SB 225 Modifies provisions relating to transportation
12/20/2016 Prefiled
1/4/2017 S First Read--SB 225-Schatz S46
1/12/2017 Second Read and Referred S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee S118
1/26/2017 Hearing Conducted S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
2/2/2017 Voted Do Pass S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
2/2/2017 Motion to pass bill as consent taken by S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee - Consent vote adopted
2/16/2017 Reported from S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee - Consent S286
3/1/2017 S Third Read and Passed - Consent S382
3/2/2017 H First Read H839
3/6/2017 H Second Read H848
4/19/2017 Referred H Transportation H1651
4/26/2017 Hearing Conducted H Transportation
4/26/2017 HCS Voted Do Pass H Transportation
4/27/2017 HCS Reported Do Pass H Transportation H1921
4/27/2017 Referred H Rules - Administrative Oversight H1921
5/1/2017 Voted Do Pass H Rules - Administrative Oversight
5/1/2017 Reported Do Pass H Rules - Administrative Oversight H1984
5/10/2017 HA 1 to HCS H offered & adopted (Davis)--(0915H03.22H) H2398-2399
5/10/2017 HA 2 to HCS H offered & adopted (Fraker)--(0915H03.14H) H2399-2400
5/10/2017 HA 3 to HCS H offered & adopted (Basye)--(0915H03.05H) H2400-2401
5/10/2017 HA 4 to HCS H offered & adopted (Alferman)--(0915H03.30H) H2401-2402
5/10/2017 HA 5 to HCS H offered & defeated (Berry)--(0915H03.29H) H2402-2403
5/10/2017 HA 6 to HCS H offered & adopted (Eggleston)--(0915H03.26H) H2403-2404
5/10/2017 HA 7 to HCS H offered & adopted (Love)--(0915H03.31H) H2404-2407
5/10/2017 HA 1 to HA 7 to HCS H offered & adopted (McGaugh)--(0915H03.37H) H2407-2408
5/10/2017 HA 7 to HCS, as amended, H adopted H2408
5/10/2017 HA 8 to HCS H offered & adopted (McGaugh)--(0915H03.13H) H2408
5/10/2017 HA 9 to HCS H offered (Shumake)--(0915H03.24H) H2408-2409
5/10/2017 HA 1 to HA 9 to HCS H offered & adopted (Christofanelli)--(0915H03.34H) H2409-2410
5/10/2017 HA 9 to HCS, as amended, H adopted H2410
5/10/2017 HA 10 to HCS H offered (Korman)--(0915H03.16H) H2410
5/10/2017 HA 1 to HA 10 to HCS H offered & adopted (McCaherty)--(0915H03.33H) H2410-2413
5/10/2017 HA 2 to HA 10 to HCS H offered & adopted (Kolkmeyer)--(0915H03.36H) H2413-2414
5/10/2017 HA 10 to HCS, as amended, H adopted H2414
5/10/2017 HCS, as amended, H adopted H2415
5/10/2017 H Third Read and Passed H2415-2416 / S1568-1586
5/10/2017 S refuses to concur in HCS, as amended and requests H recede or grant conference S1586 / H2576
5/10/2017 H refuses to recede and grants conference H2577 / S1785
5/10/2017 H conferees appointed: Davis, Fraker, McGaugh, Runions, Burns H2579 / S1785
5/10/2017 S conferees appointed: Schatz, Wasson, Munzlinger, Hummel, Schupp S1787 / H2594
5/11/2017 H distributes CCR (0915S04.1SR) H2661-2662
5/11/2017 Referred H Fiscal Review Committee H2665
5/11/2017 CCR S offered & adopted (Schatz)--(0915S04.1SR) S1831
5/11/2017 CCS S Third Read and Passed S1832 / H2638
5/12/2017 Voted Do Pass H Fiscal Review
5/12/2017 Reported Do Pass H Fiscal Review H2675
5/12/2017 H adopts CCR H2741
5/12/2017 CCS H Third Read and Passed H2742 / S1895
5/12/2017 Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed S1895
5/22/2017 Reported Duly Enrolled Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions & Ethics Committee S1900
5/22/2017 Signed by Senate President Pro Tem S1900
5/22/2017 Signed by House Speaker H2796
5/22/2017 Delivered to Governor S1903
6/29/2017 Signed by Governor S1918-1919
