Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Bills Sponsored by Senator Sifton
SB 632
Imposes a gift ban for the members of the General Assembly and their candidate committees
SB 633
Modifies several provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
SB 634
Reauthorizes the Missouri Homestead Preservation tax credit program
SB 695
Modifies provisions relating to employee wages
SB 696
Removes the statute of limitations on civil actions and prosecutions involving offenses against children
SB 697
Creates the Missouri Parent/Teacher Involvement Program to provide grant awards to schools to develop and build trusting relationships between families and school staff
SB 727
Restricts the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education from creating certain reports that include data of any children in facilities serving neglected children or delinquent children
SB 728
Modifies the requirements for school antibullying policies
SB 729
Requires every individual who is seventeen years or older and is arrested for a felony offense to provide a biological sample for DNA profiling
SB 749
Allows emergency workers to request, receive and submit absentee ballots
SB 750
Modifies class one election offenses
SB 751
Modifies provisions relating to event tickets
SB 803
Creates new sections of law relating to leave from employment
SB 809
Requires each public school to screen each student for dyslexia and related disorders
SB 827
Modifies several provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
SB 828
Provides that attorneys and title insurance companies are not precluded by land surveyor statutes from preparing property descriptions
SB 834
Authorizes a retail sales tax in St. Louis County to fund county law enforcement
SB 905
Changes the effective date of the repeal and enactment of certain provisions of the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act
SB 925
Creates the MO HealthNet Buy-In for Workers with Disabilities program
SB 955
Institutes a gift ban for the members of the General Assembly and their candidate committees
SB 1020
Authorizes deductions for small business employing certain employees
SB 1131
Provides licensing and taxation for daily fantasy sports games
SB 1132
Modifies appeal procedures for cases originating with the Public Service Commission
SB 1133
Prohibits discrimination between certain types of mental health professionals
HB 1928
Modifies several provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
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