058
Prohibits a person from possessing a firearm if they are subject to an order of protection or have been convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence offense
SB 1059
Creates the Education and Job Training Television Broadcast Fund for the purpose of education and job training
SB 1060
Requires certain disclosures to be made by entities entering into contracts with public entities
SB 1061
Modifies provisions of law relating to motorcycle safety education programs
SB 1062
Modifies training requirements for certified nursing assistants
SB 1063
Modifies provisions relating to emergency service districts
SB 1064
Modifies provisions relating to employee wages
SB 1065
Modifies provisions relating to certain county convention and sports facilities authorities
SB 1066
Modifies provisions relating to hardening of the electric grid against certain storms
SB 1067
Modifies the law relating to paper ballots
SB 1068
Establishes regulations for the duties of pharmacy technicians in a hospital pharmacy
SB 1069
Nullifies any existing local government regulations relating to specific breeds of dogs, and prohibits local governments from enacting ordinances specific to breed
SB 1070
Provides that county commissions shall use a portion of the cemetery trust fund's principal to maintain and beautify cemeteries
SB 1071
Enacts the "Missouri Reinsurance Plan"
SB 1072
Modifies provisions of law relating to payments for hospital-based health care services
SB 1073
Allows the Director of the Department of Agriculture to assess a civil penalty for violating certain provisions of law relating to eggs
SB 1074
Enacts provisions relating to health care for persons with disabilities
SB 1075
Modifies provisions relating to dental practices in federally qualified health centers
SB 1076
Requires children under two years of age to be secured in rear-facing child passenger restraint systems
SB 1077
Enacts certain provisions relating to innovation schools
SB 1078
Modifies the statute of limitations for the offense of forgery on a student loan document
SB 1079
Prohibits a person from bringing a claim for injuries caused by silica unless the person can present certain evidence
SB 1080
Modifies provisions related to the Interstate Compact for Parolees and Probationers
SB 1081
Provides a procedure by which a defendant may be found ineligible for the death penalty due to serious mental illness
SB 1082
Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of pharmaceutical entities
SB 1083
Permits the Department of Mental Health to enter into certain contracts
SB 1084
Modifies provisions relating to the motor vehicle financial responsibility law
SB 1085
Designates every October first as "Nat Turner Day" in Missouri
SB 1086
Modifies the duties of a county treasurer
SB 1087
Enacts provisions relating to automated license plate reader systems
SB 1088
Modifies the Uniform Agents Athlete Act
SB 1089
Creates new provisions relating to the use of third party administrator during workers' compensation proceedings
SB 1090
Increases the motor fuel tax rate to $0.19/gallon on gasoline and $0.22/gallon on diesel fuel
SB 1091
Designates the "Rosa Parks Memorial Highway"
SB 1092
Requires the Department of Natural Resources to promulgate rules establishing setback distances for large wastewater facilities
SB 1093
Modifies provisions relating to pesticides
SB 1094
Modifies provisions relating to complaints against psychologists
SB 1095
Modifies provisions relating to Department of Mental Health inspections
SB 1096
Enacts certain provisions relating to career and technical education
SB 1097
Modifies sentencing for certain sexual offenders
SB 1098
Modifies provisions of law relating to insurance coverage for mental health conditions
SB 1100
Creates new provisions relating to the sale of contact lenses and prescription aid glasses
SB 1101
Establishes an extreme risk order of protection, makes it a crime to possess a multi-burst trigger activator, and provides that any person convicted of a domestic violence misdemeanor is not eligible to possess a firearm
SB 1102
Modifies various provisions relating to civil procedure, tort claims, contingency fee contracts entered into by the state, unlawful merchandising practices, arbitration agreements between employers and employees, damages, and products liability
SCR 27
Establishes the Task Force on Retail Electric Competition
SCR 28
Calls on the Chinese Government to end the practice of organ harvesting from prisoners
SCR 29
Establishes the Joint Committee on the Transition of the St. Louis Public School District
SCR 30
Establishes the Joint Committee on Solid Waste Management District Operations
SCR 31
Supports rules and procedures for Article V Conventions
SCR 32
Requests Congress to call an Article V Convention of the States
SCR 33
Urges the federal government to return certain lands to western states where such lands are located