SB 283 Enacts provisions relating to political subdivisions
1/11/2017 S First Read--SB 283-Hegeman S106
1/19/2017 Second Read and Referred S Local Government and Elections Committee S147
1/31/2017 Hearing Conducted S Local Government and Elections Committee
2/7/2017 Voted Do Pass S Local Government and Elections Committee
2/16/2017 Reported from S Local Government and Elections Committee S288
3/29/2017 Perfected S588
3/29/2017 Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee S594
3/30/2017 S Third Read and Passed S608-609
3/30/2017 H First Read H1259
4/3/2017 H Second Read H1268
4/11/2017 Referred H Transportation H1482
4/19/2017 Hearing Conducted H Transportation
4/19/2017 HCS Voted Do Pass H Transportation
4/20/2017 HCS Reported Do Pass H Transportation H1679
4/20/2017 Referred H Rules - Legislative Oversight H1679
4/26/2017 Reported Do Pass H Rules - Administrative Oversight H1835
5/9/2017 HA 1 to HCS H offered & adopted (Rowland)--(1203H02.35H) H2265-2266
5/9/2017 HA 2 to HCS H offered & adopted (Redmon)--(1203H02.12H) H2267-2268
5/9/2017 HA 3 to HCS H offered & adopted (Ruth)--(1203H02.45H) H2268-2269
5/9/2017 HA 4 to HCS H offered & adopted (Chipman)--(1203H02.34H) H2270
5/9/2017 HA 5 to HCS H offered & adopted (Roeber)--(1203H02.38H) H2270-2271
5/9/2017 HA 6 to HCS H offered (Evans)--(1203H02.48H) H2271-2272
5/9/2017 HA 1 to HA 6 to HCS H offered & adopted (Schroer)--(1203H02.52H) H2272-2284
5/9/2017 HA 6 to HCS, as amended, H adopted H2284
5/9/2017 HA 7 to HCS H offered & adopted (Haefner)--(1203H02.40H) H2284-2287
5/9/2017 HA 8 to HCS H offered & adopted (May)--(1203H02.19H) H2287-2289
5/9/2017 HA 9 to HCS H offered (Eggleston)--(1203H02.10H) H2289-2290
5/9/2017 HA 1 to HA 9 to HCS H offered & adopted (Houghton)--(1203H02.53H) H2290
5/9/2017 HA 9 to HCS, as amended, H adopted H2290
5/9/2017 HA 10 to HCS H offered & adopted (Roden)--(1203H02.50H) H2290-2292
5/9/2017 HA 11 to HCS H offered & adopted (Bondon)--(1203H02.04H) H2293
5/9/2017 HCS, as amended, H adopted H2294
5/9/2017 H Third Read and Passed H2294-2295 / S1438-1473
5/9/2017 S refuses to concur in HCS, as amended and requests H recede or grant conference S1524 / H2364
5/10/2017 H refuses to recede and grants conference H2416 / S1568
5/10/2017 S conferees appointed: Hegeman, Wieland, Schatz, Rizzo, Sifton S1586 / H2576
5/10/2017 H conferees appointed: Andrews, Wiemann, Mathews, Merideth-80, Wessels H2437 / S1587
5/11/2017 H distributes CCR (1203S05.1SR) H2662
5/11/2017 Referred H Fiscal Review Committee H2665
5/12/2017 Voted Do Pass H Fiscal Review
5/12/2017 Reported Do Pass H Fiscal Review H2675
5/12/2017 CCR S offered & adopted (Hegeman)--(1203S05.1SR) S1855-1856
5/12/2017 CCS S Third Read and Passed S1856-1857 / H2716
5/12/2017 H adopts CCR H2739-2740
5/12/2017 CCS H Third Read and Passed H2740-2741 / S1895
5/12/2017 Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed S1895
5/22/2017 Reported Duly Enrolled Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions & Ethics Committee S1900
5/22/2017 Signed by Senate President Pro Tem S1900
5/22/2017 Signed by House Speaker H2796
5/22/2017 Delivered to Governor S1903
7/11/2017 Signed by Governor S1920-1921
