
SB 53 - This act requires each higher education institution that must prepare an annual campus security report under federal law to inform students and employees in its report that affirmative consent is the standard used to determine whether sexual activity was consented to, each person must give affirmative consent to sexual activity, the existence of a current or past relationship does not constitute consent, and it is not a valid excuse to an alleged lack of consent that the accused was intoxicated or reckless or the victim was unconscious, asleep, unable to communicate, or incapacitated.

This act also requires higher education institutions to provide annual awareness programming to inform the campus community of the affirmative consent standard.

"Affirmative consent" is defined under this act as an active, unambiguous, and voluntary agreement by a person to engage in sexual activity with another person that is sustained throughout the activity and may be revoked at any time.

This act is identical to SB 626 (2016).


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