Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Bills Sponsored by Senator Romine
SB 43
Modifies the law relating to unlawful discrimination
SB 44
Enacts certain provisions relating to career and technical education
SB 45
Modifies laws regarding arbitration agreements between employers and at-will employees
SB 106
Creates the Access Missouri Dual Enrollment Program and the Missouri Dual Enrollment Scholarship Act
SB 107
Subject to appropriations, requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to subsidize the exam fee for first-time takers of the high school equivalency degree exam
SB 108
Grants reemployment rights to members of the military
SB 146
Modifies several provisions relating to political subdivisions
SB 147
Reduces the time period after which new members of an organization are allowed to manage a bingo game
SB 148
Expands the authority of the Governor to convey easements without the approval of the General Assembly and expands the rights granted by the easements
SB 162
Establishes the Consumer Legal Funding Model Act
SB 163
Prohibits two-way telecommunications devices and their component parts in correctional centers and jails
SB 164
Modifies the crime of animal trespass
SB 172
Modifies titles that may be issued for motor vehicles previously issued a junking certificate
SB 293
Modifies the per ton fee that is paid to the Division of Fire Safety for the use of explosives under the Missouri Blasting Safety Act
SB 294
Renames "Jay Nixon State Park" to "Proffitt Mountain State Park"
SB 327
Modifies provisions relating to course access in education
SB 328
Modifies provisions relating to higher education
SB 355
Enacts provisions relating to higher education
SB 356
Adds circumstances in which a no-contest clause in an irrevocable trust is not enforceable
SB 394
Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems
SB 398
Enacts provisions relating to homeowners' associations
SB 399
Modifies provisions relating to transportation
Urges the City of DeSoto and Jefferson County to establish a Joachim Creek Joint Task Force
Exempts disabled veterans from real and personal property taxes
Reduces the time period after which new members of an organization are allowed to manage a bingo game
SR 28
Urges the United States Senate to confirm Scott Pruitt as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
SR 891
Amends Senate Rule 44 and 50
HB 87
Corrects the description of St. Francois County in a provision of law regarding expenditures from a county’s special road and bridge tax
HB 94
Allows students to take the ACT WorkKeys assessments instead of the ACT Plus Writing assessment
HB 207
Prohibits two-way telecommunications devices and their component parts in correctional centers and jails
HB 253
Enacts certain provisions relating to career and technical education
HB 348
Changes the laws regarding the requirements for the operation of a bingo game
HB 469
Modifies provisions relating to high school graduation requirements
HB 571
Modifies provisions relating to natural resources
Urges the City of DeSoto and Jefferson County to establish a Joachim Creek Joint Task Force
HJR 10
Proposes a constitutional amendment to reduce the amount of time a person is required to be a member of an organization in order to participate in the management of a bingo game
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