Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Bills Sponsored by Senator Silvey
SB 615
Creates a limit for the total amount of tax credits that may be authorized in a fiscal year
SB 616
Expands the requirement for children to wear personal flotation devices
SB 838
Allows the court to order a wireless service provider to transfer the rights of a wireless telephone number to a petitioner under certain circumstances
SB 856
Creates a tax deduction for employee stock ownership plans
SB 902
Allows the Department of Revenue to issue REAL ID compliant driver's licenses and identification cards
SB 927
Authorizes incentives for data storage centers
SB 972
Provides MO HealthNet reimbursement for behavior assessment and intervention
SB 1028
Modifies provisions relating to ratemaking for public utilities
SB 1039
Allows certain municipal hospitals to invest 25% of their funds in investment funds
SB 1100
Authorizes the use of various incentives to attract jobs from Kansas border counties into Missouri
SB 1101
Modifies provisions of law relating to abuse of children less than a year old and child abuse and neglect training
SB 1102
Allows for a patient's designation of a caregiver to provide care following discharge from a hospital or ambulatory surgical center
SB 1139
Designates the John Jordan 'Buck' O'Neil Memorial Bridge
SB 1140
Modifies control and maintenance of the supplementary state highway system
SB 1141
Specifies Metropolitan Community College District of Kansas City is a qualifying educational institution for the purposes of updating tourist-oriented directional highway signs
SJR 26
Modifies the number of members of the General Assembly and limits service in the General Assembly to sixteen years in any proportion between the House and Senate
HB 1392
Changes the requirements for the Department of Health and Senior Services to survey every hospice to not less than every three years
HB 1659
Provides MO HealthNet reimbursement for behavior assessment and intervention
HB 1708
Allows political subdivisions to require limited liability companies located within the political subdivision to file an affidavit listing the name and street address of a person who has control of property
HB 1962
Modifies provisions relating to watercraft
HB 1972
Modifies provisions relating to victims of crime
HB 2030
Creates a tax deduction for employee stock ownership plans
HB 2226
Adds special executive branch appointees to the definition of public official
HB 2473
Prohibits law enforcement from releasing records containing personally identifiable health information, unless such information is redacted or a court orders disclosure
HB 2499
Modifies provisions regarding the Missouri Works Training Program
HB 2689
Modifies provisions relating to the state's energy policies
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