SB 123 - This act modifies provisions relating to captive cervids. LIVESTOCK (Sections 144.010, 262.900, 265.300, 267.565, 277.020) - This act adds captive cervids to the definition of livestock. This act allows the sale of captive cervids to be exempt from sales tax, allows captive cervids to be considered livestock for the purposes of urban agricultural zones, subjects captive cervids to the Missouri Livestock Disease Control and Eradication Law, the Missouri Livestock Marketing Law, and regulation and marketing of agricultural products. This provision is identical to HCS/SB 506 (2014), SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1326 (2014), HCS/HB 591 (2014), HB 2031 (2014), and SB 964 (2014). CAPTIVE WILDLIFE (Section 144.010) - Currently, captive wildlife is defined to include captive white-tailed deer and captive elk. This act specifies that the term captive wildlife only include captive cervids and captive elk classified as wildlife and not as livestock. CAPTIVE CERVID MEAT (Section 196.162) - This act allows captive cervid meat to be sold so long as the captive cervids are commercially raised for food, are inspected by the Department of Health and Senior Services and the Department of Agriculture, and are inspected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in accordance with federal regulations. The meat shall also be labeled accordingly. COMMERCIAL PLANTS (Section 265.400) - This act requires that commercial plants that slaughter captive cervids to keep certain records, including the cervid's official federal identification tag. If the captive cervid does not have an official federal identification tag, the commercial plant shall not slaughter the animal and shall notify the Department of Agriculture. This act is substantially similar to HB 279 (2017), and is similar to SB 178 (2015). KAYLA HAHN